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Speaking to the Human Condition: A Guide on Self-Awareness and Overcoming Fear
Speaking to the Human Condition: A Guide on Self-Awareness and Overcoming Fear
Speaking to the Human Condition: A Guide on Self-Awareness and Overcoming Fear
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Speaking to the Human Condition: A Guide on Self-Awareness and Overcoming Fear

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About this ebook

A step by step journey to spiritual awakening using personal wisdom gained through experience and referencing many proven techniques, texts and teachings from old and present day masters.

Sharing in the belief that with knowledge we gain understanding and once we understand the basis on how things work, we can grow and tap into our inner strengths.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 23, 2020
Speaking to the Human Condition: A Guide on Self-Awareness and Overcoming Fear

Baldomero Benivolens

During a family vacation, an unexpected last-minute change of plans avoided him and his pregnant wife at the time from taking a helicopter trip with a family member that ended up tragically crashing and killing all on-board. Realizing that there may be another purpose in his life, he decided to become the best parent possible by learning how to inspire human nature. In his journey into the heart of darkness, he found light on his own after a disappointing experience when at the lowest in his life he went to see a priest for help. After expressing that he was at rock bottom and not knowing where to turn, the priest looked at his watch and said “I don’t have time right now”. With those words ringing in his ears, he turned inwards for strength and found that inside each and everyone of us is a “Light” that when we become aware of it, can give us the courage to move forward to help ourselves and in the process give hope to others.

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    Speaking to the Human Condition - Baldomero Benivolens

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4592-4 (sc)

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/21/2020


    To my wife and son, who give my life meaning and purpose. I love you both more than there are stars in the heavens …




    PART 1

    Introduction - Why Now?

    PART 2

    Steps to Reprogramming Our Brains

    PART 3

    The Science of Finding Happiness

    Chapter 1 – Say Thank You

    Chapter 2 – Love Yourself

    Chapter 3 – Surrender to the Moment

    Chapter 4 – Forgive Yourself

    Chapter 5 – Learn Mindful Meditation

    Chapter 6 – Live a Happy Life

    Chapter 7 – At the End of the Day, be Grateful for all that Happened

    Chapter 8 – Make a Plan for Change

    PART 4

    Success and Abundance

    About the Author


    We are living in difficult and challenging times. Fear is becoming the dominant emotion; it is being generated by ignorance due to a lack of understanding and knowledge.

    Pride in religion, race, and traditions is polarizing humanity rather than uniting it. Each part of this beautiful planet has different belief systems, mythologies, and folklore offering different interpretations of the book of life and interpretations based on the small parts that they have understood, and people are killing each other over this.

    I believe that in life, we are either part of the problem or part of the solution because it is so easy to criticize and complain. What impedes us from moving forward and improving is a question of will or skill, and once we are clear on that, we will remove the excuses that keep us ignorant and hold us back.

    Becoming a better person is a choice but not an easy one; achieving anything worthwhile takes effort. It is in our nature to devalue what comes freely and easily and to give up when things seem too difficult. At times, we quit a race without realizing how close we were to the finish line because we were paying attention only to how long we had been running and not the distance we had covered.

    It is not my intention to criticize anyone or anything; I want to provide a perspective on where we are and why. I want to share what I see as a big problem in our world, the solutions that I have applied during my journey into the heart of darkness and what I learned from many others during my trials.

    I don’t want to tell you about the law of attraction; I want to help you understand it based on its components. In this self-development guide, I share steps for self-help, understanding matters of spirit, and development techniques I learned in business because I believe everything begins in us. I am not suggesting that these are the right answers as there are many paths to heaven, but I share my journey and information that can guide you on your own journey.

    To relate an analogy, I once heard the story about a man who lost his house keys during a power outage and went outside where it was brighter to look for them. His neighbor saw him walking around and looking down and asked him if he had lost something. When he learned he was looking for his keys, the neighbor asked him where he had last seen them. The man replied, In the house.

    So why are you looking for them out here?

    Because it’s dark in the house.

    Everything we seek in life is in us; all we must do is look inward, and we will find the light.

    PART 1



    Silence is of great profit. An abundance of speech profiteth

    nothing. If one come to thee full of knowledge, listen and

    heed, for wisdom is all. Keep thou not silent when evil

    is spoken for Truth like sunlight shines above all.

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