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Free Trade Fallacies Falsehoods & Foolishness: Election 2020
Free Trade Fallacies Falsehoods & Foolishness: Election 2020
Free Trade Fallacies Falsehoods & Foolishness: Election 2020
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Free Trade Fallacies Falsehoods & Foolishness: Election 2020

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In America, our stores are full of goods “made in China”—in the Home Depots, Macy’s, Walmarts, Targets, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Best Buy’s, furniture stores, shoe stores, apparel stores, etc. Also, all sorts of electronic goods ranging from Apple iPhones, iPads, Mac books, other computers, TV sets; even steel, some cars; and pharmaceuticals—a lot of these we order online and in Amazon—all are made in China. As a result of all these, the American people’s money, jobs, industries/factories, manufacturing skills, and know-how are lost to China. Thus, China has become richer with American people’s money while America becomes poorer; China becomes stronger while America becomes weaker. China’s military power around the world rises, whereas America’s power is reduced. China also steals American research, technology, intellectual property through its students attending American universities and colleges. If this situation is not reversed China will terrorize America and the world. This book is about reversing that situation.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 28, 2020
Free Trade Fallacies Falsehoods & Foolishness: Election 2020

Devendra N Mehta

The author was born, raised, and lived in India for the major part of his life. He immigrated to America at a fairly advanced age and became a US citizen in 2012 at the age of sixty-eight years old. By profession, he is an electrical engineer from India. Having lived in India—a country with a two-thousand-mile border from China, having experienced China since his early college days and having witnessed one big Chinese attack on India in 1962 and permanent Chinese intrusions in India ever since—he had come to know of the Chinese psyche and their ways fairly well. People living in the western hemisphere—Americas and Europe—and having had experienced Germany and Soviet Communism—they have not experienced Chinese communism. China was an isolated communist country right till the time it managed to open up America during the Nixon administration and subsequently admitted to the WTO with help from President Bill Clinton. From this point on, China took full advantage of America and the American people in collusion with Wall Street and Free Trade with America. China robbed the American people of their money, jobs, factories, manufacturing, research, technology, intellectual property, its colleges and universities, and what not! This is Chinese communism at work—maybe with Marxism on the march in America! The author may be a bit of an old-fashioned guy—and maybe not in spirit—but old is gold and gold is old!

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    Free Trade Fallacies Falsehoods & Foolishness - Devendra N Mehta

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    Rev. date: 08/27/2020






    Section 1   Free Trade Fallacies, Falsehoods, and Foolishness

    Section 2   My Write-ups/Suggestions to President Obama

    Section 3   China’s Aggression, Occupation and Atrocities in Tibet

    About the Author


    I am the American people watching TV. I am no writer of books—but this one I had to.

    India experienced China mainly since 1962 when China launched a surprise attack on India on its northeastern frontier, and the unsuspecting and unprepared Indian army put up a valiant fight but with few troops fighting large contingents of well-prepared Chinese army—on the cold and frigid Himalayan frontier—had to retreat with the loss of some of its brave soldiers. China captured and occupied thousands of square kilometers of Indian territory on its northeastern frontier.

    China had launched an attack on Tibet and occupied the whole of Tibet in 1950 and has been terrorizing and persecuting the Tibetan people and systematically destroying the very culture of Tibet since then. The Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Tibet, fled to India in 1959 and has been living in exile in India since then.

    China asked the then prime minister of India to return the Dalai Lama to China, which the Indian government denied, saying the Dalai Lama was India’s guest.

    And thus started India’s woes with China with China’s 1962 attack on India and its continuing border violations along its entire northeastern border ever since.

    After coming to the USA, I noticed nearly 80 percent of consumer goods, big and small, sold in stores and even the costlier electronic goods you ordered online, including the ones manufactured by American companies, was made in China—whatever you picked up turned out to be made in China! This made the money circulation around the world very clear to me, along with the cause of rising unemployment in the USA during the Obama years in the White House and the rising trade deficit with China and the rising Chinese power around the world. With a riot of thoughts going on in my mind—and seeing the rising power of China around the world—what was going on and where it would lead the world ultimately were too obvious.

    In 2016 I became eligible to vote in an American election for the first time—and indeed I voted for President Trump. His thinking coincided with mine most of the time. I was jubilant when he won in the election—as he was the only hope. I would have been tremendously disappointed if he had lost, and it was a very narrow escape.

    I started writing my brief book around April 2018 when I noticed a tremendous amount of resistance from Wall Street to President Trump’s trade tariffs against China—with a couple of three-month gaps in between. TV and iPhone are my only two reference points for all that I have written, and it is only my observation/inference/opinion from what I saw/heard and read online and I may not be accurate and may have made mistakes too. Everyone is most welcome to his/her own opinion and disagree. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion.


    Section 1



    Free trade is an American nonsense invented by vested interests - Wall Street and its puppets, the American economists. Nobody believes in free trade around the world. There cannot be any free trade as long as countries are different, governments are different, standards of living are different, countries are at different stages in their development, armies are different, countries have borders, ideologies are different, countries have their own priorities and agendas, etc.

    Nobody believes in free trade. Only Wall Street keeps beating its drum of free trade for its own benefit. Wall Street does not care about wiping out the entire industrial manufacturing base of America, closing down thousands of American manufacturing units, thereby robbing the American people of their manufacturing skills and making duds out of them, destroying millions of jobs, bankrupting flourishing American cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore and making ghost towns out of them, and rendering entire populations jobless. The crimes of Wall Street are immense.

    Wall Street has embraced the evil on earth that is China at least in the last three decades. On the eve of the announcement of trade tariffs against China by President Trump, Alan Greenspan, the celebrated former chairman of the Fed, gives an interview to Sara Eisen of CNBC at the NYSE; Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, issues a statement; Gary Cohen of Wall Street issues a statement; and Paul Ryan, the House Speaker, wants to resign—all saying trade deficits don’t matter, trying to dissuade President Trump from announcing trade tariffs against China. Also, China tells Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to desist from imposing tariffs on China while on a visit to China after President Trump’s talks with Kim Jong Un in Singapore.

    If I remember distinctly, Alan Greenspan said trade deficits will go on increasing, but that doesn’t matter.

    The American people are being fooled to the hilt.

    Trade deficits don’t matter to them. Trillions of dollars collected in the Chinese coffers don’t matter to them. So debt doesn’t matter to them. So the cost of servicing that debt doesn’t matter to them. Chinese aggression around the world doesn’t matter to them. What matters to them is that America keeps printing money and keeps importing Chinese goods—that is what matters to them.

    See the amount of anti–trade tariffs against China hysteria bubbling under the surface. The conspiracy against America and the American people to get rich and powerful at their cost needs to be investigated. Wall Street is fooling the American people. President Trump has rightly said, Free trade is fool’s trade. Whereas the rest are American conspiracies, the statement by the IMF managing director is an international conspiracy to loot the American people to get rich and powerful at their expense.

    Wall Street keeps saying that importing Chinese goods provides cheaper goods to the American people, but it does not tell the American people that thousands of American manufacturing units will close down, millions of Americans will lose jobs, billions of dollars of revenues will be lost by the American government, thousands of American people will go bankrupt, American people will lose their manufacturing skills and become duds. Wall Street is only fooling the American people. So a little costlier American goods are far better, and they will be far better quality than Chinese goods, and America will retain its manufacturing base along with all the ancillary industries. And some inflation because of a booming economy cannot be a reason to sell off America to China just because Wall Street wants free money/Chinese investments in US treasury bonds at low interest—and render the American people jobless.

    Such are the American economists. American economists are a liability hanging like a sword on the heads of the American people, creating a heavy debt burden on them and their children. They are in conspiracy with Wall Street to manipulate everything to benefit Wall Street. Even the IMF is in conspiracy with Wall Street against the American people.

    American economists are politicians. They are not economists. They have a political agenda. They have betrayed the very faculty of economics.

    And then they even get Nobel Prizes in economics. Does Wall Street contribute anything there too! And is economics even an entity worth any consideration for a Nobel Prize! I have yet to hear a Steve Jobs or an Elon Musk or the internet provider to the world, the American Defense Research Department, or a Larry Page for giving Google Earth, and Street Views getting a Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize has gone bonkers.

    Technologists create wealth, and economists destroy wealth, and the Nobel Prize goes to the economist!

    The extent of Chinese corruption in America is out of bounds. Do these people receive bribes in one form or another from China!

    Now that Wall Street has made China so powerful, we need a Space Force and to keep sacrificing our men and women of the armed forces so that Wall Street can keep filling its pockets like always. And then they talk of blood in the Street if the market goes down a little here and there. Do they even know the meaning of blood! Ask the men and women of the armed forces, or ask the Tibetans reeling under the Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet for the last seventy years.

    Wall Street can be very addictive, and when you throw China in the mix, you get heady and lose all your sense and sensibilities toward your own country, and you become a total traitor—and it makes you go mad for money, and then glum is the word if tariffs are imposed on goods from China! And when Jim Cramer rants in front of Erin Burnett on CNBC, the whole of Wall Street is awestruck because they know nothing.

    And CNBC has been preaching for years now that free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity when in fact free market capitalism seems to be the best path to bankruptcy and heavy indebtedness. And now it looks like free market capitalism is the best path to Chinese slavery, and looking further, free market capitalism is the best path to a nuclear/biological war!

    American economists are like weathercocks. See which way the wind blows and change their direction accordingly. American economists need to define free trade. All proponents of free trade must define free trade. And is free trade a one-way street or a two-way street?

    Why does President Trump have to go around the country telling the American people how much tariff the other countries charge on American products and Wall Street with all the business news networks hide all this from the American people!

    Why does President Trump have to go around telling the American people which American companies are doing their manufacturing/taking their manufacturing outside the country and what products are being manufactured outside the country? Why does Wall Street with all the business news networks hide all this information from the American people!

    They keep jumping up and down on Wall Street all the time—what will happen if China dumps our treasuries on the market? Oh, the interest rates will go up, and the market will go down. What will happen if China stops buying our treasuries? Oh, the interest rates will go up, and the market will go down.

    You slaves of China, either let China go to hell or China will send you to hell.

    The cowards of Wall Street with their money power have made the whole world a coward, and there is not one person on the surface of this earth who says one word against the Chinese atrocities around the world. Wall Street has become such a slave of the criminal, communist, conspiring, corrupt, anti-humanity government of China that its money power can only lead to the destruction of humanity. In fact, as VP Mike Pence put it, the Nikes and the NBAs check their conscience at the door when they go to China. Wall Street needs to take an oath not to let one cent flow to China and delist all Chinese companies from the US Stock Exchanges. Speaking in Wall Street terminology, does Wall Street want a trade war or a nuclear war? Does Wall Street, the financial capital of the world, have any moral duty to vacate Chinese aggression from around the world? American colleges and universities are flooded with Chinese spies stealing American intellectual property (IP), research, and technology, and that is how there is a Chinese Google, Amazon, and a host of parallel Chinese high-tech companies. Does Wall Street have any duty to stop Chinese theft of American IP? Is Wall Street blind, cannot see what the Chinese are up to, or is Wall Street in conspiracy with China to steal America? Where is Wall Street’s patriotism, for use of a better word? Does Wall Street have any code of ethics?

    And there is nothing like a trade war. Trade is trade, and war is war—these are two completely different activities. The term trade war is misleading. It seems to incite war rather than to correct trade.

    The American economists are only good at inciting war rather than correcting trade.

    Wall Street needs to direct its money power toward positive people and for positive purposes. Like the power flows from the barrel of a gun, the money power around the world flows from Wall Street, and Wall Street needs to make sure that money does not fall in the hands of criminals like the criminal, communist, conspiring, corrupt, anti-humanity government of China, and then the world is a safer and a happier place for humanity.

    Money power translates to missile power in China, and from there it also travels to North Korea and then maybe to Iran, and it also helps make militarized islands in the South China Sea, and this is just a sample of Chinese atrocities around the world. Wall Street is guilty of providing the money power to China and driving the world toward a nuclear war. Also, Wall Street is the criminal of humanity at large.

    China knows—show Wall Street some money and it will start drooling like a dog. China knows—they are such cowards that they will even sell off America to put some money in their pockets. To hell with America and the entire humanity. We want China. That is Wall Street.

    The all-out stealth Chinese invasion of America is going on

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