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Heavenly Kaleidoscope
Heavenly Kaleidoscope
Heavenly Kaleidoscope
Ebook228 pages2 hours

Heavenly Kaleidoscope

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About this ebook

Arm yourself with inspiration and revelation regarding the supernatural power of God. Be empowered to a new level of living as you read heavenly stories of nations and personal supernatural experiences Denise Reid has had in her walk discovering God’s purpose and plan in her life. Be inspired as you taste catch a glimpse of those she has taken on teams to empower nations. You will be captured and encouraged by the experiences of the many who have received frequently changing visions and experiences to whom Denise and teams have ministered.

You will be challenged to rise to your identity as a powerful believer, as a ministry gift to the body of Christ releasing God’s Kingdom on earth.
PublisherXlibris NZ
Release dateAug 31, 2020
Heavenly Kaleidoscope

Denise Reid

Denise Reid is the founder of Four Corners Ministries NZ and cofounder of Four Corners Ministries Inc. USA. She has an international miracle ministry and has seen thousands of people healed and set free from sickness and disease. She and her husband Kevin have pioneered a work across the four corners of the earth. She is the author of two other books, “Heavenly Kaleidoscope” and “Changing Gear.” She has been married to Kevin for over 50 years and has two children and five grandchildren. Taking apostolic teams, she has traveled to over 20 nations for more than 30 years holding conferences, empowering, strengthening, and equipping leaders, encouraging and empowering women to rise to their true identity. Reid is a powerful motivational teacher who equips the churches across the world.

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    Heavenly Kaleidoscope - Denise Reid

    Copyright © 2020 by Denise Reid.

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    Scriptures are taken from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017 by BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

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    Arrested by God’s Plan and Purpose—Just Do It!

    Do The Crazy Thing!

    Purpose Has A Season—Life Or Death

    The Unfolding Plan—Follow The Dream

    Purpose is Born for A Region

    Awakening Purpose—Releasing Passion

    Grandmothers Realising God’s Plan

    Lovers, God’s Purpose and Plan

    Who Am I—Natural or Supernatural?

    Greater Revelation of The Supernatural

    Flowers from Heaven

    God’s Plan—Transformers

    Discovering His Purpose—Who He Is

    Understanding His Purpose—Revealing His Plan



    The team at the first outpouring in Myanmar in 2000

    Nona and Elisabeth and Jack and Dot who blessed Myanmar

    Hector Hunter Assemblies of God Superintendent Cuba. I stayed in their house on many visits to the nation.

    Children’s home where we give the children crowns to celebrate their identity

    Roma lady this is her home Bulgaria

    Visiting the Roma people in Bulgaria

    Bulgaria Pastor Stefan

    Visit to Bulgaria

    Entrance to Bhutan from India

    Kevin with two special women who empowered thousands across the Himalayan region

    William Carey’s statement and we have expected great things from God

    Val and Margot the friend, Margot’s husband planted the work in Uganda

    Mountains and valleys of Nepal

    Himalayas where we have ministered for over twenty years

    A team to the Himalayas. Empowering nationals to do what we do.

    The first team to India and the Himalayan region [Fay is first in the picture]

    Deidre being prayed for. She had terminal cancer and was totally healed within three days.


    Sikkim traveling in the mountain

    Himalayan Team arrival in North India

    Sikkim traveling in the mountains

    Crossing borders Nepal border

    Baptist Hostel Kolkotta where we stayed

    The eight year old girl preaching from heaven as she saw Jesus.

    A Widow. We are helping support her family in the sewing project.

    Thousands of fisher folk live in this area in poor conditions.

    A Widow. We empowered with her new washing machine.

    Brother Ray praying for a team member

    The man who was demonized and could not speak speaking for the first time.

    The pastor who didn’t want to come to the conference. He really wanted to see Jesus and he was healed and saw Jesus.

    This young man was so touched by Jesus and his life was changed

    He was touched by angels and experienced the glory. Leaving for the trip back to New Zealand.

    Leila went to heaven while she was sitting in bed. She saw Jesus and ate the leaves by the river.

    A church that has grown from 300 and now has over 120 churches associated. A Pastors leaders conference

    Empowering the women

    Children praying for the people of Myanmar

    The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see

    the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!

    —Romans 8:19 (TPT)

    Creation is waiting for the unveiling, the revelation of the sons of God. The world is waiting for believers to realize who we are in God. The world waits for us to live like Jesus. Let’s live like Jesus. Let’s so seek him that his presence is heaven to us, and nothing is impossible because we believe!

    To Jesus and to those who, over these years, have received amazing supernatural touches and seen supernatural events.

    To my husband Kevin who has served and loved me. He has cherished, followed, facilitated, and empowered me through these years. He has worked, suffering with diligence and endurance. It is with his devotion, prayers, and help that the Lord has empowered me to undertake what together we have accomplished. To my husband Kevin, you are a true trojan and an extraordinary man of prayer. I celebrate you for your sacrifices.

    To my family and my grandchildren who have lived sacrificially, to release me to the purpose and plan of God.

    To all those who have allowed their stories to be shared.

    To my special friends and to the many nameless ones, who experienced heaven and have shared our lives, and those who have gone on to their heavenly home and others.

    To the many in the nations with whom we have worked, loved, and served; those we have watched grow mature and loved, who are family to us.

    Denise Reid


    Jason Cobb

    The Life Foundation

    I t is with joy that I write this foreword for Denise Reid. We first met over twenty years ago while studying at a Missions-focused Bible school, where Denise’s son was my fellow classmate and friend. On a number of occasions, Denise inspired our student body first with stories of her intrepid mission adventures, then with powerful times of ministry. I remember thinking, This little lady is on fire!

    In recent years, I have had the privilege of ministering with Denise in Asia and seeing firsthand her passion to extend God’s kingdom. The sacrifices she makes to see this happen is done with a heart of joy. I have observed her ability to lead and inspire international teams to share God’s word, love, and almighty power to needy people in remote and unreached regions of this earth. Through her Four Corners ministries, Denise has mobilised hundreds to experience the thrill of short-term mission work. Through these teams, she has been instrumental in seeing tens of thousands encounter the reality of Jesus and his glorious kingdom.

    Heavenly Kaleidoscope has the power to change your life as it has mine. It will awaken your passion for God, build your faith, fortify your courage, give power to your dreams, inspire you to live a supernatural life, awaken the manifestation of heaven around you, strengthen your identity in Christ, and give you a desire to follow him wherever he leads.

    Heavenly Kaleidoscope is packed full of living testimonies that share the reality of Jesus, our king, and his glorious kingdom. This collection of inspiring testimonies and teachings has happened because Denise Reid, a mother, a grandmother, and a terminal cancer survivor, stepped out in faith and tenaciously responded to the call of God.

    Recently, during a worship service on our campus in rural India, I observed Denise minister to a young woman who, minutes earlier, was brought to us for care and protection by the local police. This woman’s eighteen-month-old daughter had just been kidnapped. As the worship music played, I observed Denise embrace this distraught woman in her arms and hold her for a prolonged period. I saw Sukanti relax, soften, break, weep, and then eventually smile. I remember thinking, That’s God’s love manifesting right there! Denise was clearly partnering with the Holy Spirit that day to channel God’s love and healing into her broken soul. Sukanti is a transformed woman now because of Denise’s love; a mother’s hug, a grandmother’s embrace, the arms of Christ. That day they were one and the same; so simple but so powerful.

    Denise and I also share a unique ministry experience. We have both witnessed young people encountering the reality of heaven. We observed these open heaven atmospheres over a ten-year period within the remote regions of Central Asia. In these encounters, young ones were actually caught up (2 Corinthians 12:1−5) spiritually into heaven where they found their bodies illuminated and exquisitely dressed. They encountered Jesus upon his heavenly throne. In multiple experiences, Jesus led these graced ones to explore the exquisite gardens of paradise. God was doing something powerful and wondrous during this season, and we were uniquely positioned to experience this miracle. We have also observed that these encounters completely transformed the lives of these young ones, setting them apart and on fire for God. Over the years, Denise and I have found strength in each other’s experiences and scriptural insights. With her words, I fully agree:

    After we have experience of the heavenly realm, it changes us.

    We are never the same again.

    Even though Sarah was well on in years and beyond the age of childbearing, she was given a promise from God that she would bring forth a son into the world. The writer of Hebrews reveals that this promise contained its own miracle power, though it required Sarah’s faith to materialise the promise. Sarah’s faith enabled God’s miracle power to conceive seed.

    Sarah’s faith embraced the miracle power to conceive even

    though she was barren and was past the age of childbearing,

    for the authority of her faith rested in the One who made

    the promise, and she tapped into His faithfulness.

    —Hebrews 11:11 (TPT)

    Heavenly Kaleidoscope beautifully reveals how Denise Reid understands and lives out this kingdom truth. We can learn this from her own words:

    In my experiences with God, God empowers me to do what he says.

    May we be more than just blessed by reading this book. May we also be challenged and inspired by Denise’s story to partner with the Lord and see his heavenly kingdom unite with the earth. May we embrace our calling, step out in faith, and see his promises fulfilled through our lives for the glory of God.

    Let Denise’s challenge inspire us:

    God is looking for people who will follow their dreams,

    who will move by faith in obedience to the promise.


    Nancy H. Hansen

    Evangelical Foundation


    I met Denise through a mutual friend. As a donor who gives grants to ministries at home and abroad and have for many years, I have had opportunities to hear many of God’s children doing extraordinary things for the kingdom. It is on a few rare occasions that I am listening to someone who has a total faith walk that depends on the Lord for guidance as to where to go, when to go, and how to go and says yes without ever having been there, or knowing anyone there, or having financial resources available, but trusting he Lord who not only tells her but also opens doors and, many times, just in time.

    As you read about Denise and her call at the age of nine and at the age of thirteen and then launching out to respond to God’s call, it was at the support and encouragement of her husband Kevin to trust God and let him answer her need, which she did when she had to go through the hierarchy of her employment to get permission which seemed to drag on for a long time. This seemed incongruous with God’s call as one would expect that you would get an immediate response based on the urgency in your heart to respond. In reading the account of Denise’s journey with the Lord, it has impressed me: her willingness to be transparent in the challenges she faced in being obedient. It helps realize that while obeying the call of God, there is still one who would subvert the journey and is ever present to give pause to the sovereignty of God in our situations, including a painful encounter with cancer, which she allows us to go through the emotions she encountered at every level of the trial until she became totally subservient to the Lord’s will for her life and very existence.

    Denise takes you along on her journey through the different countries God released into her care and her journeying with him in those encounters. One thing you really experience with Denise is her total and defining commitment to follow his leading wherever it would take her in whatever circumstances, willing to go through tough delays and trials while leaning on the knowledge and wisdom of God to lead her through the testing of her faith in the journey, only to come out at the other end stronger and more committed than ever. This book helps you experience the encouragements of God through difficulties in achieving the purpose he has laid out and in doing so, coming upon wonders, miracles, and extraordinary moves of God. As one begins to sense the moods and moves of God, as Denise transitions from faith to faith, your heart begins to burn with the desire to experience the love God gives her for the people she serves in his name, the delight that you have in being part of incredible moves of God. As Denise begins to record these episodes of God’s tangible meetings when experiencing the unbridled openness and love of people whose hearts are exposed to a father who will never leave them or forsake them, and not only encounter them on earth but also experience his lifting the veil of our earthly journey to experience heaven’s pleasures and joy, Denise has a wonderful way of exposing our hearts to the heart of God, meeting with childlike faith and opening up a journey through heaven’s gates to his kingdom only to experience things in the heavenly realm that you cannot recount in earthly terms, which had a profound effect upon Denise and caused her heart to yearn for a similar experience. Walk with her as she journeyed through seemingly insurmountable odds to accomplish encounters through God of dreams, visions, and instructions to go.

    Denise became very entrepreneurial in order to help support the people she ministered to. She would find handmade articles that reflected the beauty of their country and bring them back to the United States and offer them to empower the intiatives she supports.

    Denise and Kevin have not only raised funds to enable them to journey to different continents, but when they see people faced with lack of resources for necessary equipment, such as computers or fences, they have many times invested with the resources they raised to minister. They do not always receive extra from others, but they take what God has put in their hands to be multiplied as they are given out. In many

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