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The United States of America: the Superpower, the Trump Presidency & the Fall of Western Civilization
The United States of America: the Superpower, the Trump Presidency & the Fall of Western Civilization
The United States of America: the Superpower, the Trump Presidency & the Fall of Western Civilization
Ebook121 pages1 hour

The United States of America: the Superpower, the Trump Presidency & the Fall of Western Civilization

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About this ebook

Dr. Qadri has published one novel, six other books, weekly articles in newspapers and editorials. 2019, he retired from the engineering profession, working for a defense contractor. As a journalist, Dr. Qadri reviewed US politics, policies, and administrations for decades, changes in International affairs, history of civilizations, decline in Western Civilization and rise of China, both economically and militarily.
He also, presented a critical in-depth observation about changes taking place in Muslim countries, and around
the world, specifically in Asia, Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. He is currently residing in Arizona, USA.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 31, 2020
The United States of America: the Superpower, the Trump Presidency & the Fall of Western Civilization

Jamal H. Qadri Ph.D.

Dr. Qadri has published one novel, six other books, weekly articles in newspapers and editorials. 2019, he retired from the engineering profession, working for a defense contractor. As a journalist, Dr. Qadri reviewed US politics, policies, and administrations for decades, changes in International affairs, history of civilizations, decline in Western Civilization and rise of China, both economically and militarily. He also, presented a critical in-depth observation about changes taking place in Muslim countries, and around the world, specifically in Asia, Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. He is currently residing in Arizona, USA.

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    The United States of America - Jamal H. Qadri Ph.D.

    Copyright © 2020 by Jamal H. Qadri, Ph.D.

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    Rev. date: 08/31/2020






    Ahmad Dawood



    The Dawood College of Engineering & Technology

    Karachi, Pakistan

    (Where I learned about Science,

    Metallurgical Engineering,

    Humanities, and Civilizations)


    I am sincerely thankful for the suggestions, and for

    the time spent for reviewing and editing this book


    Thomas Barker, J.D.

    Maria Qadri, Ph.D.

    Mohammad Ali Qadri, Ph.D.


    Fahmeeda Qadri



    Chapter 1     Prologue for the fall of Western Civilization

    Chapter 2     History of Civilizations

    Chapter 3     Western Civilization

    Chapter 4     American and the US factor in Western Civilization

    Chapter 5     Western Civilization, wars and World Wars

    Chapter 6     Western Civilization Capitalism and Communism

    Chapter 7     US as a Superpower, US lead Western Civilization, wars, and Nuclear Factor

    Chapter 8     The Impact of Colonialism on Western Civilization

    Chapter 9     Empires in Western Civilizations

    Chapter 10   The Weakening of Western Civilization

    Chapter 11   President Trump and his Administration: Their challenges and effects in the decline of Western Civilization

    Chapter 12   9/11 and Western Civilization

    Chapter 13   President Trump and his Administration: Trade, Defense, and Foreign Policies as related to Western Civilization

    Chapter 14   President Trump and Islamic Terrorism

    Chapter 15   President Trump and potential challengers to the Western Civilization

    Chapter 16   President Trump and Challenge to the US as a Sole Superpower Status

    Chapter 17   President Trump and Internal Issues, COVID 19 Pandemic, Racial Tension, Jobs, Immigration, Border security, External interference in US politics

    Chapter 18   The Clash, the US and China, the Superpowers

    Chapter 19   In conclusion


    W hat is your analysis about the apartheid issue in South Africa? A senior and old professor asked me this question when I was doing public defense of my Ph.D. thesis in Materials Engineering and Science at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City, South Dakota, USA.

    It was a period of racial tension between White Western settlers and native South Africans, and Nelson Mandela was emerging as a national leader for independent South Africa. Obviously, I was concerned, shocked, and terrified. I wondered what South Africa and apartheid have to do with my research on some special precipitation-hardened stainless steels? I was confused, scared to the bone, and thought it was a racially motivated question. I answered, Sir, respectfully, I want to tell you that my Ph.D. topic is …. and it is not related to apartheid issue and South Africa. The old professor stood up from his seat and said: Dr. Qadri, You did your Ph.D. work which proved that you have analytical skills and ability, and now, you should be able to analyze any issue in the world and be able to draw logical conclusions. Now, please answer my question. I said, Well, Thank you, sir, and then I gave him a logical answer: why does the West want to continue the practice of apartheid? West needs to keep controlling South Africa for the strategic minerals and other resources it possesses. The lesson I learned from my professor on that day motivated me to write this book of national interest. I feel that it is my civic obligation to present my analysis of President Trump’s administration that included the challenges to the US and to Western Civilization.

    In 2017, I started working on this book by collecting data and information from the public domain. This book contains no classified or and controlled data or information. This book is written using information mostly known to US citizens and people around the world who follow the news and use the internet. The differentiator is my analysis and personal lens used to analyze the available information. The study presented in this book is quite different from US and Western news media, radio talk shows, and TV channels.

    Unfortunately, many US citizens are so burdened by their basic responsibilities to survive day to day life that they do not have the time to search for in-depth and correct information, participate in politics, or analyze world issues. The payments for their rent or mortgage; health insurance; car, student, or professional loans; and child-care expenses keep them very busy and make it difficult to survive in the modern US consumer-based economy. Overworked, underpaid, and working hard to survive, the average US citizen opts for easy to consume media focused on local issues with less interest in analyzing global issues, and seeking the truth.

    Hardworking US citizens might be working multiple shifts or multiple jobs to make ends meet. They often don’t like politicians, their politics, or their policies. They might not know the names of the President’s Cabinet Secretaries. Even with all their troubles and difficulties, the US electorate sought a change in the 2016 elections. US citizens succeeded in getting a change from the regular order as President Donald J. Trump was elected against all the odds. In their minds for sure, President Trump was the embodiment of their hope for positive change in US politics.

    The end of the first term of Trump’s Presidency is upon us. This book analyzes a few select actions, decisions, and policies seen in his first term. This analysis is quite contradictory to the radio talk shows, commentary on TV, and other mass media including social media. The two-party politics, campaign financing, and expensive campaign advertisements have pushed US politics to an extent where nothing seems black and white; everything is a gray area. To get to the facts and analyze them is an uphill and time-consuming task, no ordinary US citizen has that much time, except the politician and political thinkers. The truth and facts are buried deep. This hurts progress and development in the US.

    Years ago, the US was the sole superpower in the world, after the demise of the USSR. Soviet Russia lost its superpower status, and the bipolar world changed to monopolar. Communism lost the competition to Western capitalism. The US becomes the leader of Western Civilization. Modern Western Civilization has its roots in colonialism that started when Columbus discovered America and made the first European colony in America for the Spanish Empire. After World War II, Britain (cash strapped and in severe debt) passed the baton of Western Civilization leadership to the US. The US President not only has the responsibility to take care of the US and all of its domestic issues, its citizens, and their welfare but also is responsible for

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