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Ceo Words of Wisdom
Ceo Words of Wisdom
Ceo Words of Wisdom
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Ceo Words of Wisdom

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About this ebook

The WoWs pack a punch, bringing insights from a person who successfully climbed the corporate ladder from Accounting Clerk to CEO. The WoWs provide the reader the opportunity to learn from the best classroom, the real world. The author brings unique stories from his career that deliver practical everyday advice. The world has drastically changed as a result of the COVID pandemic, now more than ever the WoWs can be leveraged to accelerate your career. Whether you are a CEO or a college student the WoWs deliver results.
Release dateSep 2, 2020
Ceo Words of Wisdom

Tim Murray

Tim Murray is CEO of Cardinal Virtues Consulting with over 20 years of executive management experience. He was CEO of Aluminium Bahrain where under his leadership Alba successfully delivered the $3 billion Line 6 Mega- Project. He also played an instrumental role in the transformation of Alba’s Safety culture. Tim is an avid reader and passionate about coaching and mentoring. He holds an MBA from Vanderbilt University along with an Accounting degree from Susquehanna University, where he also teaches as an adjunct professor.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is worth reading to apply in work life.
    I enjoyed it. Will read again and again to pass on this information in Bapco.

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Ceo Words of Wisdom - Tim Murray

Copyright © 2020 Tim Murray.

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ISBN: 978-1-6632-0732-6 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-6632-0822-4 (e)

iUniverse rev. date:   10/08/2020




Chapter 1   You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression

Chapter 2   You Can Always Do More than You Think

Chapter 3   Success is Where Preparation and Opportunity Meet

Chapter 4   Perception is Reality (Whether You Like It or Not)

Chapter 5   Tomorrow Will Be Different Than Today

Chapter 6   What Makes You Successful at One Level is Not What Makes You Successful at the Next

Chapter 7   Make Decisions as if it is Your Own Personal Money

Chapter 8   The Best Communication is Direct Communication

Chapter 9   Never Hire or Promote Someone You are Not Willing to Terminate Later

Chapter 10   Treat all Feedback as a Gift

Chapter 11   Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

Chapter 12   Coaching is a Gift that Must be Returned


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As an avid reader, I have often been asked when I will write a book. When I was working as a corporate CEO, I never had the luxury of extra time to take on such a project. However, my career transition at the end of 2019 along with the great COVID pandemic of 2020 provided me a golden opportunity to seize on this initiative.

In July of 2019, I finished a twelve-year career working in the small island kingdom of Bahrain, just off the east coast of Saudi Arabia. I spent that time working for a company called Aluminium Bahrain, better known as Alba, in the role of CEO for 7 of those years. Alba is one of the largest aluminium smelters in the world, with sales of US$ 2.5 billion in 2019. In addition, Alba employs around 4,000 full-time workers and the aluminum industry accounts for approximately 12% of the country’s GDP.

My hope with this book is to translate my personal experiences into practical advice that can be used in everyday life. The history of the term WoWs (i.e. Words of Wisdom) goes back to the early days of my time as Alba’s CEO. My former Public Relations team designed many types of materials to be used in ongoing training campaigns. As part of this, they came up with the idea of using a bookmark as a platform to spread my various management philosophies.

Ultimately, the bookmarks proved to be a far more powerful communication tool that I had ever imagined. The WoWs bookmarks became so popular that we would give them away at all company events. Employees would collect them and even take them home to their families. I often encourage people to read and give books to them, and there is no better way to add a personal touch than by including a custom bookmark.

There is a good chance you will recognize some of these WoWs.Many may seem like common sense, but in my experience, common sense is not very common in the business world. The stories that I used in the book are based upon events which happened in my life. I hope the lessons and takeaways from these stories can benefit you and your career, and perhaps lead you on the path to one day becoming a CEO.


There are many people I would like to thank for their support in writing this book, the most important being my wife Shana, who has travelled the world in support of my career. She has provided invaluable support during the many ups and downs of life, and I would not be the person I am today without her love and guidance.

I would like to thank my parents and maternal grandparents who played

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