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Heaven on Earth Is Now
Heaven on Earth Is Now
Heaven on Earth Is Now
Ebook74 pages42 minutes

Heaven on Earth Is Now

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HOE is an inspirational and uplifting read designed to help you find the door to your happiness. This sensational book offers scientific discoveries that will help you gain control over the voices in your head, and take stride into the destiny of your choice. HOE highlights tools and resources the will aid in turning your vision into your reality. If you are looking to make a remarkable difference in your life, look no further. This thought provoking book will help you deepen your awareness and live more consciously.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 15, 2020
Heaven on Earth Is Now

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    Heaven on Earth Is Now - Alicia Amie

    Copyright © 2020 by Alicia Amie.

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    Rev. date: 09/24/2020





    Opening Dedication

    Ninety-Eight Years Young

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Opening Dedication

    First and foremost, thank you for opening your heart and listening to my story. You are giving me an opportunity to make a difference in your world. Therefore, I am eternally grateful for this moment. Cheers to you!

    If you like what I have to say, then please enjoy, and if you beg to differ, I understand and respect your reality. The way in which I choose to view the world is not an episode of what is right and what is wrong, nor good or bad, but more simply an acceptance of what is. Through acceptance, we can identify the most effective way to be become better human beings.

    Now before I dive into my story, I must share with you where the root and origin of my belief stems from by giving salute to my grandmother and father who are no longer with us in the flesh but live with us as eternal spirit beings.

    Ninety-Eight Years Young

    A benevolent angel is the perfect way to describe exactly who she was;

    A blessing and gift sent from the heavens high above.

    Touching many lives through her journeys here on earth,

    For her love was more precious than the value of any tangible worth.

    So captivating, so inspirational, and nothing less than courageous.

    This was a woman of such compassion she never failed to overwhelm us.

    So from this day forth and until forevermore,

    Her heart will sing in our souls and heal all pain that aches or feels sore.

    Like a sweet melancholy song,

    It will help us accept the ways of this world and triumphantly move on.

    If I could create my very own definition for the word angel from above,

    It would read, Sincerely, Alice Newton Kemp with love.

    So now it’s time to cry tears of joy, for her life has not ended, it has only begun,

    As she hops and skips through infinite time at ninety-eight years young.

    Dear Daddy,

    The love that we have for you stretches beyond immeasurable boundaries …

    Words cannot explain how much we will always recognize the value of you for always being there, and even through tough times, you always stayed true.

    From the day that we came into this world, you always held our hands … constantly reminding us never to put our faith in the will of man. From you, we learned it’s not the point of falling down as long as we get up and never spend our lives looking down at the ground.

    We were always right behind you, every move you made and every step you took. For we never felt like a burden because our bond could not be shook. You may no longer physically be with us; nevertheless, your spirit will continue to beat with the rhythm of our hearts. And the memories of you will never be distant or far.

    We love you to infinity and

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