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A Different Perspective
A Different Perspective
A Different Perspective
Ebook83 pages1 hour

A Different Perspective

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What we see is not necessarily what we get...not everything is all black and white. If you take the time to look around there is no mistaking it. However, it’s not a matter of where you look, but how you look at it. This book provides a different perspective of the Christian faith and science. That instead of one or the other being right, maybe they both are, maybe they actually go hand in hand.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 9, 2020
A Different Perspective

Steele Freeland

All throughout Steele’s life he has been a dedicated Christian, and always strives to become closer to God. In his journey he has come across many inspiring people and ideas, trying to consider everything, not just brushing things off. He tries to see the potential in both people and ideas, not taking sides but seeing the value in them.

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    A Different Perspective - Steele Freeland




    One of the biggest mysteries that a wide variety of people debate is the creation of the universe. There are a plethora of theories and ideas, but there are two well-known theories that stick out the most. The first of these theories is one based on science, known as The Big Bang Theory. This theory states that there was once nothingness, then there was a big bang, and in an instant, we had everything. However, according to this theory the only life at the time were single cell organisms. As time passed, they evolved into more complex forms of life, eventually giving rise to every living thing we see today. The other theory is the Christian belief that God created everything by speaking it into existence as told in the Bible in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

    Both ideas have some things that give people a hard time believing that they are true. The Big Bang Theory raises some serious questions including: If there was nothing, then what caused the bang?, Why were the only life forms single celled organisms?, Where did the bang occur? and so on. Scientists are still trying to get everything pieced together and answer the questions the theory raises. In the year 2000, scientists found a star named the Methuselah star which they estimated to be 16 billion years old. The problem with that is that the universe is estimated to be 14 billion years old. In 2012 scientists also discovered something they called the God particle that added more to the Big Bang theory. But more on that later.

    Then there is the Christian belief that raises questions like Where did God come from?/What made God?, Why did God have to rest if He is supposedly all powerful?, Why didn’t God just make everything perfectly and without things like evil? and so on. Like with the scientists and the Big Bang Theory, Christians do not have all the pieces and can’t easily answer all the questions thrown their way with the information they have.

    These are all good questions, but the hardest part with trying to figure out how everything came into existence is that we, as humans, were not around to witness it. In trying to find answers with a small amount of information, we tend to miss a few things. It also does not help that we compare theories and try to determine which one is correct. Instead of looking at them separately, why not look at them together? Why does it have to be that one is right, and one is wrong, can’t they both be right? For some people when they compare the differences they forget about the similarities. Then from there they tend to go with the one they feel is the easiest to believe. But they actually both have a lot in common: both suggest that everything originated from one source, both suggest that it was instantaneous, both suggest that humans all originated from the same origin, and in all throughout the Bible when God speaks, it is described as a big boom, like thunder. So, what if the big bang in the Big Bang Theory is God speaking everything into existence?




    If God did create everything like the Bible says, then who, or what, created God? The Law of Causation states that everything that has a beginning has a cause. Since everyone agrees that the universe had a beginning, everyone should agree that the universe had a cause. However, many reject the argument for Divine Causation, which states that God is the source of everything, and He is limitless. People reject this idea because they say the same rationale should apply to the Designer that created the universe. They reason, if the Law of Causation requires that God created everything, then, based on that same Law, who created God? If He has a cause, then He has a beginning.

    Well Einstein’s theory of general relativity established that time, space, and matter all had a beginning and are all linked together. The dimension of time itself began with the rest of the universe. If God created the entire universe, then He created time and the laws that apply to it. Therefore, He cannot be defined by, or limited by, the dimensions and laws He created. The Bible tells us that God is the eternal, self-existing, uncreated Creator of the universe. As the Creator of time, God is outside of time. God goes beyond the range of the past, present, and future. God had no beginning, and has no end, in time as we see it

    This can be very difficult to wrap your head around, so many people just dismiss it and stick with the things they can comprehend. When we try to define God into things we can understand, we get a flawed view of Him. He is not confined to the things we understand, so we cannot use them to define Him.




    The story we have all heard is that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. According to evolutionists, the dinosaurs walked the Earth for about 140 million years, dying out about 65 million years ago. However, scientists do not dig up anything to suggest this, they can only speculate. They use carbon dating to help figure out the age of what they dig up, however, it is not always accurate. There are a lot of things that can throw off what the age is said to be and the actual age. The problem we have, just like with the creation of the universe, is that no one was there to see the dinosaurs alive. We cannot tell if the world and its fossil layers are millions of years old, we can only use what was left over

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