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Exploring Inner Dimensions—Expression in the Present: Connecting with Your Higher Consciousness
Exploring Inner Dimensions—Expression in the Present: Connecting with Your Higher Consciousness
Exploring Inner Dimensions—Expression in the Present: Connecting with Your Higher Consciousness
Ebook231 pages2 hours

Exploring Inner Dimensions—Expression in the Present: Connecting with Your Higher Consciousness

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In her book Exploring Inner Dimensions-Expression In The Present, Jo Ann draws from her personal life experience as well as science and philosophy to guide the reader to connect with their inner dimension and higher self. In this book you will have the opportunity to learn and experience life-transforming meditations and visualizations. You will also practice writing and using affirmations and treatments to release old outdated energy patterns while, rewriting new patterns. Learn to create mental image pictures called mock-ups to manifest your desires and to rewrite the subconscious programing that interfere with your free-will life choices. Advanced individuals or beginners will find this book informative because you will learn to own your spiritual powers and to recognize that you are God expressing through your physical body. You will learn to develop and use your spiritual/psychic skills. Skills like clairvoyant reading, healing energy, creating mock-ups, aura reading and clearing energy and communicating with other energy beings. The information in this book is a must for psychic development and spiritual growth and the ownership of your spiritual powers.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 16, 2020
Exploring Inner Dimensions—Expression in the Present: Connecting with Your Higher Consciousness

JoAnn Dunham

Jo Ann Dunham is a certified channeler, minister, teacher and Metaphysical energy healer with over 40 years of experience empowering others to heal themselves. She inspires individuals on their path to discovery and connection with their authentic self based on her unique orientation to the physical world, soul evolution, and learned ownership of Expression in the present.

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    Exploring Inner Dimensions—Expression in the Present - JoAnn Dunham

    Copyright © 2020 Joann Dunham.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5166-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5167-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020913487

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/08/2020



    PART 1 Philosophy of a Spiritual Mind

    No. 1: Universal Mind

    No. 2: God as Us

    No. 3: Belief Systems

    No. 4: Realization of Divine Nature

    PART 2 Meditation

    No. 1: Connection

    No. 2: Going Within

    No. 3: Benefits

    PART 3 How to Meditate

    No. 1: Be Centered

    No. 2: Grounding

    No. 3: Running Your Energy

    No. 4: Beginning Meditation

    No. 5: Gold Energy

    No. 6: Meditation on Gold Ray

    PART 4 Chakras

    No. 1: Energy Vortex

    No. 2: Unseen Influences

    No. 3: Etheric Sensory Organs

    No. 4: Activating the Crown Chakra

    No. 5: Activating the Feet Chakras

    No. 6: Activating the Hand Chakras

    No. 7: Cleaning Your Chakras

    PART 5 Reading Tools

    No. 1: Spiritual Energy

    No. 2: Matching Energy

    No. 3: Reading Tools

    No. 4: Protection Tools

    PART 6 Energy Anatomy

    No. 1: Bodies and Layers

    No. 2: Energy Fields

    No. 3: Practice Reading

    No. 4: The Hat of Enthusiasm

    PART 7 Aura

    No. 1: Explain Aura

    No. 2: Feeling Aura Energy

    No. 3: Distance Aura Reading

    No. 4: Clairvoyant Reading

    PART 8 Past Lives

    No. 1: Past-Life Energy

    No. 2: Reading Gauge

    No. 3: Past-Life Reading

    PART 9 Spirit Guides

    No. 1: Explain Spirit Guides

    No. 2: Meditation to Meet Spirit Guides

    PART 10 Affirmations and Visualizations

    No. 1: Positive Statements

    No. 2: Energy Work

    No. 3: Thoughts

    No. 4: Rewrites

    No. 5: Mock-Ups

    No. 6: Meditation on Creating Mock-Ups

    No. 7: Affirmations

    No. 8: Healing and Clearing Energy

    No. 9: Releasing Fear Meditation

    PART 11 Treatments and Spiritual Healing

    No. 1: Healing Treatment

    No. 2: Sensory System

    No. 3: Treatments

    No. 4: How to Treat

    No. 5: Examples of Treatments

    No. 6: Sound Therapy

    No. 7: Meditation on Sound

    PART 12 The Multidimensional Self

    No. 1: Many Selves

    No. 2: Living Light

    No. 3: Memories

    PART 13 Guided Meditations and Visualizations

    No. 1: Meditation on Multidimensional Self

    No. 2: Aura Reading

    No. 3: Meditation on Violet Flame

    No. 4: Meditation to Release Effort

    No. 5: Syncing with Spirit

    No. 6: Meditation on Ancestors

    No. 7: Christ-Force Energy Meditation

    No. 8: Past-Life Meditation

    To my parents for giving me a body and a loving home to grow in and for teaching me how to survive life’s challenges. To my beautiful daughter, Deborah, who helped make this book possible and is always there for me. My wonderful grandchildren, Debraun and Deaven, and my joy, my great-grandchildren—Cali, Brielle, and Dakota—you have been my inspiration and kept me plugging along to complete this book. You are my gift to the world, of which I am very proud and to my sister, Mary, for her continued love and encouragement.

    I am grateful to Louis Bostwick and the classes he created, which started me on the metaphysical path, and to my dearest friend and teacher, Jeff Serkin, for believing in me and giving me a safe place to learn and grow. I am also, grateful to my dear friend Maria who did the beautiful art for the cover of my book; see more of her inspirational art at

    I truly appreciate all my students and curious clients over the years because they taught me as much as I taught them—and I would not be the same person without them.


    I have been exploring metaphysical practices for more than forty years, including teaching metaphysical classes. I am a certified channel, clairvoyant, medium, teacher, and spiritual healer. I have studied many different religions and belief systems, many of which helped me develop my own belief system; this system integrated my thinking, my feeling, and my intuition or knowing into what I now recognize as Truth.

    I became a minister and helped establish a church where I spent several years teaching classes and facilitating workshops on the information that this book contains. This book will explain how I learned to develop and use my higher consciousness in order to create and experience a more rewarding life. What I learned changed how I perceive the world and my experience in it. My purpose in writing this book is to share with you the information needed for you to learn to connect with your higher self and to facilitate inner peace, tranquility, and prosperity so that you too may enjoy a happier and more harmonious life.

    I grew up in a Christian, Baptist home, and for this, I am grateful because it gave me an excellent compass. I developed a good set of values and all the programming that goes with it. Unfortunately, I did not fit into the church or societal mold. I was miserable and horribly lonely even in a room filled with friends and family; simply put, I was a sad and unhappy person because I felt unloved and unwanted, as though I did not belong. Something was missing, but I did not know what it was or where to look for it.

    I left home two weeks before I turned nineteen to live in Sacramento, California, but I was even more miserable because I missed my family. I spent a lot of time crying and feeling lonely. I wanted someone to love—someone who would not hurt or disappoint me—so I decided to have a baby. My wonderful baby girl was born October 12, 1963, after a challenging pregnancy. I have never regretted my decision to have my child. She has given me great joy and has been an impetus for my spiritual growth. Unfortunately, my newfound happiness did not last for long, and my existing problems mounted with all the challenges of being a single, working mother in the 1960s. I realized how naive and unprepared I was.

    I discovered metaphysics in my early thirties, and I had made two failed suicide attempts by that time. The last one convinced me that I would not escape life so easily. I was convinced that it would work, but the bullet fired prematurely and whizzed past my nose. Life just did not seem worth living, but living continued. I felt so sad and alone. Then I discovered metaphysics and took classes to learn how to be in control of my life experiences. I learned to use affirmations and treatments to change how I viewed the world and my life experiences. What the metaphysical classes did for me was to make God more real, and they enabled me to contact and understand my inner self as spirit. I realized certain truths: I am energy. Energy never ceases to exist; it just changes.

    You too can learn how to improve your choices and life experiences. Many people have improved themselves and the quality of their lives by utilizing the information in this book. I have witnessed this firsthand. You can learn how to let go of the past with its disappointments and old wounds. You can learn how to be in the present and how to recreate any experience that you choose to change. Did you know that your thoughts create your reality and determine how you perceive your experiences? You can be happy!

    My belief system is loosely based on the writings of Ernest Holmes and the Religious Science teachings he founded. The many books I have read during the past forty years have contributed to my belief system, and I am grateful to the authors of those books. Holmes’s philosophy of The Science of Mind appealed to me, and I studied this book and gleaned my truth from it. I read many other self-help books exclusively for more than ten years, including books from some of my favorite authors: Ruth Montgomery, Florence Scovel Shinn, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Edgar Casey, Louise Hay, and Emmet Fox. There are far more authors and books than I can remember, but I am grateful to all of them for sharing their information with the world.

    Metaphysics taught me to connect with my inner consciousness, to own my personal power, and to value myself just the way I am. I went on to teach what I had learned in classes at the church that I helped establish. This book contains the contents of those classes. I hope you find it informative and useful.


    PART I



    No. 1: Universal Mind

    Metaphysical philosophy is the study of universal energy, the internal spiritual world, and how meditation opens this spiritual world to your conscious awareness. Universal energy is a spiritual system governed by the law of cause and effect, which is fundamentally mental. The study of metaphysics is the study of the universal spirit, mind, or the invisible essence, the intelligence from which everything comes.

    Metaphysics is a definite principle that is provable. It is the power that creates. It is my philosophy that I live in a spiritual and mental universe where things may be resolved into thoughts. When you establish this spiritual system as your belief system, you will be equipped with the ability to bring about positive changes in your life. No matter what is causing you distress and unhappiness, you can simply go within and contact that stillness and harmony, which is the indwelling presence. This presence is always with you, ready to extend its calming influence. Know that peace is within you this very moment. The peace is quietly soothing your body, mind, and heart. You do not need to search for peace because peace is your true nature. You only need to recognize and own it for yourself.

    Philosophy studies the concept of being connected with the universal energy or existence and knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It is distinguished from other ways of addressing such concepts by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument. Metaphysics is one branch of philosophy, and it studies the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and body, substance and energy, and events and causation. The point is that there are many different branches of science studying questions that concern our inner existence and whether there is an accessible higher power.

    When you learn to function with acceptance and faith without going into your critical mind or analyzer, you can easily access this information. You are energy, a spiritual essence expressing itself in a physical world. When you allow the focus on the physical world to diminish or stop, you return some or all of your focus to the inner spiritual dimension. The difference changes the thought that the physical body owns the spirit and validates the truth that spirit owns and expresses through the body. Spirit as consciousness is senior and can guide your life once you focus inward. If you want to experience the spiritual dimension consciously, you must learn to allow yourself to relax and reflect within by using any method that minimizes your focus on the eternal physical world, such as meditation. If you meditate often enough, you will gain an understanding and conscious connection with your spiritual self. You must realize that meditation is the means to an end and not the end itself. It can give you self-realization and an awareness of all that there is, freeing you of the eternal quest for freedom.

    Self-realization and enlightenment free you from the sense of limitation caused by the identification with limiting beliefs, opinions, fears, desires, and habits. You must be aware of your limiting subconscious programming. Do not let it sabotage your efforts to gain freedom from these old, limiting beliefs. Often that part of you that is referred to as the ego is perfectly happy and attached to the misery and problems that you must cope with. The ego views the problems and the misery they cause as creative outworks in the physical realm and will try to prevent any attempt to change them. They become routine and ingrained in your subconscious. If you truly desire enlightenment, you must work and meditate for it. Your subconscious mind is where all your beliefs and habits are stored, the things you do without thinking about them: things like brushing your teeth, combing your hair, or tying your shoes. As a child, you thought about these things when you learned how to do them, but you no longer think about doing them. You simply brush your teeth, comb your hair, or tie your shoes.

    The negative programming that is stored in your subconscious is always affecting your choices and behaviors. Things like being overly critical of other people and their behaviors, thinking that you always need to save money for a rainy day, or being fearful of certain things. Many of the habits that are stored in our subconscious came from our parents, and we become more like them as the years roll by unless we make a conscious decision to change our subconscious programming.

    There are several belief systems that use mind-altering chemical substances when they meditate to achieve an altered state of consciousness. I do not recommend this because using drugs or alcohol while meditating can result in a negative experience and create fear of the spiritual dimension. This can prevent you from achieving your desired spiritual growth. There are no shortcuts to self-discovery, and even with meditation, it takes time and commitment. Life experiences happen no matter what you believe or how you perceive your world.

    The control you have over some of these experiences that you did not consciously create is how you choose to perceive the event. Perception, or how you choose to perceive any event or circumstance you encounter, is the only power that you have over these events. You can

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