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Red Diamond Truths: One Hundred Cuts of Red Diamond
Red Diamond Truths: One Hundred Cuts of Red Diamond
Red Diamond Truths: One Hundred Cuts of Red Diamond
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Red Diamond Truths: One Hundred Cuts of Red Diamond

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About this ebook

Red Diamond Truths is a must-read for those in need of inspiration and the courage to reach deep inside, drawing strength from pain to manifest what God has given each and every one of us.

Author Darlassa Monique Garth uses a combination of poetry and prose to tackle the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of modern life and love. She acknowledges that thoughts have power, so in order to change your life, you must change the way you think. Beliefs that are harmful can be replaced with thoughts of gratitude, appreciation, and love. By altering thoughts and behaviors, a metamorphosis will occur.

Darlassa wants to shed light and understanding on our behaviors, so that we may become the healthy, happy people we were intended to be. We all go through trials in order to find our purposes and live our truths. “Red Diamond” has found her peace and purpose; so can you.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 22, 2020
Red Diamond Truths: One Hundred Cuts of Red Diamond

Darlassa Monique Garth

Darlassa Monique Garth is a divorced mother of four who has endured toxic relationships while suffering from anxiety and depression and raising a family. In the United States Air Force, she served in the Gulf War. Darlassa’s struggles shaped the “Red Diamond” that she has become.

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    Red Diamond Truths - Darlassa Monique Garth

    Copyright © 2020 Darlassa Monique Garth.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5402-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5404-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5403-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020916512

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/18/2020

    About the Author


    Balboa Publishing now presents to the world Darlassa Monique Garth, a beautiful butterfly in full bloom who now gives us her first offering, Red Diamond Truths.

    Red Diamond Truths is a collection of poems and thoughts that capture the many facets and the essence of what makes Ms. Darlassa who she truly is—a red diamond!

    Darlassa was born in Lexington, Kentucky, and raised in Texas. She attended school at Langham Creek High School, graduated in 1987, and went to Stephen F. Austin for a year. Soon afterward, she joined the US Air Force and spent time overseas, during the Gulf War. She returned home had two children then married, and had two more beautiful children. After twenty years of marriage, she divorced, an experience from which most of the eccentric and emotionally charged poems grew into this very book, Red Diamond Truths.

    Darlassa is now living her best life, happily rediscovering herself, free from drama, has now stepped to the forefront with her exquisite style and grace to share with us some of the knowledge and wisdom of her experiences, the good and the bad, because of the trial by fire she went through on her way to becoming the true queen and red diamond that she is today.

    Darlassa has struggled with anxiety and depression and would like to give hope and inspiration to all those who may be suffering in silence as well and let them know that they’re not alone and there is someone who relates to them and their struggles.

    Above all else, Darlassa is a very kind, sweet, caring person who loves hard and is extremely loyal and dedicated. In this day and age when it’s hard to find people who are loyal and true and will fight for those, they love with all they’ve got, Darlassa is one of a kind and a breath of fresh air. She is truly an angel sent to us from above and a blessing in disguise to many in more ways than I can mention. I’m elated to have met her personally, and I’m also blessed to be able to soak up some of the wisdom, infectious good spirit, and love that naturally fills her.

    Red Diamond Truths is a must read for all those who love realism and for those in need of inspiration and courage, to reach deep down inside themselves, drawing strength from the pain of their present or past to bring out the greatest manifestation of what God has put inside each and every one of us.

    Be sure to look out for Red Diamond’s upcoming novels and books also, coming soon!




    The Struggle Has Ended




    The Lie I Wanted to Believe


    That Rock

    The Empathic


    The Righteous


    Being a Mom

    Once Upon a Time

    A Real Mom

    The Storm

    Those People

    The Circle


    The Beast—Anxiety


    Anxiety Does What?

    Damned if You Do


    Depression and Anxiety in Me




    Father to Be


    Round Table Talks

    In My Eyes

    Invisible—Never Seen

    Invisible Chains

    Just Once


    Life II



    No Control

    Once Upon a Time


    Belief in People Is Almost Gone

    The Mirror Me





    Depression and Anxiety in Me

    Mind Is a Roller Coaster



    Zombie Nation


    The User/Manipulator


    Controlling Persona and Narcissistic Persona

    Bipolar Men

    The Selfish and the Alcoholic



    Socially and Emotionally Awkward (SEA)

    Emotionally Detached and Unavailable

    Sex and Love

    It doesn’t have to be yours, but it’s mine.

    The Reason Men/Women Cheat

    Men with Multiple Baby Mamas

    Mama’s Boy

    Good Men

    Married Men

    Emotionally Abusive with Verbal Abuse

    Physically Abusive Man

    Drive Them Wild

    The Narcissist

    Red Diamond Fact(s)


    Older Women and Younger Men

    The Truth


    View on Love

    The One

    Child of Mine

    Avniel the Angel

    At First Sight

    Sitting Here

    Alcoholic and Drug User

    Living with an Alcoholic

    Alcoholism in Denial


    My King





    Perfect Love

    Being Hurt by Love


    Truth about Giving Your All


    Subject: Map to Finding Yourself


    Focus on the Future


    I Deserve

    Emotional Intelligence

    Women—The Struggle to Define Who We Are


    What Do Women Want?

    My Plan

    Positivity Prayer

    The Final Chapter

    Final Thought



    The Struggle Has Ended


    All my life, there has always seemed to be something missing. As I got older, I realized it was love.

    I was always looking for it. Found it in the wrong places most times.

    What I didn’t realize about love is that it starts with God—the universe. I believe then it goes to self-love. You have to have it in order to attract that love God intended for you to have.

    It took me so many years to realize this simple truth. I’ve found it, and I’m cultivating it in myself every day. I’ve never been at peace in my life until now. It’s an amazing feeling; it feels like walking on air most times.

    The best part of it is that the universe has opened up and allowed me to see that my life is wonderful, I feel so blessed, and I’m grateful for the time that I’m able to spend with my family. With them comes positivity and support. They comfort me through my turmoil. I know they are godsent—they are my angels. Our lives are intertwined, and our love is infinite. We feed off each other and make each other better; they mean everything to me. We stay true to what makes us who we are, and we appreciate and embrace our differences and uniqueness. The support we show each other is effortless.

    This journey has begun and will be epic.

    Excitement is not a big enough word to explain how I am feeling.

    Red Diamond Truth: The bigger your struggle, the bigger your blessing. Hold on and be prepared; you’ll reap what you have sown.

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