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Caring for Souls Growing Disciples: A Resource for Church Elders
Caring for Souls Growing Disciples: A Resource for Church Elders
Caring for Souls Growing Disciples: A Resource for Church Elders
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Caring for Souls Growing Disciples: A Resource for Church Elders

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It is impossible for the pastor of a church to do all that is needed. Even if they were to try to accomplish this, without giving up their primary calling as disciples of Christ, it would be a futile effort. The ministry of the Church, therefore, is not only the responsibility of the pastor, but the whole company of believers. Elders are ordained to serve with the pastor as shepherds of the congregation, leading and equipping others to serve God, the church, and the community according to their gifts.

This book looks to provide a resource for all elders by looking to scripture for an understanding of eldership, defining this ministry for today, and outlining some of the duties that may be asked of them as they serve their local church.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 27, 2020
Caring for Souls Growing Disciples: A Resource for Church Elders

Dan Hetherington

Dan Hetherington worked in ministry for many years as a lay member of staff before being ordained in 2017. He is a local church pastor that is passionate about making disciples that can make disciples, and loves to help people develop deeper covenant relationship with God, one another, and with the community that surrounds them. Dan originates from England, and studied for his MA in Theology and Ministry at Cranmer Hall, Durham.

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    Caring for Souls Growing Disciples - Dan Hetherington

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019913403

    WestBow Press rev. date:   10/05/2020



    How to Use This Resource

    Section 1:Defining Eldership for the Church Today

    A Biblical Understanding of Eldership

    The Ministry of an Elder

    Stepping into Leadership

    Accountability and Support

    Boundaries in Ministry

    Section 2:Remaining in the Vine

    Work-Life Balance

    Spiritual Disciplines

    Section 3:Spiritual Gifts

    Identifying Your Gifts

    Knowing You Are a Gift

    Section 4:Duties of an Elder

    Caring for Your Own Spirituality

    Staying Loyal

    Mission and Evangelism

    Church Governance

    Church Discipline

    Praying with Others


    Teaching the Faith

    Leading Worship

    Occasional Services

    Closing Words




    It is impossible for the pastor of a church to do all that is needed. Even if they were to try to accomplish this, without giving up their primary calling as disciples of Christ, it would be a futile effort. The ministry of the Church, therefore, is not only the responsibility of the pastor but the whole company of believers.

    Elders are ordained to serve with the pastor as shepherds of the congregation, leading and equipping others to serve God, the Church, and the community, according to their gifts.

    Scripture tells us that the work of an elder is a noble task,¹ in which they are responsible for the spiritual care of others,² and for this reason, elders need to have a passion for the care of souls.

    The saying is sure: whoever aspires to the office of bishop [or overseer] desires a noble task. (1 Timothy 3:1)

    Now as an elder myself and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as one who shares in the glory to be revealed, I exhort the elders among you to tend the flock of God that is in your charge, exercising the oversight, not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have you do it—not for sordid gain but eagerly. Do not lord it over those in your charge, but be examples to the flock. (1 Peter 5:1–3)

    As is the case with pastors and all who live a Christian life, the primary concern for an elder is his or her own personal walk as a disciple of Christ. This means that the need for daily prayer and Bible reading is paramount—your own active spiritual life is what will fuel you to function as an elder. You are called to follow the example of St. Paul as he led others, saying, follow me as I follow Christ.³ In other words, you are to be a sheep from the front and a shepherd from the back, reflecting that which you hear preached, and if preaching yourself, looking at your sermons as though speaking to yourself in the mirror.

    The office of elder is not an honorary title but a call to live a life of spiritual leadership, and as such, it will demand of you sacrifice, perseverance, commitment, and occasional suffering as you follow the voice of God for yourself and the congregation you serve.

    How to Use This Resource

    This resource has been collated to provide elders and prospective elders with some background information on what eldership is (and is not) and to highlight some key areas for further thought. The first three sections are reference material to help you gain a greater understanding of eldership for the Church today, as well as some insight into caring for yourself spiritually.

    The final section concentrates on the duties of the elder and offers some practical applications of how an elder may fulfill these duties. Feel free to use whatever helps and to change aspects of what is offered to fit to the context in which you find yourself ministering.



    Defining Eldership

    for the Church Today


    A Biblical Understanding

    of Eldership

    ELDERSHIP IS NOT a new thing when it comes to the family of God. There are references made to elders throughout scripture in both the Old and New Testament. However, this term has morphed from the Old Testament meaning, which referred exclusively to men of mature years in Jewish/Israeli culture—who were appointed into positions of leadership and subsequently given oversight into the way people operated and interacted with each other—to a completely different understanding based upon the New Testament model, which is not concerned with age but primarily with calling and gifting. This is the blueprint that the Church should use to determine the right people to consider for the role of elder.

    In the Old Testament

    In the story of the Exodus, we read that God placed elders among the people and that Moses, when becoming the leader of the Nation of Israel, relied on these people to provide wisdom, understanding, and advice.

    Moses also selected elders to accompany him on missions. An example is Exodus 24:1–18, where he takes with him Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel to be worshipping at a distance as he ascended the mountain to spend time in the Lord’s presence and to hear from the Lord for the people. Here the elders are supporting Moses, offering up worship as Moses is climbing. It is as though this worship carries Moses up the mountain. He can hear them. He knows they are there, supporting him in his mission, while they are engaging in their own act of

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