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The Delusion of Atheism: Jesus as Holographic Model
The Delusion of Atheism: Jesus as Holographic Model
The Delusion of Atheism: Jesus as Holographic Model
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The Delusion of Atheism: Jesus as Holographic Model

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Both atheistic materialism and organized religion have been the two great forces which have had the greatest mind control over Western Civilization’s perception and value system. Both systems have used their power to keep humanity in subjugation and slavery through the tactics of fear and terror. Both systems have denied humanity the dignity of its true Divine identity.

When social systems exist for the sole purpose of strengthening and propelling their own self-interest rather the welfare of its citizens, then the matrix in which humanity lives becomes corrupt and decadent. When a people are denied the understanding of their own self-concept as a unique person and a child of God, they become disassociated from their own holographic identity. Nature does not tolerate a vacuum. Dystopia rushes in to replace the void caused by the split or the dualism which both atheism and organized religion cause in world which some non-local Supreme Intelligence created for a more noble purpose.

Atheistic Materialism denies the existence of A Creator and is pessimistically Nihilistic. Organized Religion while admitting an Omega or an absolute, divides the soul from the body and turns this world
Into a vale of tears. The New Science of Quantum Physics teaches that the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts and the substrata of the atom is consciousness. Quantum teaches the Cosmos is one.
There is no separation. All that exists is linked together in the one reality of interdependence, interconnection and interrelationship.

Consciousness is eternal. It carries on after the atoms of our bodies have deteriorated and gone. Consciousness tells us, that despite the momentary reality of our bodies we are spiritually eternal. Materialistic Atheism is temporary and built of the false promise of economy and profit. It proposes tragedy instead of ecstasy. Consciousness joins body and soul together. Life in this world in other world is a continuum. Life here is sacred and must be lived in this respect.

Whether we like it or not we are doomed to be spiritual. It is the human spirit which is primary. Consciousness teaches us this. Terribly, Atheism has inverted this. It makes the body and its temporality primary. It forgets and denies humanity's need for transcendence. Atheism stultifies. It concerns itself with grasping rather than reaching. Atheism is greedy. It is anti-compassion. This world will surely fail unless we begin to become aware that love is our highest electromagnetic capability and selfishness our lowest.
Release dateSep 29, 2020
The Delusion of Atheism: Jesus as Holographic Model

Patrick Mooney

Fr. Patrick Mooney was born in Ireland. He earned a master’s degree from Fairfield University in Connecticut and a bachelor’s degree from Catholic University in Washington D.C. He is the author of many books and audiovisual presentations published by Twenty Third Publications in Mystic, Connecticut, and Notre Dame University in Indiana. He lives in Ireland close to the natural world that sustains and inspires him. He believes the natural world teaches us all we need to know about God.

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    The Delusion of Atheism - Patrick Mooney

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    T heism asserts we are spiritual before we are human. Our humanness is but an interim experience between two great secrets namely our birth and our death. Alternatively western culture has become so

    super saturated with atheistic indoctrination that the human person has almost totally abandoned his or her deepest and eternal reality for the sake of a few moments of temporary material pleasure.

    Atheism has managed through its mind control mechanisms to turn the very soul of humanity into a reality of economic rather than moral value. The materialism which atheism propagates is meant to offer a sophisticated advancement in our human search for meaning. Atheism teaches that physical death puts an end to all future aspirations and that life is merely a chance and random occurrence. Atheistic materialism capitalizes itself through commodifying and reifying humanity as though the needs of our human bodies and egos are the only reality for our existence. Economy alone is the content of life according to the gurus of atheism. If atheism has given us a truthful answer, then why is the matrix of our so-called western civilization so full of corruption, lies, wars, crime, unimaginable decadence and destruction?

    Atheism separates the body from the soul and refuses to acknowledge the human person is holographic. Therein lies our delusion. The greatest problem facing humanity in our present matrix is the loss of our spirituality. We humans have become so dumbed down by atheistic materialism that we no longer realize what is primary about us. Like a herd of goats in a field of scrumptious and nourishing green grass we choose instead to chew the thorns and the briars in the ditches which surround and control us.

    The primordial reason for living is determined by the way we choose to live. We can live as though the material satisfaction of our own egos is all that matters, or we can choose to live a more transcendent life which takes us beyond our own egotistical preoccupation into an expanding reality, which while attending to our bodily needs gives a more holographic explanation for our existence. Atheism’s answer to this the most fundamental of all questions is that life is absurd, theism however opts for the fact that we seek transcendence above the body and the ego to give us a more complete perspective. Atheism suggests that the ego and the body are all that matter, whereas theism suggests, while respectful of matter, that immanence is a temporary experience and finds its completion in a transcendence. Atheism is very dogmatic in its answer. It informs humanity that God does not exist. Only matter matters.

    Life on this planet is purely random and ultimately of no significance. According to atheism there is no life beyond death. Life on our planet came about by mere chance. Theism on the other hand is not so dogmatic. The fine tuning of the universe and the existence of the information carried on the double helix of our DNA must surely indicate some superior intelligence beyond and behind such marvellous complexity. If a person devoted his or her time to write down every sequence in the DNA spiral it would take thirty years to unfold its secrets. It must surely stand to reason that such a precise complexity points to the possibility of a non-local intelligence at work behind the mechanism of the universe. Yet this seeming supreme non local intelligence does not compel us to believe in his divine presence. Atheism insists on evidence for the existence of God while it cannot itself prove the nonexistence of a divine presence among us. When intuition and imagination are used in the most fundamental of questions the existence of `God becomes a distinct possibility. Atheism however remains on the flatland of mathematical empiricism and thereby avoids answering the question. Atheism dogmatizes without any input of the theo -poetic mind. It has nothing to say about what makes us human, such as love of family or any of the experiences which make life worth living. There is no art when imagination is taken out of the equation. God is more of an inviter than a dictator. We have been given the free will to choose which path to follow. We are however given astounding clues about the possibility of a transcendent superior intelligence guiding our universe. In respect to our free will, God is powerless unless we cooperate with his intelligent plan to guide the universe. A dictator God would violate his own plan of bestowing on us the gift of free will. Because of this gift it is we ourselves who decide the future of our species. It is the human family who decides whether evil or good saturates our world. It is we who decide between atheism and theism our present matrix is built on a blue print which resembles an inverted cone. The zenith point is very tiny supported layer by layer by a growing circle of dedicated zealots to support the layer right above it, each with its structure of fortification and absolute power within its own jurisdiction to support and defend it. This mongering of power and control with its immense tonnage is finally dumped on the huge base where most of the human race live in the bondage of supporting and sustaining it.

    Most of us live in slavery to an unjust system, it is this cone -like model which is the cause of all the injustice and inequality in our world. The base of the cone where 98 percent of humanity live have been forced to exist with only two percent of the world’s richest the top two percent of the atheistic elite from what is tellingly called the New World Order,own 98 percent of the world’s riches. We have been so dumbed and unaware of God’s energy waiting to become manifest within our own consciousness that 97 percent of our potentiality is never realized. We have allowed the atheistic cabal at the zenith point of the cone to completely de-spiritualize us. We have willingly, forfeited the truth that we are made in the image of God. Any society which forfeits spiritual identity becomes but a thing or a pawn to be sacrificed for the sake of a system which has made money and profit, its `~~~~~~God.

    Atheism, like a thief in the night has turned the light of our essence into a long boring night of darkness. Atheism has overwhelmingly denied us the right of our free will. Atheism is a dictatorship which declares that randomness is the only possible answer to a world devoid of meaning or purpose. Atheism dictates that the unquenchable longing of the human soul for something more, is nothing but the unresolved disturbance and the insecurity of a child searching for a parent. Smothering religion admits the reality of God but just like atheism it commingles with the same diseased cabal who live palatial at the pivotal point of the inverted cone. Religion like atheism dismisses human intelligence.

    Through its power and control it leaves no room for dialogue or questioning. Its answers are certain and dogmatic. We are bound to obey them with the same herd mentality of atheism. The free will give by God to perceive reality according to consciousness is taken away and replaced by rigorous commandments which when broken become the mechanism for excommunication.

    This system of horror was brought to its fullest expression in the Spanish inquisition. With the power invested in a dictatorship theism becomes the rule of a tyrannical dictator rather than an invitation from the God of free will unless a system recognizes the free will of the individual who acts consciously, then that system acts contrary to God’s law. Religion just like atheism has been equally nefarious in regard to the fact that each one of us is made in God’s image. Organized religion no matter how powerful and con trolling its claim, has no monopoly on the truth of its teachings, unless it first lives the message of its own preaching. A church which is caught up in politics more than in humanity’s spirituality, is by inference what Jesus called poisonous vipers.

    This same condemnation may be equally applied to our own scribes and Pharisees who control our lives with lies and false laws. Jesus constantly assured his followers of their unity with God. He reminded them of their own divinity. The rich and the mighty who think that power and control belongs to them alone, will on the day of departure from their atomized world learn that their inversion of humanity’s spiritual reality will exclude them from an ecstatic reality and desert them as orphans wandering in the dark.

    Both religion and atheistic science are themselves heretical. They both dumb us down and rob us of our true dignity. Both systems, rather than speaking the truth, are much more interested in controlling the masses, so that like sheep we will become submissive and obedient to the elite’s own cannon of commandments. The only difference between religion and atheism is that religion recognizes transcendence as the solution to the world’s problems, whereas atheism views those at the bottom of society as useless eaters. As we will see with the introduction of smart technology and artificial intelligence atheism plans to genocide most of us robots and artificial intelligence will replace us. Religion turns theism into a commandment rather than an invitation. Spirituality stands on its own veracity. It presents itself logically. It is. We can choose it or leave it. Spirituality never hammers us. It lacks rigidity. It invites us toward a recognition that that we are made in God’s image. It declares what is best about us. Religion on the other hand filters this message through the minds of other men who are determined to control us.

    The purity of spirituality is that it does not aim to control or compel us. It respects our free will. At its core, theism is powerless. It allows us hammer out the truth on the anvil of our own personality. Jesus lived like this. He lived paradoxically. His powerless message of love was a lived message. His preaching came out of his living and not the other way around. The only proof for theism is the evidence from our inner core of spirituality…" if this world could live like Jesus did, then indeed atheism would no longer govern our ways. All our crooked ways would once again be made straight. Hunger the smile from a suffering grief stricken neighbour, be it physical or spiritual is worth much more and remembered far longer than a fleet of vintage cars in our garage.

    We who have never known hunger cannot imagine what a few grains of rice on a dirty floor mean to hungry people of our world. Each grain looks like a Perl to them. Each grain is treasured as if it were a whole bowl of grain. Each kernel enlarges the poor person’s hope of sustenance. Few in our western culture have ever experienced the pain of the desperate, only the hungry know hunger.

    If we could only free ourselves from the power and bondage with which religion and atheism controls us the hunger of the desperate would soon cease through the generosity of our awakened consciousness. We would surely associate more with the message of Jesus. Jesus – a man for others Jesus lived a powerless life and recognized in the depth of his own heart that he must dedicate his life to bring comfort to poverty stricken souls in his community. As it was then, so it is now in our own times. This time around however we are undernourished and have become a spiritually rather than a physically starved community. We may look down in disgust at the physical rot and dust of an impoverished community, but the fact is our own rust and dust is far more insidious than the physical poverty of a deprived community. The greatest poverty in this world is a lack of ultimate purpose.

    If we do not have a way to life we live with the most serious of all deprivation. When nothing has any meaning, then as Samuel Beckett said: every time I go out into the world it is suicide but if I stay at home it is slow dissolution’’ James Joyce worded it from the opposite perspective- it is far better to pass into that other world with some great passion, rather than live and die, dismally with age." Atheism provides no solution. Theism provides us with faith and hope. Atheism is destructive. Theism is constructive. Whether this contrast of vision be true or not, the fact remains that both of them are the actual reality in our present paradigm. The ego and atheism the pity is that we spend most of the short time we have, while living on earth without ever truly paying any attention to our higher calling.

    We have been programmed to cater to the ego and the body at the cost of our more important spirituality. The body or the ego is dualistic. It is one dimensional. It is pure selfishness in its character. It has no care for the other this is the philosophy of atheism. It is pure ‘meism’ spirituality on the other hand is unitive. It unites rather than separates. It is invisible and interior. It connects us to a higher reality. It goes far beyond natural selection and remains always future orientated in its process.

    Spirituality is not dismissive of the materiality of the body, instead it blesses all matter as sacred. It invites wonder awe reverence and astonishment with the privileges which life affords us. Jesus responded to God’s invitation ino an iconic way. That is why he is still remembered two thousand years later religion and atheism- strange bedfellows’ religion and atheism, through the infiltration and tampering of unenlightened men’s minds have violated the most primary principle of theism. Man himself has created an obstacle to the free flow of God’s pure complementation to humanity. Atheism itself is totally antagonistic toward God. Religion also, though seemingly tolerant, does not allow the free flow of the Jesus message. It has turned the Jesus through the infiltration of its own power into a ridged and judgemental man when in fact he lived a life of tender love and compassion. Even in his moments of anger against the scribes, the Pharisees and the buyers in the temple his actions were always measured by justice and care. The unquenchable longing the greatest wisdom in this world is to let go of the security which materialism offers and surrender to the enduring realization of God’s unconditional love. Why does our soul long for more if there is no resolution to our searching?

    Our very longing is the proof of God’s existence. Nature is always truthful. The fact that we are children of God and made in his image gives us the confidence to face any enemy who tries to exploit and degrade our dignity. If religion and atheism were removed from the paradigm of our contemporary culture then surely, like a waterfall flowing over a dam, the true spirituality of the theism which Jesus lived would inundate us and turn our hell on earth into a heavenly experience. God is dead we humans now live in a culture where God has been expelled from our world. The nihilism of our so called enlightened ways informs us that God is dead we have become so desensitized and indoctrinated by atheistic information that we no longer use our minds to think carefully. We have become so distracted by secondary issues that we forget to notice the barbaric deceit and feeling of guilt which atheism is dumping on humanity. Not only has atheism destroyed our hunger for God but it has replaced it with a hunger for sports and shopping malls.

    Even more incrementally, while allotting us time to soak in the pleasures of our new found distractions, a more sinister plan to cull the human race by at least five billion people is already covertly imploding in our environment, but we remain unaware of it. This possibility is immediately dismissed as conspiracy but often today’s conspiracy becomes tomorrow’s truth. This plan to cull us has been brewing for a long time in the background of our temporary distractions and pleasures. Of course this plan is presently not feasible for publication. It would terrorize most of us. It will occur only when the New World Order has total control over our minds and bodies. Smart technology and artificial intelligence are the operatives which will herd us into the smart grid. Once inside we will lose all our human rights and be managed like as mere animals without a mind of our own. Global warming since the elitist atheistic cabal own and control all the mass media communication systems, they can best indoctrinate through presenting problems which they themselves create to terrify the human race. The whole concern of weather control is very topical at the moment.

    The problem of the environment and global warming is of universal concern. Sustainability appeals to the needs of the body and the ego. The atheistic cabal of the New World Order know very well that concern for the environment will invite universal attention. For this very reason they use the power of indoctrination to terrorize teen agers concerning their future survival. The message of Armageddon has pulverized their perspective. Little do any of us realize that the weather control agenda is only one detail in a far greater picture? The concern about global warming is of course important but nonetheless is akin to the sting of a mosquito on an elephant’s back. The far more terrifying reality is that the carbon problem which is receiving so much attention is but one stich in the new world’s atheistic plan to murder most of the human race. Control of the environment is just another step in the elitist’s plan to tighten the noose around our necks.

    This terrifying conspiracy theory seems utterly unthinkable. We pride ourselves on being a civilized people. No government in the world would ever tolerate such barbarism occur to its own sovereign citizens. Such a suggestion is diabolical. We argue because we are trusting and moral. We cannot believe that a hidden cabal is capable of such evil. How could any thinking man ever entertain the thought of extermination in order to solve the planets over population? Even though it may not be an actual reality, its mere possibility is terrifying the Atlanta guide stones the Atlanta guide stones were erected in Georgia in 1980. They indicate the vision of the New World Order. They are often referred to as the American stone hinge. They are inscribed with a new ten commandments in eight languages. They imply a one dimensional material prospect for the future of our species. Just as in the European constitution the name of God has been deleted from reference in a culture which produced some of the greatest art ever created by the human race so also any reference to a higher power is missing from the Atlanta guide stones, the atheistic cabal who already control us through the hidden state have been incrementally and covertly planning to reduce the human population by about five billion.

    Without an absolute any law can be enacted by the powerful over the powerless. With the extinction of God in human society atheistic psychotic elites envision a plan to enable a New World Order to become actualized. In evolutionary terms the elites of the hidden state consider themselves as the survivors of the fittest. They will accomplish their mission of control through eugenics, and the abolition of the sovereignty and dignity of the human individual. The New World Order intends to create a global world with one economy and one religion. The sovereignty of nations will no longer be honoured. Our lives will be lived in a cashless society controlled by a national technological grid which will strip us of our independence and privacy.

    The first commandment carved on the Atlanta guide stones concerns the most alarming protocol of all. While a faithful stewardship of the environment is indeed mandatory, it cannot be used as a ruse or a deceptive technique to globalize the human race in order to centralize and gain control over it. Commandment 1 - to maintain humanity under five hundred million in perpetual balance with nature. This is the big picture, the lure of an advanced smart technology is meant to control and have surveillance over us. Another commandment on the Atlanta guide stones asks that those who remain on earth be respectful of its beauty. Is this not an oxymoron? How can atheism have an appreciation of the beautiful when beauty itself is delusional? Once beauty is admitted then all other transcendent possibilities necessarily follow.

    When we are deprived of wonder, there is no reason to follow the last commandment of the Atlanta guide stones. Beauty is not possible without wonder, reverence and transcendence, why must we leave room for nature….leave room for nature when there is no room for a hereafter? The final commandment of the Atlanta guide stones introduces the idea of displacing people through floods, wild weather patterns and drought. Having removed them from their own private property. This resolution has been already passed by the United Nations through the vision laid out in agenda 21-30 the gurus of the New World Order intend to situate us in mega cities, where we will be controlled by the power of the internet of things and a new smart technology. The third eye until you die will always be upon you. Agenda 21-30 agenda 21-30 is the result of an earth summit established by the New World Order in rio de jeniro 1992. Under the auspices of the United Nations 179 nations voted to enact it in their own sovereign lands.

    In reality this agenda in all aspects, is meant as another approach to establish a one world government. Its aim is globalization. It is but a multifaceted approach to gain control over the whole planet, which is one of the primary objectives outlined in the Atlanta guide stones. As ever the New World Order uses the lure of promise to attract its audience. As dumbed down followers sustainability seems Avery legitimate and sensible cause to save the environment and most of the human race would willingly submit to this cause. However when a good cause is laced with a deceitful purpose the cause itself becomes problematic. Agenda 21-30 is in reality an inventory of control over the human population.


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