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Mayhem, Miss-Demeeners and Murder
Mayhem, Miss-Demeeners and Murder
Mayhem, Miss-Demeeners and Murder
Ebook266 pages3 hours

Mayhem, Miss-Demeeners and Murder

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Favorite Writers: Stephen King- Alfred Hitchcock- Earnest Hemmingway

This author was born in Menomonie, WI. June 15th, 1949. Through the years he accomplished many successes, including Management in the Photo Business in three different States. Supervisory experience as a Quality Control Officer with Weber-Stephens Grill in Manitowoc, WI. & 3rd shift Supervising 8-employees, transferring anti-refection coating eye-wear with Hydro-Electro processing, Pentax Corp located in Hopkins MN. A sideline in the workforce he has 45 years of Custodial/Maint.

Retiring in 2011 @ 62 he studied on-line for an Associated-Science Criminal Justice Degree. He maintained a 4.0 GPA, 100% in all his chapter quizzes, on the Presidents List, he placed 3rd out of 23 students for a 500-word essay on Plea Bargains in the Courts. His instructor advised him to continue writing, as of today this writer has published a true story of his life & a book of 23 poems.

He resides in Santa Fe, NM after traveling/living 7 States. Continuing to write fiction stories, this 20-story book is the first of its kind, also has written 3- fiction manuscripts to be published. One of his finest experiences as a vocalist, an accomplished actor on stage & in film. His experience as a Singer, Actor, 3-years. in radio, success in the working field, have made his life complete. His daughter is following in her parents’ footsteps, living Chicago, a vocalist & actor, she is an Associate Member in a theater located in the city. She is currently writing stage plays.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 4, 2020
Mayhem, Miss-Demeeners and Murder

D. Duff Gray

Favorite Writers: Stephen King- Alfred Hitchcock- Earnest Hemmingway This author was born in Menomonie, WI. June 15th, 1949. Through the years he accomplished many successes, including Management in the Photo Business in three different States. Supervisory experience as a Quality Control Officer with Weber-Stephens Grill in Manitowoc, WI. & 3rd shift Supervising 8-employees, transferring anti-refection coating eye-wear with Hydro-Electro processing, Pentax Corp located in Hopkins MN. A sideline in the workforce he has 45 years of Custodial/Maint. Retiring in 2011 @ 62 he studied on-line for an Associated-Science Criminal Justice Degree. He maintained a 4.0 GPA, 100% in all his chapter quizzes, on the Presidents List, he placed 3rd out of 23 students for a 500-word essay on Plea Bargains in the Courts. His instructor advised him to continue writing, as of today this writer has published a true story of his life & a book of 23 poems. He resides in Santa Fe, NM after traveling/living 7 States. Continuing to write fiction stories, this 20-story book is the first of its kind, also has written 3- fiction manuscripts to be published. One of his finest experiences as a vocalist, an accomplished actor on stage & in film. His experience as a Singer, Actor, 3-years. in radio, success in the working field, have made his life complete. His daughter is following in her parents’ footsteps, living Chicago, a vocalist & actor, she is an Associate Member in a theater located in the city. She is currently writing stage plays.

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    Mayhem, Miss-Demeeners and Murder - D. Duff Gray

    The Trouble With Millicent

    It turned out to be a beautiful Sunday morning. Up early, put the coffee on, turned the Tv morning news on to catch up. The daily challenge for a retired gentleman is a constant daily search for something to do. Today will not be the problem. Sunday’s are usually an adventure at the Indian Casino. Put a few bucks in and watch what happens. The rewards are not always a great gift, the fun, listening to frustrated folks swearing at the machines can be entertaining. So, I’ll putter around this apt. for a few hours, take a hot shower, get ready to go. Always important to have that go get ‘em positive attitude if you are going to make a big win. Had a big month a few months ago, unfortunately I’ve been paying back these current trips. On the plus side, it gets me out and about, giving me a breather from mild cabin fever.

    Arrived at the casino, took $20 out of my wallet to exchange it for 4- $5’s. It’s my habit to use $5.00 at a time as you never know if the machines are in the mood early. It’s no fun sitting there, watching, hoping something will happen. All part of the game go with the flow. I have 4 machines to sit at. This afternoon I spied some long black shoulder hair sitting next to one of my usual machines. Hummm, this might be a very different fun day. Usually the back of a lady turns out not to be a delightful pleasure sitting down to see who is there. This time however it is a delightful face, maybe it will be nice to have a chat while playing for funds. She did not react to my sitting down next to her. Getting the ball rolling, I offered a small ‘’hello to her, she responded with a subtle Hi"

    To my happy pleasure, she was not overly beautiful, just a very attractive seemingly slim with ample chest. This is a man that does not begin a relationship based on a woman’s boobs. It’s always been a thing for me to look into a woman’s eyes, check out her legs, make sure she is at least proportioned. Fussy? kind of, but there is not a woman on this earth getting my attention if she weighs more than me sorry. Hopefully, this lady will be one of friendly attitude without a stuffy non-approach air. She is one of those gals seems ageless, not going to ruin this opportunity to get to know by guessing her age, followed by a large frown. The goal here is to impress her this gentleman is easy going, conversational, willing to chat. Asking her how is it going? The reply came from a very soft soothing voice, not too good. My assurance things will now change brought a pleasant smile, giving me the courage to see where this meet will go…..

    My new challenge has got my attention, with her speaking to me, the visual of her pale green eyes, attractive smile, plus the appearance of long legs gave me a desire to know more. Now is the time for introductions, offering my name Dave, she replied Millicent Smiling, adding a glad to meet you, I was. She let me know her nick name was Penny Thinking there was some connection, between Milli-cent and Penny.

    Commenting it is a cute flow from cent to Penny, the conversation was established. Our connection has not been fully fulfilled, but a small subtle warmth is felt. It was late afternoon getting close to supper time, the opportunity to take this further is to suggest maybe a cocktail at the bar? Hot diggity, she is all for it! My eyes took notice as we stood up. She is a tall drink of water, looking me straight in the eyes, this will be an interesting lady to meet, get to know.

    Going out of the non-smoking casino into the other smoking section with a bar. She did make me very happy, stating she does not smoke, making me even more interested.

    Asking her what she likes to drink, she indicated a!?bloody & a been works for me!

    She also let me know beer or red wine is good. I do think this woman is going to be someone to encourage my company, things have gotten off to a great start.

    She does appear much younger, I feel this may be a short meeting. To get my curiosity settled I took a stab at her age. Guessed close to 35, she made "’my day by admitting to 41. She did take a guess for mine @ 55, thanked her warmly this gentleman is a retired senior 65. Good thing she did not get up and run away! This lady is outgoing, seems well adjusted, nice chat with, certainly very pleasant to gaze into those green eyes.

    The conversation took off, after a couple of drinks, asked if she would like to dine? Accepting my invitation, the decision to stay in house at the lower level restaurant. Preferably a red Shiraz whenever I can find it, had to settle for two Cabernet.

    Meal was simple, and the next move on her was to suggest a stroll. Happy very much satisfied, the two of us left the casino I’m walking down the main high-way. Took a path up the hill to a street more scenic. Talk was brisk, we are getting use to each other’s company, a comfort zone is reached. Not trying to be too aggressive remaining casual there was no arm around the waist or holding hands while walking. Finding her very easy conversation, it is obvious to me this girl is someone to take seriously.

    We were walking along, she suddenly stopped, taking a long look at this house with a large picture window. Asking if she knew someone there, or if she just admired the house, a continued gaze with no response left me curious. It seemed a long look but finally we continued the walk. She did say the house looked like one she had lived in some time ago.

    Reaching the complex where she lived, was very close to my own apt. just a few blocks away. Being almost in the same neighborhood was a convenience I looked forward to. She mentioned that tomorrow was a work day as a checkout clerk at a major well-known store here in town. It was still early evening, she was kind enough to invite me in. In the heat of the moment my remembrance, I had left my car at the casino. My stay was short but the yes to meet again was a welcomed feeling. It was then my volunteering to give her rides to work, instead of cabbing it, was agreed upon. This gentleman did give her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

    The walk back to my vehicle was brisk, kind a pleasant. My latest female adventure did seem to work in our favor. Drove back to my casa, poured a red shiraz, could not get her green eyes out of my head. She is if nothing else intriguing, our meet was good, the road ahead is positive. Our next meet is in the morning @ 07:30 A.m. to give her a lift to work but first, we dine out for breakfast @ Mac’s. Feeling very confident this is going to go forward, there is a lot more to know, however I’m good with taking our time to make a companionship with love in mind.

    Picked her up, my look of pleasantry couldn’t be helped. She had just a hint of makeup highlights which pleased me a lot. I like natural looks, the least amount of hiding the face is for the better. As I did say she is not a stunning gal, but very attractive much in the way to make me happy. Our conversation at Mac’s was light but positive. This girl doesn’t need a lot of encouragement to chat. We are making good progress in the comfort zone. Catching me a bit off guard, she made a move on me, giving me a warm kiss declaring this is nice. Now it is time to get her to her job, asked if she will be available during her break, replied with a very positive yes Another kiss, see ya later…..

    I don’t know about her, but this is a great feeling, something is going on here. My new gal-pal is a woman of interest for me. 20 years is not a lifetime, it appears there is no hesitation on her part in the age difference. It is something to talk about in our future. Our pace to get to know each other has taken a road of safe travel. Not too eager, very much a cautious getting to know, while gaining speed. Certainly, comfortable with my gal, confidence in this direction. A direction is about to get investigative, time for a baggage check. Tonight, we will discuss our past lives, hopefully there are no red flags.

    Break time for her is at 11:30. Got there at 11:15 my habit it to always arrive early. I’ve got this thing about being late. To my great surprise, she comes out to my car with a sub from their deli with 2 cokes. To her advantage when a woman makes the effort to please a man, the point rating goes up, up, and away!! Maybe I’m getting the right impression here, but she is becoming much more open, friendly, with a very amorous attitude. Either I’ve made a good impression, or she has been lonely too long.

    This will eventually come out in this relationship, I’m sure. For now, it’s a fun beginning which is how all new meets start. Sitting in my car, music is on, she is giving me the feeling of a safe interested companion. One of my consistent habits is too purposely look for the flags during the forming of a relationship. It’s simply trying to avoid wasting time for either one of us. The sooner we figure out there is no compatible future in this man & woman, it benefits us both. Why mess with someone that ain’t going to fly?

    Thankfully she and I aren’t even close to that, cautious me hopes it won’t change.

    Break time is over, she heads back to the grind, watching her, just can’t avoid the sexual thoughts running through my head. It’s my naughty boy coming to the surface much too soon, or is it? The second evening tonight will be interesting, yes?" Don1t look forward to the long afternoon, the wait is going to kill me. My real fear is to go faster it is gentlemanly cordial. The smart thing here is not my aggression, but to let her take the lead. The two kisses from her has already shown she is not shy.

    My analytical mind is always on guard, I’m ce1tain something, sometime will go sadly wrong. For now, the need to relax, let things flow is exactly to allow time to tell. Any relationship is built on trust, with a bonding love, a good dose of communication. If this woman has those qualities, we shall have a solid non-failing companionship.

    Decided to take in a movie on cable/Netflix7 my nature leans toward mystery/dark. Passing the time is not easy, my mind continues to visualize a desirable woman I’ve just come to know. It’s been some time the warmth, touch, chat with a female has been experienced by me. When you get to the senior age the pickings become few not due to your own faults. An opportunity like this is a God send, important to play this challenge very smooth, with great care. The goal of course is to make a permanent bond, the failure will not come by me. Many years after 2-failed marriages it is my belief that love will never come back in my life. Of course, to think it is a never situation is foolish., love comes knocking when you least expect it. Only the nay-sayers at heart constantly make a failed search to find that one and only. My heart tells me this is a woman destined to be mine. Loving the challenge, a new goal, this gal is now showing a real interest in a relationship with this man. Movie has ended, time to focus on a woman, continue to know who she is. Testing the waters, going to give her all the options. There is a decent Chinese restaurant in this city give her the hint to see if she is interested in dining……..

    A sweet sign from her picking the lady from work, she suggested we go shop for a meal she will cook. This is getting better all the time, suggesting I do cook with wine, there is a glass of wine on the counter when I cook She loved the idea, "\·ve picked out the pork roast, with a bottle of shiraz red. The look of love has started to show in her smile. Again, my thoughts of has she truly been lonely too long, can I be so sure this is real. If this new connection would fail for any reason, it will be worth the price. Hell let’s go for it…….it is time for love making. Our stroll through the grocery store was fun, fun, funnn!! She is animated a blast to be with! Picking up salad fixings potatoes, carrots, pork, wine, even ice cream! This guy is not shy about shopping.

    Getting back to her place, my anxiety was on high, she is a sexy attractive babe. I’m putting full faith in this gal, she is giving me all the signs. All that is needed right now is the green light to stay overnight.

    Cooking with this gal is pure delight. The wine, being a partner in her kitchen is my idea of heaven. A blossoming partnership is happening, if compatible bonding is the goal it is certainly on the right track.

    A meal any man would appreciate, she knows the kitchen. My turn to clean up, giving her the instructions. She did the meal, I am the cleanup man. Told her to go sit, relax put her feet up, go enjoy a glass of red while this man does the kitchen cleanup.

    There was no argument from her, lucky for her she didn’t.

    My job in the kitchen all done, I did join her for a movie, sharing a glass or two, but most of all the snuggling was sublime. This night was going so very well, she did pop the question…….would you like to stay?… I don’t want you to leave…..Well duh, Penny give me an hour to think about it, oh you can be sure my arm does not have to be twisted. She took my inner thoughts, made them a reality. We managed to chat for a while, but then it was off to the bedroom, we will see you in the morning?

    SHE has made my day and then some! Of all the things, we have done together, her efforts to please me in the bedroom were fully satisfied! I’m ready, willing, able, to give her everything from me. Bottom line is still in my thoughts, to be careful make sure this is not going south at any time. These past 36 hrs. have been so refreshing, there is nothing going to stop me from making this girl happy. Penny has already given me more to look forward to then any woman has in the last 10 years. The only scary thought is it has happened so quickly. The lucky side to rely on is it ·will continue for many years to come. I find this is the real deal, the longer the trust continues to grow, my dream girl will stay in my company.

    Our day is free, she and I do not have to work today, I’m retired so it is a day off for her. There is a beautiful huge lake in this city. We opted for a stroll together, it is pushing toward the end of summer, the walk will be a mild bonding for the two of us. Revealing she has never been married, the right guy just hasn’t come along in her life. That is when she stopped, turning to me, looking straight into my eyes, until now

    The first step in a bond has been made. Professing a complete confidence in our relationship, her commitment to me is finally yes We are a couple, love is in the air! A decision to go to a lunch together, with an open-end day in front of us, the idea to hit the point of our meeting., the casino. We will revisit the exact same machines where we met. A chill came across me as we walked into the place. To sit down at the same machines, not too long ago struck up a conversation. Now we are in the same world, two people in the same direction with a future planned. Although our luck in making a big cash day did not happen, we did not care love was in the air! Walking out of the casino, she and I stopped, looked at each other. Her thoughts meshed with mine, saying to me, 0how about love in the afternoon hopped into my car, we were off to her love casa…..

    I am in love, hook, line, & sinker! I may have made a serious mistake, she is so satisfying in the bedroom, but those boobs. Good heavens they are the coupe de grass! Without a vivid description, maybe a change in my mind about a woman’s chest is now a different opinion. Neither of my ex’s had ample assets to enjoy. But enough of that, she is a complete woman, I can’t imagine a man in her life good enough to make her happy.

    Am I the luckiest guy on the planet because she has saved herself for me?? Luck be a Lady tonight, (Frank Sinatra) at my time in life this is the woman can be around for a long time. She is the complete female conversational, attractive, a great cook, with a giving, such sweet love in the bedroom.

    How can a woman be coming into my life, not ever being loved or cared for by any man is a great puzzle to me? If this is a dream, please don’t wake me! I needed to take some time to recoup, this is all too much to take in such a short time. She was very considerate, my request to see here later. My commitment to take her to work was still intact, so I promised to see her in the morning.

    It is time to take a step back figure how this came so quick. There is no doubt she is a handful, but maybe too much of a handful for this older gentleman to take care of.

    I may be stupid, but I’m thinking too much too soon? My health is exceptional for my age, but she is certainly a most part of the fast lane. On second thought, maybe this is just what I need, a jet start in my life. Any man in his right mind would give his left nut to have the woman I’ve been given an open door to. I’m no candy ass quitter, so this woman will not scare me away, in other words babe……bring it on!!

    Before leaving let her know how much she has brought to my life, she replied, thank you, ditto her feeling was mutual. My step back was now 2-leaps forward full steam ahead let the chips fall where they may. If this woman gives me a stroke or a heart attack, the time we’ve spent together is well worth its value.

    Made my trip to pick her up for work, but did inform her I’ve become a writer, so I need a couple of days to sit at my laptop. Agreeing to foe time, she also needed a day or two to give thought to our relationship. Panic set in, so my question was do you have reservations on this relationship? NO! was the answer, she just wanted to take it all in because there has not been a man in her life like me before. Please don’t worry, I will be here for you, remember Dave, absence make the heart grow fonder My thoughts went sour, thinking it also makes it tend to wander…. But trust is now with me, assuring her my life is with her, just need a couple days to think. The question of phone contact came up, she offered no resistance, giving me her number. So, this woman is saying she will be there for me, trusting her words. Making sure, she is on the same page, did let her know I’m going to get her to work & back. It will keep us in touch, she was obviously happy with our relationship. It is the first step in trust she and I have come to understand. The relationship is intact, the two of us are sincerely in love with who we are. The big warm kiss did make sure, of our bond. A big noticeable important missing item in my marriages is the lack of giving, Penny has shown me her willingness to give in return. The man is so very thankful she does have a heart.

    Wow, I thought this small community was non-violent. My weekly newspaper has a small article on a murder in the city. Seems a woman was snuffed out in her home. Details were sketchy but still kind a makes me wonder if it is safe for a nightly walk. Our relationship is going very strong, the past couple of days to pick her up, spending time with her has been good, plenty of kisses bonding the relationship is moving now at a great pace. We have sincerely made a companionship world all the tea in China! Since our new meeting, we have settled into a nice sincere me & her loving friendship. My visits at night have become more frequent with the murder in the city. My concern for her safety has become an issue of concern for the lady in my life. We have talked about this, she has brushed it off as an isolated incident. None the less this special person is now my friend & lover, whether she is concerned makes very little difference as my protection of her is more important than my life. So, for the time being she does understand my love, much concern for her safety. Picking her up safely bringing her home, plus staying there with her will become the constant in her life I will dedicate myself. Maybe it is no coincidence we have come together, it gives me worry to see no one is safe every day in their life. It may be overkill, but there are now extra phone calls.

    I’ve considered moving in with her, maybe it is too soon, the offer was made. For the time being my visits at night have become often. It’s selfish of me to visit with a few nights of overnight stays. Let’s face it she is the love of my life, a very amorous lady in bed, so why should this man avoid an opportunity to have a good night’s sleep with a night of sex to make it better? We do enjoy each other, someday in the future this may become a permanent connection. A day to say let us be closer, get married, to which she answers a positive yes Seriously it is in my mind, I’m a done deal she is the one. The if s & what’s are becoming fewer, so what is holding up our devoted bond? Even with a 6 month & a 4 year wait in my marriages the waits did no good in longevity. It’s more important to commit tie the knot, make sure we are one. The smart thing is too hold off, to make sure the two people are meant for each other, no one is hiding dark secrets. My fear of Penny holding some dark mysteries are surely safe. I’m happy, feeling good loving this new companion.

    My gal has Sundays free, am thinking about a surprise this week-end. checked into this city boat rides around this large lake. The two of us could enjoy a few hours of mellow floating. Willing to bet she will be excited to do this, so I made the call to her. Right, the girl thinks it would be a wonderful way

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