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Fuel the Machine: Standing with Trump Because He Stands with Us
Fuel the Machine: Standing with Trump Because He Stands with Us
Fuel the Machine: Standing with Trump Because He Stands with Us
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Fuel the Machine: Standing with Trump Because He Stands with Us

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Fact: There are four branches of government; we the People are the first and most powerful of the four. For America to run well and take us where we want to go, requires our involvement, our minds, our energy, our fuel. The President is a Bold Warrior who, like David, ran toward the giant to begin the bold war to free our nation from the ruling political class that had left us weak and vulnerable to enemies both foreign and domestic. Trump stood up for Middle America. We in turn stood with him to fuel the most powerful new movement to ever jump from the starting line in the history of our Republic. We now cannot allow the political ruling class back into power to plunder us again and leave us weak, vulnerable, or divided again. This is our call, your call, perhaps our 1776. We must Pray, Rise, Work, Vote. It is time to fill our think tanks. We must Fuel the Machine for ourselves today and our posterity tomorrow; in this book is why we do it and how we can; by the Grace of Almighty God.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 28, 2020
Fuel the Machine: Standing with Trump Because He Stands with Us

William Andrew

Serving several decades as a business manager this Middle American author interacted with thousands of Middle Americans and learned first-hand that heroes rise to do the right thing at just the right time. He believes it’s time for Middle Americans to reclaim their right and responsibility to rule America again. As a private citizen, the author independently campaigned for the President in Ohio and Pennsylvania. An alumni of the Leadership Institute, he is a joyfully married business consultant with five children and a distant relative of Americas most decorated war hero Sargent Alvin York. At the age of 27 his eyes were opened by the message of Christ and was turned from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to the power of God. Acts 26:18

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    Fuel the Machine - William Andrew

    Copyright © 2020 William Andrew.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020920182

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/19/2020

    For years, I wanted to write this book, but there was always something missing; Donald J. Trump filled in all its blank pages with color, sound, strength, inspiration, and action just as he has filled the presidency.

    The president leads us on a great American adventure I call the bold war. Warriors like you are very much needed if we are to make a difference in America today and in the America our children’s children will inherit from us. All of us can indeed be part of something great.

    —William Andrew


    The bold warrior started the bold war to take our nation back from professional politicians who have plundered us for decades.

    In 2016, 63 million of us stood with Trump to fuel the most powerful new movement ever in the history of our republic. Trump was the spark we were waiting for. We won big, and they lost badly. Let’s keep it that way.

    We must stand with Trump to defeat the professional ruling class and their dangerous and divisive policies that almost wrecked America.

    See the decade ahead become the American decade.

    Be part of something great!

    Fuel the machine.

    I wrote this book to motivate and remind Middle Americans that this is our country and to stand with Trump for an even stronger, more prosperous, safer America, one in which united people rule again and our government is bound again by the chains of the Constitution in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence with good old common sense; all by the grace of Almighty God.

    Perhaps this is our 1776.

    Pray, rise, work, be brave, and vote.

    If you’ve ever thought about doing something big because it seemed the right time and the right thing to do but you didn’t do it only to find out later it was the right thing to do and you wish you had, now is that time. This is big.

    Have no regrets.

    Fuel the machine.


    This book celebrates the revival of our people-powered government, a revival Trump boldly ignited much to the chagrin of the ruling class, who ruled us like smelly, inconsequential serfs while they divided us and plundered our country financially and spiritually for decades.

    This book encourages a search for and a revival of essential faith like that of our forefathers, in God and Christ, and yes, in each other. Together, our goal is to regain our national and individual freedom and to leave a stronger legacy of freedom, vision, and stability for our posterity the Lord willing.

    Did Jesus say be salt and light but not in the public arena? I don’t think so. Where has that gotten us? Conforming to that idea left us saltless and good for nothing except to be thrown out and trampled. It also left us shackled to unwise, visionless policies fraught with vulnerability and harm for ourselves and posterity. Take a look at Matthew 5:13 for clarification.

    Trump stood up for Middle Americans; he restored our voice and reminded us of our power; he completely stunned the entrenched professional politicians who drove us into mountains of mess, weakness, and extreme vulnerability.

    Fact: Middle America chose to change direction. We hired a new driver for our freedom machine, a man with a reliable, steady, commonsense, America First roadmap.

    Fact: Our people-powered Constitution is a well-engineered machine, and as any machines do to run well, it must have good fuel. We are that fuel. We are Mighty Middle America, the core of America. We are awake. We walk in power and love and with sound minds. We are strong, and we are many. We fuel the machine.


    Section I: Make America Pray, Think and Vote Again

    1: Mad

    2: The Transformer

    3: The Driver

    4: The Obvious

    5: The Attack

    6: The Machine

    7 Mighty Middle America

    Section II: Make Americans Safe Again

    8: The Real War on America

    9: The Call

    10: Fuel the Machine

    11: What Do You See?

    12: The Party

    13: The Force

    14: Heavy Meta

    15 Which Will It Be?

    16: Fuel Additives and Boosters








    Donald Trump, the bold warrior, started the bold war to take our nation back from professional politicians who had plundered and divided us for decades.

    Yes, they’re mad about that. The socialist, leftist, ruling class of professional politicians and their bought and paid for media aren’t just angry … They’re mad. Mad as in irrational. Why so mad? Because our bold, vibrant, brave, and outspoken billionaire president has pulled the wrapper off of their pretty packaged policies of poison and exposed them for what and who they truly are: dangerous, incompetent, negligent, and unworthy to lead the greatest free people on earth.

    Warning! Incompetent, deceptive, Democrat, prog (progressive) Socialists claim that our machine, our Constitution, is outdated, has failed America, and needs to be junked or rebuilt and by them of course. They obviously hate that their negligence and incompetence has been exposed and made very public by our Great Again warrior president. They also fully intend to disarm us all someday. We can’t let them do that. We won’t let them do that. Will we?

    The two enemies of the People are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. —Thomas Jefferson

    Jefferson’s wisdom reveals much about today’s entrenched politicians—why they fear us and why they hate our president. We know that many in government are legalized criminals who have set themselves up for gain and advantage.

    They ignore a massive chemical weapons attack on us.

    The left is mad and hates the fact that Middle Americans are now aware that 870,000-plus people in America have died from opioid overdoses since 1990. At least half of those deaths are attributed to illegal, southern-border drugs. With 400 deaths a week! They barely lifted a finger leaving all Americans vulnerable to the plight. Today, they continue in mad irresponsibility demanding that our borders be opened even wider yet! Who is so unwise as to invite that kind of trouble and instability into America? The mad extreme left, that’s who, and it’s another valid reason they must be totally exposed and rejected, never given the chance again of gaining power over us or our families … Ever again.

    They ignore crimes against innocent Americans. We are now very aware that illegal aliens have raped, robbed, and murdered tens of thousands of innocent Americans. The mad ruling class went as far as to protect violent criminals by giving them sanctuary in cities and states all across our nation. New York recently had a very sad example when a ninety-two-year-old wonderful and loving grandmother was raped and killed by an illegal alien. That is so sad and so sickening and should never have happened in the land of liberty and justice.

    They help criminals harm us. Lock them up too. They hate us because we want political hacks who give sanctuary to illegals prosecuted and jailed for giving sanctuary to known criminals. Yes, prosecute the inept, negligent politicians as accomplices to the crimes illegals commit on innocent Americans such as the ninety-two-year-old grandmother. They enabled the criminal to commit the crime by setting him free; therefore, they aided him, did they not? They are therefore accomplices in his crime, are they not? Lock them up too! Remove their immunity, their impunity. They need to face severe consequences for the mad policies that harm our American friends, families. and citizens.

    They perpetuate the lie and the destruction of our youth. They are mad and hate us because we want generations of young men and women to know that babies in wombs are in fact babies. Those children are best described as being knit together uniquely in their mothers’ wombs made in the image of God himself. Science leaves little doubt that life and the heartbeat begin mere days after conception. Taking the life of a child is a doctrine of demons and false teaching of the misleading, mad left. They have proven themselves incompetent to lead, so why let them continue to teach lies to our nation and our children any longer? Let’s get back to life and the doctrine of life and stand with our pro-life president.

    The left doesn’t yet see the conflict in their false and contradictory argument that we need more illegal aliens in the country to make up for a coming population shortfall, a population shortfall created by aborting over 62 million American children since 1973. Nor do they hear their own hypocrisy when they cry about children being locked in fenced areas at the border. Fencing built during the Obama years so children could be protected and better taken care of. They ignore that human trafficking, in fact human slavery, is happening in America right now. It’s happening because illegal immigration policies and open borders bolster it. Thousands of those slaves are children! This should not be happening in our America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    O God, you are so patient. We don’t understand why, but we know that your mercy is new every morning for every one of us. Wow. Think about that. New mercy every morning!

    They hate capitalism but love our money. Our money gives prog leftist radicals intoxicating power. They rarely admit that it’s not their money to hand out to their followers. Sure, they’ll pay for everyone’s college with your money, and sure, they’ll pay for everyone’s health care with our money … until it runs out. They’re buying votes with our money, promising the moon today and putting us in hock for that moon tomorrow. Their goal is to gain immense power to plunder us to an even greater degree than they have already. Notice how easily they ignore the $23.3 trillion debt that threatens all of us.

    If we ever allow the left to regain power, they will take your money from you, our money from us while promising free everything to gullible voters who think they will end up in paradise. They ignore Venezuela and Cuba as examples. Their dictator leaders are billionaires who stole the wealth of their people … plundered their people. They live large while watching their defenseless people starve. The left hates to hear the truth. It exposes them. They hate to be seen as dangerous, but they are and undoubtedly plan to disarm us all.


    Disarm Americans. Defund the police. Open the borders. Strengthen the bureaucracy. Divide the people. Weaken the people. Discourage the involvement of the people. Allow an illegal drug epidemic. Spread fear. Threaten private property rights. Regulate and confiscate. Hide how taxpayers’ money is spent. Ignore our Declaration of Independence. Ignore our Constitution. Expel God. Worship creation but ignore the Creator.

    God is not the author of confusion, and neither are people or a nation that walks with him in peace in freedom in Christ Jesus.

    We in America don’t have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate. —Thomas Jefferson

    It’s amazing to have a president who doesn’t need any more money. He’s not motivated to get money but is motivated to help Americans earn and retain theirs. How corrupt; so say Mad Chuck, Nancy, Adam and Impeach 45 Maxine.

    You’ve undoubtedly noticed that the media and ruling class dislike our independent president maybe because he has united Middle America and they fear an independent Middle America (us) just as much if not more than they fear him. Let them fear us. Middle Americans are not their public servants; they are our public servants. Did they forget that?

    Donald J. Trump stood up for Middle America. He restored our voice and reminded us of our power; he completely stunned the establishment professional politicians who drove us into mountains of mess, weakness, and extreme vulnerability.

    Middle America chose to change direction. We hired a new driver for our freedom machine, a man with a reliable, steady, commonsense, America First roadmap. We like and enjoy where he is taking us too—away from the swamp. Our people-powered Constitution is a well-engineered machine, but for any machine to run well, it must have good fuel put into it. We are that fuel. We are Mighty Middle America, the core. We are awake and powerful, and we grow stronger every day. We demand action. We are the fuel, and here, we the people rule.

    It is error alone, which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. —Thomas Jefferson

    Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains taken to bring it to light. —George Washington

    It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. —Sir Noël Peirce Coward

    One of the greatest advantages of the totalitarian elites was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive. —Hannah Arendt, political philosopher and author




    AS A BUSINESSMAN, ENTREPRENEUR, JOB CREATOR, BUILDER, AND A developer rather than an academia puffball or government sycophant, Donald Trump saw firsthand that the country had morphed into something it was not intended to be. America was not built to be a socialist bureaucracy operated by an elite political class that blatantly ignored the will of Middle Americans. Trump saw no one capable enough to do what had to be done. He laid aside his successful life and stepped up. Who else would or could have done that besides Donald Trump?

    Sixty-three million legal voters in fifty states were glad he stepped up. Will the description legal voter be illegal to whisper someday if leftist progs grab power?

    The president needs our help not simply at election time but ongoing if we are to fend off the poison of socialism that threatens to make government less responsive, more secular, and more radical as it threatens our and our children’s freedom. Now is our 1776. We must ora et labora … pray and work.

    We waited for a hero who would put America First, one who would stand with and lead all Americans and work only on our behalf. We are Mighty Middle America: we work, raise families, pay taxes, fight wars, strive, and thrive. We are very responsible; we try our best, and if we use it, we have most of the voting power. We appreciate our distinct American heritage and its emphasis on personal liberty, which requires our involvement. We produced heroes who stood on principle. We stand together to fiercely protect each other’s God-given rights. This is why we became the freedom machine and economic engine of the entire world.

    No one but Trump had the guts to tell us we were headed toward a cliff—ripped off on trade, not able to manufacture basic medicines or products, our borders breached, robbed by our tax system, strangled by regulations, endless wars, drugs pouring in, crimes and preventable murders of innocent Americans … and more.

    Decades of moral erosion and historical rewriting by American leaders, courts, media, and educators have left us in a precarious position. We could crash as a nation, or we could fall to our knees, pray, rise, work, vote, and remain free. We know that what the left has done and proposes even more of has been and will not be good; they will lead us to nothing other than greater division, vulnerability, and conflict not to mention less freedom.

    Regardless of what anyone thinks about Donald Trump, how he won office and that he even won at all reveals a very special call upon him as America’s chosen leader at this pivotal point in our history. His election was miraculous. His transformation from builder businessman to warrior politician to statesman president of the United States would make Autobot hero Optimus Prime envious and proud. The future looks to me to be even better.

    This is perhaps our only opportunity to return to greatness, to reform our government, and to continue to protect our freedoms. We must unite our people not around the flames of division but around the warmth of our shared, God-given freedom. Freedom has been the basis of America’s DNA for over 240 years. It has always been a win-win situation, and it must continue beyond 2020. Let us together revive posterity thinking, big thinking, and visionary thinking. Trump-sized thinking, down-the-road, forward thinking; our founding fathers’ type of thinking. Let’s make America think again. It won’t hurt.

    Our founding fathers thought big. They designed the Constitution with us in mind as seen in the preamble to … secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Posterity is defined as future generations, like our children and grandchildren, who will be blessed or disappointed by what we do today and what we will leave them. Our founding fathers passed the torch of liberty to us. We can’t allow its flame to go out.

    America’s power comes from our individual freedoms and self-governance. This radical concept made her rich with innovation, strong in principle, fiercely united, brave, generous, and wise. Just as in those early days, we must once again look out for each other as Americans were prone to do and have done for centuries. We have been deeply blessed by the actions and faith of American heroes who built and gave us our freedom machine.

    Abraham Lincoln best described the machine as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, one that runs best when more of us thoughtfully and carefully fuel it. Yet we must avoid anything that would dilute or damage it causing it to stall or not run as designed thereby jeopardizing the rights of all of us including our posterity.

    Do you want America to be independent and strong again for us today and our posterity tomorrow? That was America by tradition but not so much in recent practice. Things were getting very shaky, weren’t they? We sensed that our interests were ignored to the point that we were made weak and left vulnerable. That is until we stepped up and put Trump in the White House.

    Until Trump, not only was the

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