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Thought Perspectives of a Spiritual Warrior: The Lessons, Observations, Visions, and Experiences of My Life
Thought Perspectives of a Spiritual Warrior: The Lessons, Observations, Visions, and Experiences of My Life
Thought Perspectives of a Spiritual Warrior: The Lessons, Observations, Visions, and Experiences of My Life
Ebook309 pages5 hours

Thought Perspectives of a Spiritual Warrior: The Lessons, Observations, Visions, and Experiences of My Life

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About this ebook

From what I can remember, this whole writing thing began around 2009-2010. It all started as a trickle of Facebook postings. Mostly uplifting messages and quotes from other people – and very occasionally, I would share my own unique perspective.

Although social media is littered with trivial, mundane information, I'm very appreciative of these platforms and choose to use them for the dissemination of more uplifting and inspirational subject matter. Interestingly enough, prior to the digital age it was a real challenge for me to write even a few sentences on a consistent basis, let alone an entire paragraph. But little did I know that in 2014 that "trickle” of inspirational insights would literally turn into a waterfall - which still remains consistent till this day. And some of my insights and observations are shared in the pages that follow.

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Release dateNov 4, 2020
Thought Perspectives of a Spiritual Warrior: The Lessons, Observations, Visions, and Experiences of My Life

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    Thought Perspectives of a Spiritual Warrior - Johnny Grady

    © 2020 . All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/04/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-5647-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-5646-4 (e)

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    This book isn’t a novel, nor is it chronologically written. It’s a continuous flow of thoughts and insights that started as a sort of memoir, but as the writings progressed, the dates were purposely removed, so it’s not required for you to read it from front to back (unless you desire to do so). Very unconventional indeed - just like me. You will also notice that there are no chapters, although some grouping of certain themes was done to a certain extent. Again, feel free to randomly choose any page that you like and go from there, it’s totally up to you. To paraphrase the Italian film director who was known as Federico Fellini, there is not a beginning or an end. There is only the infinite passion of life. And these words are life – as seen through my internal lens.

    From what I can remember, this whole writing thing began around 2009-2010. It all started as a trickle of Facebook postings. Mostly uplifting messages and quotes from other people - and very occasionally, I would share my own unique perspective. As time went on, I began to feel as if these thoughts in written form not only served to possibly convey a variety of insights for others, but also for myself – they were messages from me for me, at times, helping me to see life and self with even more depth. And I’m still very appreciative of the social media platforms even though they are littered with trivial, mundane information. I only see them as a means to disseminate more uplifting and inspirational subject matter.

    Interestingly enough, prior to the digital age it was a real challenge for me to write even a few sentences on a consistent basis, let alone an entire paragraph. But that is no longer the case. And what led me to my opening is another story for another time perhaps. All I know is that in 2014 the once small trickle of inspirational insights would literally turn into a waterfall -which remains consistent till this day. Writing has since become a favorite pastime of mine -therapeutic in a sense. It gives me the opportunity to do something constructive with the thoughts I receive and/or aware of. Interestingly enough, I’ve never experienced a block. I never feared that the flow would stop therefore it hasn’t.

    At a certain point I questioned what I was to do with all of this material, as it was rapidly accumulating. I couldn’t imagine that its ultimate destination would be a large gym bag in my garage. As my writing continued, and insight deepened, I realized that creating a book was the next logical step so to speak. I mean what else was I going to do with it? And now here we are. What you have in your hands now is but a small percentage of these observations and insights (which I refer to as downloads). They vary in length and subject matter, ranging from one-liners to paragraphs, and from humorous to what some may deem controversial.


    There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

    ~ Maya Angelou

    I resonate with these beautiful, inspirational words from Maya Angelou. These words inspire me to share my thoughts with you on these few pages—an inspiration which I consider a blessing and an absolute joy.

    Each and every one of us is on a particular journey, whether we are conscious of it or not. Some of us will choose empowerment right from the start; others will choose to experience limitation; and some of us will choose to move from limitation to empowerment. There is no right or wrong way. There are many paths to any destination—it’s all about the journey. As cliché as it sounds, it’s the truth.

    My journey of introspection began in the United States, Kansas City, Kansas (my place of birth), and after several stops in between, has physically led me to Europe (The Netherlands) where I now reside and have lived for many years. Every experience of this journey has helped me to rediscover aspects of myself. Emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, my journey has expanded my perspective—and therefore my being—in innumerable ways. I have no regrets.

    Again, may you enjoy the writings that are shared in the pages that follow. . .Welcome to my world. Let’s go for a ride.


    To actually receive what we desire, as challenging as it may be, we must be in the best state of mind possible. We must find a reason to feel good about our lives and what we currently have. The more we appreciate, the more we will receive to appreciate.

    When one door closes, another will open. I’ve heard this saying many times—but this isn’t true. That’s not what’s really happening. Are doors really closing, or are we just walking from one open door, through the next open door? We are the only ones responsible for choosing the doors, as well as the doors we open and walk through. Bottom line—Ultimately, we create our own opportunities, and experiences—and there are more than enough to go around (regardless of what others may tell you).

    Failure . . . what a B.S. word. There is no such thing as failure. Remember: You can never fail. We only experience different ways of choosing not to do something. If you think you failed or have doubts about yourself, it’s more than likely that you’re unaware of your own magnificence, and place unnecessary importance on what other people may think about you (I know I have). And you know what? They’re probably not thinking of you at all. In fact, you’re most likely the furthest thing from their mind. Peace.

    Like the so-called terrorist groups that exist and operate in cells, we also are individual ‘cell’ groups. We are individual cells of love and light, which are being activated and called upon by our souls to carry out our mission when the moment is ripe. Well, the moment is now ripe. And one by one, we are all ‘awakening’, ready to spread truth and awareness—not terror. In doing so, we raise the consciousness of all human beings (cells) on this planet. Just imagine what could be done, and how we could change the frequency of this planet, once all of the ‘sleeper cells’ have been awakened. It’s an enticing thought . . . And the thing is, we absolutely outnumber the alleged ‘terrorists’, on this planet a million-fold . . . which is why there are terrorists and terrorism in the first place! The acts of terrorism that take place, and have taken place on this planet, have actually served as a sort of pacifier for the majority of ‘light cells’ on this planet—rocked to sleep by fear. But this, too, will not last long. There is nothing that can hold back a soul’s power for long. We will come to realize the magnitude of how powerful we are soon enough.

    Mid-Life crisis is an interesting term. It can be triggered by several things: the fear of death, the feeling of running out of time, or it can be a feeling of actual awakening or epiphany. I look at it as more of an awakening, where one indeed has an epiphany of sorts, coming to the realization that certain things are just not working for them anymore.

    They dare to do things now that they’ve never dared to do before—is that a bad thing? In these cases, the fear has actually led them to the knowing of their soul, instead of away from it (even though some ‘significant’ others may not appreciate this rekindled spirit so much).

    This could mean that they have become tired of following the agenda of others, and/or finally decide to embrace the things that really do work for them, and that excite them.

    With a change in perspective, comes a change in attitude. A change in perspective always gets the ball rolling. Positive changes in our life stem from this.

    I’m considering making The buck stops here my motto.

    . . Someone’s gotta be the one to break the disempowerment cycle. Someone’s gotta be the energetic game changer in the family - Why not me?

    Money is energy. So if you don’t have enough of it, that must mean that something is out of whack. You are misaligned in some way with your authentic vibration. You are choosing to align with low frequencies that hold prosperity and well-being at arm’s length. I now understand that being broke is a spiritual issue (it’s always a spiritual issue), not a money issue. Existence always provides, and you are worthy of all that you request. So the issue is not with existence . . . the static, mixed signals are coming from your side of the fence . . . the broadcast is coming from within your own mind—so check yourself.

    When I ask most people how they are doing, I receive the usual answer, I’m okay. I’m doing O.K. But this is a vague response that could mean just about anything. Many of us have difficulty really knowing and articulating how we really feel. For some reason, many societies (if not all) give very little attention and encouragement to emotional expression. Why bother? It’s not important, is what most people probably think. But we must learn to be more specific in articulating our emotional state. We are emotional beings, so it’s healthy to be able to express ourselves. It can only benefit our lives and well-being to be emotionally aware.


    I’ve read that our society is sleep deprived, and—I can believe that. We are conditioned to go long and hard. Burning the midnight oil is considered honorable in our society. I’ve done it many times in order to complete certain projects, or to prepare for a test. But it doesn’t help to hear some celebrities say that sleep is a waste of time and boast about their ability to get a lot done within a 24-hour time frame, thriving on very little sleep. You’ve probably heard people say things like, I’ll sleep when I die or Sleeping is for old people, Time is money, or Why sleep when you can be working? What kind of message are they sending to the masses, to their fan base?—If you’re buying into what ‘they’ say about the unimportance of sleep, then you really have no idea what the sleep state is, or what it’s truly about. Not only is sleep necessary for physical repair and rejuvenation, but it’s also necessary for spiritual growth. Your creative processes are at their peak during your sleep and dream state. When you’re in your sleep state, your total being is at peace, and you access the Divine. Your higher self and the higher realms merge; So appreciate the moments when you can get some deep, quality sleep. And rest assured (no pun intended) that all is well.

    I thrive in silence . . . whereas others may go crazy, fidget, or become restless. My power is in stillness, not chaos. Even when I’m moving active during the day,—I am still. Unaffected by the insanity of an ego driven world, but very much present. I am at my co-creative best in silence.

    Learn what it is to experience freedom and empowerment. Learn to thrive in silence. Go within in order to go beyond. Beyond the man-made illusion of fear, chaos, and separation. Transcend all of it to connect with what moves and energizes your soul—like being in the center of a tornado—peaceful. There’s no place like home.

    Every moment is a choice, and the choices are unlimited . . . Which version of reality are you going to choose? The choice is yours. Constantly remind yourself that you can always choose.

    I consider myself to be deprogrammed (as if I ever was programmed). The work now, is staying debugged . . . maintaining the integrity of my hard drive.

    Over the course of millennia, you have been many things . . . Who or what have you allowed yourself to become this time around? Since most are unaware, or simply don’t know, we’ll put it in another context. An occupational context. Are you a waiter? . . . Waiting and biding your time, waiting for the right opportunity to come along, or waiting for a savior of some sort to come and save you? Perhaps you have become a fireman, someone who has become accustomed to putting out the ‘fires’ (issues and problems) caused by others. Or maybe you have become a pyromaniac—one who starts one fire after the next, completely overwhelmed by your actions (usually caused by uninspired efforts to survive).

    I read a headline in the local paper of my town of Maastricht, a small town/city in the Netherlands. The headline stated that Maastricht was declared one the most unsafe if not the most unsafe city in the Netherlands! I was totally unaware of this golden nugget of knowledge. I don’t consider myself a television viewer, but this evening I did happen to catch some of The Golden Television Ring award ceremony that my wife was watching . The Golden T.V. Ring is a public prize given out once a year to the most viewed series on television. I watched as Flikken Maastricht (a prime-time crime show shot locally) won the ring. Great for the actors, crew, and the city of Maastricht—Or was it? As with any award show, a small break took place prior to the award, during which they introduced and highlighted each show that has been nominated, accompanied by a narrative. For Flikken Maastricht, it was: 2014 seems to be the year of the police/crime shows, and the public can’t get enough of suspense, thrills, cold-blooded murders, kidnappings, drug smuggling, etc. I had to laugh, because it’s obvious that the public can’t get enough of the T.V. drama. It is, without a doubt, reflective of the collective consciousness of the people in this region, and that has manifested itself into reality, making Maastricht one of the most unsafe cities in the Netherlands . . . Interesting. So it seems that Maastricht has won the Golden Ring prize hands down—literally, and figuratively.

    I was talking to a friend that works in the dining area of a hotel. She mentioned to me that they recently had guests from the Philippines. They were a religious group accompanied by a spiritual leader. My friend said that she observed them as they graciously entered, prayed before their meals, and so forth (which isn’t an uncommon thing. I’m not religious, and I bless my food as well, but anyway . . .). She then noticed several of them stealing food! Fruit, sandwiches, etc. I had a good laugh when she told me this. I mentioned that they were probably praying that they wouldn’t get caught!

    They were literally packing their bags, even though they hadn’t officially checked out yet. I was somewhat surprised; I thought it was a rather interesting dynamic. I proceeded to view this situation in my mind without any judgement, wondering what this was all about. Why did these individuals feel compelled to do something like this? Even though they were part of a religious group, they were still dealing with issues of lack and survival. They were still disempowered and limited in their conscious awareness despite all of their worship and practice.

    Everything changes; it’s inevitable. But instead of the word change, I feel the word refined is probably the appropriate word to use. Everything is always in a constant state of refinement; nothing stays the same, ever.

    If conscious expansion were easy, and comfortable, everyone would be doing it.

    Some choose to read the paper, or watch the news in the morning, and I choose to read books. To each his own, it’s all good—it’s just a matter of choice. For me, it’s a conscious choice, not a mere habit. I believe that many people reach for the paper out of habit, in order to start their day ‘informed.’ But on the other hand, I make it a ‘habit’ to be very selective as to what I allow in my consciousness — I choose to be empowered than to be informed.

    When I stumble or get ‘off track’ with my energy, I remind myself that I signed up for this—I chose to come here. I also remind myself of why I’m here, and how much courage it took to come here. I continuously remind myself of who and what I am — Which is Source itself.


    Allow yourself to become de-conditioned. I know, this may sound strange coming from someone who has been active practically his whole life and is currently working as a trainer. But I’m asking you to ‘let yourself go’. I’m asking you to step off the mass consciousness treadmill and start taking your power back.

    Begin just as you would physically, with becoming conditioned—by starting slow, taking baby steps. Start by watching less television, consider putting your underwear on inside-out . . . and if you dare, go an entire day without wearing any underwear at all! (Of course, that was just one of many examples, mind you.) Occasionally, skip the morning rituals and change up your routine a bit.

    See how it feels to go one day without a watch, then try going one week without wearing a watch. Are you starting to see where I’m going with this? A lifetime of conditioned habits won’t change overnight, but you have to start somewhere. Even these few simple steps will surely help reshape your life . . . and the funny thing is, the longer you follow this ‘deconditioning program’, the more energetic you’ll actually feel your life becoming.

    Most people love pain and suffering. In fact, they thrive off of it (unknowingly, of course). They are addicted to it—addicted to victimhood. While in this state, they may seem like they desire to be helped, but this is not the case. For if they did accept help, the problem would be solved. Therefore, there would be nothing to bitch and moan about, so that’s not going to happen. Solutions mean that they would no longer be in the spotlight, or center of attention. They crave the spotlight because they have forgotten that they are light.

    It has been said that humans fear or cannot take rejection (I think the former, fear, is accurate). What is rejection, and where does this word come from? Man created the word, and most know the definition. But the feeling of rejection . . . what is that about?

    Eventually, everyone will grow sick and tired of fear, and outgrow it . . . and in this moment, they will also come to realize that it was fear that was making them sick and tired all along.

    Tony Robbins once stated, It’s not the resources you have. It’s how resourceful you are.

    True; I know several people who thought they were well-connected, or at least claimed to be, but who are still broke or even bankrupt. I’m sure you may know at least one, if not several people who have a master’s degree, yet still struggle to make ends meet.

    Education is important, but it’s not everything. Good looks, brains, and a network are no guarantee for success. I believe it’s all about the drive you have to serve humanity, to help others (who desire to help themselves). To bring out the best in people. And more importantly, it’s about aligning with your soul. Know your purpose— and if you don’t, then take some reflective moments.

    And believe me, it will take moment(s). For some, it will take many moments of solitude and reflection. In any case, do the things that make you tingle, that give you goosebumps, the things that excite you. Discover what those things are—this is your soul talking to you. Follow your heart first; getting paid will fall somewhere below that. But don’t even think about the money if you can help it. Just enjoy what you do . . . and the rest will come eventually (usually unexpectedly). We’ll always receive what is necessary for us to take the next step—True story.

    One of the greatest challenges and pleasures in life is discovering who you are. But after you’ve made your discovery, can you (will you) accept and embrace what you’ve found?

    There are so many half-truths floating around. I have since learned that all things are true—it simply depends on your perspective. Here is another perspective that someone coined. There’s a saying that goes: Beggars can’t be choosers. Let’s break it down: first of all, we ALL have a choice; second, why the need to beg in the first place? One who sees from a limited point of view may see this person as disempowered, having fallen victim to some sort of unfortunate tragedy or circumstances (which may be the case), but very few will realize that they have, in an incomprehensible way, chosen their situation. Why, and what’s the answer to their predicament? Well, the answer is complicated, because WE ARE complicated beings . There’s a lot that goes on behind every costume, but I know one thing: the answer ain’t money, that’s for sure. They don’t need handouts (even though I give, and have given on many occasions). What is needed are compassion and understanding; love, basically. There is, however, a thin line between compassion and enabling, but I’m convinced that it is the non-street person that is being afforded the opportunity to learn, to demonstrate and feel compassion for another being. The real deal is that all of us are actually souls—many souls— and yet, simultaneously, we are one soul. We choose our paths for the sheer experience, the adventure, and growth that will come from whatever that may be.

    The street person is not less because of their situation, even though they may seemingly have less, and are living (in our eyes) less-than-optimal conditions. No need to pity them. Again, they are our teachers—they teach us to have compassion for fellow humans (ourselves). They are doing this actually while wearing the costume of a homeless person. Think of them as souls who have decided to take on the challenge of plotting the most difficult course for experience’s sake, while re-discovering who they are in the process. They have momentarily forgotten who they really are (souls)—but haven’t we all? To reiterate, pity is unnecessary—in fact, when you see them, honor them (for they ARE you, and you ARE them). Honor them for the challenge they’ve taken on. Do this mentally, with loving intent (soul to soul communication)—they will hear you (I do this all the time, whether someone is homeless or not, by the way). When we eventually allow ourselves to see situations in this way, nothing on this planet will be awful to us. The statement that everything happens for a reason will sit differently with us, because we’ll understand the reason.

    It’s amazing what the body can tell us when we closely observe it. For example, someone who is constantly obsessed with their body—for example, a bodybuilder or an athlete who diets and trains excessively. They are obsessed with, and attached to, the physical. They are ALL about what is tangible. Their excessive physical hardness and tightness reminds me of uptightness. Most of these people are usually uptight, wound-up, and have many hang-ups, not to mention the image/self-esteem issues. Control issues.

    It’s been often said that one must listen to their body—this is usually said when one is dieting and/or exercising—but it goes way beyond that. One must learn to listen to their body continuously—because it’s always communicating with you—letting you know when something’s out of whack. Every ache and pain is a message—it’s not old age. From what I have observed, this is very challenging for many people—many people are poor listeners. They have a hard enough time listening to what’s going externally, let alone internally (intuition, the thoughts they receive, or their feelings and emotions), let alone what their body is trying to tell them.

    Instead of seeing life as short, how about seeing life as an adventure or seeing it as exciting? To me, these word choices resonate a bit differently. If you state that life is short, then it may very well be short for you—perhaps too short. You’ll be amazed at how often we speak situations into existence. We do it all the time.

    I’ve often heard that all things come to an end, or that all good things must come to an end. Well, there is never an end to anything. All things continue to exist. That energy, once created, will always

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