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Genealogical Troves: Volume Two
Genealogical Troves: Volume Two
Genealogical Troves: Volume Two
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Genealogical Troves: Volume Two

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Genealogical Troves ~ Volume Two provides Nineteenth Century records of baptisms, marriages and deaths pertaining to the—

Griffin families
Connell (O’Connell) families

—who resided in the vicinity of Ballybunion and Listowel in Northwest County Kerry.

Volume Two relies on a number of sources to assemble the family records. These records include:

Roman Catholic parish registers
Civil records
Land records
The Calendar of Wills

Volume Two includes additional records for families (Forde and Freeman of County Mayo and Allen and Linnane of County Kerry) and townlands (Laughil in County Roscommon and Derrynacong in County Mayo) found in Genealogical Troves ~ Volume One.
Release dateNov 13, 2020
Genealogical Troves: Volume Two

Dennis Ford

Dennis Ford is the author of nineteen books, including the recent novels Tracks That Lead To Joy and World Without End. He lives on the Jersey Shore, where he walks the beaches and thinks about ghosts.

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    Genealogical Troves - Dennis Ford

    Copyright © 2020 Dennis Ford.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1314-3 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date:    11/13/2020

    The cover photograph is of the cliffs at the beach in Ballybunion

    To the people of the past, that we remember them




    Griffin Records ~ Tithe Applotment Bks., House Books & Griffith’s Valuation

    Griffin Records in Listowel, Ballylongford & Ballybunion R.C. Parish Books

    Civil Records of Griffin Deaths in the Listowel Union

    Griffin ~ Calendar of Wills & Boston Pilot’s Missing Friends

    Connell Records ~ Tithe Applotment Bks, House Books & Griffith’s Valuation

    Connell Baptisms & Marriages in Listowel R. C. Parish Books

    Connell Baptisms & Marriages in Ballylongford R. C. Parish Books

    Connell Baptisms & Marriages in Ballybunion R. C. Parish Books

    Civil Records of Connell Deaths in the Listowel Union

    Connell ~ Calendar of Wills

    Additions to Genealogical Troves ~ Volume One


    This book was to be the second of two volumes pertaining to my Irish surnames and ancestral villages. Owing to the large amount of genealogical records extracted, this book is now, with God’s permission, the second of three volumes. It includes predominantly 19th Century records concerning:

    ~ Griffin families residing in the vicinity of Ballybunion and Listowel in County Kerry.

    ~ Connell (O’Connell) families residing in the vicinity of Ballybunion and Listowel.

    Roman Catholic parish registers are available on-line at The records terminate circa 1880. (When I was visiting the Family History Library in Manhattan years ago, microfilm records for some parishes continued into the 20th Century.) The records are searchable by event and date, not by surname. The legibility of the records, which are in PDF format, varies greatly. Some of the registers are in Latin. The pages are not always in chronological order—events in the same month and year could appear in different places in the register, depending on which priest wrote the records. I elected to include only the month and year of individual records.

    Civil records of births, deaths and marriages are available at The records continue from 1864 into the 1950s. They are searchable by name, year and civil registration district. (The latter facilitates searches, but is not required.) The website is periodically updated. In addition, the website contains select Roman Catholic records searchable by name, year and parish. Luckily for the Griffin and Connell surnames, records for North Kerry parishes are available on the website.

    Census records for 1901 and 1911 are available at The records are searchable by surname and townland. Images of the census forms can be downloaded and printed.

    Land records are available on-line at the Valuation Office at The records are searchable by surname and county. For North Kerry, these records slightly predate Griffith’s Valuation. There are a number of websites pertaining to the Tithe Applotment books and to Griffith’s Valuation. The website of the National Archives of Ireland contains a number of interesting databases, including a Calendar of Wills that can be searched by surname, county and date of death.

    All records in Genealogical Troves ~ Volume Two need to be verified. There may be errors in transcription. Informants may have provided inaccurate details. Priests and civil registrars may have erred in recording events. Researchers who digitized the records may have made errors. Shamefully, I may have erred in copying names and dates.

    Dates of births and deaths in civil records should be considered approximations of the actual events. Since families had several months to report events, it sometimes happens that dates in civil records do not correspond with dates in the church registers. Irish babies are found to be baptized before they are reported as born, a situation no less amazing than the Mormon practice of baptizing deceased people. Ages in civil death records should be considered approximations of the actual ages. Frequently, informants only had estimates of the decedents’ actual ages.

    Family records in Genealogical Troves ~ Volume Two should be considered incomplete—this is especially the case with older records. Baptisms and marriages that occurred before the commencement of church registers are permanently lost. Deaths and burials were not recorded by the churches included in this volume. Illegibility of handwriting in the parish registers may have resulted in overlooked records or in erroneous interpretations of names and dates. Pages may be missing from the extant registers—chunks of pages appear to be missing in some registers. Families may not have reported events to the civil authorities. Errors of transcription may have occurred.

    Family records are in chronological order from the first occurrence of names in parish books or civil records. The names of witnesses and godparents are in parentheses. Question marks are used to indicate uncertainties in transcribing names, dates and townlands.

    Records for Griffin families include Listowel, Ballylongford and Ballybunion church records and civil records in the Listowel Union. Griffin records derive from a few contiguous civil parishes in North Kerry. Connell records are more widely dispersed geographically. Records for Connell families are separated into individual sections for Listowel, Ballylongford and Ballybunion parishes. The Listowel parish books included records for a diverse number of civil parishes, including Lixnaw, Duagh, Murher and others. Church records are combined with civil records for each family. Readers are advised to review all sections for the Connell surname, since couples may have married in one parish and raised their children in a different parish.

    Both Connell and O’Connell occur in church and civil records. There is little consistency, although O’Connell became more frequent in later years. So as not to encumber the text with copious apostrophes, Connell is used throughout.

    Lastly, a few records pertaining to surnames and townlands contained in Genealogical Troves ~ Volume One are at the conclusion of this volume. These records were found after Volume One was published.


    Griffin Families in the Vicinity of Ballybunion and Listowel

    Listowel, Ballylongford & Ballybunion Parish Books, 1804 – 1901

    Valuation Office - House & Tenure books, 1848 - 1850

    National Archives of Ireland – Calendar of Wills, 1875 - 1910

    Civil records of marriages and baptisms commence in 1864

    Civil record of deaths in the Listowel Union, 1871 – 1910 [images available on-line]

    Connell Families in the Vicinity of Ballybunion and Listowel

    Listowel Parish Books, 1802 – 1901

    Ballylongford Parish Books, 1823 – 1897

    Ballybunion Parish Books, 1831 - 1901

    Valuation Office - House & Tenure books, 1848 – 1852

    National Archives of Ireland – Calendar of Wills, 1858 - 1900

    Civil records of marriages and baptisms commence in 1864

    Civil record of deaths in the Listowel Union, 1871 – 1901 [images available on-line]


    Griffin Records ~ Tithe Applotment Bks.,

    House Books & Griffith’s Valuation

    The Griffin surname derives from the Irish O Griobhtha, translated descendant of the Griffin-like. As it is unlikely that our ancestors had the heads and wings of eagles and the bodies of lions, the surname probably refers to personal qualities of aggression and contentiousness. Early spellings included O Griofa and O Griffy. The Griffin surname is heavily represented throughout Munster.

    Tithe Applotment Book, 1827

    Denis Griffin, Faha, Kilconly

    John Griffin, Gortagrane West, Lisselton

    John Griffin & partners, Gortagrane West, Lisselton

    John Griffin, Kilgarvan, Lisselton

    Thomas Griffin, Beale, Kilconly

    Thomas Griffin, Gortagrane East

    House & Tenure Books, 1848 – 1851 (lessors in parentheses)

    Bridget Griffin, Drom (Connor Mulvihill)

    Cate Griffin, Killehenny (Thomas Leonard)

    Catherine Griffin, Tulla More (George Gun)

    Daniel Griffin, Islandganniv

    Daniel Griffin, Kilgarvan (John Lynch)

    Darby Griffin, Ballydonohoe (Edmund Walsh)

    Denis Griffin, Faha (Thomas O’Connor)

    Denis Griffin, Killehenny (Robert Cashel)

    Edmund Griffin, Barraduff

    Ellen Griffin, Ballingowan, (Michael Foley Jr.)

    Ellen Griffin, Gortcurreen (Lord Listowel)

    Ellen Griffin, Listowel (John Enright)

    Henry Griffin, Clievragh (Lord Listowel)

    Henry Griffin, Dromin, Listowel

    Henry Griffin, Listowel

    James Griffin, Bromore West (Mary Flahan)

    James Griffin, Bromore West (Michael Flahan)

    James Griffin, Bromore West (Thomas Flahan)

    James Griffin, Kilmulhane (John Walsh)

    John Griffin, Ballingowan (Thomas Foley)

    John Griffin, Ballingowan (Patrick Shanahan)

    John Griffin, Ballyeagh (Denis Harty)

    John Griffin, Ballyeagh (Mrs. Herrene)

    John Griffin, Faha (Thomas O’Connor)

    John Griffin, Moybella North (John Mulvihill)

    John Griffin, Tulla More (Gorge Gun)

    Kate Griffin, Moybella North

    Laurence Griffin, Clievragh (Daniel Leonard)

    Margaret Griffin, Gortcurreen (Maurice Byrne)

    Margaret Griffin, Gortcurreen (Maurice Flaherty)

    Margaret Griffin, Gortcurreen (Thomas Flaherty)

    Margaret Griffin, Killehenny (Thomas Leonard)

    Mary Griffin, Clievragh (Daniel Leonard)

    Mary Griffin, Killehenny (Thomas Leonard)

    Mary Griffin, Lyre (Matthew Doyle)

    Mary Griffin, Lyre (James Hennessy)

    Maurice Griffin, Lyre (Timothy Foley)

    Maurice Griffin, Tulla More (George Gun)

    Michael Griffin, Doon East (John Browne)

    Michael Griffin, Doon East (Martin Carroll)

    Michael Griffin, Doon East (Michael Hennessy)

    Michael Griffin, Doon East (Darby Seanlen)

    Michael Griffin, Faha (Thomas O’Connor)

    Norry Griffin, Lyre (John Blacker)

    Patrick Griffin, Ballybunion (Lord Burghersh)

    Patrick Griffin, Barnadarrig (Mrs. Church)

    Patrick Griffin, Dunferris

    Patrick Griffin, Faha (Thomas O’Connor)

    Patrick Griffin, Killehenny (Lord Burghersh)

    Patrick Griffin, Lahesheragh North (Patrick Francis)

    Patt Griffin, Barnadarrig (Mrs. Church)

    Patt Griffin, Barnadarrig (Tom Riordan)

    Patt Griffin, Killehenny (Thomas Leonard)

    Thomas Griffin, Bromore West (George Gun)

    Thomas Griffin, Curraghweesha (Michael Dee)

    Widow Griffin, Gortcurreen

    Griffith’s Valuation, 1852

    Timothy Griffin, Carrigane, Ballylongford Parish (Aghavallen)

    Daniel Griffin, Curraghderrig

    Julia Griffin, Larha

    Timothy Griffin, Letter

    Jeremiah Griffin, Ballydonohoe, Galey Parish

    Bridget Griffin, Leansaghane, Kilconly Parish

    John Griffin, Tulla More

    Catherine Griffin

    Patrick Griffin, Castlequarter

    James Griffin

    Thomas Griffin, Bromore West

    Johanna Griffin, Doon East, Killehenny Parish

    Patrick Griffin, Killehenny

    Denis Griffin

    Patrick Griffin, Ballybunion

    Patrick Griffin, Barnadarrig

    Ellen Griffin, Ballingowan, Lisselton Parish

    John Griffin, Moybella North

    Maurice Griffin, Lyre

    Patrick Griffin, Sr., Gortagrane

    Patrick Griffin, Jr.

    Margaret Griffin

    Patrick Griffin, Lahesheragh North

    Thomas Griffin, Curraghweesha

    Ellen Griffin, Gortcurreen, Listowel Parish

    Honoria Griffin, Listowel

    Ellen Griffin

    Laurence Griffin, Clievragh

    Mary Griffin

    Henry Griffin


    Griffin Records in Listowel,

    Ballylongford & Ballybunion

    R.C. Parish Books

    Johanna Griffin & Thomas Gallivan

    John, Jan. 1804 (Denis Connelly & Honora Healy), Listowel Parish

    Julia Griffin & Richard Murphy

    John, Sept. 1804 (J. Reliah & Margaret Scanlan), Listowel Parish

    Ellen, May 1809 (Patrick Griffin & Mary Griffin)

    Patrick, Apr. 1811 (Maurice Dunnivan & Mary Fitzmaurice)

    Johanna Griffin & Thomas Paradine

    Elizabeth, Feb. 1805 (Martin Griffin & Ellen ?), Listowel Parish

    Patrick Griffin & Ellen Enright

    Patrick, Feb. 1805 (Thomas Harding & Mary Doulin), Listowel Parish

    Bridget, Sept. 1810 (John Bunion & Ellen Brien)

    Daniel Griffin & Ellen Shea

    Daniel, Augt. 1805 (Thomas Morgan & Elizabeth Murphy), Listowel

    Michael Griffin & Catherine Reidy

    Daniel, Sept. 1805 (Thomas Griffin & Mary Shea), Listowel Parish

    Michael Griffin & Johanna Griffin

    William, Oct. 1805 (Patrick Connor & Ellen Swiney), Listowel Parish

    Ellen Griffin & Michael Dillane

    Michael, Oct. 1805 (Patrick Dee & Catherine Fitzmaurice), Listowel Parish

    Maurice Griffin & Margaret Mulvihill

    Maurice, Nov. 1806 (Daniel Brisnahan &

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