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Broken to Better Women’s Daily De-Votional: 365 Daily Devotional
Broken to Better Women’s Daily De-Votional: 365 Daily Devotional
Broken to Better Women’s Daily De-Votional: 365 Daily Devotional
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Broken to Better Women’s Daily De-Votional: 365 Daily Devotional

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About this ebook

Tamieka Croskey Taylor is a mother of three children and the proud grandmother of one nine-month-old baby girl. Tamieka has spent the past fourteen years as a licensed cosmetologist who truly enjoys her career. It’s been during her career where she poured into the lives of the women whom she services. She’s been involved in music ministry for over thirty years because singing Gospel is her first love. In 2018, she hosted her first Women’s Conference called “Broken to Better” Women’s Conference. In 2020, she launched the actual ministry. The ministry stands on the scripture of Psalm 34:17–18. She has spoken at various women’s conferences and is currently enrolled in ministerial training classes. “I just love GOD, and I want to be a blessing to other BROKEN women by giving them the tools necessary to become BETTER because I, too, was that broken women.”
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 11, 2020
Broken to Better Women’s Daily De-Votional: 365 Daily Devotional

Tamieka Croskey Taylor

Tamieka Croskey Taylor is a mother of three children and the proud grandmother of one nine-month-old baby girl. Tamieka has spent the past fourteen years as a licensed cosmetologist who truly enjoys her career. It’s been during her career where she poured into the lives of the women whom she services. She’s been involved in music ministry for over thirty years because singing Gospel is her first love. In 2018, she hosted her first Women’s Conference called “Broken to Better” Women’s Conference. In 2020, she launched the actual ministry. The ministry stands on the scripture of Psalm 34:17–18. She has spoken at various women’s conferences and is currently enrolled in ministerial training classes. “I just love GOD, and I want to be a blessing to other BROKEN women by giving them the tools necessary to become BETTER because I, too, was that broken women.”

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    Broken to Better Women’s Daily De-Votional - Tamieka Croskey Taylor

    Copyright © 2020 by Tamieka Croskey Taylor.

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    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Rev. date: 11/10/2020




    This book is presented to:

    Definition of


    (of a person) having given up all hope; despairing.

    Definition of


    partly or fully recovered from illness, injury, or mental stress; less unwell.

    To all BROKEN women who desire to become BETTER through encouragement, motivation, and the principles of God’s Word. I believe in you, sis. I pray that you believe in yourself as much as myself and God does! It’s time to be healed, sis! REACH FOR YOUR HEALING! Get ready for a LIFE-CHANGING experience!






    I AM SUPER excited that you chose to make the first step in seeking your healing from that which broke you by purchasing this devotional. It isn’t easy to admit that we are broken, let alone admit that we need some form of healing. This devotional will be unlike any that you have probably read because this was truly a GOD move. I knew that I had several books on the inside of me, and it was MY desire to write and publish my biography, but God said NO, that wasn’t my first book. Around three o’clock one morning, when God usually wakes me to commune with Him, I heard the Holy Spirit say, Women’s Daily Devotional. Still unsure of what that meant, I just lay there and began to pray and ask God for clarity, and then it all began to unfold. I began to write notes on my cell phone so that I wouldn’t forget HIS specific instructions. Broken to Better Women’s Ministry was birthed from a conference two years prior. What I THOUGHT that God gave me was just the vision to do a conference where women with relatable issues can gather to support one another turned into something far greater than my eyes could imagine. Yokes were destroyed! Women were healed, delivered, and set FREE! Here we are in 2020, year 3 of preparing for the Broken to Better Women’s Conference, and LIFE CHANGED! I had to cancel the conference because we were in the middle of a pandemic called COVID-19. This deadly virus changed the way we did a lot of things. We wear masks for protection everywhere we go. Businesses had to shut down, and lots even had to close permanently. We couldn’t gather in large groups, so churches had to close, and church became an online experience for quite a while. Quarantine life has become our new norm. I’ve lost loved ones during this pandemic that had my WHOLE LIFE SHOOK! It was during this time that I began to seek the Father LIKE NEVER BEFORE. During my free time at home, since I wasn’t working for months, I created a space in my home that was dedicated to GOD—my personal SANCTUARY. It is just peaceful in the ROOM. In the ROOM is where HEALING takes place. In the ROOM is where Prayer and Praise takes place. I had to OBEY GOD and come away from the crowd for HIM to do this work in me. I unplugged from all social media platforms for months to commune with HIM to write these Daily Devotionals. I thought that God wanted me to maybe do 30 days, but He said, Daughter, you need me 365, and so does the women I wanna use you to bless. It is TRULY an honor to be a vessel for HIS GLORY, and I get emotional as I type this because I can truly relate to being a BROKEN woman because I, too, WAS her. The pandemic of COVID-19 birthed something in me! It stirred up a FIRE within my SOUL. I pray that my heart and soul flow throughout the pages of this book and that you catch the OVERFLOW of the blessings it gave birth to. Broken Women, I speak that you will no longer linger in BROKENNESS and that you WILL become BETTER through Christ Jesus. RECEIVE and BELIEVE that Word! Blessings,

    Tamieka Croskey Taylor




    January         Brokenness

    February       Love

    March           Miracles

    April              Prayer

    May               Sin

    June               Trials

    July                Obedience

    August          Faith

    September    Devotion to God

    October        Forgiveness

    November    Healing

    December     Deliverance




    January 1

    I SEE YA, girl! Look at you seeking your healing. I know that there are several things in your life that BROKE you, but taking this first step on day 1 to become BETTER is the step in the right direction! DON’T STOP HERE! Keep PUSHING, PRAYING, and PRESSING! Remember this scripture to carry you through: The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18 NIV).




    January 2

    A RE YOU DAMAGED goods? Is this a question that you sometimes ask yourself? Well, I’ve DEFINITELY asked myself this more times than I’d like to admit. Let me encourage you by saying, NO, hun. When you BREAK a vase, it appears that it can no longer be used, but let me tell you that there’s such a thing called Gorilla GLUE (lol). As for YOU, my dear, God can STILL USE YOU too! You’re never too Broken to be a vessel. The Potter wants to put you back together again. Let HIM! Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand (Isaiah 64:8 NIV).




    January 3

    D EPRESSION IS SOMETHING I think we’ve all faced. For some of us, it’s not as easy to fight our way out of depression. We sometimes need therapy and even medication, and that’s perfectly OK. Everything doesn’t work for everyone, so I pray that God opens up avenues specifically for you to help BEGIN the process of digging your way out of depression. Lean on this scripture because God is ALWAYS there: The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV).




    January 4

    T HE CYCLE OF life will always include death. Losing someone is NEVER an easy thing, and it can BREAK your heart into a million pieces. I’ve lost loved ones and needed to be comforted. I’ve had to comfort others as well. Words will never take away the pain, so sometimes it’s just best to say I LOVE YOU, AND I AM HERE FOR YOU. Today I pray this scripture over your life and that the God almighty be a comforter for you: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4 NIV).




    January 5

    S INCE ADULTHOOD, EVERY party that I had was planned and given to myself, mainly because of my efforts to CONTROL every single detail that I wanted to take place. (I try to plan my life’s details too.) Parties are meant to be FUN, right? Not all parties are. I can recall throwing myself PITY parties and inviting others to join me. Life comes with obstacles, so we must be VERY CAREFUL not to pity ourselves. When you find yourself headed in that direction, speak POSITIVE WORDS OF AFFIRMATION. If you constantly complain about everything that’s WRONG, you will never be able to see what’s RIGHT in your life. No more pity parties! Remember this scripture: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21 ESV).




    January 6

    I N ALL SITUATIONS, God has given us a word to lean on. Even when we are Broken by sickness, you can still find HOPE in God’s Word. Stand on this scripture and BELIEVE in your BREAKTHROUGH Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven (James 5:14–15 ESV).




    January 7

    O FTENTIMES WE GET STUCK in the past. We can’t move forward because of what took place years ago. It’s time to break those chains of bondage, sis. What’s ahead is much greater than that hurt you experienced. When you hold on to the past, you’re delaying your destiny! MOVE! Put one foot in front of the other and walk into your destiny! The sun is shining on the other side! There’s joy on the other side! I’m rooting for you! But forget all that.. it is nothing compared to what I am going to do (Isaiah 43:18 NLT).




    January 8

    S OMETIMES I’M JUST plain ol’ tired! Tired of the same thing crushing my spirits. Whether you are tired of failing at career or personal goals, family situations, or relationships, you must know that God will give you peace concerning it. Don’t FEAR or FOLD! He’ll work it out! Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22 ESV).




    January 9

    W HO’S TO BLAME, sis? Who hurt you? Who violated your trust? Who violated your innocence? Who didn’t protect you? Who didn’t take care of you? Who scandalized your name? I’m sure when you’re asking yourself these questions, certain faces appear, but let me encourage you by saying that HUMANS are used by Satan to do these hurtful things. The physical attack was a person, but Satan was behind that attack. So let’s put the blame where it belongs—Satan—and now that we KNOW who’s behind that thing that broke you, we can decree and declare this: No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD (Isaiah 54:17 KJV).




    January 10

    G UESS WHAT, SIS. You’re still tackling this thing called LIFE! The mere fact that you’re still here shows that you actually didn’t BREAK. It was just a BEND, and your BOUNCE BACK is going to be BETTER than before! Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up (Psalm 71:20 NIV).




    January 11

    S O YOU’VE BEEN dumped yet again? Your heart is broken! What are you putting off that makes them run? You get the same ol’ speech about how GREAT of a woman you are, but he’s not ready. Even your friends can’t understand why you are STILL single. Let me give you a different perspective. Instead of reviewing what you attributed, take a closer look at what he attributed. If you’re going in giving your all but he’s hesitant to give you half of what you offer, is that the type of person you REALLY wanna spend your life with? I often say that you can’t LOVE unless you LEAP, but be cautious in your leaping because you JUST might end up with someone who doesn’t deserve you. I’m not male bashing because there are still some GREAT available men out there. That REJECTION could’ve been for your PROTECTION. WAIT ON GOD! Don’t rush! A great meal takes preparation to cook. The same goes for a great man! Let it marinate a little longer. God is preparing him for you, and in the meantime, WORK ON SELF! He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds (Psalm

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