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Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-Being: Let Us Be Conscious
Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-Being: Let Us Be Conscious
Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-Being: Let Us Be Conscious
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-Being: Let Us Be Conscious

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About this ebook

This book is an expression of the maturity of my vocation as a healer and my profession as a medical doctor, that has given me the tools and the opportunity to find and to share more wellbeing in our lives.
If we become more conscious of our awareness, we will be able to get in touch with an infinite capacity to create richer stages of being. During the passages of my book I will share with you, spiritual truths that I consider very important to be conscious in the pursue of higher stages of wellbeing.
Throughout the chapters of the book, we will get in touch with our capacity to always expand our conscious reality. I include concepts that will help us to be conscious of who we are, and how to experience with more easiness and elegancy our holographic reality.
We explore concepts of the importance of been more in charge of our day and night dreams, but mainly to be able to accept that we are experiencing a real illusion reality. The power of forgiveness, the love, and the celebration of the gifts of life are also included with the main goal of helping us to be more aware of our capacity to consciously create our own reality. To expand it in an un-limited way, all at our disposition.
You will be able to understand that always will be more and that we are a precious conscious gem who co-creates precious gems realities.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 17, 2020
Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-Being: Let Us Be Conscious

Raul Llanos MD

Raul Llanos, M.D. was born in Colombia, South America and immigrated to the United States. He has been practicing medicine for more than forty-nine years. He has been in private practice since he finished his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tulane Medical School. His passion is and has been the healing as a result of our self-integration. We are spiritual beings experiencing this physical mental, emotional and spiritual reality. We have the privilege to consciously create our own reality.

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    Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-Being - Raul Llanos MD

    Copyright © 2020 Raul Llanos, MD.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5764-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5766-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5765-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020921378

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/16/2020


    Consciousness-Spirituality-Immune System

    and More are all Inter-related

    Letter To The Reader


    1.     Let Us Be Conscious Of The Experience Of Our Consciousness

    2.     Let Us Be Conscious Of Our Holographic Reality

    3.     Let Us Be Conscious That We Are Living A Real Dream

    4.     Let Us Be Conscious That We Are The Dreamers

    5.     Let Us Be Conscious That Nothing Changes Unless We Change

    6.     Let Us Be Conscious Of The Power Of Forgiveness

    7.     Let Us Be Conscious That We Can Accelerate The Evolution Of Our Consciousness

    8.     Let Us Be Conscious Of Embracing Love And That We Are Love

    9.     Let Us Be Conscious Of The Gift Of Life

    10.   Let Us Be Conscious That There Will Always Be More

    11.   Let Us Be Conscious Of The Acceptation, The Valuing And The Celebration Of Our Reality

    12.   Let Us Be Conscious Of Other Remarkable Spiritual Truths


    About The Author

    Special Thanks


    "The experience of life always gives us the opportunity

    to accelerate our conscious evolution."

    "We are the choice makers. Let us choose our most appropriate

    spiritual truths at this time in our conscious evolution."

    —Raul Llanos, MD

    In my reflections during this pandemic experience from my special, comfortable cave that is my home, I have become more aware of the significance of the spiritual truths in the continuation of my conscious awareness for higher levels of well-being I want to share in this book.

    The coronavirus is helping us update the meaning and significance of our existence. We will find messages of reflection that will help us continue our conscious spiritual growth. We are consciousness. Night and day, we dream to do, to have, and to be. We are the dreamers, and we are the dream. We are consciousness.



    dedicate this book to my beautiful grandchildren, and I express my love, appreciation, and gratitude for the joy they bring to my life.

    "We are a stage of being. Duality is one of our possibilities. Let us accept

    our stages of being. Let us love, respect, honor, and admire them."


    You will find unique and powerful spiritual truths in this book.

    I began to write this book months ago, but I was distracted by other activities, and then the coronavirus pandemic became part of our reality. This opportunity, full of challenges, provided me the opportunity to accelerate my conscious awareness of who I really am. By becoming more aware of who I am, by accepting and updating who I am, I am able to create more well-being, and my immune system will become stronger.

    In my inner space, which is always growing, I have found more silence and knowledge of what really matters in our existence. In this book, I will convey to you this understanding and other insights to actualize new meanings and significance in our experiences that will help us navigate more-comfortable and prosperous futures full of hope and trust. In those truths, we will encounter silence and joy that will help us realize our dreams in an accelerated way. Everything is in ourselves; we have all the necessary equipment including the love, intuition, will, and deep knowing that in the infinite possibilities, our futures will be better.

    It is time to exercise our right, desirability, and worth. Every moment, we have opportunities to self-realize. During this pandemic, the challenges and opportunities to grow and become more in touch with our spiritual reality can be deeply explored. Our true reality is our spiritual reality, the reality silently in ourselves that at every moment creates our life experiences.

    We are spirits in disguise; our freedom, abundance, creativity, beauty, joy, authority, and many more realities that we are continuously looking for are present in our spiritual essence. I am looking to help you with this book to become aware of very important truths in our existence that will help us to consciously create our own reality.

    Let us be grateful of the deep spiritual meaning that we can own based on the experience of quarantine and many other challenges that disrupt our daily activities but paradoxically give us the opportunity to enrich our lives. We can find more about our capacity for humility, forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves, nature, and everybody else.

    With the new insights, I hope we grow in the opportunities of this pandemic not only to have more productive meaning and significance in our lives but also in our deaths. When we let go of the past, something new always wakes up in us. Death is the ultimate healing. A new experience will appear spontaneously and continue our everlasting journey.

    New experiences always come. There is mystery in God’s eternal reality and in our lives. This mysterious reality cannot be denied. The reality mysteriously continues to magically expand. We all have stories to tell. We can always change our perceptions and create different stories. If we become more conscious of our higher values of existence, we will choose a much more pleasant future.

    We can consciously accelerate the pace of new discoveries that are always available in the mystery of our existence. We can consciously expand knowledge in the sciences to be comfortable with the truth that we create our reality. It is time to celebrate our eternal existence, our infinite possibilities, and the gift of our lives.

    Unless we live our lives with an open mind and look to the future as a reference instead of the past and consciously understand our spiritual reality, it will be very difficult if not impossible for us to find new ways of living in a world in which there should be more cooperation, understanding, and abundance of the tangibles and intangibles of our reality. We need to change the qualities of our will and choices; our futures are waiting for us with new abilities and more-complete understanding of who we are.

    Our reality begins to sound mystical and mysterious, and that is true. Throughout history, we have always been attracted by mystery; the greatest discoveries of science have always been prompted by the need to explore the unknown, the duality, the space between the yin and yang, and the acceptance of magic and mystery. Once we become part of a new reality, we will continue to explore the magic of a good enough well-being knowing that there is a richer complexity in each one of the steps and the totality of our holographic existence.

    In our thoughts, feelings, and sensations exists the attraction for us to find more self-realization and well-being. We are continuously talking to ourselves; we have an inner dialogue of more than sixty thousand thoughts per day that we are looking to transcend so we can find higher stages of well-being and more-comfortable realities. It is our natural tendency to find, better to say to allow, higher stages of being. Let us be grateful that luckily, we cocreate with God our own reality. God’s reality is mysterious, and we are part of it. We can always reach higher levels of beautiful and joyful futures by consciously paying attention to the spirituality of our existence.

    We all have the wisdom necessary to find more-comfortable realities. If we become more in touch with ourselves and accept who we are, we can accelerate the realization of our wishes, desires, and visions. The coronavirus pandemic has given us a unique opportunity to accelerate our growth. By reading, pondering, and meditating on my book, you will confirm the spiritual truths in you about yearning and longing and the realization of more-comfortable conscious realities not far from your reach.

    As a way of illustrating the magic and mystery in our

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