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Millennium Falcon and the White Stallion:: Ali and the Sword of the Euphrates
Millennium Falcon and the White Stallion:: Ali and the Sword of the Euphrates
Millennium Falcon and the White Stallion:: Ali and the Sword of the Euphrates
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Millennium Falcon and the White Stallion:: Ali and the Sword of the Euphrates

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The Arabian tribes present the struggle between the extremely wealthy and reason, the war between the souls of men, of rich and poor, of heroes and gods of the Millennium age, predicted that a strange and enchanted event would happen on holy lands and all the race of men would be affected. The struggle is real but does not belong to the most primitive times but in the contemporary space age of the ultra-modern man. This is the story of two friends and also first cousins Ali and Ahmed, and their journey through vast regions of desert lands to discover and unravel the truth, legend and mystery of the Sword of the Euphrates, dropped by the Millennium Falcon, and which saved Ali’s life during a cross fire, in a fierce battle raging in the deserts of Syria and so close to the river Euphrates, when he was a little boy.

Release dateNov 20, 2020
Millennium Falcon and the White Stallion:: Ali and the Sword of the Euphrates

Amrit Rattan

AMRIT RATTAN, lives in bonnie wee Scotland, with her wee family, her two wee pets, with ancient Greek names. This is the story of Ali and Ahmed, from Syria, who plan to travel to Damascus on a journey of great adventure. She studied humanities, Syrian art history and linguistics at her Scottish university, and loves to write books for children of all ages.

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    Millennium Falcon and the White Stallion: - Amrit Rattan



    Ali and the Sword of the Euphrates



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    Published by AuthorHouse  11/11/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-8176-9 (sc)

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    Eupharates – Calling

    Damascus – The Drive

    Izra – The Council

    Mahardeh – The Ride

    Aleppo – Nightfall

    Azaz – Far Places In The Sun

    Bosra – Loves And Lives

    Baniyas – Superspace

    Ras Alyan – No Contact

    Saraqib – Delegate

    Al Safira – Heritage

    Binnish – Force

    Talkalakh – Janina

    Rif Dimashq – Sara

    Taldoud – Muhammad

    Tadmur – Ahmed

    Palmyra – Ali

    Tartus – Desert Nova

    Quneitra – Games

    Duma – Chain of Command

    Latakia Atarib – Birds

    Arihah – Ravens

    Talbiseh – Crows

    Jisr Al Shughar – Stallions

    Salqin – Hot Days

    Tell Abyad – Mirrors

    Zabadani – Past

    Idlib – Present

    Raqqa – Future

    Jableh – Child Of Desert

    Manjib – Tribes

    Dier El Zor – Camels

    Harasta – Talk

    Al – Hasakah

    Daraa – Thrive

    Nawa – Bait

    Ayn Al Arab – Gods Be

    Al – Swwayda – Fires

    Yabroud – River

    Salkhad – Shield

    Hama – Relics

    Safita – Songs

    Salaquin – Sirens

    Qamishi – Masks

    Abu Kamal – Arrival

    Fiq – Departure

    Afrin - Atom

    Al – Bab – Surface

    Izra – Interface

    Binnish – Below

    Graveyard – Above

    Jarabulus – Dead

    Mayadin – Voices

    Qatana – Time

    Tadmur – Distant Deserts

    The struggle continues in the deserts between tribes, till the first appearance of the Millennium Falcon. He is seen standing in the crossfire between shots fired and a little Syrian boy. The transition from a world of battles to a glorious world is sudden and rapturous, a vision to behold, amidst the scattered lives of nomadic tribes, settlements, cities, and the river Euphrates. It is a single memorable event, and the stage is set for a mythical change in the story of the desert lands and its many tribes.


    Ali was special, a thinker and a doer. He was skinny and spent his time on fences, with camels and neighbours, near the river Euphrates. One day in his wanderings, he saw a shiny sword in the desert, lying next to a map. For a second, he was taken aback; he stood frozen on the spot. A complete stranger walked past and ignored him. He quickly picked up the sword, it was tiny but it seemed to have attracted his attention. He took it, put it in the buckle of his belt and ran home laughing. Suddenly flying overhead, he saw the falcon and it swooped low and flew past him. It was the one that had saved him in Syria.

    Ahmed – We should do a school play about it and tell everyone; it will distract them from their worries. I think there will be a great audience for it. We could do a tour through all the villages. We would need some boys and girls.

    Ali – Well alright then, I think, the significant amount of time we will spend, will make us fail all our exams.

    Ahmed – But think what we can create, something, wild, dynamic, and beautiful – from the initial time, to the end. I could write it if you can narrate it.

    Ali – That is difficult to answer, what about music, stage movement, dress, lights, and action.

    Ahmed – Maybe we could do that, with emotional love and truth, the feeling of internal monologue, all that stuff.

    Ali – Express, the truth, oh how people feel in their internal dialogue, and enrich it. Quite powerful.

    Ahmed – I think that is a wonderful idea. The conversation of this time will set on fire the audience’s imagination.

    Ali – The first time, I saw the sword, I was excited, I cannot remember clearly but I think I mainly saw the edge gleaming. Yes, I was startled, then an obnoxious man went past, I thought he would take the silver sword and run with it. I quickly grabbed it, it is then that I saw my saviour falcon, it came down and flew right over my head.

    Ahmed – Gosh that is the best script I have heard read, even at a young age, I knew there was something special about you. I feel like I have been cast forever as an eponymous orphan in the deserts, but to follow you in your great adventures. I have no memory of when you became my leader, perhaps, when my mother gave birth to me. I like you, love the sands, I remember making a special trip to the market to get a pen, so I could write in class. I thought this would make me feel like the clever boy in class, only later I realized it aided my memory to do well.

    Ali – I wish I could

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