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Handbook for Marriage Preparation: A Biblical Perspective with Cultural Implications
Handbook for Marriage Preparation: A Biblical Perspective with Cultural Implications
Handbook for Marriage Preparation: A Biblical Perspective with Cultural Implications
Ebook219 pages1 hour

Handbook for Marriage Preparation: A Biblical Perspective with Cultural Implications

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About this ebook

This handbook is written to help busy pastors, missionaries, lay counselors and marriage mentors with a structured course for conducting marriage preparation. Topics addressed:
1) View of Marriage. What expectations does each partner have about marriage?
2) Family of Origin. How does each partner feel about his or her own family background? What traits of their family background does each partner want to or not want to carry into their marriage?
3) Roles. Does the couple have a biblical understanding of their marital roles?
4) Communication. Does each partner feel heard by the other? Does each person feel comfortable sharing feelings with the other?
5) Conflict resolution. Does the couple have the ability to resolve problems without destructive side effects?
6) Parenting. Do both partners want to have children? How will they be taken care of, and by whom?
7) Sex. What are their views of sex before marriage? Who or what are their sources for sex education?
8) Finances. How are money matters to be decided? Have they agreed on a budget?
Release dateNov 23, 2020
Handbook for Marriage Preparation: A Biblical Perspective with Cultural Implications

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    Book preview

    Handbook for Marriage Preparation - Rev. Dr Gabriel Gan

    Copyright © 2020 by Rev. Dr Gabriel Gan.

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5437-6185-6

                   Softcover         978-1-5437-6184-9

                   eBook              978-1-5437-6186-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Need for Marriage Preparation


    Chapter 2 The Marriage Preparation Class

    Why the Course Should Be Taught

    Who Should Attend the Course

    Who Should Conduct the Course

    When the Course Should Be Offered

    Where the Course Should Be Held

    How to Make the Course Effective

    What Should Be Taught

    Chapter 3 The Marriage Preparation Curriculum

    Session One: Assessment and Christian Marriage

    Part One: Eligibility Assessment and Review of PDI

    Part Two: Marriage as God Intended

    Marriage Was Instituted by God

    Marriage Was Idealised by God

    Cultural Issues

    Practice of Polygamy

    Arranged Marriages

    Dependence on Parents


    Chapter 4 The Marriage Preparation Curriculum

    Session Two: Roles and Family Background

    Part One: Husband-Wife Relationships

    The Biblical Role of the Wife

    The Biblical Role of the Husband

    Cultural Issues


    Part Two: Family Background

    Exercise: Drawing a Family Tree


    Cultural Issues


    Chapter 5 The Marriage Preparation Curriculum

    Session Three: Finances and In-Laws

    Part One: Finances

    Biblical Philosophy of Money


    Attitudes toward Money


    Practical Advice on Financial Matters

    Cultural Issues

    Part Two: In-laws or Out-laws?

    Cultural Issues

    Practical Considerations

    Pastoral Advice



    Chapter 6 The Marriage Preparation Curriculum

    Session Four: Sex and Parenting

    Part One: Biblical Perspective of Sex

    Biblical Purposes for Sex

    Biblical Principles of Sex

    Cultural Issues

    Sex as a Taboo Subject

    Living in a Global Age



    Part Two: Parenting and Children

    Parenting Styles

    Parental Role in Discipline

    Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

    Deuteronomy 6:6–11 (KJV)

    Cultural Issues

    Boys Favoured over Girls

    Pregnancy Issues

    Father’s Involvement



    Chapter 7 Marriage Preparation Curriculum

    Session Five: Communication and Conflict Resolution

    Part One: Marital Communication

    Necessity of Communication

    Components of Communication

    Choosing the Right Words

    Using the Appropriate Tone of Voice

    Using Appropriate Forms of Non-Verbal Communication

    Five Levels of Communication

    Principles of Effective Communication

    Barriers to Effective Communication

    Benefits of Effective Communication

    Cultural Issues


    Part Two: Conflict Resolution

    Causes of Conflict

    Strategies for Resolving Conflict

    Cultural Issues


    Money Matters




    Chapter 8 Marriage Preparation Curriculum

    Session Six: Wedding and Marriage Enrichment

    Part One: Wedding Preparations

    Cultural Issues

    Choosing an Auspicious Wedding Date

    The Dowry

    The Tea Ceremony

    Solemnisation at the Church

    The Wedding Gown

    The Wedding Banquet

    Part Two: Marriage Enrichment

    Speaking the Spouse’s Love Language

    Building Intimacy

    Intimacy Defined

    How Intimacy Is Developed

    Attending Marriage Enrichment

    Seeking Help Early


    Appendix A

    Personal Data Inventory

    Personal Information

    Your Family Background

    Your Spiritual Background

    Your Health

    Your Personality

    Appendix B

    Pre-Marriage Interview

    Appendix C

    Financial Questionnaires

    Appendix D

    Comparison of Role Concepts


    Premarital Counselling Books/Manuals

    Books on Chinese Culture/Customs

    Devotional Books for Couples

    This book is

    affectionately dedicated to

    Alice, my beloved wife and faithful

    companion of thirty-seven years,

    and our four children and their spouses:

    Daniel and Fuyu, Timothy and Liz, Priscilla and

    Benjamin, Deborah and Kenji, and our two lovely

    grandchildren: Leia Kwok and Matthias Siow.

    20 September 2020


    Someone told me today that there are lots of books out there about marriage counselling.

    True. But I was very happy to get a copy of this book to read because of my long personal acquaintance with Dr Gabriel Gan. Over twenty years ago, a mutual friend introduced us, and I got to know him when I preached for him at one of the churches he has pastored in Singapore. We travelled together on an international teaching trip and had all kinds of experiences there. Later, he came to Taiwan, where I live, and ministered in a parallel ministry there. Seeing him in different settings and facing a variety of challenges let me see many facets to his personality and character. I have watched him over the many years and have found him to be a person who cares for others and seeks to minister to them.

    As an older single man myself, I have observed a full range of married people over the years. Dr Gan writes in the book what he lives out himself: he is pleased to be married, sincerely enjoying being with his wife. Still, marriage does not limit him from ministering in distant foreign countries. I have also heard his wife say clearly that wives should submit to their husbands. I purposely noted in the book whether he merely wrote from his many years of marriage. You will see that he hardly mentions his marital and parenting experience. I like this book because it presents what the Bible says and not just a series of lessons he learned by experience.

    Dr Gan has made a special effort to include in this material issues and challenges that Christians in Asia face as they prepare for marriage and then enjoy their married life together. Because of this sensitivity to Asian norms, this book stands out among books that were written in other parts of the world. If you come from an Asian background or are counselling a couple that have Asian heritage, I think this book will help you be aware of potential issues that you should discuss.

    You will enjoy using this material again and again!

    Dr Mark Lehman

    PhD, Bob Jones University

    Kaohsiung, Taiwan


    First, I want to thank my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for enabling me to persevere in writing this handbook.

    Second, I am indebted to many people for their help and support in its completion. I am grateful to Dr Jonathan Ang for his commitment to my success, Dr Mark Lehman for writing the foreword, members of Emmanuel Baptist Fellowship, Faith Independent Baptist Church, and many other friends for their love and prayers.

    Third, I am thankful to my daughter Priscilla for drawing the illustrations and the moral support from all family members.

    Last but not least, I am grateful to my dear wife, Alice, for her enthusiastic encouragement and sponsoring the publication of this handbook.

    Without the help and support of the above, I would not have been able to publish this book, which I hope will be useful to my comrades in ministry (pastors, missionaries, marriage mentors, and counsellors), especially those ministering in Asian churches. For those who are married, this handbook can be a refresher course to strengthen their marital commitment.

    May God be pleased to use this small contribution to bless his people.

    Soli Deo gloria!




    In a public seminar for deputy registrars in Singapore, an American Chinese professor shared his observations of a progressively negative change in attitude towards marriage in the People’s Republic of China.¹ Many years ago when he first went to China to conduct seminars, he noticed that the Chinese used to ask each other, ‘Have you eaten?’ [你吃饱了吗 ni chi bao le ma?] when they greeted one another. Some years later, when he was invited back to do more seminars, he noted that the greeting had changed to ‘Have you made money?’ [你发了吗 ni fa le ma?]. In recent years, when he lectured in China, he was shocked to learn that the greeting was ‘Have you divorced?’ [你离了吗 ni li le ma?].

    The social moorings of Chinese society have changed sharply. Marriage, once viewed as a sacred institution which requires lifelong commitment, is now viewed with suspicion and scorn. An increasing number of couples today are advocating cohabitation as an alternative to marriage, citing the rising divorce rates in defence of their practice. This trend is neither biblical, nor the solution to couples breaking up, either legally (as in a marriage relationship) or non-legally (as in a cohabitation relationship).

    But one must not, so to speak, throw away the baby with the bathwater. Marriage is good and honourable (Hebrews 13:4). Rising divorce rates do not change that fact; they only point to the sad state of the human heart and man’s need to be reconciled to his Creator. More importantly, it shows the necessity of marriage preparation classes in churches for couples planning to get married, since professing Christian couples are not immune from society’s moral and social ills.²

    Need for Marriage Preparation

    Next in importance to trusting the Lord Jesus Christ as one’s personal Saviour is a person’s decision of whom to marry. The former has to do with one’s eternal destiny and the latter with one’s happiness and productivity on earth. Marrying the wrong person or for the wrong reasons can result in a life of misery on earth. Hence, there is a tremendous need to prepare young people in the church for marriage.

    In his review of the situation of marriage and family life in Singapore in the 1980s, John Lim concluded that many couples are ill-prepared for marital life. Thus, there is a need to educate Chinese Christian young people in matters pertaining to the biblical concepts of marriage and family life.³ This need has not changed since. In fact, it is even more necessary than ever for couples to prepare for marriage in this rapidly changing world. Marriage is a lifelong relationship (‘till death do us part’) and should not be entered into unadvisedly or hastily. Many couples tend to spend much time and money planning the details of the wedding ceremony and banquet but neglect to prepare for the marital relationship that lasts a lifetime.

    Besides requiring couples planning to get married to attend a marriage preparation class, the writer proposes that such a class be taught as part of the

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