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Pieces of Me: Riding a Dark Horse
Pieces of Me: Riding a Dark Horse
Pieces of Me: Riding a Dark Horse
Ebook78 pages36 minutes

Pieces of Me: Riding a Dark Horse

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About this ebook

Dark horse, vanilla life. A phrase given to the author in a dream, without a clue as to its meaning. To her, for her. She was told you have a lot of passionate energy, and you've judged this aspect of yourself, making it go into a dark corner. But without this passion, this magic, you're living a vanilla life instead of the rich fullness of everything that could come if you ride the dark horse. With this book, she's saddled up.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 24, 2020
Pieces of Me: Riding a Dark Horse

Phyllis Hailey

Life is not going to wait for you. Live your life. Be who you are. Do it now. There's time. These were a father's words relayed to his daughter, the author, after he passed away. She didn't know this meant writing about being vulnerable, honest, raw, and intimate with the details about her journey, her life. And then sharing it with others.

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    Pieces of Me - Phyllis Hailey

    Copyright © 2020 Phyllis Hailey.

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    Cover Design by: SG Hawkins

    Interior Image Credit: Phyllis Hailey

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5619-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5620-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020919376

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/23/2020



    Preface - Acknowledgements


    Her Story




    Straw Stick Brick









    Through the Woods


    PR Team






    I Miss It





    Life is not going to wait for you. Live your life. Be who you are. Do it now. There’s time.

    A dad’s words to his youngest daughter. She didn’t know she needed to hear this. From him.

    And now I’m breathing into the dream, speaking life into

    words. Finding my voice. Being who I am.

    Preface - Acknowledgements

    So one day my therapist said to me you need to write yourself out of it. This book (my it) is a result of her seemingly simple instruction. It wasn’t always simple. Or easy. Sure, there were picnic times but also battlefield experiences. All I can say now is it’s been a hell of a ride thus far. Breakthroughs, growth, and healing have been realized. Along with patience, weary eyes, and exhausted ears. No, not me. But those who have held my hand, guided me with a GPS app, bought stock and carried chocolate and tissues simultaneously, tuned me in (not out), and supported me just with their presence in my life. Thank you so much.

    I am also so thankful to Loretta, Jovanna, Anita, Randi, Heidi, and my NQG hiking partners (aka sounding board at times). I am especially grateful to my friend and muse, Laurie. There were literally times you propped me up. I am so appreciative you’re always there.

    And I have felt the presence of my Dad and my Grandma standing behind me even though they no longer walk this earth.

    In addition, I wish to thank Balboa Publishing for their help and support in publishing this book.



    Here I am. It’s called Logic River. I’m here without a paddle; actually, not even a

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