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The Sirens from Sagittarius: South Pole of the Moon
The Sirens from Sagittarius: South Pole of the Moon
The Sirens from Sagittarius: South Pole of the Moon
Ebook135 pages1 hour

The Sirens from Sagittarius: South Pole of the Moon

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About this ebook

In this book, Richard is a Distinguished Professor in the field of Astrophysics, interested in everything, to do with outer space, from solar heliosheaths, to traversable worm holes, and Closed time like curves, CTC’s. His only passion is to discover a novel means to time travel. He is almost there when things begin to go awry. This is his story, beginning to end.

Release dateNov 24, 2020
The Sirens from Sagittarius: South Pole of the Moon

Dr Amrit Rattan K Baidwan MacFarland

Dr Amrit Rattan K Baidwan Macfarland was a senior nano particle scientist and worked with key principles of physics/ mechanical forces and their interaction with nano particles in situ. Her interest in outer space, ISRO/NASA stems from her interest in fundamental astrophysical phenomenon as well as through aerodynamics in aviation and space sciences. The Sirens from Sagittarius is an ISRO/NASA research-based book - Mars, our solar system and galaxy. The discovery of six super earth like planets, the first novel landing by ISRO (India) on the south pole of the moon, motivated her to write this book. ISRO/NASA have since released their fifty-year vision for the future and the next frontiers to be conquered in these three zones of our neighbourhood. It is hoped that the coming decades will see giant strides, with ISRO teasing out key physics and astrophysical phenomenon.

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    The Sirens from Sagittarius - Dr Amrit Rattan K Baidwan MacFarland

    © 2020 Dr Amrit Rattan K Baidwan Macfarland. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/23/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-8228-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-8279-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-8229-2 (e)

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    Part I

    South Pole Of The Moon:

    Richard And Time Travel

    South Pole Of The Moon – Broxbourne

    A Lunar Anomaly

    Physics Theories On Space -Time And Time Travel

    Night Terrors



    Astrophysics International Conference




    Human Psychology Gone Awry?

    Astrophysics Conflicting Theories And Tensions.

    A Location In The Universe

    South Pole Lunar Nuclear Detonations

    Logbooks – Lunar Mountain Epsilon, Highest In Earth’s Biosphere.

    Venus And Via Lactea, Akasagamga: The Milky Way.

    Sentinax – Supersonic South Pole Lunar Signals.

    Alpha Centauri

    South Pole Lunar Missions

    Artfeld And Astrophysics Prospects

    Part II






    Pit Stop South Pole Lunar Surface.



    Sagittarius B

    The Galactic Centre – The Sun Of All Suns

    The Report On Mars Discoveries – Cashmir And Brox

    Ever Changing Ideas On CTC’s

    A Comet Passes Over The Skies

    Return To Earth

    Space X

    Survey Team

    Principles Not Dogmas

    Richard’s Progress


    File Transfer Beam


    Brox Monitoring Team

    Richard Calls ISRO In India

    About The Author

    This book is

    Dedicated to-Astro Physicist and Scientist of the Lunar

    South Pole Mission from India, in September 2019 –Distinguished

    Professor Of Astrophysics, Kailasavadivoo Sivan -Secretary Space

    Mission, and ex – officio chairman of Indian Space Research

    organisation and Space Mission and Director of Chandrayaan

    -2 landings, Lunar Space Orbiter – Vikram Lander South

    pole of the Moon, and Mars Missions, September 2019.

    For some great friends and super physicists

    Richard, Albert, Steve, Paul, James, Michael, Max,

    Robert, Murray, John, Charles, Peter, Lorentz,

    Henry, George, Satyendra, Chandra et al.

    PART I



    I n the cover of darkness, for a moment, the spaceship looked at the solitary farm, its blinds drawn, its occupant, a solo astrophysicist, working on the improbably difficult theorem of time travel. The temperature of their discs was perfect, and they loomed overhead silently with perfect harmony. They had the ability to travel forwards and backwards through time and turbulence, cyclonic patterns, enigmas did not bother them. They had observed the physicist, patiently; he was one of a kind. The lunar beacon aided them both in space travel and time travel; it had to be guarded from human intervention. Most humans of the days were being born into this world, where books, mathematics, physics, music, the rhythm of life, played no part in their lives and their literacy and scientific standards were abysmal – but there were a few still remaining whose stories burnt with ideas, and still evoked a sense of wonder. The physicist was one such man, he was close to discovery, but they did not want to intervene.

    Some 150 miles to the east dawn was breaking, the sun was just beginning to appear. It was a little late in time to consider why he had become a physicist, there was no other alternative, both his birth, chance and environment had played decisively in his choice of career. They would show him the way in time.



    N o one was to blame. Richard’s thoughts had come back to the same question of general relativity, but he found no answer. He lived in a civilized world, of sensitive and intelligent humans, and here he was torturing his mind and would have to satisfy himself with the assurance that he was on the right track. The universe was a vast place, now with some history of knowledge, it could be assumed, that time folded around from the beginning to the end. He found his intuitions getting sharper, and his power of concentration increasing. If there were errors in his theories, the fault lay purely in his head, and he would have to work it all out. His team of colleagues he met often; they were unaware of his dilemma. The worlds of Galileo lay a billion miles away, and reaching them was an impossibility, to time travel was the only way to see different worlds, by projecting the self into the future and returning with fresh insight.




    T he crew worked away on Earth’s moon, while one of their ships navigated around Earth. They knew everything, about Earth and it was the crew’s deputy chief Broxbourne’s responsibility. For fine tuning and exploration of the universe, they had to return time and time again to Earth’s moon to check the beacon was in good order. They had built bases under its surface and the artificial intelligence installed, did basic operations while they were away. He read the messages and pressed several key buttons. He noted that the ship was at work on Earth. He listened to the recorded messages.

    It read:

    "You all may be wondering, why we are returning to the moon, we have picked up an acceleration into the safe zone of space and have avoided all detection. We made some interesting observations; we are going to go around the sun and re-fuel and will be with you in an hour. The exploration of four hours was sufficient. How are the lunar checks coming along after Earth detonated a nuclear bomb on the moon? We see that their mission failed tragically and did not doom the bases or the essentials on the beacon. I am glad we had made the right guesses, that they would; but if they ever suspected anything… over and out.’

    There was a long silence that followed, and no more sound or movement was heard on the recording. Broxbourne knew what the crew were thinking, and he tried not to answer their questions, but he read what was on their minds.

    ‘Well, we all know what a disaster, the nuclear explosion on the moon could have been for all our equipment here, but the artificial intelligence worked as planned as did the survey team – thinking ahead always helps.’

    ‘It is possible to re-examine all the ten thousand or some systems at intervals of hours, and make sure nothing has changed – over that time and recheck them again," said Tillerseczs.

    Well the beacon is essential to our operations, with its help and the co-ordinates; near here we have been able to examine parallel worlds where the suns have gone nova, as well as planets along the trajectories of their core. Earth is unaware of the intelligent life that surrounds them, in the universe some only, two hundred light years from them.

    An immediate examination of the systems was made, and one core was found to be unstable, it could affect the entire network at any time, and it was emitting radio and light waves. There was a slight delay before special laser scanners focused on the system.

    The ship was on its way and could assist in exploring the entire moon’s surface. They would soon be entering the atmosphere. On Earth the fires of a forest in California were dying out. The great forests had been reduced to charcoal and the smoke filled the skies. The continents were visible as outlines. The compressed hydrocarbons were erupting under the abnormal heat of the sun. The land was becoming dry and arid. It would only be some time, before the sun began to scorch, the Earth with a fury. Mars and the outer planets near the sun were already melting under the heat.

    It was important, to monitor the Earth, carefully now before its sun, went nova unexpectedly, it was known to happen once it had tipped over its half-life. There was life on the Earth and great civilizations had existed in time. If the worst happened, a selected number of their species, a few hundred survivors could be saved. They had set up monitors to detect radiation coming off the Earth and the status of the core was vital to monitor. Earth was a hostile planet, by nature, compared to all the others in the galaxy. They had to maintain safe distance. The Earth field was watched on several screens at

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