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For the Love of a Gangsta
For the Love of a Gangsta
For the Love of a Gangsta
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For the Love of a Gangsta

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 26, 2020
For the Love of a Gangsta

Baby Cash Houston

The sky is the limit as long as we keep God first and always continue to share unconditional love for each other. I love you and the life we share.

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    For the Love of a Gangsta - Baby Cash Houston

    Copyright © 2020 by BABY CASH HOUSTON.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 11/24/2020






    Chapter 1    For the Love of a Gangsta

    Chapter 2    You Live, Learn, and Earn

    Chapter 3    Sacrifice

    Chapter 4    The Name of the Game

    Chapter 5    Pocket


    I WOULD FIRST LIKE to thank God for allowing me the capability to understand and have life to manifest my thoughts onto this parchment. Next, I want to thank my lovely wife, Beauty, for her patience and understanding of my becoming a better man and someone better in this world. I love you, baby. We have so much more ahead of us, Mrs. Houston. I want to send a shout-out to my children for being who they are. May they find their mark in this world and make the best of it. To my mother, my brother, as well as the rest of my siblings. To all my fam behind the bricks who have overcome their struggles and those who are still battling their struggles, keep striving because once I’m on, it’s on because we’re on. Next, I want to thank all of those who genuinely supported me during my time of hardship and those who were able to help me get a better perspective on life from their view. To those who have the potential too but were never told, always reach at being better because it doesn’t stop because the doors are locked. Purpose is key, and find yourself a place to call your own. For all who hated, I thank you also because I’m a gangsta of GanGSTas, and that was fuel to my fire. Thanks for that. Keeping striving, niggas, and watch me make this shit a reality. Gracefully yours, SOG.

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people living or dead, or real locals from the hood are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, or incidents is entirely coincidental.




    W HAT THE FUCK y’all bitch-ass niggas doing in my yard fucking with my muthafucking dog, hunh? Supreme screamed from the bed to outside his window, as Cream rolled over and heard the dog and some people hollering just outside their window.

    Supreme got up and put his shorts on and grabbed the MAC-11 he kept on the stand and was still cursing as he made his way to the back door to confront the li’l nigga who was in his yard.

    As he opened his back door to his shabby section 8 apartment his aunt rented for him, he saw about seven or eight li’l young niggas screaming at the dogfight that was in motion; and one young cat in particular was hollering at Supreme’s dog, named Mind Blinda, telling him, "Kill that muthafucka, kill’um!

    He had a mean mug on his face as he screamed at Mind Blinda to kill the other dog, and he acted like Mind Blinda was his dog the way he was ordering Mind Blinda to break the other dog’s face. Mind Blinda just shook harder while the other dog was hollering and shitting on himself at the same time.

    Supreme could see that a few of them had some money in their hands, and he was thinking they could be no older than twelve or thirteen years old, and they were already adapted to the cold reality that a broke nigga wasn’t shit, and Supreme had to think of himself and his step into the game.

    Coming back to the moment, Supreme decided to wait until the other dog was for sure out of there so whoever bet with Mind Blinda could get their money because Supreme didn’t want too many people coming around trying to watch the dogs fight.

    Even though this was the hood, the only time police even came through here was to escort the ambulance out with somebody dead or dying, or an occasional drug bust, which was rare because in the Murda Meadows, everybody took care of their own issues; and that was understood everywhere.

    Supreme just couldn’t stand these bad-ass li’l niggas who had to cross through his backyard to go to Pearl C. Anderson or Lincoln High School because they always were fucking with Mind Blinda, but this li’l cat with his Cowboys hat cocked ace-deuce had somehow got in good with Mind Blinda, and Supreme was pissed about that because Mind Blinda barely liked him most of the time.

    As the life started draining out of the other dog, they were calling Midnight, the li’l dude with the Cowboys starter hat, to start collecting his money. Supreme didn’t want them running and leaving the dead dog in his yard, so he called Mind Blinda off; and immediately, Mind Blinda was at his side, with blood dripping out of his mouth and on the coat of his chest.

    When the rest of the young niggas looked up, Supreme had the MAC-11 in his hand, but the young nigga with the Cowboys starter cap was still collecting his money when Supreme told them to drag the other dog out of his yard, and he stepped to the young dude.

    Li’l nigga, what the fuck you doing, coming in my yard fucking with my dog! Supreme yelled at the young dude, as he was counting his money; and just as Supreme thought about snatching it to get his attention, he looked up and said, Nigga, I don’t know who you calling all these bitches and hoes and shit, but I’m out here hustling, nigga, and that’s what I’m doing.

    That was the start of his and, whom he named Dollar, relationship. Since Dollar’s family was on drugs and he had already cemented his survival status in the streets, Supreme decided to just make sure he had the game from A-Z, and that’s what he did.

    Sometimes, Dollar turned left when he should be turning right, but Supreme knew that was all part of his thinking and his lack of understanding for the rules of the game because whether you adhered to the code or not, the game was gonna get what’s due to it, and it didn’t give a damn how it got it. The game was the game, and regardless of who you were, you had to pay your dues.



    S UPREME AND DOLLAR were having another argument about Dollar selling weed at school. With Supreme being eighteen and still school age to Dollar, Dollar always used the fact that he at least went to school, and Supreme couldn’t argue with that but schooled him about making sure he hid his work outside so nothing was on him as he made his move. All Dollar said was Nigga, I got it. Supreme just shook his head at his young protege’s bravado. He loved that hard edge about Dollar, and the way he and his friend stuck together was what made them a team.

    Supreme’s girl was ten years older than he was. She occasionally sold everything you could get time for, plus she fixed hair here and there as well. She was the staple in Supreme’s game because she had been around and fucked with one of the rawest niggas to walk the streets of South Dallas.

    Her name was Cream, and that seemed to be what everyone knew about her, outside of her being about that life for real. Her motto was money, and her game was by any means necessary, and she and Supreme made a good team because he was the only nigga who could get on her level of understanding, and the rest fell into place.

    The last nigga she had heart for was named Buck. He was an action-packed nigga who handled niggas like hoes and was the kind of nigga who would work a nigga in the trap for free and beat his ass if he acted like he was fucked up about it.

    It was a young nigga who worked for Buck who decided that he was going to pay himself. So when Buck sent Cream to collect his money in the Oak Cliff area, she pulled up, and Ken was sitting on the stairs of the trap they worked out of with a pistol in his lap.

    Cream stepped out and spoke to Ken and asked him if he had that bread for Buck because she had a few more errands she had to run for him, and if he was ready, he could go and give her the money.

    Cream had her gun in her purse along with the rest of the money she collected for Buck earlier, and being she dealt with Ken before, she didn’t figure she needed to be strapped because he was cool with her.

    Ken looked at Cream and said, Fuck that nigga Buck. I ain’t giving the nigga a bitch-ass thang, and if he fucked up about it, he can come and holla at me ’cause he don’t got nothing coming.

    Cream tried to reason with Ken. Listen, K, Cream was saying, don’t do it like this, baby boy, ’cause you can flip it a few times and double your bread, and I’ll tell him it’s been slow, but you know Buck not gone be trying to hear that shit you telling me to tell him ’cause he don’t play about his money like that.

    Ken stood up; and Cream, still thinking she could reason with him, said, You just started working, and these niggas know not to fuck with Buck like that. I’ll make sure he take care of you ’cause you a real young nigga.

    Ken said, I hear you, Cream, but I’m not out here hustling for nothing for this nigga. He got me fucked up. Ken started beating on his chest and looking like he was possessed as he went on screaming and cursing at Cream about Buck.

    He said, He might do these niggas like that, but he not gone handle me like no hoe and think I’m not gone get mine. He got me fucked up, so tell him to come on and holla at me ’cause I got a few hot boys for his ass. With that, Ken held his .45 up and looked at it, in reference to him having some hot boys for Buck.

    Cream couldn’t believe it had got this far and was surprised the other workers didn’t warn him, but maybe that’s why they were inside and not out there with him. Cream didn’t want to say anything to Buck about this because it was going to be some shit, but she had no choice because Ken was talking about some pistol play, and she wanted to handle it herself. Buck would probably get mad and said she overreacted, so she was going to let him finish venting and see if she could reason with him some more because she knew he was just speaking out of anger.

    Ken stopped pacing, and Cream said, K, I can even give you the whip game and show you how to come up faster.

    Ken said, All this shit is whip anyways. Buck ain’t slick. I thought he was a real nigga, but that nigga a hoe, and I’mma show him.

    Cream was getting mad because the only reason she kept trying to talk to Ken was because he had potential, and Buck really liked him, but the fact was, Buck didn’t give a damn about anybody but her and himself. Ken was going to get treated like everyone else regardless, so there wasn’t anything to be done.

    Ken looked at Cream with this crazy-ass look in his eyes and spit in Cream’s face and said, Bitch, you down with that nigga. He not ready for me. Cream stood up, but Ken pointed the .45 at her and made her hand over her bag, which had money in it from two other pickups, and then he took all her jewelry. Cream was madder than a muthafucka about that because she had some nice pieces on that day to go with her outfit, but he took all her shit. Even her earrings.

    Ken stepped up to Cream and let his fingers rub between her fat camel toe and said, I ought to take you in there and put this young dick in you ’cause I know Buck old ass ain’t fucking you right. He continued rubbing up and down between Cream’s fat pussy lips between her stretch pants. Cream wasn’t worried about that because if he went any further, he would have to kill her, and she wasn’t laying it down for this nigga. She knew one thing that was for sure though, and that was he had to die, and she was going to make sure of that.

    When he slapped Cream and told her to get her bitch ass on, he made the biggest mistake of his life because Cream was going to do everything in her power to make sure he met his maker. As she was pulling out, Cream looked back and saw a car coming full speed into the driveway next to the house she was at; and she backed out and was pulling off when Buck stepped out of the car before it could stop good, shooting.

    Buck was at the corner watching the whole exchange, and he was so mad until he sat there crying because this young-ass nigga went too muthafucking far.

    He saw Ken rubbing Cream’s pussy and take her purse, which he knew had his money and her gun in it. He saw him spit on Cream, and Buck thought to himself, Damn, this young nigga got a death wish. He waited to see what move Ken was going to make next, and when he let Cream get in her car, Buck just hoped she didn’t try anything slick and get in his way because he wanted to kill Ken worse than he wanted to kill anybody.

    Cream saw Ken fall down, and she backed up and jumped out. Buck was walking up on Ken as he tried to get up, and Cream saw his head split wide open as Buck turned around like he was going to shoot. When he saw Cream, he said, Get that purse and take your ass to the house. I’ll holla at you later. Cream rushed to the porch and stepped over Ken. His head was all over the porch, and Cream wanted to spit on him, but she jumped back in her car and started pulling off. She heard more shots as Buck was still inside, and not to defy Buck, Cream started driving off, and just as she was about two houses from the corner, a police car swerved around the corner and pulled up to the house with two laws getting out running to the porch. Cream saw Buck step out and hit both laws as he made it to his car, and about two more law cars hit the corner when Buck started his car, and they tried to box him in. He bent down and stepped out of the car with a choppa, and Cream knew things could only get worse as Buck started hitting the cars and cursing. He seemed to see her car up ahead, and he went to run for it, but just as he turned around, one of the laws raised up and hit Buck in his shoulder first, and the next bullet took a chunk of his head off as he fell, and the choppa went skidding down the driveway.

    Cream was so hurt as she witnessed this shit, but there wasn’t anything she could do other than stay and die with Buck, and Cream had enough sense to keep the game alive, so she pulled off slowly and went home. She never cried so much in her life, but once she shook it off, Cream knew that what Buck taught her in the streets, it was going to take a special nigga to reach her because she was certified. She knew that if a nigga wasn’t what he said he was, then he was getting taken fast. It took Cream a few niggas to find Supreme, and he was the closest thing to Buck that any nigga could get, and that’s what Cream was going out for and with.

    Cream looked nothing like the killa she was. Standing five foot seven with Meagan Good looks and just a fatter ass, you’d be mistaken on her stance in the game. She had a mouth full of golds and diamonds: ten at the top and ten at the bottom. Diamonds decorated some and initials and solids others.

    Buck turned Cream into the baddest bitch, but you’d have to be a boss nigga to know it because looks were deceiving when it came to Cream.

    Her bowlegs would sure have a nigga in left field because her walk said her pussy was good, and every nigga and a lot of bitches as well who saw her wanted to sample some of that pussy.



    E VERYTHING IN LIFE Worth Having Comes with a Sacrifice, All Depending on Who You Are and What Sacrifice You Are Willing to Make,

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