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The Mystics of the Osprey Six
The Mystics of the Osprey Six
The Mystics of the Osprey Six
Ebook178 pages2 hours

The Mystics of the Osprey Six

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This Bizarre Story begins in Newport News, Virginia (U.S.A.) at the Deep Creek Marina located at the end of Deep Creek Road. Six young men lifelong friends having just completed their advanced educations studying Marine Biology have formed their own Marine Research Company; The Osprey Six Marine Research Company (OSMRC). To support this new company they have purchased an Old Ocean going Trawler Boat they have renamed “The Osprey Six”. Unbeknown to them this old boat comes with a Covenant that protects it (The Boat) by using Mysterious Sprits (Mystics). The way these Mystics develop, protects and controls them and this old boat will overwhelmen your imagination.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 15, 2020
The Mystics of the Osprey Six

John Jones

As a native of the world in one city, Liverpool, England, I write twisted tales of horror, crime and mystery, and sometimes I'll dabble in other genres. I have written over ninety short stories, two novels,  and appeared in various publications, including:  'Radio City ghosts, an anthology,'  'Cemetery moon'. Winner of the scare-a-horror-author contest at Several for Atlantean publishing. Most of my work can be read free online on various websites including Booksie, ABC Tales, obooko. When I am not writing about strange creatures, time distortions or sheer bloody murder, I enjoy drawing and painting.   

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    The Mystics of the Osprey Six - John Jones

    Copyright © 2021 by John Jones.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


    For information related to the Front Cover Photograph, see Foot Note 1.

    Rev. date: 12/14/2020







    Chapter 1     The Osprey Six Marine Research Company

    Chapter 2     The Virginia Marine Academy Meeting

    Chapter 3     OSMRC Contract Discussions & Plans

    Chapter 4     The Osprey Six

    Chapter 5     Osprey Six Repair Contract

    Chapter 6     The Osprey Six Overhaul Begins

    Chapter 7     She Be Ready

    Chapter 8     The Voyage to Norfolk Canyon

    Chapter 9     The Osprey Six Is Missing

    Chapter 10   Planet Zoepadea

    Chapter 11   Earth Base Station Planet Zoepadea

    Chapter 12   Journey to Planet Zoepadea

    Chapter 13   A Mystic Visitor

    Chapter 14   Finally Going Back Home

    Chapter 15   Back Home

    Chapter 16   Riverview Hospital

    Chapter 17   Mystics or a Dream

    Chapter 18   A Surprise Visitor

    Chapter 19   A Strange Trip to Wachapreaque, Virginia

    Chapter 20   The Thornton Family Bible

    Chapter 21   Strange Mystic Conclusions

    Chapter 22   Was It All Just A Dream


    Foot Notes


    About The Author


    To my wife LaVerne (Susie) among many family and friends that have kept me inspired to continue writing. Of course I still do not want to leave out all those that laughed.


    Jesus my Good Shepard calls me to a safe pasture.


    This Bizarre Story begins in Newport News, Virginia (U.S.A.) at the Deep Creek Marina located at the end of Deep Creek Road. Six young men lifelong friends having just completed their advanced educations studying Marine Biology have formed their own Marine Research Company; The Osprey Six Marine Research Company (OSMRC). To support this new company they have purchased an Old Ocean going Trawler Boat they have renamed The Osprey Six. Unbeknown to them this old boat comes with a Covenant that protects it (The Boat) by using Mysterious Sprits (Mystics). The way these Mystics develop, protects and controls them and this old boat will overwhelmen your imagination.

    Chapter 1



    This strange story is so bizarre it should really begin as Once upon A Time.

    April 27, 2009. Monday morning early Andrew Andy Atkins newly appointed president of the newly formed Osprey Six Marine Research Company (OSMRC); Limited Liability Company (LLC) has just requested a meeting with his five lifelong friends and OSMRC partners.

    This small Marine Research Company located at the end of Deep Creek Road in Newport News, Virginia; United States of America (U.S.A.) operates out of a small office leased from the City at the Deep Creek Marina along with three boat slips.

    Andy is elated as he presents very good news to; Hale Banks, Kenneth Bailey, Ronald Cline, David Jackson and Richard Holley. Fellows I just got off the telephone with the Virginia Marine Academy Laboratory (VMAL) Director Doctor Massie McCulter over at Gloucester Point, Virginia.

    If you all recall our first major contract was with the VMAL to sail out doing the Spring migration of the Blue Fin Tuna as the tuna fish school moved North through the Norfolk Canyon area of the Atlantic Ocean. As instructed under contract we were to trap, capture and bring back four adult Blue Fin Tuna Fish unharmed, safe and alive.

    Thanks to our hands on training over at the Allen Rasoul Marine Academy (ARMA) in Accomack, Virginia we were able to accomplish this mission. Well here is the great news.

    Two of the four tuna fish if you remember were purple in color and had unique fins shaped like spars. The VMAL folks said before actual testing started that these two tuna fish were unusual and may be flukes of nature and may be a cross between a Blue Fin Tuna Fish and A Yellow Fin Tuna Fish.

    Well when the VMAL completed final testing on these two purple colored tuna fish; the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) did not support Blue Fin or Yellow Fin Tuna Fish in any scientific or medical way; no matches. After exhausting all leads the National World Wide Seafood Confederation (NWWSC) has now determined that we the OSMRC has discovered another species of tuna fish and so name the fish the Purple Spar Fin Tuna Fish.

    Doctor Massie sends us his wholehearted congratulations and said awards will be forth coming some containing very substantial monetary grants, TYDL. Boy do we need that money. Can I get an Amen on that!

    Before we continue further along with this strange story let me speak to the OSMRC and its six young partners. All six of these young men as named earlier were born and raised right here in the Deep Creek, Menchville area of Newport News. They probably know more about the Deep Creek Inlet and the beautiful James River than the Good Lord himself. All six have been lifelong friends and are closer than blood brothers. All are twenty three years old. They have been hard workers all their lives and are known achievers. They all graduated from Warwick High School Class 2004 (WHS).

    Being raised in hard core Waterman type blue collar families they understand hard work, respect the Sea and above all are True Blue Red Necks, TYDL. They love GOD, the U.S.A., cold beer, pussy and they cuss too much. But above all they love the smell of saltwater air. The Good Lord put saltwater in their veins when they were born, TYDL.

    Later after graduating from WHS; to complete their educations with the help of college grants and a few well known sponsors they were able to get accepted as full time students to study Marine Biology at the world famous Allen Rasoul Marine Academy in Accomack County over on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. All six studied hard and worked together as a team. They earned and received full Bachelor of Science Degrees (BSD) in Marine Biology.

    This accomplishment was a wonderful endeavor and a moment of great pride for most of the Deep Creek old timers as most of them had to drop out of school early to support families and are themselves poorly educated.

    All six of these young men are happily married to their WHS sweet hearts. The very unique and strange Mystic involving the six wives is the fact that they are related as first cousins. All the wives have the same Thornton maiden name. Years ago all their parents relocated from the Eastern Shore to the Deep Creek area of Newport News and went to work in the Newport Ship and Dock Company (NSDC). They all gave up fishing and the sea as a way of life.

    Anyway the six young couples in a serious conference one long late night agreed to form the OSMRC and see if they can achieve success on their own terms. This has always been a lifelong dream for their husbands. So far, so good, TYDL!

    This small company with small research contracts related to the seafood industry, seafood farming and six hard working young wives has managed to survive and stay out of the red (borderline that is). I might add they eat a lot of Saturday night steaks that resemble smoked kippers out of a can with raw onions on hot buttered toast. May be one of these days they can all cook out and have a nice charcoal wagyu beef steak, who knows.

    As luck would have it Doctor Massie McCulter over at the VMAL while surfing the Internet came across their OSMRC Web Site. He was impressed that it spoke to their studies regarding Seafood Farming and related Human Diseases; plus all six partners graduated from the ARMA.

    Doctor McCulter gave them a call and of course this led to their first major contract and mission which as you now know was very successful.

    With all of this OSMRC history complete we can now return our thoughts back to the Monday morning meeting as Andy continues with more good news.

    Doctor Massie McCulter told Andy he would like for all six of them to attend a special meeting if they could to discuss another major Research Contract for additional live fish entrapments. He has already set and scheduled this meeting for May 22, 2009 Friday morning at 0900Hr in his VMAL Gloucester Point Office. He told Andy he has invited another special guest; Doctor Richard Deshields Director of the ARMA. Wonderful, what a nice surprise! Fellows I have already told Doctor McCulter we will be there.

    Chapter 2


    All through the early weeks of May the OSMRC under the leadership of President Andrew Atkins receives numerous Electronic Mails (EM) and telephone calls of congratulations on their newly discovered Purple Spar Fin Tuna Fish. These accolades with added research contracts and grants plus other Marine funded State Government work has put the small OSMRC well in to the Black for a change, TYDL.

    Hale tells Andy we need to consider hiring more people and renting a larger office nearby we need more room; what do you think? Well let’s talk to the other guys and brainstorm it a bit! You know my old lifelong saying! Yes I know; check the pool for water before you dive off the diving board so you will not bust your fuckin ass. Very good Hale, very good, HA! HA!

    Andy when we discuss these expansion plans let’s involve the girls and see if they would like to come onboard as full time or at least part time employees! Great idea Hale as they really need to learn something about this Marine Research Business. Hell you never know one day they may have to take it over. When the other guys get back in we can kick it around some but let’s wait until our May 22nd meeting over at the VMAL is complete. That new contract with them will tell us more about our future needs and we can make some decisions at that time.

    May 22, 2009. Friday morning all six of the OSMRC partners meet at the Deep Creek office and climb in the Company’s brand new Ford F-250 Club Cab Truck. Ken as usual drives and says where too? Hell Ken hit the nearest fuckin Mickey Dees (MD) for the usual sausage biscuit gut bomb. Hell we have plenty of time it’s only 0700Hr and the meeting starts at 0900Hr

    May 22, 2009. Friday morning right at 0830Hr Ken pulls the truck in to a visitors parking area over at the VMAL and parks. All six of the guys are anxious as this is their first meeting with Doctor McCulter since their recognized success discovering the Purple Spar Fin Tuna Fish. Also they will again get to see Doctor Deshields who gave them untold support and advice doing their college school years over at the ARMA. Hale do you remember his famous old saying? Yes Andy I sure do; do the best you can and try to always come in first, second place means you are the first loser!

    As all six guys were escorted in to Doctor McCulter main board room for the meeting; they were overwhelmed. They could not believe the added guests from different Marine Schools and Seafood Processing Company’s. All of these folks anxious to learn more about the Purple Spar Fin Tuna Fish and to hear more about the latest tests results. Just to see Doctor Deshields again after all this time made the trip over to Gloucester Point worthwhile.

    About 0945Hr Doctor McCulter opens the meeting to discuss the Purple Spar Fin Tuna Fish. All ears listened as he presented outstanding laboratory tests results about this newly discovered species of tuna fish.

    The big questions; where did it come from, how did it arrive here?? This is a Mystic as the Upper Environmental Ranks and Levels of the Seven Seas (See Foot Note 2) have been thoroughly combed to research and document all living species of sea life. How could a fish the size of this Tuna Fish be overlooked by so many Marine Biology Scholars?

    Doctor McCulter reports that this fish will revolutionize the seafood industry and feed the world. The fish is free of disease; it will reproduce in short periods and can easily be farmed with a very low mortality rate. Ladies and Gentlemen in short, this is a perfect food fish.

    Finally about 1200Hr everyone takes a lunch break in the Academy’s main mess hall. After lunch the afternoon session was brief with a few discussions and about

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