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The Second Arrow: A Book of Illustrated Poetry
The Second Arrow: A Book of Illustrated Poetry
The Second Arrow: A Book of Illustrated Poetry
Ebook159 pages31 minutes

The Second Arrow: A Book of Illustrated Poetry

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About this ebook

This book of poetry is about transitions and duality. The book sails along the usually dim boundary between the conscious and unconscious. It harbors along the way at surrealism, Zen Buddhism, transgender/LGBT issues, animal rights/ethology, naturalism, racism, dialectics, and dualism. The author is an analytically trained, psycho- dynamic, and practicing psychologist. While as a practitioner, she discretely challenges the tradition of therapist as blank slate, as a poet she openly celebrates the beauty of full disclosure, the inspiration of mystery, and the delectability of the undefinable One. Suffering is inevitable but, also electable, as the second arrow strikes.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 16, 2020
The Second Arrow: A Book of Illustrated Poetry

Sahli A. Cavallaro

Sahli A Cavallaro is a native New Yorker practicing clinical psychology in Sacramento California. She comes from a family tradition of poets so she started writing poetry as a young child. Her great great grandfather was a poet who had read humorous animal poetry, like other common poets in Sicily, in town squares at the foot hills of Mount Etna. Her poetry is inspired by William Carlos Williams, Garcia Lorca and May Swenson and reflects the influences of surrealism, Zen, naturalism, animal ethology/ecology and LGBT issues. Sahli lives with her two dogs, kayak and Mac in California.

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    The Second Arrow - Sahli A. Cavallaro

    Copyright © 2020 by Sahli A. Cavallaro.

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    Rev. date: 12/14/2020






    Crossing the Line

    A Sybarite’s Boredom

    Maria Flaca


    This was once a great cave of torches...


    The Second Arrow


    The Normal Door w/o Trial and Error

    We Met at the Soda Machine

    COV’D is Setting Us Free

    Cross Species Beauty

    Light is Free

    The New Girl

    JaenLon and the Taxi Ride

    Jeanett’s Impediment

    How to Play Dead


    How to Snap a Whip

    I am just your reflection




    Way to Build a Bat Box

    Tiger Hunting in India

    Way to Build a Turtle Habitat

    That Blanket is Mine

    The Water

    Comfort Just Got a Makeover

    Riding on Empty and Sunk in the Grass

    The Store: Halls of Clothing Corpses

    Tributes to Transgender: I and II



    On Growing a Penis


    I am not thinking of you

    Idiomatic Love

    Upstairs Man

    Ghost Guessed

    Shoo Fly

    If Insects Disappeared

    Suspended After a Departure:

    Dog Becomes Buddha

    The Make-up Trance

    Rough Draft

    City of Hope: The Peril of Saving Lives


    I Am Not Thinking About You

    Found A heart

    Fulgent Finery Brilliant clouds

    Two Moons No longer grazing

    How to Float


    The Negev by day

    is a

    War Zone.

    Soldiers streaming with their


    Like columns of ants

    delivering the abundance

    of a day.

    Along a one lane highway

    I pick them up in

    My truck.

    I am just an


    There’s a naked and

    baked desolation here, stark


    In the height of the day.

    Everything is the color

    Of sand and camouflage.

    Blankness bristles with


    Two soldier passengers

    Load up the bed with grenades

    and great guns.

    I want to tell them

    I am a trapper observer

    Doing the same

    Watch wait

    And hope they take the bait.

    Daylight gives visible weight

    To our intentions.

    Traveling the same road

    To Beersheba

    At night

    The earthly business

    Of waiting and trapping

    Or killing

    Has disappeared.

    The night has melted the skyline

    And I drive through the

    Middle of


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