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Behind the Mask
Behind the Mask
Behind the Mask
Ebook89 pages24 minutes

Behind the Mask

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About this ebook

This book of poetry was written during the Pandemic of COVID-19, as the frost fell on the old growth trees of Clayoquot Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island Canada in the latter part of 2020. It was Pandemia. Under emergency government direction, we stayed inside in confusion with a steady diet of fear. As an antidote to the uncertainty, this book provides a remedy in thought and perception through a different kind of inspired poetry. Through years of confusion and endless wondering about the nature and purpose of life, we come full circle to recall our true nature. That is the experience of life. Whether we realize it or not, we are at one with our creator. Not of the body but of the spirit. We were created by a loving God, and now, more than ever, it is time to trust Him.
Release dateDec 17, 2020
Behind the Mask

W.G. Murray

w.g. murray spent her formative years in a small fishing community on an island on the East Coast of Canada. She was born in 1966 as number 8 of 10 children of an Irish Catholic family. Her father fished the sea and harvested from the land and sang her to sleep at night with songs of the country where his people were from, County Kerry on the Southwest coast of Ireland. In an old house on the banks of the Atlantic Ocean, she learned how to love, and she slept at night to the pull of the sea. She received her education throughout Canada in Law and Politics. w.g. murray lives in Oxford Mills Ontario.

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    Book preview

    Behind the Mask - W.G. Murray

    © 2020 w.g. murray. All rights reserved.

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    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  12/16/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-0920-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-0919-0 (e)

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    This book was written for

    my children

    Allison, Leah and Ronan

    So you will know

    Love brought you here


    Love will take you home.

    Remember Love….



    Bread and Circuses


    A Jail of Choice

    The Light of the World

    Behind the Mask

    The Mind’s Return

    Life’s Meaning

    The Only Certainty



    Random Thoughts







    Montreal on time…

    The Mask of Self

    The Pandemia

    What ensued?

    The Resistant Heart

    Little One

    Who am I?


    Thought Police

    Nothing Matters

    The Incarceration of Belief



    The Imprisoned Forgotten


    Change of Mind

    The Fight

    The Night

    The Cross

    The Notebooks

    The Circle Game


    Death of Illusion




    The Christ Before Me


    The Unseen


    All there is


    Turn from it

    The Christ in Me


    Of My Life

    The Word After



    It moved in like madness

    From the East.

    Only God knows why.

    The telescreen said

    "Be scared

    Stay inside

    Where death and disease

    Will not find you."

    The words are said

    So, they must be true

    Within the guilt, conspiracy, and blame

    The world stopped

    And, like sheep, we followed each other

    Into the pit of madness.

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