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The Soul’s Path: A Book for Impactors, Great and Small
The Soul’s Path: A Book for Impactors, Great and Small
The Soul’s Path: A Book for Impactors, Great and Small
Ebook207 pages2 hours

The Soul’s Path: A Book for Impactors, Great and Small

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About this ebook

Are you ready to impact?
Troy Devine believes you are a special individual who was placed here to explore your brilliance. Someone who is designed to positively weave their magic into this world. Through daily shifts, a new way of thinking and by following the guidance of your soul, your energy and impact will soon be felt far beyond the limits of the mind.
This book is a gentle and definitive guide towards you making a stronger connection with the soul, allowing you to move lovingly beyond fear, worry and frustration and into a life, filled with courage, commitment and kindness.
My mission for writing this book, was to awaken as many souls to their unique and sometimes ‘quirky’ brilliance, so that they can positively contribute to this world in their own unique way. Great or small! It is time to say goodbye to seeker mode and say hello to creating a courageous and powerful connection with the soul.
It’s time to define, harness and explore your gift.
Release dateDec 28, 2020
The Soul’s Path: A Book for Impactors, Great and Small

Troy Devine

“I see a world where people are living a bigger life, harnessing and sharing their own unique gift to make an impact in the world, big or small.” Troy Devine is Australian self-help and spiritual author. A natural born leader who is driven to explore everything life has to offer. His energy, knowledge and enthusiasm are infectious, and he delivers a powerful presence. Troy has a gentle and caring aura; he provides a comfortable space for people to open up and find the courage they require to find greatness. Founding a life academy that offers a safe and inspiring place for individuals to explore how to define, harness and share their gifts. His vulnerability definitely allows others to trust and be themselves. Everyone is gifted and everyone has a part to play. His gift is to help others find theirs and embrace it to the full. As a thought leader, Troy is here to educate those that are ready to learn and grow. As an educator, therapist, advisor and mentor - he loves empowering others to be the best they can be. If you’re ready to be an impactor, he’s ready to guide you!

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    The Soul’s Path - Troy Devine

    Copyright © 2021 Troy Devine.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2408-3 (sc)

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    Balboa Press rev. date:   12/23/2020




    Chapter 1 In the Beginning

    Chapter 2 Why Some Don’t

    Chapter 3 The Spin of Life

    Chapter 4 Your Unique Flow

    Chapter 5 A Gentle Shift

    Chapter 6 Becoming Conscious

    Chapter 7 The Soul’s Journey

    Chapter 8 Coming Home

    Epilogue: A Final Thought

    The Doorways of Transformation


    Be not afraid. We only start again an ancient journey

    long ago begun, that but seems new. We have begun

    again upon a road we’ve travelled on before and lost

    our way a little while. And now we try again.

    A Course in Miracles


    The human quest that we are all here to share together is, quite simply, the walk back home, an individual journey that involves exchanging fear for love, transitioning from dark into light, and realising that life really is designed for us to return to our natural state of being. As we navigate our individual soulful path, we find that some journeys take a little longer than others, some feel a little more intense, and some, well, some will take you to what seems like the ends of the earth. This is not our first time around the block, either. If the physical form fails to awaken and raise its consciousness to a satisfactory level this time around, fear not, you will be back for another chance to complete your spiritual journey.

    For as long as I can remember, I have been a seeker. Although I always progressed along my own path and in my own individual way, it seemed like something constantly came up short. I was unfulfilled, somehow incomplete, and somewhat lost, as my physical form constantly thirsted for something deeper to validate my existence. My journals were always filled with thoughts of being mentally overwhelmed, my days saturated with all sorts of lofty and unanswered questions, my precious moments lost to the distractions of mobile devices, to-do lists, and, of course, the fridge.

    In my mind, I found myself cowering in the darkness because the season had arrived in my life when it was time to lean in to this inner calling, but I couldn’t. Not only was my ego completely afraid of an entirely new direction, but the unknown road scared the living shit out of me. I found myself holding back in all areas because I was so afraid others would frown upon my quirkiness and unique approach to life. The what-ifs, the roadblocks, and the hurdles all began to dominate my reality, and I couldn’t find any solid way to move through. So I continued to medicate my mind, live a repetitious life, and dull down my uniqueness because it was far easier to just fit in.

    At this point, I was busy with life, and this is exactly how my mind kept me from discovering my own soulful path. I was constantly in search mode but too afraid to apply. I was sitting at the feet of gurus instead of becoming the guru. I was only half-heartedly embracing who I really was, finding strength in unleashing the quirky me, but only when I was alone and free to do so.

    Somewhere along my individual path of growth and exploration, and possibly like you, I lost my way. I am not aware of the exact location, nor did I immediately notice the single moment when I became lost. The invisible fork in the road simply appeared, silently, and from that moment on, I began walking away from my soul. With every personal sacrifice and limiting life choice I made, I could feel it. My soul was screaming at me to listen, but I was far too busy with the noise of the world to listen to anything, anymore.

    Today, my days are very different; my journal entries reflect a determined and confident man. My conversations are filled with amazing value, and I always look for ways to contribute to others and to life. I have a global network of influential people who freely give me their time because they share the same path as me. I no longer concern myself with the nitter-natter of those too afraid to explore their own path; instead, I smile and send them my empathy as I know they, too, will one day arrive, as I have.

    When I first decided to begin my walk back home, it wasn’t like a shiny light magically appeared in the sky, pointing in a northerly direction, or some weird shit like that. Instead, my major anxiety was telling me to look deeper into the reasons I was feeling this way. As I began to take action and push through all my limiting beliefs, my road didn’t become easier; in fact, in the beginning, it became harder. In my circle of friends, I was beginning to stand out for all the wrong reasons. I was breaking a mental mold that had built up over the first thirty-five years of my life, but I knew one day, my ego would settle, and the crust of that mold would disintegrate like ash, allowing my light to finally break through. My light would then shine, and my true voice would finally be heard.

    A far cry from an anxious electrician.

    While boldly discovering my individual path, the one thing I held onto was a feeling I couldn’t explain, an inner calling to somehow explore things spontaneously, a calling to pursue public speaking, a calling to guide others, and an awareness that I was spiritually connected in ways I couldn’t comprehend. It was this gentle knowing that would inevitably guide me to greater inner peace, greater alignment, and far greater happiness in my life. It was my soul, and it was calling out to me, and I knew it was my time to tune in and listen, more than ever before.

    With that in mind, I began traversing my very own path. In doing so, I was forced to explore, challenge, and shed the old in order to discover the new. My inner compass (soul) was doing its thing; it was proving to me that my emotional pain wasn’t real, that I could indeed impact this world if I wished. It was also showing me that my past absolutely didn’t have to dictate my future. As I began to embrace and come from the place of inner peace itself, my path actually began to find me.

    My primary guide to overcoming my mental funk and waywardness was me. I was directing my attention inward, as I continued to etch out my individual path to success that was bringing powerful results. It was like I was unwrapping a gift that I had been given at birth and finally decided to explore what was beneath all those layers of wrapping paper. Unlike the party game pass the parcel, where you remove one layer of wrapping paper each time the music stops, my music was doing the opposite.

    With each layer I removed in discovering my gift, my music was becoming louder. When I finally removed all the wrapping and arrived home, my soul’s music could be heard and felt throughout the universe.

    There are many factors that shape our individual pathways; the darkness that pervades our thoughts, the noise that smothers our music, and the enormity of our quest are all excuses looming in the shadows, waiting to divert us from our path, but if you allow me to be your guide on this journey (not because I know more than you but because I have lived every word in this book), I will shortcut your road to success. You are the only one who can do the work, but I will be your guide as you do.

    Gently surrender into your soul, as it is now your time to arrive home.


    This is the place where I could stand upon the dais, reading through some nine-page script to thank anyone and everyone who has ever come into my life, but today, and on this very special page, there is only one miraculous person I wish to thank. And that’s my hero.

    My heroes always play the game of life with boldness, creativity, and a little bit of wonder because they care for a better world. Although being tremendously challenged along the way, both mentally and emotionally, my heroes keep believing in a better version of the world. They don’t give up on their dreams because deep down, they know they are connected to the divine, and equipped with that knowing, they absolutely believe all things will work out for the better. My heroes know they have something special to give the world, even though, right now, it feels like they are somehow different from the rest.

    At times, this giving mentality is a little too much to bear, but my heroes hang in there anyway, knowing they are being divinely guided to bigger and better things; it is at this point in their journey, the here and now, that big moves have to be made. We all need to surrender into the belief that we are supported and loved by something greater than ourselves. My heroes also know, now more than ever, that this choice looms for them too.

    After all, it’s their time to shine.

    They astound me, they make me proud, and they deserve every positive thing that is racing towards them right now (and boy, are some positive things racing towards them right now).

    My hero is you, my dear friend.

    Maybe your life currently seems a little unclear, a little frustrating, or even a little overwhelming, but if you knew what I knew about you, your legs would buckle with excitement. Amazingly, you are here on this planet to positively influence many, many people. You may not totally believe this statement yet, but by simply being your quirky self, you will positively impact many lives. This will occur both knowingly and unknowingly.

    Hey, don’t forget the lives of all those people you’ve positively changed already, You might not remember them, but they will never forget you.

    You’re their hero also.

    You’re a gift.

    Thank you for being my hero.



    In the beginning, you believed you could fly,

    and then someone stole your wings.

    The World Was Yours

    When you arrive in this world, you are explorative, adventurous, and majestic, and life, to you, appears like a fictional story, a wonderful playground for you to explore on a daily basis, and you do so with absolutely no restrictions. At this tender point in your life, there are no known mental limits or restrictions for the mind to concern itself with; in fact, you are not even aware of what a mental limit is. There is simply an imagination at work, and it’s wondering what this young kid (you) may indeed explore next.

    Now, as you reflect back on your childhood, you understand that your life skills and abilities were all mastered at light speed. You saw something that interested you, you made a choice, and then you followed your heart’s desire. Without rules and mental limits, you somehow were guided.

    As I played as a kid, the only real rule that existed for me was to be home before the streetlights came on. We lived in a very quiet street on the Gold Coast, and it was the most amazing playground ever. The gap between dumping my school bag while dashing out the front door and the return home (with one hell of a magic mile sprint to beat the streetlights) was all mine for the taking. I even remember kicking the back of the streetlights in my cul-de-sac after my mates and I learned it would actually turn off the lights. Obviously, as creative youngsters, we absolutely considered doing this in front of my house over and over for long enough that my mum wouldn’t see any streets lights come on at all, allowing us to play, explore, and dream for many hours more.

    Our creativity and imaginations soared during this magical window. Our happiness grew at light speed as we explored exactly what our hearts desired. There were no mental limits, no work deadlines, and no social media commitments to adhere to. As such, our untethered imaginations allowed for rocket ships to be built, rainbows to be drawn, and grand plans about how we would one day change the world to be conjured up.

    During my childhood exploration, the only concept of time that existed was strapped to my wrist, and that’s because I thought it looked cool. As children, my mates and I explored

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