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Sun Tzu and the Rise of China: Why Taiwan Is Being Forced Back to the Mainland, the Fall of Hong Kong and Other Collected Essays
Sun Tzu and the Rise of China: Why Taiwan Is Being Forced Back to the Mainland, the Fall of Hong Kong and Other Collected Essays
Sun Tzu and the Rise of China: Why Taiwan Is Being Forced Back to the Mainland, the Fall of Hong Kong and Other Collected Essays
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Sun Tzu and the Rise of China: Why Taiwan Is Being Forced Back to the Mainland, the Fall of Hong Kong and Other Collected Essays

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Herein the writer discusses the present rise of China from looking at a specific critical statement made by Sun Tzu in his ancient treatise “The Art of War.” The writer builds on this one particular quote in such a way as to obtain a “synthesis” for why Mainland China needs so desperately to bring back Taiwan “back into the fold.” Mainland China has for decades claimed that Taiwan is a “renegade province” and nothing more. Mainland China hopes and works desperately on a round-the-clock daily basis in order to try to convince the rest of the world that this in fact is the case. Because of the mainland’s unceasing rhetoric, often the rest of the world isn’t aware of the true state of affairs (as on the contrary all Chinese in the world are) that in fact Taiwan, because of its democratic and open society, it therefore is an absolute threat to the state security of mainland China.
In fact, many of Taiwan’s open policies date back to the Japanese control of Taiwan from the years of 1895 until the end of WWII. This fact is something that mainland China refuses to officially accept and will without hesitation vehemently deny. However everyone who knows even some history and has travelled to Taiwan and spent time there can easily figure out. The writer has seen it for himself.
Systemics and reductionism are discussed as part of the analytical framework of this synthesis using Sun Tzu’s theory as per several noted writers on the theories of International Relations. Mention will be made of how this present mainland policy has in fact seriously eroded the once very sound infrastructure that was once the fundamental social fabric and framework for Hong Kong, leaving many Hong Kong people in serious doubt for their future.
Ultimately, all of this gets put on the “front door” of the U.S.A., whose position in the world, is by this very policy further under an even greater threat. Can China “out-flank” the USA in places such as the Pacific and continents such as Africa? The outcome remains to be seen. But this book will try to consider many of the possible scenarios.
Notwithstanding, what also gets mentioned is the concept of Entropy in trying to analyze international political activity. Certain concepts such as the “entropy of mixing” are use to speculate that historical events cannot easily be “stopped” once political momentum and policies are put into place. The power of the “coalition” in game theory.
Release dateDec 30, 2020
Sun Tzu and the Rise of China: Why Taiwan Is Being Forced Back to the Mainland, the Fall of Hong Kong and Other Collected Essays

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    Sun Tzu and the Rise of China - Southern Jameson West

    Copyright © 2021 by Southern Jameson West.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    The Main Essay

    Sun Tzu and The Rise of China:

    Why Taiwan is Being Forced Back to

    The Mainland, The Fall of Hong Kong.

    The Background Notes

    The Rise Of China From The Perspective of Sun-Tzu’s Art of War

    The Other Essays

    Asia Pacific Issues - Anschlusss: China’s Invasion of North Korea

    Globalization, Random Walk and Entropy

    Is it Really the End of History?:

    Nietzsche vs. Hegel.

    Strategic Studies and Waltz’s Neo-Realism: A New Kind of Epistemology

    Deception in Modern Warfare: What The Books Don’t Tell Us: Speculations,

    Paper on Modern Warfare: "The Foundations of War:

    What the Textbooks don’t and can’t tell you"

    Security Issues and The Myth of Social Constructivism: Term Paper

    Strategic Coercion, Game Theory and U.S Foreign Policy in The J.F.K. Administration and The C.I.A.

    Sun Tzu and The American Forces in Afghanistan…. Inductive Logic and Irregular Warfare: Term Paper

    Bretton- Woods, The Cold War, Uncertainty, Exchange Rate Stability and Ergodicity.

    Coarse graining, universality, statistical mechanics and peace treaties

    Strategic Coercion in The Cancer Industry

    Dedicated to All Those Who Live on Encircled Ground

    Preface for the 2021 Edition: A Wasted Life, a

    Cursed Hometown: Sun Tzu and the Art of War.

    It’s Mar.11 2020 and since Jan. 2020 only one person two days ago here in the shithole of Vancouver proper has died of this so-called bullshit corona virus.

    Your chances citizen of dying of this ruse virus scam is one in 2.3 million!!!!!

    Where here in this shithole there are over 450,000 Chinese/chi-coms! One in every 5.5 people is a chi-com???????

    Spock to Enterprize: Captain, there is no pandemic".

    What you have is stupid idiots claiming to be scientists saying that just watch out!!

    When all their doing is reading off of a wire service. The same wire service that the big stock players own and use to regularly manipulate the market. And lately it’s been the SHORT SELLER’S MARKET!!!


    Remember what SUN TZU baby says: ALL WAR IS BASED ON DECEPTION and the chi-coms got you belivin’ you’re gonna die because they paid some crisis actors in the town of Wuhan to roll over and die in front of a camera!!!

    Remember: chi-coms when they really do shit don’t want it televised to the rest of the world.!!!!

    Jesus!!! You fuckers are stupid!!!

    Should I apologize for these words???

    FUCK NO!!!!!!!

    Want a


    Try the FENTANYL shit, or however you spell it. I see people dropping left and right in this shit hole because they’re stoned on that chi-com shit!!!

    That’s my bullshit for today. More for tomorrow.

    Yeah and God bless Jesus saves.

    Christ, use your god damned heads!!!

    Best Always.

    At long last I’ve found a computer and an environment that I can work with. I had tried to use some second hand one that that kept dropping what I had been trying to save. I got nowhere. Perhaps today might be different. I used to write with a pen and a typewriter but now that I am somewhat competent (by no means fully) at using a word processer, I can’t write without one.

    I’m still lousy at remembering how to save things. And I’m kind of worried this thing may not turn out.

    Wait and see. Right! Try to be open minded! Easy to say.

    It’s now 2020. What a mess. My last computer got cyber attacked by Microsoft wanting me to install windows 10, which I was warned about by the alternative media. Maybe I should have let it in. The whole system crashed. I still haven’t got that fixed. Nothing here moves very fast. Where? Here, where I’m at. I can’t get used to the place or the people. They seem to be inherently afraid of any kind of new or novel concept or idea. They’re big on show and flash, but with no substance.

    I can sort of get it, but I can’t make my mind go back into the box it was in. Societies are dangerous for someone who is a heretic. Now see there’s that word. What it means in English is not what it means in Greek. That’s where the word originally came from. Heritikos. In Greek. It means: able to choose.

    In English it means: a bad guy. So, now I’m one and here in this little hick town I’m even being persecuted for being one. It makes the rank and file feel warm inside I’m sure. What happened to my font? Or letter style. It’s gone into italics. How the hell do I change that????? Wow!!! I changed it!!! Just press the original script up top!!!

    What I’ve been hearing since I got back to this place some five or more years ago is globalists, globalism, and the new world order!!! What the hell is that? Maybe they should be called the gobblists. And so called mainstream media is being challenged by so called alternative media. Challenged how? You name it. Kangaroo courts. Stay behind networks, and then there’s the capo tout de capo: the DEEP STATE". Machiavelli on steroids!!!

    So now, anyone who’s read Machiavelli can understand just what’s going on. It’s all about deceit, deceit and more deceit. And wanting (if you’re the Bolsheviks) your political opponents dead, dead, dead. If you’re a conservative and God forbid a Christian your open season for attack even the president you don’t have any friends even in your own White house. Well, maybe the cooks or something like that.

    According to the trusted networks this guy can’t do anything right. And the people I know here believe that crap. So, there’s no use talking about politics, medicines, vaccines, the clothes you wear or the color of your shoes. Do it and you might be called a RACIST!!! Even trying to have a civil discussion will or might, get this trigger your so-called interlocutor. Where do they get these words??? And the colleges!!! I hear it’s totally weird. Plasticine ??? I suppose. I had to look up the word just now to figure out how to spell it. Never had any use for spelling it before. Not even in kindergarten.

    So, you’re probably asking, just where I am. That’s easy, I’m in some shit-hole place that’s been taken over by the chi-coms. It’s much the same as Hong Kong today. Remember the title of this book when it was an e-book, whatever that is. The Fall of Hong Kong. I predicted that after the worst visit I’ve ever had in that former British Colony. Once it was called: the pearl of the orient now the whole airport’s been taken over by chi-com like staff with an attitude. They threw me off my flight because my passport was a few weeks under the six month wire. Normally, the authorities would have been polite and helpful certainly before 1997 and probably up until poo bear took over. Ah! Did I offend someone? I don’t fucking care!!! The place is a shit-hole now, just like the place I’m living in. Fentanyl, fentanyl, fentanyl!!! And other b.s. operations by the chi-coms to try to bring down America and the rest of the world. They really believe they’re going to take over. What, by poisoning us???

    Now Taiwan has got to be wondering. The chi-coms want of course the whole of the pacific. But you have to wonder that if present-day Hong Kong is an example of how they manage things then what can we expect for any other place? Like, say, Africa??? Oh, Canada??? No, not interested. But, there’s the so-called big tech companies that want to put wires in your head with a transmitter/receiver to help you better control your computer!!! No,shit???

    I’m starting to write like Joe Rogan talks. Maybe that’s not good but he does have a big audience. And he’s a great tipper. For what that’s worth. No, Graham Greene had it right. A Rum punch is what is necessary to start off any foray into that myriad of super-spy intrepid nonsense. I spied on the chi-coms for more than thirty years and they even knew it. I’m still spying on them. They once tried to kill me by poisoning but my James Bond instincts and good and healthy heart foiled that operation. Then they quite trying to bump me off and I guess I quit dumping on Mao Zi Dong.

    No, the Rum punch will be my next step. I used to love those Mai Tai’s at Trader Fargo’s. That’s a cod name. Like JS-Wave it’s not very good. Anyone could see through that. That’s it I need to go on a cruise. Never been on one. The closest I’ve been was when I read the novel: The Sun Also Rises. Good old Hemmingway! ….and we had coffees after out dinner……!!!

    Yes, the Rum-punch is looking good. Good wine of any kind. I want to go back to drinking. It felt good, and my life made sense, and my writing was much better. You always know a good writer about what and how they drink. Hemmingway of course, but then there was Go Down Moses, William Faulkner and I’m sure the list is endless….of course!!!…..Dylan Thomas!!!

    To go out in a blaze of glory like that, it’s perfect.

    One of the reasons that chi-coms don’t drink, I mean the serious ones is because then, they’d have to start thinking. That’s right, they’d have to develop a conscious. They won’t take that chance. Like when you pray to God, you kind of let God take over. Not those guys. They will go to their graves neurotic about having power and taking power…….may be even psychotic about power.

    Agenda 21………anyone ever heard of that?

    The END of Humanity!!!

    Filter your God damned water you idiots!!!

    Gay Frogs God damn it!!!

    It’s supposed to be a plan (and there are it seems many of these plans) to suppress and even destroy humanity. They call this era we’re in the post-human era. Brave New World. I never knew that, that book was published in 1932 until I read it almost two years ago.

    Vaccines, Vaccines, Vaccines!!!

    Is it all just a scare to get you to roll up your sleeves??? When you hear the clarion call of EPIDEMIC!!!


    Probably it’s yes and no. But what do we know? It’s at least a ten person game, so what does the patient know? Jack!


    Now there’s a sacred word if I ever heard one.

    Although, MIND YOU!!! (like my grandmother from Chicago would say) she did nurse the victims of the Spanish Influenza back in 1919. They always died at 4:00 am, she would say. She knew stuff. Her children except for the oldest didn’t know, Jack, you guessed it. Son and daughter of the pioneers!!! They almost starved to death in the dust bowls of the South West.

    Is the latest Corona virus from China just a hoax???

    Just to get you to roll up your sleeve to get some vaccine???

    Like the doctor who tried to murder me with a tetanus vaccine.

    Life is hell when they pen you up like cattle and you don’t have any options.

    I took two courses in globalism and two courses in war games to get an M.A. in IR and Strategic Studies (and a bunch of other courses as well) and it seemed pretty clear it was all about how to stampede cattle in a Texas range war.

    One of my profs was an active guy at C.S.I.S. in D.C and another two were big shots for the Taiwan government. Of course they didn’t tell the whole story. I’m finding that out by listening to alternative talk radio.

    Theorem 1: China will only do business with you if they think (china) they can SUCK YOU DRY!!!

    Don’t God damned forget it!

    And now they have their virus.

    Who know’s what the hell that is. It could be anything. The point is they won’t tell you unless they’re sucked dry and have no way out. All they can ever think of is a sum zero game. I think I’ve said it before.

    Africa: forget it. You’re going to be slaves like you never thought the white race could enslave. You’re going to be dumped big time on an ash heap, worse than what Hitler could have concocted. It’s just the way they do business. That’s why nobody wanted to do business with them for over one millennia. It’s just one of David Rockefeller’s wet dreams, that’s the China deal.

    Theorem 2: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Guarantees Teleportation, Entanglement and Interdimensional Travel

    Perhaps Tesla really did figure it out. Or like when you stand near horses and cattle you can smell the protein given off. It flies not by the wind. But by virtue of the fact of the principle stated above. Ust the way viruses move. Now it’s here, now it’s there. You have no control. And forget about your stupid vaccines!!!

    Strength through diversity? Slim Pickens baby!!! We have too many white people. Too many white people. No lady, what you need is more Chinese. Then they will deal with you like you never thought. And little Davy Rockefeller will have his wet dream!!!

    Like the man said: when it comes to science, all things are possible. You mistake culture and belief, human trust and all of those things Nietzsche talked about for science. And they give you phones so that they can keep track of you. Next year it will be brain implants. Strength through diversity. Right? It’s what you want. And the vaccines, it’s what you want too. Right?

    Theorem 3: Schrodinger’s Wave Function is A Ghost Particle (until you multiply it by its complex conjugate)

    It’s like the root of minus 1. It is the root of minus 1. And it travels through space and time at an infinite speed. Because when you measure it, it’s already there. Good for tricking human beings. Exactly what Nietzsche was talking about. Humans are always deceived. Deceived by whom? By their own logic. Which of course is based on their worldly experience. What else have they got?

    11 Mar. 2020

    The density operator, the partition function and the Hamiltonian that generates motion!!!………..Ticket to Ride!!!


    ……..and they stole the fucking election

    9 Dec. 2020

    And to the flat-earth born again Christian radio host who thinks he’s an expert in A.F &A.M……the chi-coms are going to love torturing you!!!

    Got to bring in the cat.

    Can you believe it? This goddamned computer is working again. And I can function despite all the goddamned coronavirus fake bullshit!!!

    13 Dec.2020

    p.s. get ready for the second Civil War!

    Ciao! whoops! Looks like C.S.I.S. in D.C. has shut down….permanently!….now what?

    Why Taiwan Is Being Forced Back To the Mainland: Sun Tzu and the Rise of China

    Preface-Beijing’s Hang-up:

    Taiwan’s Democracy & Boltzmann’s Equation

    (The World is just an Entropy Meat Grinder………….justice is just an illusion, spell it uncapitalized)

    A lot of political activity can be broken down to the Prisoner’s Dilemma game theoretical construct wherein we rat out our counterpart. Thus, the first big mistake for any scientist to make is to trust all the other scientists that are in some way connected directly or indirectly in any kind of what could be taken to be controversial research…Galileo was ratted out then coerced, Gordon Gould’s patent on the laser was stolen….the list of good scientists with good discoveries ripped off is endless.

    Sometimes it is difficult to be able to exactly predict what really will happen in International Affairs because one often really doesn’t know what all the various undercurrents are that are set out to be clandestine and much less what they are doing and how they are interplaying and of course where that evolution will eventually be taken. In this preface I am hoping to introduce as many of my pet catch-words as possible for how I think political theory should be described. Of course I take full responsibility for that. Then there is the notion of prisoner’s dilemma in science: to rat out the competition/enemy/adversary. Ultimately that evolutionary course as mentioned above will always result in a positive increase in the entropy of the system being considered: that of humanity here on Earth. Some use the term New World Order, some might use the term Globalization. However they are described the law of entropy always applies. Boltzmann’s equation for Entropy applies not only to physical systems but social science systems as well.

    When I was asked to write something about Sun Tzu and his theory of war I really had no idea where I was going and the write-up that I eventually did fell well below the mark according to what my masters /advisors claimed they had required of me. What I had done was to simply try to interpret everything Sun Tzu was saying without really focusing on any one specific quote that Sun Tzu had made. (In spite of this one of my critics at the time however said that he had enjoyed reading what I had written even though what I had written was dismissed as having no new knowledge. I was somewhat grateful for his comments. I still am. But I am of course unforgiving.

    Another fault of mine in the social sciences which I was never criticized for directly but was politely ignored for was my insistence to always try to talk about Entropy and thermodynamics at every juncture of my political analysis. Entropy is of course connected to Information theory and I had always liked to dabble in it whenever I wrote my essays for essentially the same crew who had criticized my Sun Tzu effort. But never mind that for now, what comes next is the crunch of what the whole essay I am to give you herein is all about.

    My advisors taught me absolutely nothing about game theory much less investment banking. One cannot have wars without finance. Yet one of my professors of modern war was incensed when I suggested to him that the study of investment banking finance was what his textbook on modern war was sorely lacking. He was so incensed that he asked me outright in class if I thought I was God. Wars have throughout history all needed investment bankers. Even Sun Tzu alludes to this. Much as they pretended to love Sun Tzu, they never seemed to really be able to understand the concept of deception in war as is mentioned right at the beginning of The Art of War. Daniel Ellsberg’s writing on the Pentagon Papers is rife with examples of how deception (against Congress and the U.S. people) was constantly used before and during the War in Vietnam. Vietnam of course was truly a modern war. Taiwan profited on that war as well. Now of course the tables for Taiwan have turned.

    The use of prisoner’s dilemma in war and human relations is omnipresent. In fact the concept of prisoner’s dilemma is at the very root of Kenneth Waltz’s notions on the hierarchy of structure and how structures are preserved in preference to individuals. The survival of organizations always trump that of the individual. When the going gets tough the individual who is seen to be a threat to the group as a whole is ratted out.

    In the last while the extensive research work of some very great social scientists has come to my attention. I can’t talk too much about that here unfortunately, but in covert ops there are always some people in the op who end up getting sacrificed. All social science still can be determined in so far is all human affairs whether they be peace or of war follows the law of Entropy. The flow of information also follows such a law: The so-called Shannon entropy.

    Then there’s the muckraking. A fantastic way of finding out about conspiracies in politics; prisoner’s dilemma was clearly seen during the Watergate affair.

    Taiwan’s government during the past decade or so has suffered an erosion of its sovereignty in certain ways which no doubt it thinks really don’t matter. That is the issue of foreigners who study in Taiwan. Twenty five years ago all student visa for foreigners were issued in Taipei, no however all foreigners who want to study in Taiwan have to be processed in Hong Kong. A Reduction of sovereignty? Absolutely. But also China is trying to prove to the world and itself that it controls Taiwan. Again, China uses each of its people at home and especially abroad as little/big voices for the implementation of its foreign policy; kind of like campers in the wilderness of foreign affairs each Chinese has been charged with the task of making sure that all foreigners understand the true party line.

    An essential question might be:

    What are the forces that determine social science or political events in the world and what is the nature of the laws that describe these same events?

    Most of the China watching that has been and is still reported in the media is somewhat of an illusion. Much like the Viet Nam conflict that was to engulf the U.S.A. China’s strategies are set out to engulf the world, their strategy cannot so easily be talked about for prime time TV. Who wants to hear that China is out to take over the world? That is what they want and that is certainly what is in their minds. It’s all written down in Sun Tzu.

    The mess that is now Hong Kong, especially the Hong Kong airport which used to be a traveler’s oasis in the Far East is now a bloody nightmare. Everything that was once reasonably managed is now a city which is more like some kind of terrorist camp of sorts. And the Hong Kong people are now having to pay a cash tax on every air ticket that they buy. Passengers bound for Taiwan from Hong Kong travelling on airlines owned or semi-controlled by Chinese interests are subject to sometime impolite questioning on the part of their ticket and check-in agents at the Hong Kong airport. All in the name of Beijing’s desperate desire to be seen as the one who exerts total control of Taiwan’s foreign affairs. And at the same time the Taiwanese are going nuts watching the current protests which have been happening in Hong Kong against what the people there claim is Beijing’s heavy handed dealing with what they believe are their rightful aspirations for autonomous rule; which of course was promised to them in the 1997 handover agreement. Hong Kong has fallen and will continue downward if only because the British who originally invented Hong Kong no longer rule it. This is simply the result of the natural increase in the entropy of any political system: from order to disorder then later perhaps to equilibrium; perhaps. Perhaps war.

    The mainland sees Taiwan’s democracy as a threat to its status quo of power not only in Asia but in the Chinese community worldwide. This then connects with Sun Tzu’s statement about closing the gaps Taiwan is the gap. Beijing is desperate. The deterioration of certain kinds of important social infrastructure that had been put in years ago by the British in Hong Kong is now quite evident. One example is the wrecking of colonial buildings.

    But since mainland China has a much greater population compared with most other countries it is able to create a greater amount of entropy in information and movement than what can be otherwise easily handled by the West. Hence Sun Tzu’s idea of taking an enemy city intact, what Beijing hopes to do is in this way take the world intact. (one of Sun Tzu’s famous little dictums) And especially China wants to take the U.S.A. intact hoping that its magnificent 5th-column of Chinese students in the U.S.A. as well as China-Town will be up to the job. After all they are all quite proud of the fact that the USA did most of the fighting against the Japanese during WWII. That is also one reason why the USA won’t give up the Pacific without a fight. So much for idealism in America. But then I can understand that. It’s the other side that I can’t.

    A lot of social scientists say that physics can’t explain social phenomena, but I disagree. Entropy and the change in entropy expresses societies and their interactions perfectly. It is rather that probably many social scientists don’t know what it is and don’t know how to apply the concept. Globalization is a process that is rife with examples for which to apply the concept.(I’m sure a lot of think tanks have known this for years, but they’re not talking.) One only has to read a few pages on any good book in physical chemistry that talk about what a spontaneous process is and one can soon get the drift of what is implied.

    On the Ruse of The Fallacy, and The Illusion of Academia vs. The Men in Black

    More than any other modern illusion the most prevalent one is that of the notion of Academia. That somehow having that Ph.D. means that in almost every case it is reasoned (quite wrongly of course) that that Ph.D. really knows what’s really going down in this world of ours. Nothing could be in reality farther from the truth. Academicians do not rule the world it is rather the billionaires soon to be trillion-airs who really decide the fate of nations and certainly they do not do it for some kind of moral high-ground that the moms and dads of the world spend their millions to send their babies to college to learn those lofty high morals of such guys like Plato who started all that Academic style which is strong on style but awfully weak on substance. Like I could drive C-130’s through the holes in the logic of a lot of those who philosophize on China-which is and will be our greatest adversary ever faced in history. These so-called friends of China in the 1970’s were in fact a total sham. Words like naivety and stupidity were rampant. But who was playing the tune? Nixon, and his White House buddies. Where are they now?

    This world of ours grinds down human beings like hamburger. That is truly more to the reality of a thing than certain kinds of philosophical platitudes offered by the rank and file social scientist. There is no reason for what happens in the world, just like a president (in today’s world at least) is not really solely in charge. Anarchy is NOT what states arbitrarily choose it to be. Nor has it ever been and nor could it never be. There are irrevocable boundary conditions

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