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Interrupted by God
Interrupted by God
Interrupted by God
Ebook305 pages4 hours

Interrupted by God

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About this ebook

‘Interrupted by God’ embraces true accounts written after a miraculous intervention in the life of an ordinary, much changed, God follower. Destined to be one-of-a-kind classic to be read, re-read and shared.

The stories rage with emotion, yet in the end, bow blissfully to heavenly interactions, healing and truth. Not for the faint of heart. Taken from powerfully impacting occurrences on deep issues surrounding murder, suicide, divorce, adultery, death, near-death, the broken-hearted and the soul-wounded with resounding proved results. Crammed with unparalleled answers, God truths, blessings and of course, interventions with God.

When the God of Glory touches lives they are forever changed, you will be too!

BONUS SECTION included called, ‘What’s Coming?’. These are the crucial truths one needs to know about the coming future of mankind told in a simplistic fashion for the novice or believer. All told, ‘Interrupted by God’, is the total survival manual for a crumbling world and hope for tomorrow.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 25, 2021
Interrupted by God

Krys Mclean

Krys McLean is a free-lance writer, past junior high teacher, published newspaper columnist, counsellor, pastor’s wife, Christian motivational speaker, grandmother and a health nut. Krys, and her husband, Bill, reside in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, on top of the hill, at the foot of the cross.

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    Interrupted by God - Krys Mclean

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2002-7 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date:  01/22/2021



    Chapter 1        YOU BLAMED WHO?

    This is the story of a painful murder and abduction, God’s interruption and a mother’s way back to the one who was trying to help all along.

    Chapter 2        SOUL WOUNDED

    This is a true story of God’s intervention between bitter repercussion and an unsolved murder/suicide mystery.

    Chapter 3        HEART TROUBLE

    This is the testimony of God’s first interruption in my life, and the story of a motorcycle murderer.


    This is a testimony of ‘HOW TO’ forgive the unforgivable, and is it really possible.

    Chapter 5        NOT MY DADDY

    This is the story of an abusive father and the vast forgiveness and love of The Father. It is also the miracle story of a reprobate dad coming to Christ after being comatose, near death and the power of healing prayer. It also encompasses how to be ‘sure’ one is a Christian. Powerfully packed with God interventions

    Chapter 6        FORGIVE NOT, SUFFER MUCH

    This is the chronicle of Betty, dying from lupus who has never forgiven her-step dad and mentally ill husband ultimately experiencing Christ’s presence in her life. This is also the story of Earl, a hate-filled vengeful man broken by illness and the healing of his soul and body.

    Chapter 7        ADULTERY, IS IT THE LIVING SIN?

    This is a question many divorced fear to know the answer to. Find out the truth and scriptural references to the proof of forgiveness of adultery. This chapter also shares powerful steps to the forgiveness of God for not just adultery, but other sins.

    Chapter 8        DIVORCE & THE ONE DAY MIRACLE

    This is an amazing one day miracle that truly can overthrow thought and plans to divorce, under specific conditions. It includes how these thoughts and plans came into being, the story of how it all began and God’s intervention. It tells of others it has worked for, the why and how of it working, and how it will work for you.

    Chapter 9        THE TRUTH OR ELSE

    This chapter begins with the testimony of a rock star and oily goop. The readers are given the ‘how to’ of changing their mates destructive actions and behaviour and blessing them instead. My beloved’s prayer has saved many a marriage. It continues with crisis praying vs. praying without ceasing and how to handle healthy conflict.

    Chapter 10        ANGER BREAKER

    Within are several God interruptions teaching unforgettable lessons. The results of staying angry and the long term results. One will find out how one gets a snare to the soul, and what anger really is.

    Chapter 11        ANGER BREAKER 2

    Included is a funny story how duck tape stops anger, ways to halt anger and the total anger buster finishes up the chapter.

    Chapter 12        3 HOLES TO PEACE

    This is an eye opening dream that lead to the discovery of freedom and peace in life. A life changing prayer is included, an absolute treasure.

    Chapter 13        FEAR NOT

    This is the exit plan for a would be terrorist. The fear of God vs. the fear of man is fully examined.

    Chapter 14        THE SECRET OF THE LORD

    Meet doulahs and what fear did for them. The secret of the Lord is explained, but best of all is how to ‘get’ the fear of the Lord and the blessings therein.

    Chapter 15        SUICIDE STOPS HERE

    This is the dramatic explanation of the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness and their powers over man. Prayers are given breaking the power of evil, and how to stand. We learn what it means to have Jesus in us. An unusual perspective is presented about the living dead, the living lost, the empty saved and the fruitful blessed.

    Chapter 16        PRESCRIPTION FOR JOY

    Prescription For Joy tells the story of a literal prescription that brings joy and an amazing account of a nurse confronted in a break-in by a drug addict and her path back to healing.

    Chapter 17        THE DAY OUR WASHING MACHINE


    This is the saga of a bitter woman dredging up hate and condemnation. In it is shared how praise trumps hate. There is a teaching lesson of ‘The Secret of David’ to overcome anger, as well as the story of the fried motor and the amazing life-changing aspect of practicing His presence.

    Chapter 18        FLEA BITTEN INN

    This is a funny break-in in an inn, and a God who hears all!. A portion is about calling on ‘Thy Kingdom’, where it is and how to get it. Jesus in our world, God in us, and The Kingdom at hand are relevantly applied.

    Chapter 19        S.O.S.

    S.O.S. is a distinguished plan that keeps on working no matter the trouble that surrounds us. It is also the story of a crack dealer saved from prison, believers who have aborted set free, and breaking the sin pattern forever. In it is revealed the mystery of S.O.S. The chapter ends with the murder of Carla Faye and the electric chair.

    Chapter 20        DOUBLE TROUBLE

    Double Trouble reveals how we stand alone, peace when there is no peace, man wanting to connect to God and how to detect a false religion. We see how to undermine pride. The main thrust of the chapter is, ‘What if I could teach you how to keep from falling into sin all the time?’ I leave the readers with ‘The Perfect Example’ and the single attribute to fight for what combats sin all the time and how to gain it.

    Chapter 21        WHAT IF

    What if you could stop yourself from falling into sin almost all the time? Examples, how to’s and a powerful plan.

    Chapter 22        BLOOD MATTERS

    Blood Matters begins with the outrageous muffin mess story leading into the fascinating tale of prayers for a mass murderer. We look at the idiocy of marrying a stranger, the worst and the best day ever. Then we discover what happens, if not for the blood.

    Chapter 23        HEAL ME & I SHALL BE HEALED

    This is a series of merciful healings that begin with a broken leg, bashed up kid and drunken driver and what happens when a little church begins to pray. Included is the story of the cat who came back from near death. Many accounts of healing situations are related like a cancer healed and surgery cancelled. We answer why does God heal when he does? The Great Physician story is told.

    Chapter 24        WORDS OF DEATH

    The ‘Words of Death’ chapter continues with healing miracles but challenges the system that said, ‘You will die!’ I tell the story about spots and bruises and the death sentence. You’ll hear how the voiceless speaks and don’t call uncle, he has cancer.

    Chapter 25        UNHOLY SPIRITS

    The heart rendering story of a dying man, God’s intervention, and a return to unholy spirits.

    Chapter 26        ALMOST PRISON

    We were both running, me from a bad marriage and him from the law. This is my husband’s testimony from prison to praise!

    Chapter 27        WHY NOT WAKE UP?

    I ask the question of the readers, ‘Are you ready?’ and then share my assignment from God being fulfilled. I help the readers remember when things were different. Then comes the questions, ‘What happened to us and what’s next?’ and ‘Whose fault is it anyway?’ It ends in God’s love.


    As the finale, I offer a bonus section called, ‘WHAT’S COMING’? The true biblical facts that every living person needs to know from God’s word and how to move the hand of God.


    .those desiring GOD’s intervention in their lives.

    .my precious friends and family, whom I love with all my heart.

    .my encouraging and constantly blessing husband, Bill, without whom I could never have explored my faith so deeply, nor given months of full-time work to this project.

    .to my five unique and beloved sons, Craig, Chad, Brett, Michael & Jeff, especially, Michael, the son who has always kept me laughing, pushed me out of my comfort zone to complete my book and challenged my thinking.

    .to my cherished daughter-in-laws, Alexandria and Tara, all my grandchildren, and my heart’s newest delights, Ellie and Rosie.

    .to my special friends in Christ, B.J. Sarlo and Marie Hamilton, for their expertise in their particular areas, love and encouragement.

    .to my great encouragers and friends, Don & Betty Jo Black, who helped make it happen.

    .most of all, I dedicate this book to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus. When I could talk to no one on earth, He listened and covered me with the blanket of His love. He has held me by my right hand, blessed, chastised and corrected, lovingly guided, inspired and innumerable times healed me, for which I am forever grateful.

    Soli Deo Gloria

    (To God Only be Glory)




    Chapter 1     You Blamed Who?

    Chapter 2     Soul Wounded

    Chapter 3     Heart Trouble

    Chapter 4     I Said The Words

    Chapter 5     Not My Daddy

    Chapter 6     Forgive Not, Suffer Much

    Chapter 7     Adultery, Is It ‘The Living Sin’?

    Chapter 8     Divorce & The One Day Miracle

    Chapter 9     The Truth Or Else

    Chapter 10   Anger Breaker

    Chapter 11   Anger Breaker Ii

    Chapter 12   3 Holes To Peace

    Chapter 13   Fear Not

    Chapter 14   The Secret Of The Lord

    Chapter 15   Suicide, Stops Here!

    Chapter 16   Prescription For Joy

    Chapter 17   The Day Our Washing Machine Quit

    Chapter 18   Flea Bitten Inn

    Chapter 19   Sos Interruption

    Chapter 20   Double Trouble

    Chapter 21   What If…

    Chapter 22   Blood Matters

    Chapter 23   Heal Me And I Shall Be Healed

    Chapter 24   Words Of Death

    Chapter 25   Unholy Spirits

    Chapter 26   Almost Prison

    Chapter 27   Why Not Wake Uppp!



    HAD GOD NOT interrupted my life and the following not happened, I would not be writing this book. July of 2008 shortly after 2:00 a.m., I was startled awake by the crashing of thunder that hit so close, hard and loud, the house shook and me with it! I sat straight up in bed, heart pounding, nerves jangling, and witnessed the following…

    Before me, lay a man on his back half hidden except for his upper torso and metal looking half-shields to his left and right. He was caucasian, shiny with glistening skin. This stranger’s arms, neck and chest bulged with muscles, as he lay bare to the waist, head entirely bald, face completely hidden.

    Half-shields stood straight up though nothing held them. The shields were darkish antique-like gold in colour and appeared pressed as though by giant thumbs over every inch. All else in the room was in utter blackness. I could see over the stranger’s right shoulder and observed a small, half, inner-circle of burgundy gold in the centre of the left gold-like shield. Odd dynamic, a circle in the midst of an oval. Strange more so to me, the man held a tiny, child-like wooden mallet in each hand, the kind a kid would use on a xylophone.

    He lifted his huge muscular right hand up to his left shoulder still clutching the baby mallet, swung down and bashed the right shield. Unbelievably no noise erupted from the impact inside, but at that exact incredulous moment, thunder cracked loudly outside the bedroom window.

    The stranger then raised his left hand to his right shoulder, swung once more and banged the left shield this time. Again, no sound resounded inside, just a loud crack of thunder burst outside at the exact moment the shield was struck.

    This bizarre occurrence continued five more times, back and forth, back and forth, and back again. Thunder cracking outside each time the stranger struck the shield inside, seven times in all. It was impossible not to count.

    Everything ceased, the silence was deafening, the vision disappeared as quickly as it had come. Darkness claimed the room once more and thunder slowly rolled away burping into the far distance.

    The scene had no longer ceased than an arresting male voice spoke from behind my right hand shoulder. I glanced immediately, no one was there, in fact nothing could be. My husband was sleeping to my right, and a wall and corner were beside and behind him.

    Then came words that would haunt me and direct me the rest of my life. "Wake up my children, judgement is now!"

    Not fully understanding the intent or implication of the message, I knew this was so a God intervention in my life. I needed to pay attention to this more than anything. Like Moses, I was on an adventure not knowing where I was going, how to get there, or where would it lead.

    I sat there astounded, my mind reeling with the shock of it all. Unbelievably, my husband slept through the entire event waking up five minutes after to my sitting there, dumbfounded. I shared what had just transpired. He was speechless, as was I.

    Such a simple sentence, but believe me, the implications were not. The words and scene would consume me from there on in and I am quite sure they were meant to. I was about to embark on a journey I never in my life anticipated.

    Questions plagued me, who were His children, was He speaking of my children, the body of Christ world-wide, the church, my church, the people of the world? I can tell you after ten years of preparedness, His children are the children of the world bought with the blood of the Saviour, and those who would become children of God, period! All believers and those to be are the ones to whom this message is being sent.

    How would I, a pastor’s wife, limited in scope and reach be capable of warning the children of God world-wide? Why would they listen to me? Why did I have to give a harsh message when as a columnist, teacher or counsellor I breathe inspiration and hope into broken lives, not warning!

    Then I knew exactly how I could do it. I would provide answers to life’s worst dilemmas, most painful situations and deepest heartaches, things only God could possibly change. Soul wounds would be unchained as a result of testimonies, life experiences, true-life stories, humour, passion and teaching modules, speaking into lives, healing and setting free.

    I would endeavour to teach how to break the power of the enemy over oneself and family and when God’s children literally rise up in strength and healing, then there would be a platform to speak of end times, the future, and the coming judgement to prepare them. My hope is a recovered people, strong in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit and truth, deeply desiring to win and warn others! And so begins this book!




    THIS DECADES OLD true account will most likely terrify you, yet I trust you will see how God’s interruption in even the most horrific situation brings healing. Have you noticed God generally gets blamed for everything wrong that happens in this world, when in truth He allows the natural course of events perpetrated by the depravity of mankind to simply take place? In fact, it is He who helps us out of the rottenness, wickedness and evil the enemy has delighted to foist upon us, if we will but allow it.

    There was a time I thought being a child of God meant nothing would ever hurt me or go wrong in life again. That lie was quickly shredded to pieces as life evolved, and difficulties never ended. In fact, if anything trouble compounded.

    I learned pain, suffering and dilemmas are when we need to trust God most, when He is most clearly evident, when He unveils His love best of all. When trouble stalks me or besets others who come to me, I literally find myself searching for solutions only God can provide.

    Although I was not personally involved in the following matter, this story became for me a building block that would one day be the very heart of my ministry.


    The event began many years ago with a summer vacation and a typical family of four heading out on a much longed for camping trip. The family was from the big city, the name of which is long lost. They were willing to travel a long way to enjoy their well-earned time together.

    The godly mother covered their plans and travel with sweet prayers to a God she loved for protection.

    After reaching the pre-arranged camping ground, the family hunkered down in tents for the evening. Mom and dad in one, kids in the other, the youngest being only eight. Then in every sense of the word, came the darkness.

    The eldest daughter woke to a cool breeze blowing in from an opening in the tent where her sister had fallen asleep. Sister now though, was evidently missing. Panicking, the young girl stumbled through the dark to alert mom and dad.

    Mother and father raked the campground and public washrooms to no avail, then frantically called the police. The campground was locked down and a many day search begun. Pitifully, the parents learned a child had been abducted in this park one year earlier and the child never found.

    In time, the family was forced to leave the campground returning home to await the possibility of a ransom call. Crushed, faith wavering, the mom wept, screamed and yelled bitterly even calling God terrible names for His obvious lack of protection. God was totally and absolutely blamed. He, God, the Master of the Universe could have stopped the course of events and had not. What kind of a God was He? But God was well aware and working a plan!

    I recall being shocked that anyone would scream at God in such a malicious manner, also totally understanding the riveting pain that drove such an anger. You can’t help but put yourself in her shoes, how would you react?

    After hours, days and weeks of temper tantrums and raging, the mom cried out to God with every fibre of her being, now so spent and repentant. Then came the miracle and the very peace and love of God enveloped her. There were no words to express the experience. The knowledge of the loss still lingered, the blaming fight against God was not. Peace wrapped around this broken soul.

    The woman who rose after this miraculous moment was both strong and brave though still very much hurt. Infused with strength and long-suffering, she knew God did care and somehow had a purpose in this wicked situation. New found peace and courage would carry her through the valleys she was destined to encounter. Oh, but the love of God in every situation, even in our deepest, darkest nightmare.

    All that could be done now was wait and hope the abductor would contact the family for a ransom exchange. A few false calls came in, and then it happened. The phone rang. How would they know this was the real abductor from someone trying to take advantage of the situation for financial gain? The male voice began bargaining for money for the return of their daughter. It wasn’t the first time they heard this plea, but this man knew something no one else did. Inadvertently, one fact had not been given to the police, the abducted child had a bent baby finger on her left hand since birth.

    The abductor described the deformed finger. The mother knew instantly he was the one and begged to speak to her daughter, which by this time they held little hope for her survival.

    The fellow knew what not to do and stayed on the phone short minutes after making his demand before hanging up, refusing of course to let the daughter talk to her mom.

    The call was entirely too brief and could not be tracked. The abductor was wise to the way of his pursuers, but police trusted he would call again and they were right. The next time they would be more prepared. Investigators advised the mother to do everything she possibly could to keep him on the line so it could be traced.

    In the meantime God was working on the mother’s heart. Mom prayed constantly beseeching God not just for the life and well being

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