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Sweating the Ability to Love and Be Loved: Book Ii
Sweating the Ability to Love and Be Loved: Book Ii
Sweating the Ability to Love and Be Loved: Book Ii
Ebook178 pages2 hours

Sweating the Ability to Love and Be Loved: Book Ii

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What is love? What is its future in your life? Ancient and modern thinkers have attempted to answer this question. In this book, Dr. Carl Sweat, Jr. provides great assistance to people seeking the meaning of love and he offers excellent help to people seeking to enhance their ability to love. Dr. Sweat thoroughly outlines the various elements of love and the role of love in relationships. Most significantly, the book reveals love as a part of the life and purpose of everyone. Therefore, this is a book that should be read by every person because everyone can improve his or her ability to love. Everyone can strengthen current relationships and everyone can develop new relationships. Dr. Sweat approaches his subject by considering the reality of human’s ability to love, the purpose of love in all relationships, and the unity of humanity. The highly exciting and informative book conveys that no person should sweat about his or her ability to love. Dr. Sweat offers tools that assist each reader’s ability to believe, decide, and act in love.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 27, 2021
Sweating the Ability to Love and Be Loved: Book Ii

Dr. Carl Sweat Jr.

Often, when the terms modern, progressive, and revolutionary are used to identify a Christian writer or religious thinker, the initial thought of the reader is the person has broken away or severed oneself from traditional biblical ties. Fortunately, this is not the case with Dr. Carl L. Sweat, Jr. He is one of the boldest, prolific present age thinkers, and writers. He is acclaimed for his theological and philosophical accuracy. The intensity of his research explores how extraordinary the fundamental principles of love can be when applied to the topic Sweating the Ability to Love. Dr. Carl L. Sweat, Jr. is marked by unusual intellect, talent, a great capacity for doctrine, seriousness of purpose, and appreciation for lifelong learning. Rest assured that the concepts you receive in this book are practical and logical. Dr. Carl Sweat, Jr. is Pastor of Laurel Hill United Church of Christ, a congregational setting of Christendom. He is the author of The Inability to Love and be Loved, an educational evaluation of the subject love; Why Are Women In The Ministry?, an exciting and informative book; A Cry for Ethical and Moral Strength, a realistic, practical, and objective approach to positive Christian living; and Race, Color, and Religion Matter, an in-depth analysis of how race, color, and religion are destined by the Creator to be used in the fulfillment of His plan of salvation. Dr. Carl Sweat served as the Chairperson of Practical Reasoning and the Coordinator of Paul D. Camp Community College at Smithfield. Dr. Sweat assisted as a professor in the field of religious studies. Currently, he serves as a psychology and critical thinking professor for Chowan University. The diversity he offers each reader is a B.A. with a minor in Urban Affairs, Virginia Union University, M.S., Central Michigan University, M. Div., Providence Theological Seminary, D. Min., Providence Theological Seminary and an Honorary D.D., awarded by the United Christian Institute. Enjoy reading Dr. Carl L. Sweat’s progressive approach to addressing the issues and questions associated with the topic Sweating the Ability to Love.

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    Sweating the Ability to Love and Be Loved - Dr. Carl Sweat Jr.

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    Rev. date: 01/27/2021








    About The Author



    Chapter I: How to Reflect on Love




    Chapter II: How to Include a Personal Touch to Love



    Single and Seeking Love

    The Marks of Faith

    Dreams can come true


    Increase of Love in the Family

    The Practice of Love in a Family

    Family Love Influences Growth and Development

    Love the Sole Foundation

    When Grief Comes to Your Family


    Chapter III: How to Make Love Purposeful


    I Have a Right to Love

    Practice Seeing Love from The Right Perspective

    The Right ID.




    Chapter IV: How to Precision Love


    Practice Loving and Being Loved

    Living the Good Life

    The Finest Love


    Polish Causes Love to Shine

    Diamonds in the Rough


    Chapter V: How to Strengthen Love



    Love is a State of Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is a State of Mind

    Forgiveness is a State of the Heart

    Forgiveness is a State of the Spirit


    Chapter VI: How to Find Love


    Humility Leads to Love

    Sorrow Leads to Love

    Meekness Leads to Love

    Hunger and Thirst Lead to Love

    Mercy Leads to Love

    Purity Leads to Love

    Peace Maker Leads to Love

    Persecution Leads to Love

    Discovering Love



    This book is dedicated to my loving family: Janice, my wife for 34 years, and my two children, Carl and April, the treasured relationships of my life. It is dedicated to my extended family. It is for the people that formed relationships with me and maintained those relationships throughout our life’s journey. It is written for friends that lost communication with me. This book is dedicated to my church family for possessing a hunger and thirst for love. It is dedicated to all that desire to become greater lovers. It is devoted to all that continuously question, What must I do to increase my ability to love and be loved? Thanks for loving me and allowing me to love you. Always, my prayers are for you and your families.


    This book had its beginnings in a sequence of marriage consultations, a succession of single and family congregational visits, a series of teachings, and numerous presentations and discussions on the topic of Love. It is quite impossible to thank all who, over the many years, have helped to form my thoughts concerning human’s ability to love and be loved. No thought within this book is an original consideration. I am positive that insights which appear to give the impression of being new in nature definitely derive from previous sources that I encountered during my educational training, special research projects, causal readings, and enlightenment obtained through conversations on the subject Love. These unique experiences flow together as one continuous stream of thought. The burden of not being able to note all sources exposed to me confirms that writing a book on the complex subject Love is not an individual undertaking, but a cooperative task. My ability to assist others through the writing of this book is solely due to my indebtedness to persons that contributed to the enhancement of my love life and vocation.


    This book acknowledges that today men and women are free, and they are at liberty to love. Yet, they must commit to seeking love. They must embark on a journey that leads them on a pathway that enhances their ability to love. Men and women should claim their right to love and be loved. Most importantly, they have an accountability to strengthen existing relationships, they have a responsibility to repair past relationships, and they have an obligation to build future relationships.

    This book acknowledges that people are breaking free from the obstacles that prohibit them from reaching a celebratory level of love. This book permits individuals to accomplish love related goals and aspirations, this book will enable you to become liberated to freely establish relationships, manage relationships, and maintain productive relationships.


    Often, when the terms modern, progressive, and revolutionary are used to identify a Christian writer or religious thinker, the initial thought of the reader is the person has broken away or severed oneself from traditional biblical ties. Fortunately, this is not the case with Dr. Carl L. Sweat, Jr. He is one of the boldest, prolific present age thinkers, and writers. He is acclaimed for his theological and philosophical accuracy. The intensity of his research explores how extraordinary the fundamental principles of love can be when applied to the topic Sweating the Ability to Love. Dr. Carl L. Sweat, Jr. is marked by unusual intellect, talent, a great capacity for doctrine, seriousness of purpose, and appreciation for lifelong learning. Rest assured that the concepts you receive in this book are practical and logical. Dr. Carl Sweat, Jr. is Pastor of Laurel Hill United Church of Christ, a congregational setting of Christendom. He is the author of The Inability to Love and be Loved, an educational evaluation of the subject love; Why Are Women In The Ministry?, an exciting and informative book; A Cry for Ethical and Moral Strength, a realistic, practical, and objective approach to positive Christian living; and Race, Color, and Religion Matter, an in-depth analysis of how race, color, and religion are destined by the Creator to be used in the fulfillment of His plan of salvation. Dr. Carl Sweat served as the Chairperson of Practical Reasoning and the Coordinator of Paul D. Camp Community College at Smithfield. Dr. Sweat assisted as a professor in the field of religious studies. Currently, he serves as a psychology and critical thinking professor for Chowan University. The diversity he offers each reader is a B.A. with a minor in Urban Affairs, Virginia Union University, M.S., Central Michigan University, M. Div., Providence Theological Seminary, D. Min., Providence Theological Seminary and an Honorary D.D., awarded by the United Christian Institute. Enjoy reading Dr. Carl L. Sweat’s progressive approach to addressing the issues and questions associated with the topic Sweating the Ability to Love.



    Loving is a fact of life. Its existence and presence in our lives is a mystery that we can only gain a minuscule glimpse. Love can be perplexing to some people. They believe that it is not in their lives because of a sin they have committed. They believe that some were not born with love in them. Some people believe that others lost love due to their horrible relational or social environment experiences. Some people also believe that loving others is not in their best interest. Whatever the opinions, from these thoughts are derived various conversations about loving people.

    Loving one another continues to provoke questions. When people observe good people with no partner or good people with so few social relationships that you can count them on one hand and still have fingers left, they become inquisitive about those person’s love lives or loving behaviors. They desire to know the reason for the good people’s plight of lack of loving and receiving love. How can such a bad thing happen to good people? Certain cases related to lack of love can be explained. Yet, other lacking or limited love cases cannot be easily explained.

    One comment everyone can suggest is that a lack of love and a limited amount of love in people’s lives provide an opportunity for love. Many people would not stop to think about love if they did not examine the lives of others. When they do this, love gains opportunities to work in their lives along with the persons’ lives they were inquiring. Through the process of association, accommodation, and emulation, love gains the ability to assist people with improving their love lives. It has the opportunity for people to help others enhance their love lives. Love also helps us to evaluate ourselves and gain the opportunity of improving our love lives. No person is perfect. As long as we are human, we strive for perfection through the fostering of loving relations. Benefits gained from the opportunities of love, should we take advantage of them, are significant. Love’s opportunities give us a clearer perspective on the value of people and relationships. Its opportunities include building the characters of the encourager and encouraged. Many more benefits can be expressed.

    Confession makes love’s opportunities available. Regrettably, the hardest problem people have, in regard to love, is confessing that they veered off the path, missed the mark, or that they are guilty. For example, most people can confess that they failed to invest the best of themselves into their relationships. Many people can confess that they are guilty of inadequately informing their spouse that they love them. Most people can confess that they insufficiently demonstrate their love to family members. Also, people can confess that they ineffectively champion their relationships. These failures and shortfalls undoubtedly make love’s opportunities available. Yet, the difficulty is the confession.

    Likewise, if people were to visit a jail and ask some of the offenders why they are incarcerated, you would get a multitude of answers. Some would say, I didn’t do anything; it was the people with me. I just happened to get caught with them! Another would say, I didn’t have a fair chance! Still another might say, The judge made a mistake; someone else was the guilty one, but they pinned the crime on me.

    What is the problem? All of these excuses are given by people in order to exonerate themselves of their responsibility and accountability related to the relational matters. The hardest confession in this world for people to say is, I am guilty; I am challenged with my present consequences for my own lack or limited love for others.

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