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Let the Fire Fall: With God Moments
Let the Fire Fall: With God Moments
Let the Fire Fall: With God Moments
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Let the Fire Fall: With God Moments

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Charlie’s Letter to God the Father written 11.11.2006. There is none like you, Father. There is no one that could ever take your place. You are the only one who holds the key to my heart. For within You comes the source of all light. Your perfect love covers the children of God in light. Only you, Father can unlock the secrets of old. Your love is a living, consuming fire with no end and no beginning. It is this perfect love that is the desire of each and every soul You have created. No one knows the depth of Your love for Your children. We, your loved ones do know the price You paid, “You so loved the world You gave your only begotten Son, so everyone that believes in Him will not perish but will have the gift of eternal life.” You, Father, are the source of your children’s happiness. We rejoice with uncontrollable joy knowing You will never leave us orphaned. Your presence Father, we desire.

Meet the challenge, set aside time to enter the quiet. Listen and learn about God’s intense love for you. Pray from your heart with expectant faith. Be keenly sensitive to the gentle move of the Holy Spirit guiding you patiently to the love of Father and Son. It is never too late to reach out to Jesus. Remember the story of the good thief dying on the cross next to Jesus. See Luke 23:39-42.

The heartfelt love of your God and Father will tenderly and lovingly bring you to new life in the Spirit. So, let the fire fall.
Release dateJan 31, 2021
Let the Fire Fall: With God Moments

Charlie Buggé

Charlie has listened and received prophetic writings for many years from the Lord and was asked through prayer to write this book. Praying for Unity with spirit-filled Catholics, Pentecostals, Anglican, Baptist, non-Denominations and others has been a major part of his life.Charlie has held in very high esteem his close friendships with brothers and sisters in North Carolina and beyond.

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    Let the Fire Fall - Charlie Buggé

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    Some History





















    Friends Who Have Spoken into My Life

    What does it mean when you say invoke the Holy Spirit? You are asserting your influence as sons of the most high God Almighty. You are directing the will of your soul to seek first the kingdom of God on earth. You are exercising the desire of your heart that is, the love of Christ Jesus within you who brings the kingdom of God more fully into the atmosphere. Declare it into the heavens. Let the fire fall! Holy Spirit, come! Holy Spirit fill us to overflowing with Your love! Holy Spirit, create in us a new heart so we may be the reflection of Jesus’s love in the earth. Holy Spirit, dance with us, live in us, and let us never depart from one another! Holy Spirit, I love you. A word received April 26, 2015.

    A statement of fact: I am more than honored and humbled to share these heavenly words given to me by God’s grace so you, the reader, may grow in your love for Jesus. I am just a pen in God’s hand.

    My hope is that all God’s children will be one (John 17 and Psalm 133).

    To my wonderful wife, Lydia, who is always my support and strength and who carries me through difficult times. Lydia’s faith in God is what brought all our family into life in the Holy Spirit. We are blessed with our son, Christopher, daughter, Amy, and our five grandchildren: Joya, Michael, Andy, Jihad Charles, and Samira.


    Some History

    While working in New York City, I met my wife, Lydia, who was born in the foothills of North Carolina. We married September 17, 1967, in New York. We have been blessed with two children, Christopher and Amy. I joined the NY Army National Guard, Forty-Second Infantry Division and received an honorable discharge. I was a partner in Coral Industries Inc., located in the Empire State Building.

    In 1983, our son, Christopher, through the initial efforts of Lydia, was miraculously healed of rheumatoid arthritis, after being prayed for in Jesus’s name by members of St. Augustine Church. While in our home, Lydia prayed, looking out our kitchen window for a sign from God that Christopher would be healed. Days went by, praying in faith. She looked out that kitchen window again and saw a cross growing on top of a tall tree. That was a sign from God.


    This experience led our family to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, changing my spiritual life. The Word of God became alive, especially what is quoted in Jeremiah 15:16, When I found Your Words, I devoured them. They became my joy and the happiness of my heart.

    In the 1980s, I devoted part of my time doing missionary work in Japan, England, Italy, Brazil, the Caribbean island of Jamaica, Vancouver British Columbia, and Mexico. The Lord prompted me to start a men’s retreat that later evolved into an annual spirit-filled retreat for married couples.

    In 1993, we relocated to the Morehead City area of North Carolina’s Crystal Coast and started Carolina Homes Realty. I attended FGBMFI meetings, the Morehead City Chapter in 1994, and experienced the Words of Psalm 133:1, Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity. Lydia and I attended St. Mildred’s Catholic Church in Swansboro and at the same time also went to God’s City of Refuge, a nondenominational Pentecostal Church in Newport, North Carolina, praying for unity in the body of Christ. I also volunteered in prison ministry with one of my best friends, Deek. Recently, we moved near our son and daughter and their families in Cary, North Carolina.

    I am thankful for the people in my life who influenced me to walk this spiritual journey, especially Fr. Gus Bosio, SDB, Fr. William Hayes, OFM, (Whitie), Fr. Ed Wade, CC and many other men and women. I am grateful.

    New adventures have begun!


    Here I am, sound asleep in our little home by the sea in North Carolina, and I wake up with these words resounding in my mind, Get up, go into the living room, and write these words down! This was not a suggestion, so I did as I was told.

    This is the word I received on June 22, 2002.

    "Thus says the Lord God Jesus. Give me back My church. My body is broken, My heart is wounded, My Holy Spirit is shunned, for there is lawlessness among My shepherds, and My body is scattered, broken, and the enemy has held high the flag of deception. Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb of God who sits at the right hand of the power and observes the terror that is being brought upon My body by selfish shepherds who seek high places of honor instead of serving the body of believers as I did. I am the Good Shepherd who lays down My life for My sheep.

    "Where are the good shepherds in this age? This is an age of divisiveness and deception. My body starves while the shepherds serve themselves on the altar of high praises, greed, and shame. There is a time coming, and it has now arrived that I Myself will shepherd My sheep with love, understanding, and confidence. My people will respond. They know My voice. My voice is clear, and My precious blood shall cover the multitudes. Nowhere will My saving grace be deprived of, for I am the light shining in the darkness, crying out to the lost, the hurting, and the confused who are filled with anger and anxiety and have been mistreated. My body shall rise as one unified force of unconditional love. Not priests, bishops, or laity but sons and daughters of the most high God. I will give them access to the Father’s love, and they shall change the face of the earth.

    "Woe to you shepherds who caused My people pain. Repent strip yourselves of the religious garb that sets you apart and above. Delouse your mind of the grandeur of your position and repent and embrace your brothers and sisters who you are to serve with a kindred and faithful heart. It is not your church; it is My church, and I will restore unity in My body. Stand aside, repent, and come back to Me, your first love. Bring Me your repenting heart, for I will cleanse you with My blood and make you the servants I intended you to be.

    Make way for My Holy Spirit to guide and lead My body to a new place, a place of sonship, a place of praise and worship to our Father, which shall open the way for a new grace of My Holy Spirit to change the face of the earth. This has been ordained from the beginning. The tide of unconditional love shall erase the ugliness of false religion and hatred. No one knows the depth of My love for My brothers and sisters. You cannot share in My body from a position of arrogance and grandeur; only from a fear of the Lord and a servant’s heart can my shepherds be of any use to Me. Go forth in complete faith that I am in You and We are one united in the love of our Father and empowered by My Spirit.

    Exodus 23:20–21, See I am sending an angel before you to guard you on your way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. Be attentive to him and hear his voice.


    Until people realize who they are and act accordingly, they cannot fulfill their mission in the kingdom.


    This word of 6.22.02 was sent to Father Raniero Cantalamessa, who has been the preacher to the papal household since 1980, for his thoughts and comments.

    The Letter:

    Dear Father Cantalamessa,

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and at peace. The sense that I should write you has been with me for about one year. I read your article on Baptism in the Holy Spirit, which my wife Lydia downloaded off the internet at Christ Life. This site was given to us by our very good friend, Father Ed Wade of Houston, Texas. After reading your summary on the Baptism in the Spirit, my Spirit rejoiced in full agreement with you. I am also in the process of reading Life in Christ, which is blessing me and giving me a chance to get to know you better.

    My parents were born in Italy and came to New York at an early age. My sister Marie and I were brought up in Catholic schools she is an Ursuline nun for the past 45 years and a wonderful gift to our family. My beautiful wife, Lydia and I have been married for 34 years. We are blessed with two children, Christopher and Amy and four grandchildren Michael, Andrew Joya and Jihad Charles. Our home is in a rural coastal town of Eastern North Carolina, which hopefully someday you will come and be our guest. After the Baptism of the Spirit in 1983, I became a new person in Christ. The Mass became alive and for two years I spent hours each day consuming the Bible which brought me into a new life in Christ. As I started daily prayer I entered into a personal relationship with Jesus. I have been blessed by God’s unconditional gift of love for which I am eternally grateful. We went on a pilgrimage to Rome, Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje attending Marriage Encounter, Cursillo, started a prayer meeting in the New York area as well as a multi-denominational prayer meeting, and married couples retreat, became a Salesian cooperator, lectured at Mass, involved in RCIA. The reason for this letter is to share with you the experience of a born-again man searching for a place within our Catholic faith for the last 20 years. My hope is that this may influence you in a positive way and therefore bring about a needed change within our Catholic Church. My desire is that God’s will be done not mine, that the church becomes a greater reflection of the heart of Jesus. My last nine years I have been in Raleigh, North Carolina Diocese, prior to that the New York archdiocese. It seems to me that the church has been taken away from the people and given over the clergy, who are controlling instead of serving shepherds, this is not a condemnation of all priests or of the priesthood for which I have great respect. Many parish priests are not approachable, it seems that they are too busy or not interested in talking about Spiritual matters. If pressed they just do not respond. Might we be better off with priests who give us the sacraments, preach the Word of God and spend time building relationships with their brothers and sisters in Christ? This would allow for the people of God to have a position of significance within their own church and serve as a powerful role model for our youth. I see the people of God striving for more of the Holy Spirit and searching for a deeper meaningful life in Christ. May this in some way be a blessing to our own Roman Catholic Church. I have included two additional items that may be of interest to you. If you are ever in this area, please do come and rest with us at our home by the sea.

    Your friend in Jesus,


    Go forth in love to serve the Lord, ignite a fire, set ablaze the hearts of mankind who seek the Father’s love. Do not look back. Do not focus on the left or the right. Be straightforward and secure in the knowledge of My love for each soul that exists. Be secure in My love and know that we have the same venue.

    Amos 3:7 No more does the Lord Yahweh do anything without revealing His plans to His servants, the prophets.

    9.30.02 Niagara on the Lake, Canada

    The Lord said, He will bless us abundantly.

    10.1.02 Toronto, Canada

    Deuteronomy 28:8, The Lord will affirm His blessing upon you, on your barns and on all your undertakings, blessing you in the land that the Lord your God gives you.

    I received Fr. Raniero’s reply to my letter on 1.7.03:


    Dear Charlie Buggé, forgive me for not answering earlier to your letter of August. I have appreciated and thanked God for what you have shard there and I encourage you. May the Lord continue to bless you in this new year of grace.

    Fraternally in Christ. P. Raniero Cantalamessa




    The Curia is available for what needs to be done. The sooner the better. Trust in God is what is necessary. Each individual constitutes an opinion. You must first enter the Father’s heart. Inside the Father’s heart, you will find rest in consolation, which will enable you to think clearly and act in the will of God. You must not consider the worldly ways of man. What is necessary is a transformation of your mind. Change is in the wind. You must enter a new dimension. Strike one accord and act in boldness. The days of evil are short. You must act to prepare the healing of My body in the earth. There are no two souls alike. The beauty and wonder of My Holy Spirit will glisten like the rays of the sun and will purify the faithful.

    This is new, unlike anything of the past. There will be a time in an instant for reflection, corrections, and a new direction. It will be a moment of grace in time. Heed My voice. Take note. This is a warning that action is necessary. Dissipate the unconditional love of my Father. Heal My body. How, you wonder, is it possible? This is not your body; it is My body. Watch for the light in the east, and you will know that this is the start of the healing of My body, which is a refining process. Do not be surprised as My spirit moves in the earth. The precious love in the hearts of My people will radiate the Father’s love for Me. Look for a change in the wind. Step out of your box. Complete trust in freedom for My Holy Spirit is what is necessary. Do not hold back. Do not wait. This is a time for unity in the body. My body and My blood along with the love that the Father has for Me will be the healing ointment for all My body. Division and denominationalism will fade. Primary will be love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. This is in the heart of the Father, and it echoes for all eternity. This is a now message. Check it out. John 14:7.

    This word was sent to P. Raniero Cantalamessa, and he replied on 7.2.03 as follows.

    I thank you for the prophecy you sent me. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to acknowledge all the invoices I receive. Trust in the Spirit who will let His words reach those to whom they are destined. God bless you and your ministry.


    Seek not the wealth of this world, for it is a passing glance. Seek first the kingdom of God, which is within My heart, for My love is sufficient to renew the face of the world. Be not concerned over worldly events but be sure and certain that the will of God will be accomplished in the hearts of those who love Him. Stand firm! Know that I am with you! Do not seek the counsel of others but rely on My presence within you. Go forth in complete assurance that my Father and I are with you in every breath. We are closer to you than your own skin. Our Holy Spirit shall guide your every step.

    8.20.03—Fr. Ed leaves our home for Houston, Texas.

    Seize the day! Embellish on the life of Christ within you. Do not hold back. Seek My way. Remove doubt, live in trust, and be assured that I will lead and guide you and take you to the holy place. Within My presence, you will find solace, comfort, and peace. All that you need is to live in My will.


    Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Know for sure and be certain that My love will encompass the entire earth. Not by any governmental decree shall peace be secured but by the generosity and genuine love of My Father for the sons of man who seek to be reconciled with their Creator. None, not even the most insignificant in the eyes of man, shall be forgotten. It will be a clean sweep. The hearts of the righteous shall become one with the righteous one. Those who desire their selfish way and reject My offer of unconditional love shall receive the desire of their heart, which is the fool’s recompense. My love is everywhere and is constantly seeking to become one with the hearts of all mankind. Do not be deceived by false love, which ensnares your heart. Reject the darkness and embrace the light, which has been prepared for you since the beginning of time.

    10.2.03—Given to MF at a conference.

    Keep the faith deep in your heart. Cherish it, for there is no other desire that will bring out the best in you. Do not consider the ways or means of others. Blend the love of your heart with the desire of your heart, for only then shall you be a reflection of the Father’s embrace for your life. Enter into the depths of the Trinity; lose yourself and let go. The plan I have for you requires your unconditional love for Me and My Father to be expressed by your love and devotion to live the will of Our Spirit within you. Stand firm, and you will achieve the desire of your heart. Be with Us. Never leave Us. We will always be with you.

    11.8.03—To the bishop’s conclave.

    Heed my voice. Consider the actions of the past. Be united in thought, word, and deed. Reflect the love of the Father for Me. Be open and sensitive to the move of My Spirit among you. Know this and be certain that unless there is a new format and a consensus, My will cannot be accomplished. If you live outside of My will, you shall cease to be the apple of My eye. This is not your church. This is My body, and the love of My brothers and sisters reflects My will. The desire of a true servant is to fulfill the will of the one he serves; this is not an option. The time is now. A new body at an approved moment will usher in new life. Freedom through complete faith and trust in My Holy Spirit will be the hallmark of God’s love for His people. Whoever does not enter into My light shall live in darkness. Remove the shackles and walk on the water. Ezekiel 28.


    Report! Report! The way to the light is through the darkness. To settle the issue, a pure heart and open mind committed to the truth will lead

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