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Dangers of the Spirit World: A Warning to Those of a Materialistic Humanistic Mindset
Dangers of the Spirit World: A Warning to Those of a Materialistic Humanistic Mindset
Dangers of the Spirit World: A Warning to Those of a Materialistic Humanistic Mindset
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Dangers of the Spirit World: A Warning to Those of a Materialistic Humanistic Mindset

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Do you know how Satan and demons can affect the course of your life? Many humanistic diagnoses of afflictions and distresses simply do not discover the reality of spirit intervention. A biblical world view should lead us to consider demonic influence and invasion. Some cases of depression, suicidal thoughts, physical afflictions, mental disturbances, and poor relationships are caused by wicked spirits. We need to be aware of the enemy’s tactics and effects. This book will make you aware of the reality of warfare, the resources of the believer in Christ, and the authority to forcefully resist our adversaries.

“This book is a wake up call to believers who are often unaware of this invisible enemy who attacks them, their families, and churches”
—Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus
The MoodyChurch, Chicago

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 8, 2021
Dangers of the Spirit World: A Warning to Those of a Materialistic Humanistic Mindset

C. Fred Dickason Th.D

Dr. C. Fred Dickason taught over 40 years, counseled over 50 years, and conducted seminars on the subject of angels, demons, and spiritual warfare in the US and Canada.. With his Th. D. in New Testament and Th. M. in theology. he interprets the bible normally and applies his expertise with care and concern for the welfare of his readers. He challenges the reader to face the reality of the intervention and opposition of demonic forces. He emphasizes the authority of the believer over the spirit world and encourages a forceful stand against the opposition of the enemy.

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    Dangers of the Spirit World - C. Fred Dickason Th.D







    C. Fred Dickason, Th. D


    Copyright © 2021 C. Fred Dickason, Th. D.

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    WestBow Press

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    Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2196-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2198-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2197-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021901877

    WestBow Press rev. date: 02/04/2021




    Chapter 1 Reality of Spiritual Warfare

    Chapter 2 Our Resources in Spiritual Warfare

    Chapter 3 Authority of the Believer in Spiritual Warfare

    Chapter 4 Tactics of the Enemy

    Chapter 5 Taking Our Stand

    Chapter 6 The Dangers of the Occult

    Chapter 7 Understanding Demonization

    Chapter 8 Entering the Safe Place

    Select Bibliography


    Dr. Dickason begins this book with the statements, We need to wake up! The enemies are at our door, and we don’t even recognize them – maybe don’t even know that they exist. That is the mindset in Western society. Many Christians have unknowingly bought into it. He is right.

    I just finished C. Fred Dickason’s newest book, Dangers of The Spirit World: Warning to Those of Materialist Humanistic Mindset. This book is better than very good, it is exceptional. Once I picked it up and began reading, I could not put it down. It is short. It is concise. It is biblically based. Terms and concepts are well defined and clearly explained for Christians and non-Christians, teachers and students, vocational professionals, and interested or curious laymen. It is thoroughly grounded in Scripture; paragraph after paragraph, chapter by chapter. It is written by a man I believe currently to be the most knowledgeable person on the subject of spiritual warfare I have personally met or read their book(s). Fred Dickason has probably forgotten more about spiritual warfare than the overwhelming majority of people who write on this subject have ever learned. It is written in a style that is refreshingly insightful; straightforward, and authoritative; confident but not arrogant; with first hand understanding and battle tested involvement in confronting demons, rather than one more book passing on worn out clichés laced between second and third hand stories and opinions. Dickason is clear that a Christian’s triumphal testimony is not because of church loyalties, denominational affiliations, titles, or self-professed aggrandizements that mean more to men than God. Christians win because Jesus Christ has already won. He has delegated authority over demons to every member of the body of Christ, (Luke 10:18-20; Ephesians 1:16—2:6; Colossians 1:13-18, 2:15-17). Most important to me, Dr. Dickason consistently gives glory and honor to God for victories in spiritual warfare, not man.

    This book needs to be taught and caught in Bible school or seminary classrooms, church bible studies and elective classes, home fellowship groups, and discipleship training courses, as well as workshops and conferences. It represents prescriptive and descriptive first hand understanding and transferable teaching on the subject of spiritual warfare. It is succinctly and systematically outlined in a way that I could only wish I had been taught forty or fifty years ago. It would have saved me from a lot of confusion over this subject. It could also have helped me more effectively minister to demonized Christians suffering from the pain and shame of demonic attacks they did not understand or even recognize. I, like most of my colleagues who graduated out of Bible school, seminary or medical school, left school just as naïve and ignorant about the subject of spiritual warfare as the majority of us were the day we began our formal training. I cannot tell you how many times during or after conferences that I have been approached by former students of Dr. Dickason asking first, if I know Fred Dickason, and second, lamenting the fact that they had not paid more attention in his classroom when he was trying to educate and equip them for the battles that were surely coming. He was right.

    Competing world views, the reality of Satan and demons, a Christian’s resources in this battle, a biblical understanding of a Christian’s delegated authority over Satan and his demons, common tactics of demonic attack, how to fight back, the dangers of playing

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