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Living from Within: A Tribute to Love and Happiness
Living from Within: A Tribute to Love and Happiness
Living from Within: A Tribute to Love and Happiness
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Living from Within: A Tribute to Love and Happiness

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About this ebook

The path to spiritual enlightenment is not for the faint of heart and takes much longer than we imagine. The good news is that when we change how we look at our lives and learn to live from within, we can end all our suffering and free ourselves to embrace the absolute freedom we came here to experience.

In a guide to spiritual growth and development, EJ Seals-Jackson shares insight from her own journey as well as wisdom from amazing teachers who have traveled through the dark night of the soul to emerge as powerful spiritual guides who are passionate about helping others settle into the flow of happiness. With a focus on living from within, Seals-Jackson guides us to:

explore the secret to happiness;
close the gap between negative and positive emotions;
customize our lives according to our own design;
refrain from activities that distract us;
change the way we look at things; and
ensure the emotional health of our children.

Living from Within shares insight and wisdom from spiritual teachers that invite us to tap into the happiness that is already within us.

Release dateFeb 12, 2021
Living from Within: A Tribute to Love and Happiness

EJ Seals-Jackson

Following several decades of a rather arduous journey into her inner world, the author is prepared to offer clear evidence that the world we see outside ourselves is nothing more than a figment of our imagination. Not only is it created and sustained by our thoughts, it’s the negative ones at that. Therefore, if we change the thought that created the negative experience in the first place, that experience, with all of its messiness; will disappear along with the thought. When we change the way we look at a thing, the thing we look at changes. It is through this process that we put an end to all suffering; freeing us up to embrace the absolute freedom that we came here to experience. When we live from within, as described in this book, our happiness is not only guaranteed, it is inevitable.

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    Living from Within - EJ Seals-Jackson

    Copyright © 2021 EJ Seals-Jackson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0013-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0014-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020923685

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 2/11/2021



    (My Little Missy)

    Whose love and beauty shines brightly from the Inside Out



    Who has a smile that will light up any room.




    1     The Secret To Happiness

    2     Inner Reconciliation

    3     Who We Truly Are

    4     The Law Of Attraction

    5     It Gets Better

    6     Releasing Our Attachment To The Outer World

    7     That Still Small Voice

    8     Thoughts

    9     From The Dead Past To The Fearful Future

    10   The Collective Consciousness

    11   Money

    12   Homeless To Happy In A Split Second

    13   Living In The Now

    14   It’s Already Done

    15   I AM

    16   Messages From The Mystics

    17   COVID-19

    18   Do Black Lives Matter To Other Blacks?

    19   Raising The Bar

    20   All Lives Matter

    21   Change The Way That We Look At A Thing, And The Thing We Look At Changes

    22   For The Love Of A Girl

    23   The Return To Love

    24   The Feeling Of Love Is The Answer

    25   Conclusion

    About The Author


    To my niece Atlane Seals thank you for always being there for me as well as your unwavering support for the publication of this book.

    To my brother Shelby Seals, thank you for believing in my vision to take the next step and create other formats for this, at the time, e-book.

    And to Julie Cara Hoffenberg; I suppose that I could have done this book without you but I am eternally grateful to the Universe that I did not have to. Your insights are flawless and thank you for sharing them with me.


    Conventional wisdom tells us that there are no guarantees in life but I, and the thousands of others who are coming to understand how life works and the utter simplicity of the process begs to differ. The problem is that society has led us to believe that happiness is something outside of ourselves when in fact it is now and has always been an inside job. This means that our happiness, which is the ultimate goal of living from within is not only guaranteed it is inevitable. If you find this idea to be intriguing then keep reading because this book will deliver the goods. But first, let’s start with a little background information that will help ensure the success of our journey.

    The path to Spiritual Enlightenment is not for the faint of heart. It typically takes three to four decades of brief mountain highs invariably followed by longer periods of valley lows. But for those of us who are sick and tired of being sick and tired all of that is about to change. In the pages that follow you will be introduced to some amazing teachers who themselves have gone through the dark night of the soul; emerged as powerful Spiritual Teachers and are amply prepared to guide you, as was the case with me, through the fastest, most simple (not to be confused with easy until it becomes so) means of settling into the flow of happiness that is the cornerstone of living from within. Because of the generous offerings from these teachers I now understand exactly what that means so let’s start here.



    Happiness is something you feel, not something you see.

    Betsy Otter Thompson, author, spiritual teacher

    W hile most of us have heard the claim so many times that certain methods or products hold the key to happiness that it almost sounds like a cliché, the information that I am about to share with you is guaranteed to fulfill that commitment. But to participate in the magical flow of this experience we must be aware of two essential components. The first can be found in Feeling Is the Secret by Neville Goddard, a twentieth-century spiritual teacher. For me, as I suspect you will soon come to agree, not only is this revelation powerful; it is a game-changer. Even though the idea of ‘feeling’ is frequently referenced in spiritual writings and discussions, to my knowledge other than the teachings of Goddard that critical insight has never been candidly revealed, and after pondering the idea a bit, it became so obvious that I wonder why I had never thought about it before. Although a simple concept it fully explains why we always feel that something is missing in our lives, and now we know; that’s because there is.

    Without factoring in our feelings we miss half the story – and the better half at that. The irony, however, is that our feelings aren’t missing; instead, it is the awareness of our feelings that is missing, and here is why that is so important. Although little known and seldom realized, which was certainly true in my case, the only way that we can experience anything, including the energy that we have come to know as God, is through our feelings. Plus without that understanding happiness will always elude us, but with the understanding that feeling is the secret, our happiness is guaranteed, and that idea in itself can be used as a case in point.

    Many of us have been programmed to believe that happiness is a ‘thingthat has to be found somewhere outside ourselves and nothing can be further from the truth. Not only is happiness not a ‘thingit is in fact, and it’s fairly obvious when we think about it; a feeling. Therefore logic dictates that even if happiness did show up in our lives; which it always does if it didn’t express through our feelings how else would we be able to recognize it? But here is where we get stuck.

    While most of us are aware on some level of the incessant stream of thoughts running through our heads the idea of feeling remains an enigma to the masses. But given that all experiences, including the deliberate manifestation of our physical world as I’ll discuss later, is contingent upon the awareness of our feelings; if happiness is the goal then being in the dark about our feelings can no longer be an option, and before we move on to the second component consider this. When we become aware of our feelings which of course are inside each of us (the highest concentration of which can be found in the solar plexus - the area behind the navel and is often referred to as the pit of the stomach), not only is there nothing in the Universe that we cannot experience, we can experience it consciously. In that this is an idea that should not be taken lightly, let’s just take a closer look.

    To take advantage of our unlimited access to feelings, all we have to do is to decide what we want to feel. For this example let’s say that we choose the feeling of inner peace. With that in mind, when we gently focus our attention inwardly

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