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Jack Vs. Hannibal © Tm: A Forensic Psycho Analysis of Jack the Ripper & a Dsm-5 Clinical Analysis of the Fictional Character Hannibal Lector
Jack Vs. Hannibal © Tm: A Forensic Psycho Analysis of Jack the Ripper & a Dsm-5 Clinical Analysis of the Fictional Character Hannibal Lector
Jack Vs. Hannibal © Tm: A Forensic Psycho Analysis of Jack the Ripper & a Dsm-5 Clinical Analysis of the Fictional Character Hannibal Lector
Ebook129 pages2 hours

Jack Vs. Hannibal © Tm: A Forensic Psycho Analysis of Jack the Ripper & a Dsm-5 Clinical Analysis of the Fictional Character Hannibal Lector

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About this ebook

,Jack vs. Hannibal: A Forensic Psycho Analysis of Jack the Ripper & a DSM-5 Clinical Analysis of The Fictional Character Hannibal Lecter was written to assist students in the fields of Clinical and Forensic Psychology. This was done by providing a brief psycho analysis profile of the non-fictional character Jack the Ripper and a brief DSM-5 psycho analysis profile of the Fictional Character Hannibal Lecter to provide students with a view into the life of Jack the Ripper and Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Release dateMar 4, 2021
Jack Vs. Hannibal © Tm: A Forensic Psycho Analysis of Jack the Ripper & a Dsm-5 Clinical Analysis of the Fictional Character Hannibal Lector

Eric F. Prince Ph.D.

Author Eric F. Prince is determined to assist mankind in every way that he can. Whether it be though Christian Counseling, psychological services, law-enforcement, or all three frameworks. Eric F. Prince has the goal of helping mankind be the best version of themselves. As a current rescue services U.S.C.G. Aux Unit officer and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with Specializations in Applied and Forensic Psychology. Eric F. Prince utilizes his expertise to assist law-enforcement personnel and medical practitioners with a comprehensive understanding on the various types of populations in which they serve who may, or may not have a mental health condition.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is startling and very well-written!

    Dr. H. Lee

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Jack Vs. Hannibal © Tm - Eric F. Prince Ph.D.

Copyright 2021 Eric F. Prince, Ph.D.

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ISBN: 978-1-6987-0432-6 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-6987-0431-9 (hc)

ISBN: 978-1-6987-0433-3 (e)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2020922895

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Chapter 1 A Discussion on The Scotland Yard Ledgers

Chapter 2 The Possibility of Catching Jack The Ripper through Increased Police Presence

Chapter 3 Abnormal Psychological Personality Traits of Jack The Ripper

Chapter 4 An Exploration of Dark Questions Concerning Jack the Ripper

Chapter 5 The Dialectical Humanism Transcending Conflict theory

Chapter 6 The Humanistic Perspective as it relates to what Jack the Ripper was not

Chapter 7 Contrasting Differences Between The Behaviorist Theory and The Humanistic Perspective

Chapter 8 The Analysis of The fictional character Dr. Hannibal Lector as if he were a real person using the DSM-5 as a clinical guide

Chapter 9 A Brief Understanding of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)

Chapter 10 Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) Further Explained

Chapter 11 A Comprehensive Truth about The Word Psychopath

Chapter 12 Dr. Hannibal Lector & His Unfortunate Dark Childhood

Chapter 13 The Transition from Childhood to Teenager: The beginning of a Sadist

Chapter 14 What a DSM-5 Analysis Might Encompass for Hannibal Lector

Chapter 15 The Conclusion of The Matter with a Glimpse into Real Life Situations

FINAL DSM 4 -5 and ICD 10-11 Diagnosis of Dr. Hannibal Lector

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Theories


About The Author


Graduated, or is a current student, or member of the

the following organizations and academic institutions:

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Unit: FSO-DV and

NACO 3 Star Award Recipient. To Commanders Keith Destree

Jeff Bailey from the International Port of Chicago,

Ed Samson and Paul Stein from Mission Bay San Diego: God Speed!

The Chicago Police Academy

Recipient of the Physical Fitness Merit Award in his graduating Class

Current M.S.A.P holder and PhD Candidate of

Clinical Psychology at Walden University where the clinical

psychology program is based on the scholar, scientist-practitioner

model. M.A.Ed holder and alumni of Azusa Pacific University

with a BA in Human Development.

ASAJ/AA: Social and Behavioral Studies Riverside Community College -

AA. Liberal Arts: Social and Behavioral Studies San Bernardino Valley

College – Phillips College of Chicago AA: Travel Tourism –

Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society – Golden Key Honor Society –

Psi Chi Honor Society – Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society/Walden

University Phi Nu Chapter – Academy of Criminal Justice

Sciences and the American Criminal Justice Association:

Lambda Alpha Epsilon - Salute Honor Society – Student Veterans

Affairs Association – National Honor Society of Human

Services – National Society of Leadership and Success – Full Bright

Association – American Psychological Association’s Emerging

Leadership Academy - National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) Office of Extramural

Human Subjects Research (HSR) – CITI Program

The Chicago Board of Education as a licensed educator

Illinois American Psychological Association - American Psychological

Association of Graduate Students - The American Psychological

Federal Action Network which deals with legislative issues that

impact human welfare and the profession of psychology on Capitol

Hill. Current Screen Actors Guild (SAG) member and current DD

Theology student at Beyth-’El Temple and Private College under

the tutelage of Pastor/Educator Chief Apostle Y. B. Amen, Ph.D.

This Book is Dedicated

to the One True

‘EL-Shaddai of Yisra-‘el

who will by no means spare the guilty or the wicked Exodus 34: 7


Saint: Catherine Heck for Outstanding Student

Success Advising Services. You were there when I and

others needed you most fighting for justice.

The great Dr. Caramela-Miller for her outstanding scholarly advice

and motivation as my former Chair at Walden University.

The awesome Dr. Reba Glidewell for her scholarly advice and

inspiration as my former Methodologist at Walden University.

The fantastic Dr. Susan Warren for your many kind

words and assistance as I fought through my academic

endeavors at Azusa Pacific University.

The ever humble and prayerful Dr. Richard Martinez

who prayed with me as I fought to complete my education

during very trying times at Azusa Pacific University.

My friend and Peer Dr. Amy Jozan who was there to let

me know that the hard work would pay off in the end.

My Mother for believing in me from the beginning and sharing great

words of encouragement, which inspired to be where I am now.

Dr. Chief Apostle Y. B. Amen for your undying support for nearly 30

years. You are, and have always been a great pastor, father, and friend.

My dear sister Meredith for all your prayers when I called you

repeatedly to pray for me during my doctoral educational journey.

My wife and Queen Natalie for being there for me and our

children while I worked diligently to finish this book.


to all the altruistic men and women both in law-enforcement

and in the military who fight daily against the wicked.

For we shall not

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