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Mastering Our Emotions Through Our Subconscious Program: Based on the Laws of the Universe
Mastering Our Emotions Through Our Subconscious Program: Based on the Laws of the Universe
Mastering Our Emotions Through Our Subconscious Program: Based on the Laws of the Universe
Ebook109 pages43 minutes

Mastering Our Emotions Through Our Subconscious Program: Based on the Laws of the Universe

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About this ebook

Mastering our emotions through our subconscious program made easy. I will be taking you step by step through how our subconscious database works, teaching you the process of how to reprogram our habitual behaviors.

“Let us master our emotions”

Would you like to escape the unconscious prison that you are in? This book/workshop takes you into the reality of your subconscious mind and the emotional energy field of who you are. The subconscious is below our awareness. We cannot escape from a prison we do not know we are in. If we want to be free, we must really get to know ourselves, to unlock the prison doors of our subconscious mind. We have created our own suffering in our lives. By being aware of this, we can change it. Would you like to stop suffering? Then take a journey with me, mastering our emotions through our subconscious program. Come with me, let us look deep inside ourselves to find the nuts and bolts of who we are.



Made easy to understand and to “master our emotions.”

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 16, 2021
Mastering Our Emotions Through Our Subconscious Program: Based on the Laws of the Universe

Tamberlyn L. Silva

Tamberlyn L. Silva was born in Salinas California. She has resided in Monterey county her entire life. Having faced some emotional and difficult years she has been on a personal journey for the last 20 years to master those emotions. Over the last 5 years being dedicated to her own truth she has found many of those answers. Guided by what she has learned she wanted to share this information with whomever seek out the same knowledge.

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    Mastering Our Emotions Through Our Subconscious Program - Tamberlyn L. Silva

    Copyright © 2021 Tamberlyn L. Silva.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5943-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5944-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5942-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020923151

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/12/2021

    When we become emotionally involved in an idea, this is when we are beginning our manifestation, holding these thoughts in repetition. We must be mindful of our thoughts and emotions.


    dedicate this book to the one person who always believed in me through all my ups and downs—my best friend, my grandmother, Louise M. Silva, I love you.



    I Am A Living Testament


    Nervous System

    Brainwave States


    Diagram A

    Diagram B

    Diagram C





    Our Conditioning Database

    Firing And Wiring


    Law Of Attraction

    Vibrational Chart





    The Ego

    Letting Go Of Our Ego



    Clearing Our Unified Field

    Self-Love, Self-Confidence





    About The Author


    Take a journey with me mastering our emotions through our subconscious program. Let us dig down into the neuroscience and the law of vibration that we create our lives with. I am going to teach you how our environment has programmed us and continually programs us. The subconscious mind is a database of stored programs, primarily derived from the programming we received from the last trimester in utero through the first seven years of our lives. Our subconscious is the paradigm we live by; it is our automatic, habitual behaviors. This program was installed from recording the behaviors of others (parents, siblings, and community); 70% of these learned behaviors are disempowering, self-sabotaging, and limiting. These programmed behaviors are expressed as energy vibrations that are not contained in our head. They are held and broadcasted in our unified field just like a radio station drawing that very same emotion into our lives. Come with me. Let us look deep inside ourselves to the nuts and bolts of who we are.

    Who am I really? How did I get this way? What

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