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What’s Done in the Dark: Part Ii
What’s Done in the Dark: Part Ii
What’s Done in the Dark: Part Ii
Ebook110 pages1 hour

What’s Done in the Dark: Part Ii

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The year is 1988 Inside the Breakers of San Pedro Bay amid a thick blanket of Fog sits Terminal Island Federal Prisons South Yard, containing baseball field Track and weight lifting area which are all connected to a long one story building. The prisons Vocational & Wellness Center and the prison furniture factory, three razor wired sensory fences separating the prisoners from the water along with two manned gun towers at each end. Suddenly a bearded black man wearing kaki clothing is seen vaulting from the roof of the building on the very end, clearing the three fences and rocks below to land with the precision of an experienced High-Diver into the murky water.
A distance away from the prison in the water the man surfaces for air then returns under water and swims away from the prison undetected leaving the black pole he used to vault with floating in the water behind him out to sea.
Release dateMar 21, 2021
What’s Done in the Dark: Part Ii

Donald D. Conley Sr.

Born July 20, 1950 in Chicago, Ill. Relocated to the San Francisco Bay area in 1964. The lure of the Street Life brought Life Lessons to a harsh reality causing a life of Drama Crime and Awakening.

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    What’s Done in the Dark - Donald D. Conley Sr.

    Copyright 2021 Donald D. Conley, Sr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    ISBN: 978-1-6987-0632-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6987-0631-3 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    5 years later

    The Home Invasion

    Changing of the Guard

    The Rendezvous

    Loose Ends

    The Trail

    Old Habits

    The Showdown

    The Ploy

    Sidewalk Café

    The Resurrection

    The Witness

    The Total Experience

    Hello Morning

    77 th Precinct

    The Legal Wheels

    One Hand Washes The Other



    Born July 20. 1950 in Chicago, Ill.

    Children: Reba Conley Phillip Conley Danielle Conley Brinston

    Favorite Nephew: Carl Conley

    Grand Children: Shawn Tasha Rocco

    The year is 1988 Inside the Breakers of San Pedro Bay amid a thick blanket of Fog sits Terminal Island Federal Prisons South Yard, containing baseball field Track and weight lifting area which are all connected to a long one story building. The prisons Vocational & Wellness Center and the prison furniture factory, three razor wired sensory fences separating the prisoners from the water along with two manned gun towers at each end. Suddenly a bearded black man wearing kaki clothing is seen vaulting from the roof of the building on the very end, clearing the three fences and rocks below to land with the precision of an experienced High-Diver into the murky water.

    A distance away from the prison in the water the man surfaces for air then returns under water and swims away from the prison undetected leaving the black pole he used to vault with floating in the water behind him out to sea.



    The story begins early one morning in Long Beach CA Ted Zackery is in the bathroom of his penthouse apartment washing his face. 45 years old six feet tall muscular build with shoulder length dark brown hair and a clean shaven ebony complexion. From the living room he hears the phone ringing and leaves to answer it.

    The room is beautifully furnished and decorated with one of a kind hand- made furniture. The phone sat on a glass coffee table in front of a black sheep skin sofa.

    Hello? Ted answers

    Good morning handsome chimes the female voice from the other end of the receiver

    Rita? Is that you he asks facetiously

    Now who else in their right mind would be up at this hour of the morning

    What’s the matter baby You calling to back out at the last minute

    Of course not I just wanted to remind you that I left my belt in your car

    That’s right you did and that’s where it still is he stated.

    Rita is standing by the phone mounted on the wall in her kitchen dressed in workout attire when she asks

    Do you think you can remember to bring it with you?

    He replies a bit sternly,

    Rita. The belt is in the car the car I will be driving so tell me how is it possible I could forget to bring it?

    Oh! Excuse me mister particularity or whatever you call yourself being- he cuts her off

    Here we go being touchy. Don’t trip! he suggests moving forward yet she injects

    Alright now I’m not the one

    Come on babe it’s too early for this but I’ll see you in thirty minutes

    She takes the receiver from her ear looks at it saying

    He hung up on me She replaces the receiver in its cradle and heads out the door

    At the penthouse Ted reaches into the hall closet to bring out a black leather pouch and matching top to his warm up pants then a holstered snub nose 38. Revolver he straps to his right ankle then zips his pant leg down over it and heads out the door. He walks the short distance to the private elevator steps in and presses the garage button.

    From behind the rising gate a late model Black Mercedes AMG pulls out of the garage with Ted behind the steering wheel listening to the CD of Nu Rah Ali, a local Los Angeles jazz vocalist singing her version of Billie Holliday’s Good Morning Heart Ache as he pilots the vehicle towards the Harbor Freeway.

    The Mercedes pulls up and parks directly in front of the Crenshaw Fitness Palace. The sound of clanging weights can be heard as Ted exits the car from the driver’s side walking cautiously to the sidewalk where he stops to take a careful look up and down both sides of the street then he enters the gym.

    For such an early hour of the morning not many people were there. A few men and women all dressed in their workout attire busy with the free weights Treadmills pull down machines warming up with stretches and a small group of women taking an aerobics class.

    Ted walks into the locker room where he changes into sweat clothes and secures the black leather pouch around his waist, hefting it a time or two checking its contents. Better to stay ready than having to get ready.

    Walking on to the free weights lifting area where he approaches a man about his age in the process of spotting a barbell. Seated on the incline bench The woman is in good physical condition. Her name is Debbie. Ted addresses the man by his nickname

    Good morning mister mayor

    Usually its Omar when you’re not being cynical or when you want me to do you a favor so what is it this time? he asks Ted suspiciously

    ‘Aren’t we touchy this morning You and Rita must have had the same dream she called me early this morning tripping too" Ted switches his attention to Debbie

    So what’s up with him Debbie?

    Don’t pay him no mind Ted I believe my husband is going through the change at an early age

    Well thank you for that brilliant bit of medical genius doctor. Omar speaks sarcastically

    Now are you finished At that point Rita appears on the floor asking Ted

    Am I late?

    No. As a matter of fact you’re just in time to save me from these two. Omar has positioned himself on the incline bench now that Debbie is done and asks Ted,

    Can I get a spot here?

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