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Gifts from Grandpa
Gifts from Grandpa
Gifts from Grandpa
Ebook659 pages8 hours

Gifts from Grandpa

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About this ebook

The aim of this volume originally was to occupy my time during the start of and worst of the Pandemic of 2020. As I started, I realized that I could write. For me writing was like surgery without anesthesia. The subject of the volume was to allow others to perhaps learn from my self-induced pain and pain brought by others, Although the sentiments are true to my heart, the examples used and people referred to are not meant to be actual history but lessons and teachings. The aim was not to generate money from my endeavors. It was to give those now and forever life lessons. All net proceeds will be directed to charitable endeavors. I do hope that these pages which follow serve to satisfy this dream.
Release dateMar 22, 2021
Gifts from Grandpa

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    Gifts from Grandpa - Grandpa Doc

    Copyright © 2021 Grandpa Doc.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1830-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1802-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021903218

    iUniverse rev. date: 02/22/2021























    Eye of a needle

    Trust, talk, tell


    Little Greatness

    Independent thought




    Utopia mytopia dystopia

    Humanizing Humans





    Active listening

    Time = change




    Moral Compass


    Eugenics / dysgenics

    Parallels in humanity

    Judge I

    Judge II







    Machine language




    One thing

    Last breath




    Entropy / enthalpy




    Somos novios



    Homo newyorkus

    Trust / fear











    God’s time



    Countless vs. infinite

    Hell’s key


    Mod-psalm 1


    The wolf, the sheep and the shepherd

    Circle of fifths


    Walter Livingston pidgeon

    Dad, just try….

    Y’all are important

    Trust v emunah

    Strategy v tactics




    Hero /shero




    Mod-psalm 2

    Mod – Psalm 3

    Not yet 6 recipes

    I pray because

    Investing at 6

    Evil reinvents

    God’s representative

    Different abilities

    Mod-psalm 4

    Mod-psalm 5

    ... In action



    Silentium propter homicidium

    Mod-psalms 6

    Mod-psalm 7


    Mon-psalm 8

    … A diamond?

    Worth the price

    Mod-Psalm 9



    Mod-psalm 10

    Master’s artwork

    Dining company


    Mod-psalm 11



    I’m everybody


    The plan

    Mod-psalm 12

    The rabbit hole

    Light bulb jokes

    Mod - psalm 13



    Killing virus

    Mod-psalm 14

    Word v $

    Oh, well!

    Mod-psalm 15


    Under The Shadows

    The Sabbath


    For Adults


    Einstein v stalin



    Stupid v ignorant

    There ain’t no nuthin’

    Finish Finishing

    Two components

    A template of hate


    Getting to God

    Silence is complicity

    Whose job

    Home lover

    Unlike a smear

    Harmony V Goosestep


    Collective angels


    It so preeety



    Different paths

    Lightness v darkness v blackness

    Hammers are easy

    Y lye

    End of days



    …Nor look too good…

    Confining energy

    Creation by us

    What do you want to become?

    What would you do?


    Normle stinks

    Whatcha gonna believe


    For whom is charity

    …All are blessed

    Overtalking love

    Ol’ man kennedy

    The poverty games



    The size of time

    A line in 3d


    Further proof

    Rivers of Living waters

    Seed sower

    God expects more

    What are we really


    The vulture & the mouse

    Mod-psalm 16

    Watt sofa knee

    Eve & adam

    Yes, no no’s


    Dark gravity

    Gifts I


    Gifts II

    Gifts III


    Thinking v feeling

    Smart do crazeee!!


    A new color


    The hawking hypothesis

    One generation

    Bigoted leaders


    Right to smarts


    Where r u


    How to get to him



    No clue

    A trillion

    Mod psalm 17

    Not Talking

    10,000 pounds

    Not good

    …We are what we do

    Light of night

    One soul




    Mod-psalms 18

    Ms. Fields

    It’s all Relations

    Cat in the Box



    No go boom

    State of matter

    Gin & ice age

    Mod-psalms 19

    Johnathan Livingston pidgeon, XIII

    Deserve v offer


    The great reveal

    Mod-Psalms XX

    Mod-Psalms XXI


    Superperson’s tired

    Black holes

    Wright 2b rong

    Praised are my enemies




    3d chess

    Great Wall of Hercules


    Mod-psalms XXII


    White folks

    Mod-psalms XXIII

    Nineteen ain’t grateful


    Luke 1


    Ultimate revenge

    Open door

    The road

    Mod-psalms XXIV

    Love first

    Good Christians

    It’s not hard

    Republican virus

    If I weren’t a dumb rich man

    Street v. society

    It was legal???


    Language parallels

    Mod-psalms XXV

    Bosses, experts & doctors

    We Aren’t alone


    My Benediction


    New dance step

    Mod-psalms XXVI


    Natural state


    Mod-psalms XXVII

    Carbon – special delivery

    One friend


    Germany lost

    Journey of faith

    How do you let it go

    We who heal

    Timing matters


    651 (666?)


    Smart investments


    We’re Special

    Temporary tattoo

    Shine your Light

    Worth It


    Closing Prayers ⁴th Advent

    Power corrupts

    Why are we

    My faith story

    True Love

    My Brother’s keeper

    Bridges, not walls

    Future medicine

    Sins of our fathers


    Perfect Politics

    Light night sky

    Not Simple

    Cheap divorce

    ...Of our own making

    T’ vilah of the Lord


    Hard wired

    Cowardly bullies

    Let’s Fly

    We the incorporated


    Good day my sweet grandbabies. I hope you stay somewhat the way you are now. Not that you should remain small, or juvenile, uninterested in learning, or emotionally stunted. This I do not wish. This is a prayer for confidence in self and work to one’s own potential. You have what the dear Lord granted and instilled within me. Therefore if my heart has Love, gifts and grace from my ancestors and life’s walking companion; therefore, you must have it within, also.

    Y’all will have small seedlings set in fertile soil. From seedlings, they should grow into money trees towards your future and education. Money is by far the least important part of life. The most important part of life is the direction manual of how to conduct oneself.

    I have had the luxury of making mistakes with the loving guidance of parents, adopted brother, a fine mind, and confidence instilled by all and my maker that I know what’s right and can get myself out of whatever I manage to get myself into.

    I haven’t had my own children yet but I have the opportunity of choosing my own grandchildren. You are them. You can reach me at any time for anything. You should learn how to bob and weave in life to not only survive but to do what I’ve done…help others at my own risk and peril but still thrive. By choosing this way of swimming in the Jordan, you’ll find that gifts and breaks and opportunities and luck and happenstance are before your feet at your need (but at the Lord’s timing. Sorry, He IS in charge). There is no obligation. Seedlings are still there for you. But the world could use more crazies like us. Through trust and Grace, you should lead a life you can look forward to and be proud of.

    I didn’t have money, or a house, or a car, or exquisite verbiage, looks, manners, investments. What was afforded me was unconditional love and the unspoken permission to create errors, learn from them and not repeat them. You should live your lives with no less.

    In fact, I will offer more. There was no camera or video or recording of my life to date. What I can offer, instead, are lessons that I’ve learned to help your way.

    Perhaps you will burn through less shoe leather. Perhaps you won’t feel that there is no one who can help because no one has lived through what you are living in. Perhaps you’ll feel blessed. Perhaps you’ll cry less and laugh more.

    When you’re ready, have a talk with Jesus and make an agreement.

    These are my Gifts From Grandpa.


    I dedicate This Work to my Family, first and Foremost. If not for their collective, supreme and ultimate sacrifices, I would not be possible and that which I and we gave our efforts and Love and sacrifices, what we did ultimately accomplish, would not have occurred.

    I also dedicate this work to the children and grandchildren who do and should expect more of us than most are willing to extend.

    Finally, I dedicate this to My God, Lord, Savior and Walking Companion who believed when I didn’t, saw when couldn’t, felt when I felt nothing, loved when I had little left for loving, and guided me down paths that had no right to be there.

    Hallelujah, amen.


    This is a manual to be used by Grandchildren in the rearing of their parents and grandparents.


    The aim of this volume originally was to occupy my time during the start of and worst of the Pandemic of 2020. As I started, I realized that I could write. For me writing was like surgery without anesthesia. The subject of the volume was to allow others to perhaps learn from my self-induced pain and pain brought by others. The aim was not to generate money from my endeavors. It was to give those now and forever life lessons. I do hope that these pages which follow serve to satisfy this dream.


    I wish to acknowledge all of the people who either directly or indirectly made my living hard and challenging. Without raising names, I thank them all because due to their decisions, it caused me to grow and become better as a human being and as His Servant. I am sure I have made many mistakes without their help on my own, and did so evolve from them; but, due to their inadvertent contributions in this realm, I have been able to see much more of what is good and kind and graceful and beautiful that their contributions can’t be ignored.

    My parents taught me much. A great deal of it was intentioned. Yet more was quite accidental. Their lives were so much more difficult than mine ever was but because they tried to shield me, the lessons they tried to shield me from became ever greater lessons. I saw the art and intelligence and sacrifice they wanted to protect me from and to only see the shining gleam in the eyes of those showing love. Yet, because the apple falling close to the roots and trunk from whence it came, I observed and learned and soaked up the rare gifts small glimpses taught. They grew up with very little love insisting that bitterness and hate never approach me.

    We kind of adopted people along the way that you shall see and enjoy along this stepping path. I’ve tried to give to them more than I had and more than they offered. I wasn’t often successful. I adopted a great grandfather because I wasn’t fond of my maternal or paternal grandfathers. I am extremely proud of the women in my family who are sheroes of mine. My dad and adopted brother never went past fifth grade but were among the smartest people I had the honor walking with and learning from. Both grandmas are in the line of holy priests and allow me connection to the first beings made. Mom and dad were as different as night and day and highly complemented each other like a bow and its fiddle or tenor sax and reeds.

    Ultimately, I am what I am what I am because He lost not faith in me even when I had. Even when I had lost my way and everyone around me hath shown the way with glow of love and ultimate sacrifice. I hope that one day I may show to them and to all that I am eventually worth their sacrifice and lack of fear of pain and doubt.

    To all I so do acknowledge.


    Once upon a time in a far off land called the United States of America in a small shire called the Bronx, a small but numerous band of invective infectives came to invade the grand inhabitants of this shire as well as all Kingdoms far and wide. An old man in the Bronx was in his castle recuperating from a lifetime of dragon slaying and knight fighting. He was learning to repurpose his tools for a new career. When these infectives arrived this old man learned a completely different set of tools that became ever more useful and potent at fighting the invective infective. It got to prove that the pen is mightier than the virus. The old man never before had potent use of the pen, but He found that it was his time for the pen. With controlling mastery over pen and virus, the stories served to teach and amuse those in the old man’s shire as well as kingdoms throughout the omniverse.

    These are the tales of the Gifts from Grandpa.


    My job to you is to make myself irrelevant as a teacher.

    I remember the names of all of my teachers, but do not remember word for word what they said. They taught me how to learn. They taught me how to think. They taught me how to human. You need not know my name except that I am your Abuelo who loves you more than I love myself.

    I want you to know what is love and how love is.

    Being wrong is an achievement. Monumental in importance. Identification and acknowledgement brings you ever closer to the Lord and His perfection. It is not our job to be perfect. It is our job to be more perfect with every smallest fraction of a second.

    Teach others what and how I taught you; but, in your manner of presentation.

    That you’ve gotten this far means that you have and always will offer yourself to help all others. You shall make a clearing in the wilderness.

    Accept nothing at face value. Accept everything as a possibility but nothing as is without your mind, heart, and soul.

    Always remember that your epitath should be that the universe is better for you all being in it of it and an integral part thereof.

    It isn’t necessary that your name be engraved upon it.

    He also will always love y’all.

    Shalom. Hallelujah. Amen.


    This is one of the shortest yet the strongest word in all of culture’s lexicon. Any attempt to define it, minimizes it. Any sane person, angel, writer, philosopher or person of the cloth, would dare to tread where fools shant.

    Therefore I must.

    Love, real love, is the missing part in the universal field theory. Love is the embodiment of our Lord, God and personal savior in sandals and robe with rope. Love is the attraction of bodies in space. Love is the energy that grows the grass, warms the nose and toes. Love forms the soul and rocks upon which we stand. Love created the laws which formed the first atom. Love tingles the innards when life embraces life.

    Love is the unwritten contract that all humans understand and live by or try to violate. Love is the respect all life has for all life. All agreements ever agreed upon, all words ever created, all prayers humbly submitted to Him, all sacrifices, all hugs and kisses, all everything, all mass and energy, is LOVE.

    This is the one and only inviolable IT of the universe that cannot be negotiated. In the Lord’s time there will be a price to pay, or rewards to be granted regarding love.

    Love can’t be explained but can never be violated. Once you learn what it is, it’s the framework upon which life lays upon. Unconsciously, you will learn it and never stop learning about it. Love is the hardest thing to find and must always be respected.

    (PS – The opposite of love is obliviousness, not hate.)


    I is not only the smallest word in English, it’s also the skinniest. Turn it to the side, it almost disappears.

    In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, we are met by Hamlet in a moment of ambivalence. All of the English speaking world reads and misunderstands the first line of his soliloquy. Hamlet isn’t contemplating the fragility of his continuity of life. He is trying to define what I is. What am I and what is it that I stand for. Once he (or any of God’s children) knows what and who I is, future actions and beliefs are easy to figure out.

    In Hebrew, one of our original languages, there is no word for am. One can say what you thought you were (Ah-ni Hoy-eetty). One may anticipate or daydream what the future may hold (Ah-ni Eh-heh-yeh) (The Lord’s name in Hebrew is written very similar.)

    However, you can’t say I AM tired; I AM smart; I AM rich. What’s critical is knowing what I represents. What truly is I. What will I stand for and what won’t I tolerate. Musing over what I thought I was or what I intend to be is really an exercise for fools. You can’t change what happened or know what will be.

    Spend your life learning what love is and what you are. Once you can see what you are, you can initiate a plan of action to change you from what you are to what you may become. Now that’s a truly worthwhile lifetime occupation.

    I I

    Learning what to be or not to be, that is the question.


    It has been said that Prayer is like speaking English. Almost all speak it but few speak it right. In 1945, it was said that only 10 people spoke English correctly. The numbers can’t be much better today. Prayers are offered by more people than speak English. I’ve heard prayers all my life by more people than patients I’ve treated. After 30,000 patients I stopped counting.

    Prayers have always felt more like an exercise in memorization. To me it should be closer to open heart surgery. I’ve seen both so I think I have a feeling. I’ve believed that words should be in rhyme and time with the heart rhythm. And what about those who couldn’t, wouldn’t, can’t or forbidden to pray words considered subversive.

    Prayer is a love song dedicated to Him. One can express thanks for gifts, love of fellow human beings, worry or relief of same, anxiety, fear, angst, request for help, guidance. Through music, it will allow the heart to express oneself without bursting.

    I have also always felt that action can express prayer to our Lord God and Savior. Words can be the traps of fools and hooligans. Action is definitive, demonstrative, and supremely understood by Him better than to human and devil alike.

    Asking for help is different than doing your best working toward help but falling short. He will know that the prayer is honest, earnest and that you are not taking the Lord in vain.


    Money needs to be understood. You need to know what it is and isn’t. Money ain’t that hard. 1) Money is a tool. 2) It’s not the gross; it’s the net. 3) Money goes like a candle in the wind. 4) Making it is not hard….keeping it is. 5) $100.00 income and $99.00 expenses; instant happiness. 6) $100.00 income and $101.00 expenses; instant sorrow.

    Money is nothing more than delayed barter. Thousands of years ago, we were self-sufficient; more or less. We were hunter / gatherers. One person made descent shoes, another made fire, yet another killed animals with alacrity. Calories burned equaled calories consumed. When we created farming, cultivated fields, storage, and free time, we had the ability to not do everything for ourselves. Most people didn’t need lousy shoes, lousy fires and no pets. We could barter one thing for another thing. When we realized this worked, we expanded the concept. I could, for example, trade a hat I made today for tomatoes you were expecting next month. This note was delayed bartering. Later I could trade this promissory note for something else from someone else. This is currency. This is money.

    Money is a tool just as much as a hammer, saw, screwdriver or hoe. You can use money to get a different tool or use the tool directly. For example, I can use a lot of money to buy a lot of tools (or weapons) to conduct war, or use the tools of listening, talking, communicating, negotiating to obviate the need for money, other tools to conduct war.

    This is why Jesus wanted His followers to leave their objects behind, by the side of the road. This is why we should render unto Caesar what is his realm. We, by using the gifts of God, are afforded our necessaries, and don’t really need money NEAR as much. We are warned to not use money unless absolutely necessary. Money is not wealth. Contentment in our lot in life is true wealth (Pirkei Avot).


    We have here another challenging subject. Let’s dive in.

    An entire library can be filled with books proving that God does and does not exist. Another library can be filled with books describing God and his attributes. I shall leave this manner of writing to book publishers, theological professors and TV Evangelists. My aim and my heart lay with you, my beloved grandkids. So forgive me my attempt as I make our Lord recognizable, lovable and comfortable for you.

    Before we can say what /who is God, we must understand God. Due to my background, I choose to describe God from behind my eyes and in my mind & heart. Kids, we live in a big, big backyard. Whatever backyard you’ve ever seen; whatever backyard your friends told you about, whatever backyard your dreams have allowed you to imagine, God’s is BIGGER. He made it, planted all the grass and trees and flowers, and welcomes you in. He loves you unconditionally and always is ready to show you how much he loves you all.

    I have a disadvantage in that I’ve not committed first and second Testaments to memory as some have done. My small advantage is my knowledge in and comfort within the Arts, Mathematics and Sciences. My doctorate is within the healthcare field.

    First point is that we need to discuss copying. Copying is the conscious act of taking an object and making another exactly like the first. Try copying manuscript onto goat skin sewn to goat skin from goat skin sewn to goat skin without error. These Testaments were the truly inspired word of God. The copies are not and have never been copied accurately. The original words were written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Those from the 2nd Testament no longer exist. Present copies were not copied from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, or even Greek. They were copied one from the other, one language to another.

    Humans are made one from the other, and the DNA contained within are exact replicas. As an example, humans are made of cells. Cells contain many parts. Two parts contain DNA; the nucleus and mitochondria. Errors in copying occur one in 10,000 years. We humans make copying errors one per page. Even computers are not as accurate as one error in 10,000 years. Guess who made copies of Testaments and made computers vs. who made us.

    Second point is Bible Coding. Bible Coding is statistical analysis of the Testaments as a predictor of future events. We have found an uncanny accuracy of historical events predicted after the writing of these Testaments. We have found birth and death and names of men of the cloth, disasters, great people of history, and so on. We have not found this with any other book ever written by humankind. The odds of the accuracy of Bible Coding being found by accident are in the odds of 1 in multiple of billions.

    Third point is that when The Testament is used as an archaeological source, it’s been the most accurate source material to date. Archaeology is the study of remnants of old civilizations found buried underground.

    Fourth point is that the birth of our universe is identical when comparing physics to Genesis.

    Fifth point comes from Genesis 1:1. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. Keep in mind, this was originally written in Hebrew. According to Albert Einstein, Energy and Mass are treated the same. Both would therefore be earth. Heaven would be space. In the Big Bang, God indeed did create the Heaven and the Earth.

    Sixth point would be the volcanic eruption and earthquakes that occurred the same time as the 10 plagues which affected Egypt. This would explain the mechanism with which God freed His people.

    One last point to examine. Albert Einstein did research in Physics. A lot! Among other subjects, he discovered fractionally small pieces of matter. They can be connected. You can hook up 2 pieces together violating the Universal Speed Limit. In addition, one of these pieces can also hook up at the same time with a third, all going faster than the speed limit. This is God country. Welcome to Quantum Entanglement.

    These are but a few proofs of the existence of God (at least to my eyes). Personally, I’ve seen, spoken with and felt the Love of my Lord. He has always looked out for me, taken me to the precipice, taught me, and punished the accosters and kept His word to me.


    You may think that we are going to discuss what a word is and to define it. I’m sure you have known what a word is and that it is a picto/alphanumeric representation of an object, or action, or description. This is much more important.

    I’m sure that you realize where my background comes from. You know I’ve had a lot of education. You may or may not know that I had experience in the Street Scene. I adopted my friend as my brother. We did street stuff. What is important is there are certain rules of life that are true and consistent. These rules will mean your very survival. Two of these rules are based on the word WORD.

    Always keep your word. Promise your word sparingly. This may seem self-explanatory. It isn’t. Word is your name, it’s your life, it’s what you stand for and represent. When you give your word, you are giving yourself. It’s what’s important to you and to whom you are giving your word. If you promise to do or not do something, NEVER break your word. If you can’t, don’t give your word. If we are made in the Lord’s image, image isn’t physical appearance. It’s what you are inside…your word. You’ll find that key and magical things will start to happen involving the promises made.

    Just as this is true of the street life, it’s even more true of the life on the better side of the tracks. No matter how much money, or influence, or power or reach or position one may have, it doesn’t mean anything. A good name, based on your word, is like having the best superpowers. Ultimately, nothing will touch you because He got your back. No matter your path, you are covered. I cannot overemphasize this.


    I am a tool. I am God’s tool. You are heart of my heart, blood of my blood, soul of my soul. I work at serving my Lord, usually by serving His children. I don’t count as an identity uniquely my own. I only exist as an instrument to be used on behalf of others. Because you are whom you are, y’all might also be tools of the almighty if you choose. As a tool you can be a level, a plane, an hammer, a screwdriver or you can have multiple uses.

    The greater uses you have, the greater the chances that you will be used. The greater the chances also that you will be kept around to be used. Life is a great ride. You’ll never know what God has in store for you for everyone. The better you are as a useful tool, the better you’ll be as the Lord’s instrument. Doing His work is a gas. Would you rather be a filet knife or a Swiss Army Knife?

    You may also find out that you have been granted many gifts as I was. Having all these gifts make life even more fun.


    Food takes many forms. Food can be Pizza. Food can be a Reuben sandwich. Food can be a Black & White shake. What I mean by food is different. This is to what I’m referring.

    Food is a nourishment. However; not only does the body need food. The mind needs food. The soul needs nourishment. The psychological aspects and legal and moral and unconscious aspects need to be fed.

    The quality and appropriateness of the type and source of the food is oh so crucial and critical. Perhaps munching on grapes straight off the vine are an excellent source of sustenance. If the grapes are old and moldy, it can make a body sick. Just like a hug and unqualified attention is nourishment to a heart, but qualified love can do damage. Teaching a child not only to read but to think critically and be critical of material presented can grow that child like a flower given water and sunshine in a fertile soil. Showing a child that protecting those who can’t or won’t or are not allowed to defend themselves makes sure that the inner being of that child will be a source of pride and example for future generations.

    Feeding all possible aspects with prime nourishment will be a point of strength and resolve that all will recognize and will wish to emulate.


    The first 4 letters of this word spells the word REAL. The first 5 letters of this word are in the word RELATE. Seven of the first eight letters in the word relationship are part of the word RELATING. If you are real about what’s truly important, then how we all relate to one another is very crucial, and skills relating person to person allows us to cope, ensuring a better life.

    Relationship is the art and science of the interpersonal interaction. This is also food, directly and indirectly, that nourish body, mind, soul and psycho-social you. If you want to know what the result is of a poor or absent relationship with a baby, the baby will incessantly rock with no end. This is a hunger just like a lack of water or calories.

    We are social animals. All who have hair, bear live young and feed their young with mother’s milk, have a vital need for proper relationship. This is true from a wombat to a white haired woman from Westchester.

    How you treat your real or figurative brother or sister, which is the nature of relationships, is how we ultimately are judged by the ultimate Arbiter. It’s my opinion that when we are gathered in to come Home, we will be judged by two points; 1) How did you treat the Heavenly Father, and 2) How well did you relate to His children. I figure that if God can make the universe, multiverse or omniverse, he can take care of himself against any of us. But, Our Father would want to know that I played well with the other children. I got this question asked of me all the time from my parents when I returned from play. Remember, how you treat Him is how you should treat the least of His. This is the definition of real relationship.


    The key to long term happiness is balance. Balance means you spend time serving your community, but also your shoes which might need to be resoled. Perhaps you might need to feed your younger sibling, but you should spend time making a sandwich for yourself. Do your homework, but also reserve time for yourself by playing basketball.

    As you grow more mature, happiness is achieved through maintaining balance. Many famous people are known for their writing or their musical talents, or their leadership abilities. But, to a soul, everyone who didn’t lead a balanced life, can’t say they were fulfilled with their life. A lack of a warm and loving family, a partner to bowl or play chess with, time to paint or sculpt, or curl your hair and fix your toe nails causes personal misgivings.

    God placed us here on this earth not only to learn, to serve others, to learn to serve others, but also to spend time & to remember that God made us so therefore we have value. God doesn’t make garbage. Man makes garbage. We have value. We get only one bite at the apple. Spread apple seeds into fertile soil but also polish the apple in hand. We were given gifts to serve not only Him but also His children. Don’t forget that you are also one of His children.

    However; as life is a balancing act, you must not only serve your needs but those of others. Taking care of only oneself dictates that your final days will lay empty and unfulfilled. Just working for the sake of money, without recognizing a higher goal, leaves ones insides feeling that they were removed. Touching on as many aspects of this omniverse makes it easier at the end of the journey when we are gathered Home & say, That was an excellent life!


    Yes a deli sandwich made of tongue is delicious. This is not what we are speaking about here. In Hebrew and Yiddish, the turn of phrase, Loshon Ha’Rah or bad tongue or gossip is to what this treatise refers. An hammer can slam, a saw can divide, a bomb can utterly destroy; but, a tongue can leave no mark, yet leave the deepest devastation. A cautiously placed untrue word can leave damage so pernicious, so horrendous, so insipid, it does such harm that it can permanently devastate the good name and reputation that the injured worked their whole life to accomplish, broken and placed asunder.

    I can talk to one person about yet another person and speak the truth and extoll the person’s virtues. I can lie and cut the good or lift the bad; therefore, doing untold harm. The tongue can do all this and more. It would appear to be a small tongue whose tip is attached to nothing and standing for nothing. The tongue is in truth not only the largest, most deadly in potential use, but most deadly in intention. By its very improper use it is worse than an atomic bomb, or chemical or biological warfare. By being children of God we have an obligation to all of his children to only speak the truth. As potentially and apparently harmful as an honest tongue may seem, loshon ha’rah is so much worse and long lasting.


    Liars are quick to say that, One man’s truth is another’s flight of fancy. The truth is never a flight of fancy. 2 + 2 = 4. The sky is blue and the grass is green. We come from eternity and will return to it. These are all truths. We cannot in good conscience change or alter or shade the truth even a little.

    The universe is like a living breathing organism which was made by the almighty and after a few quadrillion years, has a finality. It allows us to be a part of it and exist within it. The universe (or maybe omniverse) knows what reality is and will not allow lies to be told about it without consequences; regardless of how large or small or what direction. God and the omniverse will ultimately look after you and protect you in His time so you will be safe. In the Testaments, it is abundantly clear that God got your back especially if being His witness.

    Kids, I can personally attest to the fact that in the right time, you will be gifted for saying the truth and being His witness for the Almighty. Don’t listen to false friends who expect you to create false-speak to benefit anyone or anything but the truth.


    Color is skin deep. Especially with regards to us, color is skin deep. Not only have I experience with the treatment of the soul, but experience of the micro and macro of the human body. Color can clue an observer of the safety of a food stuff. Color tells insects of the availability of pollen and nectar for food for the nest. Color can tell if the animal before us may be dangerous. It can also show if it’s time for making babies. Color doesn’t work that way for us. Color for us is merely a protective mechanism against sunshine. The difference we see in color in us is indicative of the amount of melanin contained within our skin cells.

    We started in a place on earth on the equator. The equator is where on earth the greatest amount of sunshine exists. The more melanin, the greater the protection against sunburn and cancer. Elsewhere on earth there is less sunshine so less melanin is need. We therefore genetically lost the melanin as we meandered. That’s it.

    Under the microscope, samples of tissues of different people with different skin colors have identical looks. Tissue samples, called Histology slides, are identical under the scope regardless of color of people.

    Genetically, there is almost no difference between different people. We have 1/3 identical genetic material between us and a banana. Gibbons and we have over 95% identical genetic material. Humans are over 99% identical.

    Lastly, I’ve had more than my share of autopsies and anatomies and surgeries. Once the skin is reflected, you can’t even differentiate between sexes, yet alone skin color.


    Is the family unit crucial for your life and survival? Yes and no. What do I mean by this? Well, the points I’m making are simple. The family is extremely important. But, we must alter our definition of what a family is.

    A family is a bunch of people who love each other unconditionally. They all care about each other all the time as much as they care about themselves. The members of the family know of the strengths and weaknesses and yet still love each other.

    Traditionally, the members of the family have been Mother, Father, siblings and non-edible animals we call pets. This family unit up until a hundred years ago also included grandparents, aunts and/or uncles, cousins, friends in trouble as well as a small zoo. They pooled resources and cared for one another. That explains the need for the three story Victorian home with basement and attic. Everyone has jobs to do in and around the home. Even in the depression, life continued. This was called the extended family.

    The family shrunk because money flow improved. Everyone could afford their own flat. It’s now so bad that the present family is called the nuclear family, like it blew up into many small pieces.

    What we need to do is to amend our definition of what a family is and means to be. If Jesus could have one mother and two fathers, we can now create a new family. A child can have 2 mommy and daddy pairings. The child can also have two mommies living together and two daddies living together. A brother can have his own family living with you. You can live with grandma and grandpa. Imagination should be the only limitation as long as unconditional love and respect and protection is present. The child should be like a healthy plant in fine soil.


    It is written in the first testament that it is harder for a rich man to get to heaven than to get a camel through the eye of a needle. There is truth to this statement. Now let’s think about why.

    Let’s take 2 situations. We’ll suppose two people; one who was rich and is no longer and a second who wasn’t rich but now is. The reason for each situation, for the purpose of our talk, isn’t important. Well….not now anyway. We’ll say each person was rich and poor for half their lives. Are we to say that half the camel can get through and the other half can’t. Which half? Is it the front or back half? Is it the front of one and the back of the other? Maybe it’s left or right half?

    Now! How did the money get lost or found? Was it transferred? Is it just touching the money that taints the hands creating a sinner? I have a suspicion.

    It’s not the possession of the money but how it was acquired and how it’s used. An axe can help to make a house or hurt one of God’s creatures. Fire can light the way or heat a meal. Fire can also burn a home. Money is only a tool. With a tool comes a feeling of power and the awesome responsibility of proper use of the tool. Money can be used intelligently or as the tool of eternal damnation.


    You may be told, Don’t trust. Don’t talk. Don’t tell. When you hear this from anyone, please be very weary. This person or these people or this organization don’t have your best interests in mind. When you hear any or all of this, smile, nod and politely leave.

    This is an anthem of the Devil Incarnate. Your family will accept you as you are with whatever you did or didn’t do. This includes the Lord God and Jesus and Holy Spirit. They’ll insist on knowing all the details so they can understand, teach you and grow you into future you. They instinctively know that the covering up is worse than the incident itself.

    If you agree with keeping the anthem, you will be protecting the person or people or group, exposing you to the punishment rightly belonging to them. Remember, God knows everything. You can’t keep anything from Him because He is already aware of the happenstances.

    We all love you all. It’s not because of what you can bring us or do for us. You are a part of us and because we love ourselves, we love you, too. Therefore, trust, and talk and tell.


    Most everyone knows the man MJ. Others may instead know him as Michael Jordan. If this is sometime way in the future, please Google him or whatever you do in the future to find out information. He was a basketball player. He is one of a small handful of basketball players who are considered the best. Among them are Magic, Russell, and Dr. J. In other fields of sports, there are also many people who stay for a cup of coffee or two but a precious few who were the best, the ultimate. Even in other fields of endeavor, there are a very select few who do the do. Talking the talk is easy. The very few do the do because they want to be the best. It’s not money which motivates them. It’s not the fame either.

    There is a fire, a burning, a desire to excel. It’s not to be better than others but to better oneself every time out; whether it’s practice or when everything is on the line. And there is only one way to do this. MJ used to practice so much, he would practice shooting the basketball

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