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Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (Teem): Sisters in Arms: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder
Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (Teem): Sisters in Arms: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder
Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (Teem): Sisters in Arms: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (Teem): Sisters in Arms: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder

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About this ebook

Although author Yolanda J. Lomax had a successful thirty-two-year-career in the US Army, she longed for the mentorship of her sisters in arms who wore the ranks of sergeant through command sergeants major or lieutenant through general. She yearned for the opportunity to seek their professional advice, as well as have a sister to go to, just to share a personal moment. Lomax realized that as she rose through the ranks as a woman, it was lonely at the top.

In Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (TEEM), she proposes a military female mentoring program to encourage sisters in arms to plant seeds, tend them as the roots take hold, emerge, and break through to reveal strong trees with branches. Lomax believes when women teach, encourage, empower, and mentor present and future military forces, it demonstrates that no weapon used against females can prosper.

Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (TEEM) delivers the message that when women can set aside trivial bickering and display unity, they are truly a force to be reckoned with. It demonstrates that average females are capable of achieving exceptional results.

Release dateMar 22, 2021
Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (Teem): Sisters in Arms: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder

Yolanda J. Lomax

Yolanda J. Lomax is a wife, mother, poet, praise dancer, retired command sergeants major, and sci-fi fanatic. She entered the US Army in 1979 as a reservist, transitioned to active duty in 1980, served thirty-two years in an array of stateside and overseas assignments, and earned a host of awards and decorations. Lomax and her husband, Davie, have two children. In her free time, she seeks any available opportunity to assist veterans.

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    Teach Encourage Empower Mentor (Teem) - Yolanda J. Lomax

    Copyright © 2021 Yolanda J. Lomax.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0273-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0274-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021902837

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 03/17/2021


    May today there be peace within. May you trust you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.


    CJTF-HOA Women’s Equality Day, Photo by Staff Sgt. Dana

    Cable, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa




    1.    This Is Not about How To; It’s About What to Do

    2.    Assess Your Reason

    3.    Forge an Alliance and Allegiance

    4.    Identify Your Motivation. Plug It In. Stay Connected.

    5.    You Can’t Make Sacrifices and Not Expect Consequences

    6.    Periods, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), Yeast Infections, & Pregnancy

    7.    When You Hurt, We Hurt Too

    8.    I Scream Sisterhood!!!

    9.    The Transition: Take Time to Reset and Refocus

    Mentor and Mentee Workbook



    About the Author


    Thank God, who is the head of my life

    Much love for my family – Granny, and Momma (teachers whose enduring statements are constant reminders of why my determinations to overcome life’s obstacles were worth the many struggles and sacrifices. Momma would remind my siblings and me, This world owes you nothing, and the race is not given to the swift or the strong, but to those who endure to the end.; Davie (husband, friend, confidant, shoulder to lean on, and mentor of thirty-plus enduring years); Son – Terrell and Daughter – Phylicia (God’s gifts to me); thank you Phylicia for the pregnant service member illustration in Chapter 6; Sisters - Laura, Niece, & Trang (my total opposites who always have my back), Johnny (my Brother, – rest in peace). Your prayers, words of encouragement, chastisement and keeping it real kept me grounded.

    My military family throughout my military career: SFC (R) Ross (my MAIARA - Native-American wise man); SFC (R) James Ward (a forever humble leader); CSM (R) Sandra Emery, CSM (R) June Seay, and CSM (R) Annette Weber (my CSM sisters in arms); SFC Stacy Barrett (my sister in arm who raised the Bar); CSM (R) Ezell Wills (‘Daddy Wills – rest in peace) & CSM Joseph Allen (Pit Bull), (my true mentors of combat arms teachings); BG Charles Tucker, BG Robert Ulses, COL Steven Sliwa (IOU for laying the foundation for this book), COL Willie Gaddis, COL Forrest Newton, COL Nancy Spencer, LTC Michelle Holliday, LTC Miguel Martinez, CPT ‘Bear’ Bryant, CPT Martin Binder, (commanders and leaders who defined the true and genuine meaning of a relationship that built trust and respect between officer and noncommissioned officer (a We Were Soldiers Once & Young– LTG Moore & CSM Basil L. Plumley relationship).

    CPT (Retired) Japera Malwah, thank you for your corrective criticism of this endeavor.

    LaToya Jacques and Naesha Powell (my adopted soldier-daughters), continue to reach one and teach one as you further your military careers.

    To all my soldiers; you became my family. Through win, lose, or draw, you made me a better leader during those times when you pointed out my strengths & weaknesses. You taught me the true meaning of, Never leave a fallen comrade.

    Daniel Circle Chapel family, Fort Jackson South Carolina, you are truly my spiritual lily in the valley.

    I extend sincere appreciation to Joann Plunkett and the William. Jennings Bryan Dorn Veteran Affairs Medical Center Mental Health Staff (my calm that guide me in the middle of the storm).


    One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, right here, right now, in this single, solitary, monumental moment in your life, is to decide, without apology, to commit to the journey, and not to the outcome.

    — Joyce Didonato


    Women Veterans Day 2020, Photo by Sgt. Alexis Washburn-

    Jasinski, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne)

    I WILL BE THE FIRST TO SAY, I DIDN’T ALWAYS GET IT RIGHT. WERE there moments of doubt, fear, and lack of confidence? Yes. Were there times I sang the cadence, "I don’t

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