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Returning to the Light
Returning to the Light
Returning to the Light
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Returning to the Light

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About this ebook

Returning to the Light navigates the winding and thirst-quenching spiritual journey that is selfsovereignty
and self-love. The collection of poetry and prose explores darker themes of addiction,
denial, co-dependence, saviorism and lost sense of self, and into the luminescent awareness that
is finding one’s own love, voice, power and truth once again. A journey for the individual and the
collective, this work weaves lessons from nature, masculine and feminine energy, and a higher
faith in coming home to oneself as the love one has always been.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 24, 2021
Returning to the Light

Olivia Morrissey

Olivia Morrissey is a woman with a vow to feel. She shows up as a poet, writer, healer, embodiment guide and beautifully messy human. More than anything, she is committed to the greater processes of all that brings her back to love– to God, peace, each moment. She is passionate about the wholeness of a human– their rage, compassion, longing, beauty– and reminding herself and others that they have always ever been love. She feels. She writes. She speaks. She shares. Reconnecting to her body and her feminine essence has been the most transformative and healing experience of her life– it is a gift she wishes to keep on giving to others. To experience more of Olivia and her work, go to

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    Returning to the Light - Olivia Morrissey

    Copyright © 2021 Olivia Morrissey.

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    Interior Graphics/Art Credit: Natalie Woeppel

    Exterior and Interior Design: AnnaMarie Vaughan

    Exterior Illustrator: Samela St. Pierre

    Balboa Press

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    of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3479-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3481-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3480-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019913774

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/23/2021

    For the omnipresent rumbling of all there has ever

    been. For the soft and potent earth-shaking that

    is the re-sanctified feminine. For the restoration

    of Her truth and glory. This is for SHE.


    Upon republishing Returning to the Light and witnessing its deep reception among the women I work with, I’ve come to understand this collection as a microcosm of the greater collective feminine wound and experience. Returning to the Light, beyond personal catharsis, is the modern-day story of Goddess Lilith: the first woman. It is a journey of the woman who has forgotten the force of her feminine magnetism, the rumble of her truth and the earth-shaking ability of her feeling. It is the story of the Goddess who abandoned herself to please the wounded first man who viewed her as lesser; the Goddess who fled in pursuit of her liberation and equality; and as I interpret, the woman who, after succumbing to the depth of her own rage, darkness and desolation, evolves to a space of compassion, forgiveness, reclamation and restored reverence for her own power and light.

    Such is the too often wounded experience of the feminine nature: one of non-acceptance and shame, self-infliction and self-destruction, fury and retaliation, and finally, deep understanding and resurrection. There is a story of the Mexican deserts and mountains in which La Loba, the wolf woman, lives. She ventures, collecting the bones of the dead wolves and singing them back to life so that they may run into the horizon, transforming into cackling women. I have had the honor of embodying La Loba with this book. Returning to the Light is not just a collection of words– it is the gathering of my every last bone necessary for my own song back to my wholeness.

    May these words and bones support your journey home to you.

    Olivia Morrissey

    Maui, Hawai’i

    December 2019


    Author’s Note

    A Letter to You

    The Cave

    The Choice

    The First Taste of The Moon

    The Return

    The Light

    About The Author


    This collection is my winding path from the cave of disillusionment and disconnection to my barehanded claw-climb out of darkness and my flight into the light. This is my journey of reclaiming my love.

    We reach the cave the moment we forget that we are love simply because we exist— when we begin to believe, as determined by others, that we are unworthy, undeserving, un-sacred, un-full. And when we choose to consume such limiting, unloving falsities and accept them as truth, we’ve stepped inside. And when we are inside the cave, we live in a state of fear.

    I shed layers of myself— stripped my loud, my bold, my light, my love— in an attempt to become something I hoped would grant me the safe company I had been promised in this twisting lifetime. I changed the shape of my body, my heart, and my spirit in this shadow contract in order to squeeze into a smaller capacity and receive what I thought would be the love I sought. I recreated and redesigned my movements, my thoughts, and my needs to shrink into the space I believed was being asked of me.

    I changed the size and capacity of my lungs, the depth of my breath, the network of my capillaries; I lessened the white, the strength, the density of my bones, all in self-proclaimed honorary surrender to the supposed love I shook with bereft aching for.

    I knew not yet to recall that the most potent medicine lay waiting, dormant, naturally and eternally within me.

    This book is reclamation and healing. It is returning and re-membering. It is choosing the light and choosing to live in your own love. It is the journey back to truth.

    May you never find yourself straying too far from you, and may you always remember your way back home if you do.

    With love and with light,

    Olivia Morrissey



    We chased sweet summertime. A year and a half of eternal sun. We ran from darkness, you and I together, without looking back.

    But it caught up to us. And it hit us smack-dab in the forehead of the hottest of July days, and it was clear that nothing light was ever light without the darkness that makes it so.

    The two are beautifully and frighteningly inseparable. They are one and always will be.

    We were two halves trying to make whole. Incomplete on our own, so together we never could be.


                       There was a cool August breeze blowing

                       the day I knew I’d lost you


                                   This space

                                   is haunted because of you

                                   A real-life

                                   living color


                                   that spooks me

                                   with nostalgia of us

                                   Of our haunting







                                   We’re hurting each other

                                   more and more

                                   by the day

                                   You touch her in my sight

                                   because you know that it tears

                                   for she is a woman

                                   of all of my fears

                                   Giving in to all vices

                                   which you’d leave me to do

                                   and I abstain from mine daily

                                   to safeguard part of my truth

                                   I hit you

                                   with word-venom

                                   and little coiled fists

                                   a broken

                                   broken-hearted child

                                   holding on by frayed string

                                   This space

                                   and you

                                   bring out a hurt


                                   eerie piece of me


                                   after it all

                                   I’m haunted too

                                   Your stings give me no choice

                                   but to fight back

                                   this pain game

                                   must be played

                                   with two

                                   And I don’t like

                                   this thing I’ve become

                                   I know that I’m haunted too


                Golden flame to golden flame

                wavering and ice-hot and all the same

                she yearns for the burn of the lesson she won’t learn

                in this cyclical ego game

                Moth aroused after golden flames

                she scars anew but her self is to blame

                burning but she is addicted to the game

                of golden flames to golden flames


                       Your sweet sandy scent reeks of needing love

                       Your calloused hands

                       need soaking in bubble foam

                       your jaded ocean eyes

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