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I Am Universal Oneness: Along Life's Journey the Divine Walks with Me
I Am Universal Oneness: Along Life's Journey the Divine Walks with Me
I Am Universal Oneness: Along Life's Journey the Divine Walks with Me
Ebook205 pages57 minutes

I Am Universal Oneness: Along Life's Journey the Divine Walks with Me

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This book echoes my soul. It expresses oneness with the universe in its simplest form, understanding that love is truly my birthplace. Wherever I am the Universal Soul greets me.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 26, 2021
I Am Universal Oneness: Along Life's Journey the Divine Walks with Me

Lydia Potter

Lydia Potter was born in Tortola British Virgin Islands, grounded in roots spreading from Togo, Cuba, Jamaica, Santa Domingo, Antigua and the US Virgin Islands just to name a few. She can be called many things, a massage therapist, paralegal, or a personal chef. She will answer to IfeTaiyo (Love brings Joy) or Zoye (Bright Dawn), but her soul simply answers to Love. Her intuition and inner guidance takes her to the heart of what matters. Remembering that she was birth in Love. Being an inspiration to all willing to open their hearts and inquire within and cultivate a new way of being is her Spiritual walk. She penned these prose for the purpose of touching hearts through the troubled times and infusing love always. May peace be your journey!

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    I Am Universal Oneness - Lydia Potter

    Copyright © 2021 Lydia Potter.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5426-1 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5427-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020917018

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/14/2021


    Writing a book takes dedication and discipline. To answer the call of the soul is a move of courage. Along the way there are individuals who inspire, support and respect the need for stillness while remaining present.

    The Divine has granted me grace and mercy and I Am exceedingly grateful. Thank you all for the conversations and your willingness to listen.

    To my parents Cecil and Margaret Potter for giving me the courage to fight and to love big.

    To my siblings Fitzroy, St. Clair, Ina, Vivian, Osbert, Carol, Ronald, Cecil, Everard, Milton and Patricia, who I absolutely adore, you have all inspired me to see things through and I stand in gratitude. You have supported me over the years, I stand in gratitude.

    To my wonderful sons, Tahron Potter and Je’Var Potter-Blake for hanging out with me on my journey and loving me through my choices, I thank you for being patient with me.

    To my Granddaughter Journey Potter For having a kind heart and teaching me how to love big, I love you infinity and beyond!

    To the nieces and nephews that gave our home in Hidden Valley life, thank you for sharing your heart with me. You are loved without measure. To my family in Antigua, I thank you all so very much for continuing to plant seeds and extend the roots that keep me grounded.

    To the Inner Vision Institute for Spiritual Development Community, I am forever blessed and grateful to have you all in my life. I appreciate the many walks and talks during the Personal Development Program. The 3am wake up call at Flinstone as well as the Spiritual grounding at the sweat lodge at Omega. Thank you all for being available and showing me how to love during the times that I felt frustrated and angry. Thank you for coaching me through the river of tears, Caroline. Thank you for praying with me Nakirah. Thank you for the late night talks Grace and Carlene. Thank you for challenging me PDP faculty. Thank you for the music that gave me peace, Rev. Tammy and Rev. JoAnn.

    To the many men and women that have been kind and supportive to me during my 55 trips around the sun. Thank you for taking the time to listen, guide, inspire, coach and mentor me Rev. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant, IyaOyabi, Danni Stillwell, Almasi Wilcox, Rev Dr. Helen Jones, Dr Nevorn Askari, Iya SangoBukola, Jackie Smith, Anthony Manboadh, David Roper.


    Re-Discovering Self

    I truly believe that when we feel lost it’s that precise time that a shift is occurring in our lives. At least for me it’s that inner knowing that something is not sitting well in my spirit. The Divine (my innate self) will find unique ways of speaking to and through me. She will wait for me wherever I Am. She speaks to me often, but I find that I listen attentively right around 3 am, she knows my mind is rested and that she has my undivided attention. I obediently reach for my cell phone, open notes and begin to download what I have crafted in (my mind). A collection of thoughts entered during the busy day in the grocery store, the walks in the park, the random conversations with others or with self. I have often reflected on a past that has somehow managed to cultivate my present. There will be many whispers of The Divine speaking to me

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