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The Sisterhood of Larkhill Manor
The Sisterhood of Larkhill Manor
The Sisterhood of Larkhill Manor
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The Sisterhood of Larkhill Manor

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At six am, Natalie gave birth to Rachel. Two hours later, Rosie gave birth to Helen while in the next room an overjoyed Cath welcomed her second little girl Angela into the world. Later that evening between seven-thirty and nine pm, Melanie, Linda and Katie were blessed with Rochelle, Daniella and Gabriella respectively. Mike had become the proud father of forty-seven children and he was loving every moment!

It’s 1964; Mike Cunningham is a 24-year-old youth eking out a living with his Auntie Cath and 25-year-old cousin Michelle. He doesn’t realize it but Michelle is head over heels in love with him; and so is Auntie Cath!

At Larkhill Manor, 29-year-old twins Stephanie and Samantha Marshall are desperately looking for love after spending years in the emotional wilderness. Before long, fate brings all three together, changing their lives forever…

‘THE SISTERHOOD OF LARKHILL MANOR’ is not just about love. Set in South-west England, it is a tale of jealousy, murder, tragedy, and the human spirit surviving despite insurmountable odds.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateMar 28, 2021
The Sisterhood of Larkhill Manor

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    The Sisterhood of Larkhill Manor - Mckenzie Drake

    Copyright © 2021 by Mckenzie Drake.

    ISBN:      Softcover         978-1-6641-1522-4

                    eBook             978-1-6641-1521-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 03/26/2021


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    Chapter 1   The adventure begins

    Chapter 2   Playing away

    Chapter 3   The taming of the shrew

    Chapter 4   Treasure trove

    Chapter 5   First born

    Chapter 6   Another Fab Four!

    Chapter 7   Freak weather

    Chapter 8   Rough Justice

    Chapter 9   Lord of the rings

    Chapter 10   It’s A Fair Cop!

    Chapter 11   Swallow’s Nest

    Chapter 12   Echoes of war

    Chapter 13   A mass christening




    Stephanie Marshall

    Now the monthly general meeting was over and the staff managers had left, Stephanie and her twin sister Samantha could finally go nude. Grabbed her shopping bag; she asked Sammie; is there anything we need from the shops? I won’t be back for a couple of hours! Looking wistfully out the large front window she replied, apart from a handsome young man who can keep us both happy between the sheets, no. She hadn’t had sex for Lord knows how long; neither did Steph. I’ll see what I can do. Steph knew the feeling well. All the managers were married already; except one and that was a woman. Okay; we’ll have lunch when you get back. Brushing off her sisters comment as simply wishful thinking, she set off in high heels down the driveway without a stitch on. Sammie went into the kitchen and invited their 44-year-old housekeeper Mary Appleton to strip off and join her for a coffee. She was a lovely woman but moody at times which the girls put down to sexual frustration. Years earlier, they had tried encouraging her to get naked; it’s less constricting and if you do get sweaty, you can always have a shower afterwards, but she always politely refused. They even told her she had a body to kill for but she wasn’t having it.

    Haverstock is a small coastal town with a large farm surrounding a naturist community to the west owned and run by the Marshall twins. This was a glorious summer with temperatures hitting 80 degrees and it was getting hotter.

    The few men seated outside the restaurant were friendly enough and their wolf whistles boosted Steph’s confidence no end. Wiggling her gorgeous bum, she thrust out her ample chest even further. Entering the pharmacy, she met her friend Michelle; why haven’t you stripped off like the rest of us? asked Steph. If my breasts were as big as yours; she replied wistfully; then I’d feel better about going topless. I just hate my body!

    Steph sighed with frustration; Michelle; you have a figure any woman would envy; be proud of it. It’s not how big the dairy is, it’s the quality of the milk and those who deliver it that counts; I’ll tell you what, wait for me I’ll be back in a minute. The patrons were accustomed to seeing her naked and not one man ogled her as she made her purchases. Once outside their conversation continued; tell me; what’s your bra size? enquired the blonde.

    She was nearly in tears; 40FFF! No man would want to know me with these fried eggs. Trying to prove her point, she gave her boobs a squeeze; Knowing the women inside the Swallow’s Nest restaurant next door were either naked or topless, Steph led Michelle inside, ordered two orange juices and claiming a table near the window, sat opposite each other. Right; listen to me young lady; any man would love to have you on his arm and not just because of those. You’re a beautiful girl, you just need a quick confidence boost.

    Three doors down, a bare-chested youth was sitting in the barber’s chair. Unlike the other men, he wore denim shorts and sandals. While he waited his turn, he’d caught a brief glimpse of the two women through the window just before his turn.

    Right, no arguing, remove your top and your bra. Reluctantly, Michelle did as she was asked. Don’t be shy, sit up straight; thrust out your boobs. Put your arms behind your back and see what happens. Suddenly, a light came inside her head. I see what you mean. My posture was all wrong. Steph noticed the change in her demeanour. Now stand up, turn sideways and keep your back straight. now look in the mirror behind you. Michelle’s confidence was growing by the minute. Jiggling her boobs, she came to a life-changing decision;

    Throw all your bras in the bin they just get in the way, trust me; Steph continued. A woman’s breasts are assets and should be free to move freely; the fresh air will also do you a world of good.

    The ladies were chatting in the kitchen; Mary; there must be lots of men around who would love to have you on their arm. Samantha said encouragingly. Stop it; I’m forty-four. What man would want me? I’m getting too old for that sort of thing.

    Don’t sell yourself short Mary; stand beside me in front of the mirror. Compare your figure with mine and tell me what you see... Studying their reflections she said; I’m slightly bigger up top than you but my hips and waist look the same. Sammie stood behind fondling Mary’s impressive chest. Exactly my point darling; you’re a beautiful woman. Turning to face each other, their lips came together in a long sensual kiss; let’s go and have some fun, said Sammie. I’m going to show how good love can be. In a complete daze; Mary meekly followed her upstairs.

    Two hours later a different, more confident Mary descended the stairs For the time being, as they held hands Sammie said, Steph and I shall we say; like women’s company but only a man could satisfy our sexual needs, but remember this goes no further okay? Most men love four things; sex, big boobs, narrow waists and themselves. They enjoyed a final clinch before Steph returned.

    Sammie, I want to thank you for bringing out the real me, I enjoyed our romp, I’m going to find myself a good man. Neither of them had any idea how prophetic that statement was!

    You know what Steph, you’re absolutely right. Starting now, I’m going to show by body off! Finishing their drinks, they went back outside. She removed her jeans and threw everything except her socks and sandals into a nearby bin. With breasts swinging, hips wiggling and a spring in her step, she was a different woman. She had changed from a shrinking violet into a super-confident woman in ten minutes! Steph said; good for you girl; keep your back straight and stick your boobs out, it makes them appear bigger. They gave each other a massive hug. I’ll bet you find a boyfriend before the week is over. I must dash but keep in touch, Bye. Michelle caught her reflection in the window and said, There’s only one man I want; if he doesn’t notice me know there’s something wrong with him, not me. She realized what a stunner she really was. With a spring in her step, Michelle wiggled her bum as she walked across the car park, attracting a cacophony of wolf-whistles!

    Steph was approaching the road on her way home just as the youth was brushing himself down in the barbers. He couldn’t put his finger on it but some irresistible force was telling him to go after her. He was so engrossed watching her sexy wiggle, he had no idea other eyes were watching him.

    She hadn’t gone twenty yards when Steph spotted a little gap in the bushes. Being naturally inquisitive she decided to investigate. Following a winding path, she discovered a long-forgotten cove cut into the cliffs and a golden sandy beach. She unrolled a beach towel, carefully spread it on the sand and then applied sun block to her naked body.

    As she did her breasts, she remembered her schooldays; the jealous comments from the girls and lecherous looks from the boys. Her ample bust seemed to appear overnight when she reached age twelve and finding bras to fit was almost impossible so on leaving school she decided to do without completely. She had a weird feeling she was being watched but thought nothing of it. The gentle breeze on her body was having an unexpected effect; she was becoming aroused. Her nipples were standing out as she began to slowly caress her breasts. After a short while her hands moved over her flat tummy and wide child-bearing hips. She sank to her knees; slowly she was turning herself on as she slid two fingers into her pussy.

    Meanwhile, the youth had silently followed her’ Half way down the path he removed his jeans and gripped his erection to prevent it flopping around. Hiding mere yards away, a snapping twig alerting Steph someone was close by. She spun around, her heart thumping like a trip hammer. Who’s there? Then she saw him and instinctively knew he meant her no harm. her fear subsided. Hello, come and join me. Standing there totally naked, her long blonde hair blowing in the breeze and with hands on hips she looked like a Greek goddess!

    Slowly and with a sheepish expression the newcomer appeared from the undergrowth without a stitch on! I’m s-s-so s-s-sorry; I’ll l-l-leave you t-t-to it! He was so nervous he turned to go and lost his footing and fell backwards still holding his massive erection! Steph burst out laughing. Helping him to his feet she said, don’t be silly, surely you’ve seen naked women before.

    Yes; m-m-my ex-g-g-girlfriend. He stammered nervously. Well, you’ve really cheered me up. I’m Stephanie Marshall, what’s your name, handsome? Her sweet sexy voice seemed to make his cock even harder and she could hardly fail to notice. M-M-Mike C-C-Cunningham; He replied. That’s a nice name, she said huskily. She pressed her breasts together hoping to calm his obvious timidity. Do you like my big tits, go ahead play with them; squeeze them. they all yours. His eyes were rivetted! How old are you Mike? Her soothing words seemed to be working, he wasn’t stammering as much. I’m t-twenty-four t-today. He replied. Really; well, I’m going to give you a very special birthday treat. She gently gripped his cock and slowly sunk to her knees; Wow, She exclaimed; Your cock is really impressive; it must be a foot long! Mike was so aroused and close to ejaculating, he forgot about his nervousness. Steph licked his cock from root to tip tasting droplets of pre-cum. Does that feel good Mike? She purred. Standing with his legs apart he could only groan while she pleasured him. Presumably you and your ex-girlfriend made love? She asked, whilst slowly stroking his cock. Oh yeah quite a few times. He and lay on his back so she could climb on top.

    Just relax darling; what was her name? Mounting him she slowly eased his throbbing cock into her tight beaver. She let out a groan and began riding his long shaft, her head thrown back as the midday sun beat down. Natalie but let’s not talk about her; May I ask your age? Mike asked. Her magnificent breasts were really bouncing like beach balls but Steph didn’t care. I’m twenty-nine, now stop yakking and f*** me! She was enjoying her unexpected summer encounter with her virile stud. She wanted more of this; she wanted his weapon inside her every day, seven days a week. She wanted his babies. She wanted, no, she needed him and his fantastic love-making. He was about six feet tall, tanned with black wavy hair and muscular; exactly what she’d been looking for after many years in the sexual wilderness.

    Suddenly, her reverie was interrupted... Oh yeah. Oh yeah I can feel it coming...

    Go on my darling; I want your seed, let it go! She had fallen deeply, irrevocably in love. Suddenly, You got it babe. Oh yeah, Oh yeah! He seemed to go on forever. Even though she’d only just met him she knew; he’s the one!

    His love juice felt hot as it surged inside her. it seemed he would never stop. That was fantastic; I’ve never had orgasms so intense before! She raised his head and buried his head between her heaving breasts now glistening with sweat; my darling, I’d almost forgotten what it was like to feel this way about a man. I’ve fallen madly in love with you Mike!"

    They’d been ‘busy’ for a good hour; as they lay in each other’s arms; Mike wondered if this vision of loveliness had been snapped up already; I hope you’re not married? He asked, no; I came close a few years ago but it wasn’t to be.

    Thank God for that!; With an expression of steely determination, she grasping his cock she said; Mike darling, there’s a massive bed at my place with our names on it; we are going to make love all afternoon. If you’re not in a hurry, I’ll make us a meal afterwards. Steph was desperate to have his manhood inside her again. You must be hungry after that. His response wasn’t long in coming, I’m hungry alright... pressing his hand against her groin and inserted a finger inside her hoochie, ...I’m hungry for more of this...and you! Feigning shock and surprise, Steph replied You’re cheeky... Kissing her full on the lips, his fingers worked their magic. They finally parted and she said, please Mike, take me again, now. She hadn’t felt this happy; or as horny in years.

    Mary Appleton (nee Philips)

    Three more times they made crazy, passionate love. Steph decided to head for home and tell her sister.

    Do we have far to go? Mike asked. Larkhill Manor, the big house down the road.

    Oh yes, I can see it from my bedroom window; he went on; She playfully slapped his bum and replied, follow me and keep up; you’re in for an unforgettable afternoon...

    A lady usually squats when picking things up but as Steph bent down to roll up her towel, Mike cheekily commented; you’re a prick-teaser, aren’t you? Giving him a perfect view of her sexy rear-end he also caught a glimpse of her inner sanctum, still dripping with his love juice. I don’t know what you mean; she replied coyly. Mike put two fingers inside her and declared; You want my cock inside you again. Spreading her legs wide to give him better access she replied, just for that you’re going to get the best sex of your life! His cock was so hard, it ached. I’d follow you anywhere Steph, you’re beautiful and with a figure any woman would kill for! She thought to herself; ‘Oh, how I love Mike. He’s definitely the one for me!’

    Still wet with cum, his cock easily into her pussy. Soon he’d filled her with even more. Getting to their feet, their passionate clinch seemed to last forever. She expertly slid her tongue against his and could feel his monster cock against her body; her magnificent chest felt great against his. Steph hadn’t experienced feelings such as these for a long time and she loved it. Doesn’t it worry you that I’ve more than likely got you pregnant? Steph shook her head and replied; not in the slightest, in fact I want your babies. He wrapped his strong arms around her and said, I’ve fallen in love with you Steph and I know you feel the same. She looked him in the eye, kissed him full on the lips and said, "I’m absolutely crazy about you Mike. Not just for your cock or your hunky body, but as a man.

    My instincts tell me you’re my Mister Right! Natalie’s a fool for letting you go. As they embraced, her right hand gripped his cock as though she would never release it. From today; she said shaking his cock; this belongs inside me; teasing him she added, and possibly a few more."

    Mike’s ears pricked up; Oh yeah; who do you have in mind? Steph picked up her bag and with Mike in tow they set off home. Grab my shopping please lover, you’ll have to wait till we get there..." His imagination was running riot; A few more? They could be her neighbours. If they are as beautiful and horny as Steph, I’m in for a fantastic afternoon,’

    Steph was deliberately teasing him with her wiggle. As they made their way up the path, Mike couldn’t take his eyes off her rear end. You have a really sexy bum Steph; and a superb pair of legs. He noticed a branch about four foot long and picked it up. Thank you, kind sir, you’re exceptionally handsome; They held hands further up the slope until they reached the road. I really do love you; very much; I want you to be my wife! He replied cheekily. I feel the same Mike but let’s not rush into things. She set off down the road but he was a little dubious; It’s okay Mike, she said coaxing him on; there’s nothing to be scared of. Being naked doesn’t bother me at all; in fact, I hate wearing clothes; I only get dressed when I absolutely have to!

    Okay; What the hell,’ he said, If you can do it, so can I. His cock was still erect and flopping around, which made her giggle uncontrollably; he proudly followed her doing his best Charlie Chaplin impression. She just could not stop laughing; I could never visualize Chaplin naked; she could hardly speak for laughing. When she regained her composure; you have really made my day Mike; pass the towel, you’ve made me wet myself!

    "You have an amazing ability for instilling confidence in people; including me. I noticed the change in that girl’s demeanour back there at the shops. Whatever you said, I was amazed when she stripped everything off!

    That was Michelle; we’ve been friends for quite a while.

    My cousin’s name is Michelle but it couldn’t have been her, she would never be seen nude in public.

    Catherine Bedford was hanging out washing on the line at the rear of their house and was utterly amazed when her daughter arrived home stark naked. Michelle...! For Heaven’s sake where are your clothes?

    I’ve thrown in the bin. From now on I’m staying ‘au naturel’, That means nude in French! Her mum was shocked but not altogether surprised. What’s brought this on love? You do realize all the men will be ogling you when you go out. you could even get raped! Michelle asked her mum to join her in the kitchen and made them both a cuppa. Don’t worry mum, I’ve walked all the way from the shops like this and all I got was wolf-whistles. Remember Steph? I met her at the shops; we had a chat and what she helped me find the real ‘me’. I’m not the frumpy girl I thought I was; and guess what; She was stark naked too! While her mum let all this sink in, Michelle went upstairs and took a shower. See you in about half-an-hour mum. When she came back, it was her turn to be surprised; her mum was sitting in the lounge without a stitch on fingering her pussy! Mum...! do you have to? I’m shocked!

    You should try it sometime. It feels great! Do you have a boyfriend? Michelle thought for a moment and then said, not yet but I do have someone in mind.

    Oh yes, do I know him? Michelle took a sip of her tea and said cryptically, probably mum, probably.

    She knew exactly who she wanted as a boyfriend and her mum would undoubtably be outraged.

    Steph’s’ boobs resembled two cow’s udders as she bent to dry her legs. Finally, she was ready to go. I love a man who makes me laugh and I certainly love you sweetheart. You are different to other men around here Holding hands they walked as nature intended without a care in the world totally oblivious to the world around them.

    She had done this frequently because a car showed up and gave them a friendly blast on the horn. The driver waved as she passed. That’s Jackie Stevenson my estate manager; she lives over there; Steph pointed towards a small cottage across the field; and if you’re interested, she’s thirty-eight years old, sex mad and like us, loves stripping off; but only indoors. She has a lovely figure. A minute later she was wolf-whistled by the postman; Hi beautiful. Come and give me a hug! She actually considered it too.

    They were there in no time. Wow, your home is beautiful! He enthused. Yes, we like it; come in, there are two people I want you to meet. They’re here somewhere. Intrigued, Mike’s imagination was still running away with him, ‘it can’t be her mother; she must have a sister...’

    Hey sis, called out a disembodied voice, I won’t be long.

    Sammie, we have a guest, come say hello. He was spot on, now he knew he was in for the time of his life!

    I saw you coming; who’s your handsome friend? As she got closer; Bloody hell sis, look at the size of his cock; he’s hung like a bloody racehorse! Sammie was astonished. Tell me something I don’t know; I’ve felt it a few times; and it’s fully functional. Mike, meet my twin sister Samantha but she likes to be called Sammie. Mike did a double take and thought; Wow another stunner; and they’re identical. Sammie this is Mike. She was mesmerized by his swaying manhood. Hello; you are a big boy; I love your cock." He was shaking with anticipation. Sammie felt the urge to take him right there on the spot.

    Finally releasing him, she seductively planted her luscious lips on his and pressed her pendulous breasts against his hunky body. Why don’t you two get acquainted while I freshen up a little? Sammie didn’t need inviting twice and couldn’t resist his engorged cock which had droplets of love juice from earlier. Dropping to her knees, she caressed his scrotum while licking his cock dry. Without any warning, she took it right down her throat! Oh my God, you’re every bit as good as Steph; After about ten minutes, Wow! You’ve got talent babe, take it all right down your neck! His love juice felt hot as she swallowed every drop. My God Mike, that’s enough to make triplets! Steph called from the kitchen; I got the same treatment five times! Desperate for more, she masturbated him. Where did you go? Sammie asked. I’ll tell you later. Returning to the lounge, Steph sat down on the sofa just as Sammie got another mouthful of cum. As horny as hell she was determined to get him into bed. This handsome hunk has the ability to keep us both satisfied, I wonder if he has the stamina…

    It was twelve o’clock and the sun beat down mercilessly as all three went outside to the swimming pool; Mike allowed the girls to go first so he could watch their bums wiggle as they crossed the lawn. The water felt great as the three lovers dived in.

    Okay Mike, what were you really doing on that cliff-top apart from ogling me? His face flushed bright red. I was bird watching. He replied unconvincingly. It was obvious she didn’t believe him. Okay, okay you’ve caught me; I saw you in the car park and couldn’t take my eyes off you. I wanted to chat you up but you disappeared into the bushes. I waited a while but you didn’t show up. I looked over the cliff edge and when I saw you strip off, I had to follow. She knew that was the truth. Steph; May I ask how big your breasts are? I’d love to know.

    You are a cheeky boy but it’s okay; I’m 44FFF; Sammie is the same. He was dumbstruck. Mike; wait until you see our younger sister; and then you’ll think your birthdays have all come at once.

    Anyway; technically I was right. Mike said in a moment of realization, you’re my bird and I was watching you. Steph couldn’t really argue with that kind of logic.

    A voice called from indoors and made Mike jump; Lunch just needs dishing out girls. They tried to stifle their amusement; Don’t worry Mike, it’s Mary, she’s been with us for ten years and well used to seeing us naked. Five days a week she cooks for us and clean the house. She’s is a lovely woman; come and meet her... Steph and Mike were rather taken aback; she was leaning against the sink as naked as the day she was born. Sorry sis. I should’ve warned you both. We had a romp upstairs while you were out. Mike was mesmerized; Wow; she’s a real looker; and check out those hooters. How old is she?

    Forty-four; but as you can see, she looks much younger. Would you like to meet her? Nervously Mike followed the girls inside. To Mike’s absolute surprise she was fingering herself! Mary, we’d like you to meet Mike Cunningham; our new boyfriend. Without flinching or any attempt to cover up she stopped as she noticed his man hood; pleased to meet you Mike, blimey you are a big boy; may I have a feel? The girls didn’t seem to mind and neither did he; go ahead love; he said, but I want to feel your breasts afterwards. Her breasts swung and slapped together as she got on her knees. She looked him in the eyes and said; you have a deal. With your permission ladies... They knew exactly what she wanted. Instinctively, Mary slowly took his cock as far down her throat as she could and gave him the most exquisite blow-job. When he finally ejaculated, she was amazed at the power behind it and how much he parted with. Bloody hell; I didn’t expect that much! Mike was amazed at the size of her breasts. She had the figure of a woman half her age and Mike said so. Helping Mary to her feet he passed her a cloth to clean herself up.

    Now it’s your turn; standing behind her, she raised her arms which made her chest appear even bigger. Slowly, one hand slid over her hips and waist; his lips having a featherlike touch as he kissed her neck and shoulders. His other hand went straight to her groin. Not really meaning it she said breathlessly; please don’t Mike, this is so wrong...

    She didn’t try to stop him; that’s it darling; drive her wild... He began caressing her bum and tweaking a nipple; Oh Mike... Her eyes dilated and what little resistance she had quickly evaporated. Spreading her legs, the coup-de-gras came when he put his hand between her legs and gently inserted two fingers into her beaver. She turned, flung her arms around his neck and pleaded with him; I can’t stand it any longer; take me Mike, make love to me right now... PLEASE! Mike glanced at the girls; they gave their approval by saying; off you go and have fun. We’ll call you in a couple of hours. He couldn’t take his eyes from her bum as she wiggled up the stairs. At the top Mary held his scrotum as he opened the bedroom door. Christ all Mighty; your balls are massive! How do you manage to walk, they’re bigger than duck eggs?

    No sooner had the bedroom door closed than they became locked in a long passionate embrace, her breasts felt soft against his torso. When they parted, she placed both hands around his cock and said lustily; I’m almost twice your age Mike and I’m falling in love with you; He sighed and said; It doesn’t worry me Mary. Slowly she masturbated him; in that case my handsome hunk, fill my hoochie...!

    Not so fast. I want these beauties first. Sitting on the bed with Mary standing in front of him; he supported a breast in both hands and flicked each nipple in turn with his tongue; Oh yes that feels so good... He was teasing her, making her beg for his cock. She squealed as he put two fingers into her beaver; Mike you’re doing this to torment me; for God’s sake f*** me please... He rolled her on to her back, spread her legs and raised her hips; again, she squealed as his cock entered her. Normally Mary Appleton didn’t swear; today however was different. Oh, my God. That is bloody tight; take me lover boy; Oh yes Oh yes...

    They made love six times in two hours. The orgasms just kept on coming and by mid-afternoon she was pleading with him not to stop.

    Mike had ejaculated each time and they’d worked up an appetite. As he withdrew, she exclaimed, that’s it, my marriage is dead. I don’t want anyone else but you and if loving you is wrong, I couldn’t care less. As they showered Mike asked; how do think he’ll react when you tell him? Mary just laughed; I don’t give a hoot what he says; he’s shown no interest in me since he was demobbed in 1945 and that was a ‘wham bam, thank you ma’am’! I’m divorcing him, he’s bloody useless. I’m going back to my old job as a teacher.

    Steph knocked on the door, breakfast is ready, come and get it!

    So, you were a teacher. Mike was a little surprised. Oh yes. for four years I taught ten- to fifteen-year-olds English and mathematics. I really enjoyed educating young minds. Before they ate, Mike called his Aunt to say he was OK and would be home soon.

    As they sat down to eat, he became quiet and pensive. Mary sat on his right and as Steph tried to get to know more about the new man in their lives. Tell us about yourself; do you have a family, where do you live? He gathered his thoughts and then wistfully he began; I’m living with my Aunt Cath in Haverstock. She told me my Dad, Fred was in the Merchant Navy and died on convoy duty when his ship was torpedoed in 1942. According to her he was trapped in the engine room and went down with his ship.

    Mum; Cath’s sister, was heartbroken and couldn’t cope with being a single parent to a one-year-old baby. Listening intently the girls were shocked at these revelations; Aunt Cath said she threw herself under a bus not long after. If it wasn’t for my Aunt... His voice tailed off;

    Darling that’s awful! Mary said soothingly. He sobbed a little. Steph gently held his face and asked, How would you like to take three beautiful women out on a date? Mike’s face lit up; What do I wear? I only have my jeans and a T-shirt! The girls were now intent on giving their new lover the best life possible; starting right now. Yes, I know. Come with us. The quartet went up to the bedroom where Steph found, amongst other things two grey suits, four white shirts, underwear and three pair of shoes in the wardrobe. There you are darling, try these on... Whether by luck or design everything fitted perfectly except the shoes; don’t worry, said Mary reassuringly, I’ve got a nice pair at home. Mike couldn’t help laughing.; the pair you have on your chest are pretty good too. The girls got the joke and burst out laughing making their boobs wobble like jellies; They’re yours whenever you want them darling!

    Thank you, Mary, but I’ll feel more comfortable in my own shoes.

    Samantha Marshall

    Mike stripped off again and joined the girls in bed; Right Mary, let me have those gorgeous breasts...Girls, could you leave us for a little while please? Mike asked when she got married and if she had any children. We got wed in May ‘38; as for children, I have a daughter Susan aged twenty-four, she used to live in Potter’s Bar, London but she’s with me at the moment. She’d love you; I’m due some time off and I’d like to spend some time with her. His brain was working overtime; I’d love to meet her. Is she single?

    Mike was willing her to say yes; She’s had a few boyfriends but her last one cheated on her; anyway, big boy are we going to f*** or not?

    Half an hour and innumerable orgasms later Mary was dishevelled and more than satisfied with her new man; That’s the kind of man I’m looking for! Steph and Sammie were about to join their fun as Mary dismounted him.

    Steph, there’s something I must do and it may take a while to sort out so can I take some time off please?

    Their curiosity piqued the girls asked; of course Mary but why now? She replied; I’ve already told Mike; I’m starting divorce proceedings.

    After she’d left, the twins were surprised to say the least. Now we know why she’s been acting weird all these years; sexual frustration. She’ll have to sell her home and get a small flat. Mike interrupted her; enough of this for now girls, shall we have some fun... They lay face up with Mike between them; he suckled each of their massive breasts in turn for at least an hour. Darling did your Aunt Cath breastfed you as a baby? All four nipples were sticking out like chapel hat pegs! It’s so long ago I can’t remember. Steph thought for a moment then said; I think she did because Michelle isn’t that much older than you. This gave Mike an idea; while we’re on the subject; may I ask a cheeky question? They kneeled beside him and looked lovingly into his eyes; darling you can ask us anything; you know that.

    When we have kids, notice I said ‘when’ not ‘if’, would you still let me suckle your breasts? If not, I’ll understand. He started moaning as they masturbated him. Mike darling you can suckle our breasts any time you want right Sammie? She agreed without hesitation; When women get pregnant our breasts always get bigger and fill with milk or didn’t you know? Her sensual lips felt like velvet around his rock-hard cock. Sammie meanwhile, pushed him slowly backwards, straddled him and slowly eased his cock into her pussy. With her back to her sister, she lowered her massive breasts onto his face. Go ahead my darling; suckle all you want. As she rode him her boobs bounced like footballs.

    Afterwards as they lay together Steph said; we have a proposition for you. First; where do you work and how much do you earn?

    At the filling station in Haverstock; that’s when I first saw you. Anyway, my wages are more or less twenty pounds a week why?

    How would like to quit work for good and have no more money worries; ever? This really got his attention.

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