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The Bouncing Back Daily Devotional: Ninety Day-By-Day Hope Infused Inspirational Nuggets…
The Bouncing Back Daily Devotional: Ninety Day-By-Day Hope Infused Inspirational Nuggets…
The Bouncing Back Daily Devotional: Ninety Day-By-Day Hope Infused Inspirational Nuggets…
Ebook190 pages1 hour

The Bouncing Back Daily Devotional: Ninety Day-By-Day Hope Infused Inspirational Nuggets…

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About this ebook

Life in general is comprised of a series of ups and downs. What life has thought me over the years is that whether one is experiencing either the upside or the downside of life, it is never permanent. Everything that we are faced with in this journey of life is just a season, and seasons have an expiry date. Nothing is permanent on this side of eternity, no matter how painful or how pleasant the season is I have learned that it passes. So, no matter what you are going through at the moment it shall come to pass in due season. But when the season pass you shall remain standing, especially if your life is anchored on a sure foundation of HOPE. As I typed this devotional day after day, the Lord impressed one thought on my mind, “You can Bounce Back” from any season. Never doubt the power of bouncing back. Resilience is in your DNA, you have been created to overcome and survive everything that life throws at you.
In this Daily Devotional I pray that you find inspiration to Bounce Back from whatever life throws at you. Whether you choose to make it a morning or evening devotional I hope you are inspired. The Bounce back Daily Devotional will infuse your day or evening with a dose of inspiration.
Release dateMar 31, 2021
The Bouncing Back Daily Devotional: Ninety Day-By-Day Hope Infused Inspirational Nuggets…

Vivian Cynthia

Vivian Cynthia is a mother of a beautiful daughter, has been through many life challenges; and through the endless love of God she has bounced back and is living the life that God destined for her. She is an inspirational speaker, preacher, guest in various TV and radio programs. Facilitator of various seminars and camps. She is a seasoned therapist, has counselled people with life issues, ranging from emotional to spiritual issues for almost two decades.

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    The Bouncing Back Daily Devotional - Vivian Cynthia







    Copyright © 2021 by VIVIAN CYNTHIA.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    A Note from the Author

    Day 1 Live!

    Day 2 The Best Use of Your Life

    Day 3 Have God-confidence

    Day 4 It is possible; God Can Lift You up

    Day 5 God can lift you up – Be Humble

    Day 6 God will make it happen

    Day 7 Say It ends with me

    Day 8 You can break that stronghold!

    Day 9 Time to clean house!

    Day 10 God gave you everything you need

    Day 11 Consult the Lord for success

    Day 12 Fear

    Day 13 Is Fear Holding You Back?

    Day 14 God is for You

    Day 15 God is not only sending you – He is taking you

    Day 16 Fear Disconnects people

    Day 17 Personalize God’s promises

    Day 18 Turn it over to God

    Day 19 Talk to your mountain

    Day 20 Waiting…!

    Day 21 While You’re Waiting, God Is Working

    Day 22 Be patient

    Day 23 Lack of imagination is a Dream killer

    Day 24 Dreams are Fragile

    Day 25 Settling for average

    Day 26 The Gap filler in times of Disappointment

    Day 27 Discouragement

    Day 28 A Godly dream

    Day 29 Everything is possible with God

    Day 30 Let God rekindle your desire

    Day 31 Help Me Lord

    Day 32 God Knows

    Day 33 Check the source of your dream

    Day 34 Stop procrastinating and do it!

    Day 35 Change your attitude

    Day 36 Develop a grateful heart

    Day 37 Overcome the Pain

    Day 38 The work of prayer

    Day 39 Keep It Simple

    Day 40 When someone attacks you

    Day 41 When someone irritates you

    Day 42 Crucifixions into Resurrections

    Day 43 Faith is Thanking God in Advance

    Day 44 It’s All about God

    Day 45 Life Doesn’t End with Death

    Day 46 You Have to Believe It Before You See It

    Day 47 Tell It Like It Could Be

    Day 48 Depend on God’s Wisdom, Not Yours

    Day 49 Don’t meddle in other people’s business

    Day 50 Daily Bread

    Day 51 Criticized? Trust God to Defend You

    Day 52 Ways God Blesses a Broken Heart

    Day 53 Gentleness Is an Inside Job

    Day 54 Who do you trust?

    Day 55 Who Controls Your Future?

    Day 56 The Time Is Short

    Day 57 Good intentions

    Day 58 Exchange your panic for God’s Peace

    Day 59 Difficult Decisions

    Day 60 Cry of distress

    Day 61 Names Matter

    Day 62 The List

    Day 63 God Is Present Everywhere

    Day 64 Our Will or God’s Will?

    Day 65 Preparing or Enjoying

    Day 66 Treasure in This World

    Day 67 Favoritism - An Old Infection

    Day 68 Soon and Very Soon?

    Day 69 A Talker

    Day 70 Doubt

    Day 71 Hope – It will end well

    Day 72 First Things

    Day 73 When Mountains Crumble and fall

    Day 74 Sleep

    Day 75 Resurrection - New Life

    Day 76 Saying Thank-You

    Day 77 Do You Know Your Identity?

    Day 78 God’s Bigger Plan

    Day 79 We Do Not Lose Heart

    Day 80 Forgive others too

    Day 81 Questions in My Mind

    Day 82 Blessed Are You

    Day 83 Detours

    Day 84 Jesus Always Has Time

    Day 85 Containers

    Day 86 Consider the cost, don’t be precipitous

    Day 87 Are you hungry for God?

    Day 88 How to Resist

    Day 89 Worrying Is a Waste of Time

    Day 90 Trusting God


    Heartfelt appreciation to my family for the love and support. My mom Mrs Annah Sibeko, my one and only sister Mamsy, Kwani, Sphumelele, and Qiniso I love you guys more than you ever know. I want to specially appreciate my beautiful daughter, a true rare gem. Thank you so much my #RoyalPrincess Reitumetse, I would not be able to finish this devotional if it was not for your continual support, unconditional love and belief in me. I love you my beautiful nana. I also want to appreciate my destiny helper Fisiwe; your support has been truly amazing, may the Lord meet you at your point of need.

    I thank God Almighty, the lover of my soul for giving me strength to fulfil this assignment!

    A Note from the Author

    Life in general is not a straight line it comprises of a series of ups and downs.. What life has thought me over the years is that whether one is experiencing either the upside or the downside of life, it is never permanent. Everything that we are faced with in this journey of life is just a season, and seasons have an expiry date. Nothing is permanent on this side of eternity, no matter how painful or how pleasant the season is I have learned that it passes. So, no matter what you are going through at the moment be cognizance of the fact that this too shall come to pass in due season. But when the season pass you shall remain standing, if your life is anchored on a sure foundation of HOPE. As I typed this devotional day after day, the Lord impressed one thought on my mind, "You can Bounce Back" from any season. Never doubt the power of bouncing back. Resilience is in your DNA, you have been created to overcome and survive everything that life throws at you.

    In this Daily Devotional I pray that you find inspiration every day to Bounce Back from whatever life throws at you. Whether you choose to make it a morning or evening devotional I hope you are inspired. No matter how your day will be structured; whether you will be having a busy schedule ahead or planning to spend it relaxing with friends and family, or even planning to have a bit of alone time with yourself. Mornings can be beautiful moments of devotion and prayer. Precious moments that are deliberately set aside to spend time in the presence of the Lord. Where you command the day before it even commence, because if you do not take authority and command your morning, your whole day will be affected. Give your reality divine assignments every morning through this Daily Devotion. The Bounce back Daily Devotional will infuse your daily activities with a dose of inspiration. Some may decide to use this devotional as an evening inspirational dosage of empowerment. What an incredible, great way to conclude your day; by setting aside a few minutes for devotion and a short prayer to God. The one who gave you your life, an opportunity to have a day to spend, and was with you throughout the day. Regardless of what kind of a day it was, He was present with you through the day, which is a gift; I guess that is why it is called a present. Even if the day was pleasant, you reached most of your daily targets or your day ended not the way you expected; it was a long difficult day but be grateful that you made it through the day and you are still here through the grace and mercy of God. As you sleep have hope that tomorrow is yet another opportunity to do better in this journey of life.

    A lot of people feel powerless because of the trying times that we are currently living in. They try but it seem as if they are not getting everything they are supposed to out of life and they can’t figure out why breakthrough is not part of their portion. Even when you are going through a difficult season, do not give up and throw in the towel, you can still bounce back. Always have hope for better, even if you may from time to time feel helpless but always be hopeful. Never be helpless, hope keeps us going, it keeps us alive. Hope never disappoints. In Zulu, there is a saying that says ‘Ithemba alibulali!’

    I pray that our Heavenly Father, the one who performs miracles and makes no mistakes works out everything, all seasons, the good, the bad and the ugly experiences of your life for your good!

    Vivian Cynthia

    Day 1


    You will come to the grave in full vigor, like sheaves gathered in season.

    (Job 5:26)

    The Bible is filled with the

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