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What Lah....We Crazy, Funny Asians!: A Hotpot of Humor
What Lah....We Crazy, Funny Asians!: A Hotpot of Humor
What Lah....We Crazy, Funny Asians!: A Hotpot of Humor
Ebook115 pages40 minutes

What Lah....We Crazy, Funny Asians!: A Hotpot of Humor

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Here's a classic, Covid-resistant collection of more than 250 fictional, hilarious headlines, news misprints, funny social media slip ups, rib-tickling ad/billboard bloopers, comical bulletin blunders, bungling menu mix-ups and a mish-mash of other ludicrous howlers. And if you love laughing aloud at your own booboo (and others' too!), you will enjoy this crazy, humorous 'hotpot' from Asia! Cheers and God bless you wherever you are!
Release dateApr 13, 2021
What Lah....We Crazy, Funny Asians!: A Hotpot of Humor

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    What Lah....We Crazy, Funny Asians! - JK Joseph

    Copyright © 2021 by JK Joseph.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Have you wondered……?

    How hilarious some of our world news headlines might have turned out if there was no auto spell check or if all the editors decided to blast off unannounced on an all-expenses paid group space tour to Mars?

    Well, this book is a product of the writer's unbridled, quirky imagination inspired by some real life happenings around the world (as well as some make-believe ones).

    It’s a lighthearted take on our own imperfect nature as well as that of the people and the world around us, as seen through the fuzzy lens of a half-blur Asian bloke.

    It’s not meant to offend anyone (regardless of whether you are just another citizen of this looney planet or some silent creepy-crawly in cyberspace!).

    Finally, please forgive any funny resemblance or coincidence ya!


    It was in early 2020, when the coronavirus, the pandemic, and social distancing were trending in social media, while the name Wuhan was causing hoo-ha everywhere.

    And what lah! Everywhere I looked, everyone seemed to be losing their sanity, sanitizing everything in sight, including their cars, cats, raincoats and almost anything that came close to them!

    It was during that time, my six-year-old daughter Zephanie’s vital signs came crashing down. Struggling for dear life in the freezer-cold Intensive Care Unit she was first diagnosed with the dreaded Crohn’s disease; then the neurologist, through his mask, muttered that she had thrombosis too. I Googled instantly with hands shaking—not sure what I had pressed—and the search results threw up the words scones and trombone. That’s it. Giving up, I gazed upward and said, Ok God, your call.

    So there it began. For three long agonizing months, my little girl, my wife Eunice and I were literally locked in the pediatric ward in University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur (while also locked out from the half-abandoned, virus-roaming world outside).

    And it was there too, during the late nights in between my private conversation with Jesus and as I kept vigil beside a bedridden Zephanie, where I began to type into my humble Oppo cellphone what would turn out to be the genesis of this book.

    Zephanie’s smiles, and grit inspired me to keep on writing, while the medical angels there at UMMC (the professors, doctors, and nurses), and the nonstop prayers, and get-well messages from family, relatives, friends, pastors, and my awesome brother Beram Kumar (he too was locked down Down Under in Melbourne!) made sure that I did not implode.

    Gradually a sizzling hotpot, satay celup (or whatever you want to call it) laden with humor chunks was brought to a boil in the hospital ward.

    It is through this journey that God has reminded me that he’s not only my never ending source of strength and courage, but also of joy. Also perhaps, humor is God’s divine umami that flavors our

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