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Livng in Salvation: Learning How to Flow in the Various Roles During the Chapters of Your Christian Journey
Livng in Salvation: Learning How to Flow in the Various Roles During the Chapters of Your Christian Journey
Livng in Salvation: Learning How to Flow in the Various Roles During the Chapters of Your Christian Journey
Ebook214 pages3 hours

Livng in Salvation: Learning How to Flow in the Various Roles During the Chapters of Your Christian Journey

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This book illustrates the new character that we take on (who we become, and who we unbecome) as we traverse the transitional journey from rebirth into life eternal. When we are called by God into adoption, and we make the decision to give our heart and life to Him, we immediately become the sons and daughters of God. He begins to teach us who we are, and exactly what that means. He lays out the journey ahead, and He goes before us. He equips us, trains us, and educates us in spiritual things. He graces our heart with His divine influence and prunes us into a perfect fruit. He makes in us the change necessary for us to receive the promises given us at our rebirth. He calls us into intimate relationship with Him, that we may know Him, and glorify Him through our life. He teaches us the various roles that we take during this journey. He instructs us, molds us, and embraces us.
Release dateApr 15, 2021
Livng in Salvation: Learning How to Flow in the Various Roles During the Chapters of Your Christian Journey

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    Book preview

    Livng in Salvation - Christina White




    Learning How to Flow in the Various Roles During

    the Chapters of Your Christian Journey



    Copyright © 2021 Christina White.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    LifeRich Publishing is a registered trademark of The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.

    LifeRich Publishing

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Although grammatically incorrect, I have chosen to use the name satan in the lower-case.

    Editor: Steven White

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3482-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3481-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3483-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021906438

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 03/31/2021






    A Disciple In Training

    Chapter 1 Life as a Disciple

    Chapter 2 Life as a Child of God

    Chapter 3 A life of miracles

    Chapter 4 Living in intimacy

    Chapter 5 Life as a servant

    Chapter 6 Living in Grace, Living by Faith

    Chapter 7 Life as a Warrior

    Chapter 8 Life as a bride

    Chapter 9 Life Eternal

    About The Author


    There are so many people who have taught and trained me over the course of the past 20 years. Some mentored me one on one, others helped develop me through social media platforms. There are too many to list and give the proper recognition and honor to. However, I want to acknowledge those who have stood with me throughout the highs and lows of my journey through life. But first, I must thank the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him, I could not have began, nor finished this project. He has made me who I am today. I have allowed Him to mold my way of thinking and my ability to thoroughly express myself, whether verbally or written out on pages.

    Next, there is my Dad, Bill Elkins. He raised me well, teaching me not only the principles of the Word of God, but also the necessity to know God for myself. He has been a faithful Dad since my entrance into this world. He has always been there for me no matter what challenges I was faced with. In and through his role as Dad, I have seen a display of our Heavenly Father. He fulfills and stewards his role very, very well. I am thankful for all the influence he has had upon my life.

    Last, but not least, is my wonderful husband, Steven White. When my world shattered, he was the only one who stood by me (along with my Dad). He has shown me the love of God and the healing power love contains upon ones heart. Steven is also the one who encouraged me to write a book. Without him planting that seed in my imagination, I don’t know if I ever would have written and published anything. My husband is my biggest fan and my strong support. He brings out the best in me, encourages me to keep going forward, and pulls out of me a wealth of wisdom that I never was aware of in the past. Thank you, Steven, for partnering with my through life.


    This book is dedicated to the entire body of Christ. These pages contain truths for the newly born again, as well as for the seasoned Christian. It is dedicated to the children of God, the warriors, the bride of Christ. Whatever place you are currently walking through in your life, this book is dedicated to you. As you read, you will be changed. You will gain understanding and the Holy Spirit will speak to you. You will find truths applicable for your life today. No matter the shape you are in, nor the season you are in, this book is for you.


    Christina’s book takes us on a wonderful journey of Living in Salvation". Each chapter instructs and strengthens us in living out our Christian lives. Also, each chapter builds on the previous one.

    This book will inspire and challenge you to become more committed to your role as a Disciple in love, prayer and service to our Lord and others. As Christina states in this book, we re-present Jesus and are on co-mission with Him! Just as the Disciples during their walk with Jesus.

    Much time and thought has been invested in this book. May you be inspired as you read and gain understanding.

    In full disclosure, there may be some comments I’m not in full agreement with Christina, however, for the most part, we can agree. This doesn’t affect my friendship with her nor my assurance of my salvation.

    I’m grateful and honored that Christina allowed me to review her book. May you be blessed as you read."


    Joyce Turner Bannister

    "I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants to have a better understanding of Gods Word.

    This book looks at the basic truths of the scriptures and gives us a deeper revelation of the heart of God, which comes only by the Holy Spirit.

    This book will help guide you into the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, Ephesians 1:17-18.

    This is a very inspiring and uplifting book. It will encourage you to go deeper into the truth of what the Bible is actually saying, far beyond traditional teachings.

    I am sure this book will touch everyone who reads it. Read it with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and you can and will know the true nature of God. As it says in Proverbs 4:7, Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all the getting get understanding. This book will help you with that."

    To the author: With the love of Christ; I thank God for your teaching, and your inspiration to write and share these truths with me and others.

    Your brother in Christ Jesus,

    Billy Joe Elkins


    "In a world where our identity is often questioned and challenged, we must become increasingly anchored to our true identity as the children of God. The enemy is crafty and utilizes the myriad of platforms available to us today as a means to confuse or muddy our firm beliefs. We experience division and uncertainty, and we too often seek answers from the ever-changing environment around us. However, our God is unchanging, and the identity given us at our rebirth has not altered in any way.

    This book illustrates the new character that we take on (who we become, and who we unbecome) as we traverse the transitional journey from rebirth into life eternal. When we are called by God into adoption, and we make the decision to give our heart and life to Him, we immediately become the sons and daughters of God. He begins to teach us who we are, and exactly what that means. He lays out the journey ahead, and He goes before us. He equips us, trains us, and educates us in spiritual things. He graces our heart with His divine influence and prunes us into a perfect fruit. He makes in us the change necessary for us to receive the promises given us at our rebirth. He calls us into intimate relationship with Him, that we may know Him, and glorify Him through our life. He teaches us the various roles that we take during this journey. He instructs us, molds us, and embraces us.

    Our journey is not one of constant worldly peace. Contrarily, the war between light and darkness rages on in the hearts and minds of His creation. We live a life of seasons, and of varied roles during differing times. The enemy does not sleep, nor should we. Knowing who we are, and Whose we are, is an essential part of our Christian walk. Death has already been defeated, and the enemy is only loose for a season, yet we must diligently seek and defend our identity, lest it be stolen by the powers of darkness.

    I thank God for the anointing upon my wife, and the treasure our Lord has made her. Through her dedication to display the heart of God through her life, my own life has been blessed beyond all measure. God is the true source of every divine increase, yet His humble servants operate as a catalyst of His divine intervention.

    I pray that the Holy Spirit speaks to you concerning your identity as a Child of God as you read the content of this text. I pray that no matter what transpires in this world, or how complex the enemy’s tactics, that you become anchored to your identity as an heir to the promises."

    Steven White

    Pastor, Anchored in Truth Ministries



    I have dedicated my life (the past 23 years) to learning who I am in Christ. I have imagined a supernatural walk and yearned to release healing to others. I desire to see people set free and to bring maturity to the body of Christ. My hope is that as you read this book the Holy Spirit will release clarity to you in revealing who you are and how that you too can walk and live identical to Jesus Christ. We are all learning, growing, and changing on a daily basis. Our Father is the teacher and we are His students. We are all on a journey of becoming who He sees us to be as we walk in the truth in which we have been enlightened with. Everyone is in a process of conforming to the image of Christ. This is His goal that He is working in us. As we change, we will no longer pray Lord use me, for the result of the conforming will be doing the same works that Jesus did. A person who is conformed will by nature live as Jesus lived and do as Jesus did. To the degree you are molded into His image is the degree that you will walk out His lifestyle. It is the new natural response resulting from what has been developed in secret, and that which is developed in private is always displayed in public. Might I add that tragically it seems many people want to be used rather than go through the process of changing.

    We go through various phases in our walk with our Lord. An example is Matthew 11:12, And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Then Matthew 18:3 says, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. One displays our role regarding our authority in Christ, while the other represents Him as our Father and we can go to Him and freely receive His blessings. Some things are to precious to give to a Warrior, we must come as a child, ready to receive our inheritance. We must know which role God wants us to operate in during our current situation. There are different roles for different seasons. We walk through various phases and stages and we must always be ready to change with Him during those times, always following His lead. Now let me give you a summary of what this book will cover.


    In the first chapter, we look at our role as a student being trained by the Master. We are in training, being prepared for what is ahead of us. He gives us the tools and equipment necessary before we encounter the opposition. We are being taught who we are, so we can conform to that image. As a disciple, you are designed and equipped to bring solutions to other people’s dilemmas.


    This chapter is on our identity. We learn from scripture that we have been born from above, and must inform our minds who we have become. As we become conformed to His image, we must unbecome some of our old thoughts and actions. The example used is that of a caterpillar and butterfly. We also learn that with a new Father comes a new inheritance, and we access these promises by faith. Our faith will explore what has been granted to us.


    Jesus shows us a perfect image of how a child of God will function throughout life. He is our prototype and expects us to follow on in the work He began. It was necessary for Jesus to do miracles, for it revealed that He is who He claimed to be, the Son of God. We must do the same. We proclaim to be a child of God, miracles testify to that truth. To re-present God fully, one must operate in the character as well as the power of God. He gave you His power and expects you to use it. His power is in your control.


    Intimacy with the Father is the key to successfully fulfilling the co-mission. First, I must let Him impart to me how He views me. Then, I must let that become my own belief about myself. Let Him define, or redefine, you. In intimacy, He speaks and we listen. He has many things He wants to share with us, treasures from His heart. Take the time to be still with Him, allowing Him to minister to you. He will show you great and wonderful future plans to which He is leading you. This is a vital role we partake in, everything else stems from intimacy with the Father.


    Jesus served people whatever their need. It is good to feed the hungry, and we are called to that role, but it takes no power from God. In this chapter we learn that we are not only a servant to people, but also to God. It is actually because I am Gods servant, therefore I serve people. The life of a servant is twofold. Not only do I serve Christ, He also served me. He served me salvation, redemption, and restoration. However, He is the Master, I am His faithful servant. We are called to serve people an accurate image of God. We must display His love and power to those in darkness.


    This is a fundamental teaching that the body of Christ needs to understand. One cannot fulfill its design without the other. Grace is God’s role, faith is ours. The true definition for grace is God-divine influence upon our lives and it is reflected through our lifestyle. He will persuade us to take risks, faith will react. He will reveal to us who we are, faith will agree and act accordingly. His amazing grace is the most powerful experience you and God can have. It is as if He is imparting every facet of Himself to us. He explores our hearts and we explore His. There’s nothing hidden.


    We all have battles. This chapter gives a lot of information on Old Testament warfare, as well as applications for today. When we win the war in our mind, then the external battles with our Goliaths are much easier to win. This chapter will have you engage in the war in which you are called. During this time (the year of 2020), America is under attack. Have you engaged in warfare for our country? I also cover our armor, it is actually the same armor of Jesus. We learn what we have victory over and you will be stirred up to engage in battle. You will be victorious.


    This is a beautiful representation of living betrothed to God. It begins with an illustration of an ancient Jewish wedding. Some Old Testament examples are given. We find many similarities regarding Christ and the Church. He chose you to be His bride, you are to live holy and pure, sanctifying and preparing yourself for your Groom to return and claim you as His. The bridegroom comes, are you ready? The chapter continues all the way through the book of Revelation.


    In this chapter, we discover what eternal life is and who has access to it. It is a radical chapter. I will let it surprise you. However, I want to leave you with this thought: why do you believe what you believe?

    I am so excited to take you on this journey so let us get started.


    Walking on the Water, Dancing on the Waves

    Dear Child,

    Behold, I have great plans for you! Follow Me and My ways. I am going to cause you to walk on the water, and dance on the waves with Me. Remember Peter’s experience. For him to walk on the water, he had to let go of the boat. Letting go and

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