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Alchemy: The Day the World Stood Still
Alchemy: The Day the World Stood Still
Alchemy: The Day the World Stood Still
Ebook337 pages1 hour

Alchemy: The Day the World Stood Still

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When the planet went into lockdown, many who create for a living or for fun or as part of childhood found themselves being funneled into new ways of expression. Whether it was by design or the path of least resistance or by strict and enforced measures, the mind, we started to see, might adapt and evolve in many astonishing ways, for she needs to keep busied and purposeful.

I contacted friends, who in turn put out the word that there was an open forum, without specifications, without age limits; a blank page for those who wanted it. Seasoned and cynical poets, wanted hackers on the run, novelists, fathers, mothers, rock stars, grieving friends, ramblers, pals, big mouths, more shy types, Germans, and young uns. Welcome, all. Thank you, all.

This is your book.

When you are asked one chilly night far in the future, “Grampa/Nana, what did you do during the plague?”

You might rub your hands in front of a warm hearth, smile, chuckle and declare, “I was a poet.”

The proof of this you now hold in your hands.

Release dateApr 16, 2021
Alchemy: The Day the World Stood Still

Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts is the fashion and style director of Vanity Fair. He served as fashion director at The New Yorker from 1997-2006 as well as the fashion editor of The Sunday Times, style director and art director of Tatler, design director of British Vogue, and Paris editor of Vanity Fair. He has contributed his photographs and illustrations to numerous publications, among them Vanity Fair; L'Uomo Vogue, British, Italian, French, American, Chinese, Brazilian, and Japanese Vogue; The Sunday Times; and The Independent on Sunday. He is also the author of four books of illustrations: The Jungle ABC, Mumbo Jumbo, Snowman in Paradise, and The Snippy World of New Yorker Fashion Artist Michael Roberts.

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    Alchemy - Michael Roberts

    Copyright © 2021 Michael Roberts, Ian Thornton and Friends.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0467-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0468-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0466-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021905460

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 04/14/2021




    The Critic And His Cricket

    White Narcissus

    Room At The Top

    LSD & 2 E’s



    Stories From The Locker Box

    The Choreography Of Shopping

    The Hollow

    Lockdown: Lessons Learned


    The Virtual Game

    A Light In The Darkness

    Home Time


    What Is A Friend

    Human Nature


    Scars From A Friend

    Should I?


    Poetic Justice

    Look At Me

    The Dream

    Who Needs Love

    Falling Down


    Stand Strong

    Love Is Waiting

    The Aching In My Mind



    The Fears Of Dating

    Sleeping At The Tip Of The Seas

    An Open Ode To Poetry

    Boom Boom We Go


    Le Vieillard

    The Old Man

    La Vieille Dame

    The Old Woman

    Chemin De Longue Étude…

    The Path Of Long Study …



    A View

    Two Poems

    Bee Doo Boo

    The Interloper

    Cold War




    To Forget



    Bempton Cliffs

    Point No Point

    Alpha To Omg Oh! Mega

    Meditative Space

    Rainbow’s End

    Troubled Waters Troubled Minds


    Measure Of Love


    Little People Smile

    Most Important Person


    Coming Home

    Imitating …

    My London…

    What’s Your Excuse…


    Change The Narrative…

    Power & Greed…

    Car Windows…

    Sunday Rules…


    Forever Chasing…

    Constant Laughter…

    Time To Leave…

    How To Be A Man…

    Concrete Ninja…

    I Like You…

    We Stand As One

    You Tube-How To?

    Charles Bukowski


    The Truth About Truth-

    Paint Your Day-


    Forces That Be

    The School Gates

    Gracias, Hermano

    Why Do I

    Star Hopping

    Around The World In Eighty Farts

    Jack Frost’s Christmas


    Lessons Learnt


    Don’t Want To Go

    A Little Red Poppy

    To Boldly Go

    The Castle

    The School Play

    The Pumpkin Knows…

    School Bully

    Pick Me!

    Penny For The Guy

    My Teacher

    Whatever The Weather!


    Let The Good Times Roll

    What Have You Learnt?

    Crab Carriage

    Rabbit Through The Peep Hole

    Getting By

    Nothing But The Truth

    Alchemy 2 – Winter


    A War Footing

    To my brothers-in-arms,

    Steve Joseph and Michael Roberts. From your mate, Ian,

    I killed the poet in me long ago,

    Stomped his face in

    And walked off

    To make war with the world.

    -Commander X



    By Christ, I will empty my head today

    And scribble for fun and not for the pay.

    "Are chipmunks soft?’ my daughter asks,

    As I ponder today’s two unburdening tasks.

    And if one day I am left alone by the flutey sea,

    I shall heed the lessons of alchemy.

    The city will bake three hours to the south.

    She can do as she wants, she bothers me nowt.

    For this is how death must feel.

    Life goes on, and nothing seems real.

    If I sit down with eggs for tea,

    I shall note with ink such alchemy.

    So this halfway house to death seems bliss,

    A curious blue tit came in for a kiss.

    She asked this man to be her friend,

    Fooled by our blind rush to our end.

    And when we leave the bears to be free,

    Nature will master our alchemy.

    And if here lies the body of this scribe,

    Guilty of one last urge to imbibe,

    Then this citrus morn with light on the lake

    Takes a floundered spirit to shake.

    The laps of soft tide on the hull entrance me

    Like smoke to hold, this alchemy.

    I once climbed a willow for a better view.

    I breathed as a god and dredged up you.

    Your Amalfi fig lips, I could not hear,

    But this took me close to my elixir.

    There was no fraud, just chemistry.

    I shall crack the code of alchemy.

    Rapture is sniffed in caveman-fashion,

    Unwashed, unholy, elevated passion

    Simplicity is the essence of fine

    Immodestly feminine and divine

    She with eyes of lime and verdigris,

    My eternal, exposed love of alchemy.

    My pocket watch is lost between noon and tea,

    The yardarm in a pothole, yards above sea.

    I cannot shove time, I must simply wait,

    Far simpler a task than to relive a date.

    And the patience I show in this wait to be free,

    Is matched by a robust alchemy.

    And with mid-morning here, I turn my back

    On the water and boats, and womb of my shack.

    Through golden midges and on country lanes,

    I shall stick on 16 with my ill-gotten gains.

    As I silently ask to share the po-faced lamb’s lea,

    I start to grasp her lordly alchemy.

    Day-by-day, I now shed all ambition

    Tumble headlong into an old crackpot’s mission.

    To Darwinian doglegs, too crooked to evolve?

    A week more of this, this puzzle is solved.

    A last breath is nigh, this marvel is free.

    Armed to bright teeth with alchemy.

    -Ian Thornton



    ’Twas on a bright and sunny day

    Upon a boat at sea

    A Critic and his Cricket

    Took rest and had some Tea

    The Critic a stout unhumble man

    Was eating all in sight

    His Cricket just a feeble thing, piped up and asked for pie

    The Critic foaming at the mouth screamed are you not a gent

    For if you were. You needn’t ask and down his throat pie went.

    The Cricket squirmed I’m Sorry Sir I never wished to beg



    Fear if I don’t Eat pie soon

    I will end up being quite dead

    Oh you’re so small

    The Cricket bawled

    There’s merely nothing there

    And you’re so fat

    the Cricket spat you really are unfair

    Be off with you Critic yelled before I spank your hide

    But as he spoke a wave did leap and swept the man off side

    There is a moral to this tale

    The cricket then replied

    Never lose yourself at Sea

    And never go with Pie.

    -Michael Roberts, Leeds, England



    by a father

    Recall the fine year the seahorses came.

    They danced to soft harps and boys stroked their manes.

    We wondered if it would ever happen again,

    Recall the great year the seahorses came.

    Before I was there alone on

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