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Poets Awake_Saints Alive_Lovers Among_Lives Attune
Poets Awake_Saints Alive_Lovers Among_Lives Attune
Poets Awake_Saints Alive_Lovers Among_Lives Attune
Ebook573 pages4 hours

Poets Awake_Saints Alive_Lovers Among_Lives Attune

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About this ebook

The biggest news about C. T. Eck’s poetry-only book titled Poets Awake  Saints Alive  Lovers Among  Lives Attune is that it arrives in 16 various categories. The subtitle states 247 Collected And Inspected Original Poems Comprising 16 Categories and here we can restate these “chapters” of categories for us: Song Style Poems; Instant Classic Poems; Humorous Poems; Audience Of One; Love Poems; True-Accounts-From-My-Own-Life Poems; On-The-Horror-Side Poems; Solid Staple Poems; Kissable Poems; Marriage Theme Poems; Psyche Poems; Sharp Poems; Culture-Picks; Story Form Poems; Faith Stand Poems; and Specialty Surprises. If / when you, a reader, partake of a breeze through this poems book, not only will you feel satisfied with the quantity of 247 mid-range-length (many rather brief) poems but you will also be surprised with the original quality of these both highly creative and also rather classy poem works. Please have a great reading by one or all these categories.

Release dateApr 18, 2021
Poets Awake_Saints Alive_Lovers Among_Lives Attune

C. T. Eck

Writer C. T. Eck was born in Wisconsin, U.S.A. and born again in a spiritual sense in Zion, or the Church of God’s Christ, Jesus. This author Eck has done a dynamic work as in the thorough quality and the 247-poem quantity of his poems for this new arrival to the world of poetry titled Poets Awake Saints Alive Lovers Among Lives Attune. The author holds an English degree in Professional / Technical Writing from a Midwestern American University, and has recently chosen poetry to devise and describe his own brand of creativity and brilliance for those of us who enjoy fine poetry writing. This book of poems by C. T. Eck also holds a great, inspiring Afterword to both get a taste of his useful writing style and to also learn more about this author, poetry as an art, and the first and to-be-only poems book by Mr. Eck.

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    Book preview

    Poets Awake_Saints Alive_Lovers Among_Lives Attune - C. T. Eck

    © 2021 C. T. Eck. All rights reserved.

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    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.


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    ISBN: 978-1-6655-1162-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-1160-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-1161-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020925177

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/23/2023


    Dedicated to –

    Michelle Lynn Wilson

    whom I knew as MICHELLE KNOBLE,

    a fellow poet, college grad, and Pentecost-Christian.

    1973 – 2003

    Holy Bible versions utilized by this author:

    The Holy Bible, New King James Version

    Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.


    KJV Compact Reference Bible

    Copyright © 2000 by Zondervan





    December Song

    My Answers

    Rejuvenation Song

    To Daddio

    Used Piano Song

    Would I Live?

    Young Child Smilin’ On A Summer’s Day


    Battle Day

    Brain Child

    Bubble Nature

    Experience Gained



    In Ribbons

    Inside Up, Outside Down

    Length Of Days

    Life Mostly

    Maybe God

    Meet And Meat

    Mine Affinity

    Of Sword And Of Pen

    Poor Pouring

    Prep Choice

    Questions In Between

    Quite Quiet


    Sanctified Noise

    The Comma That Saved The Day

    The Fortune Of The Lucky

    Then And Now On Us

    Thinking Today

    To All The Poems That Will Never Be Written


    Weather Experiments

    Weird Beard

    What Is.

    Work Your Fancy, Firework


    Almost No Need

    Blanket Kit

    Elegant Interview


    God’s Prayers

    How Dusty


    Laugh Tough

    Make My Poem

    Please Call Me Laughter

    Rainbow Limericks

    Sensing One Laugh-O-Meter

    Seven Nicer Ways To Get Even Or Even Get Hurt (For A Chef)

    Story St0ry

    The Perfect Couple And The Storybook Of The Altered End Of The World

    The Worst Part Of My Fall

    These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

    Well Done Hamburger Poem

    Whoa Bessie!


    Day Dreams Of You


    For Good

    Go Girl

    Good Thing

    Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

    Heart For You

    I Would, I Do


    Salts Fold

    She’s So

    Sights On

    Smile Because

    The Differences People Make

    The Single Life

    Though (For Flowers Before Roses)

    Won On

    Word Up

    Worse And Best And

    05   LOVE POEMS

    Commercial Bit For Certain Crackers

    It’s Math, It’s Love:

    Love True Before



    My Heart Of Yours

    Not Twins

    The Me Of You

    Then Even Better

    Then Into The Expanses


    We Two


    About Sonnet Pro Life Ration Proliferation

    Angel Visit

    Dedication I

    For Poetic Perfection

    Isaac And Bird

    Listings Belief Pound

    My, My UPC (Commercial Plug For Church-ing)

    No Tension

    Ode To My Parents And Say Teenage Friend


    Samantha Who?

    Under, Over



    Have And Have Not

    Length It Up


    Matters Of

    Priority Of Dilemma


    Sighing Sign

    So Sorry Spell Bind

    The Change Blythe Noticed And The Change In Blythe

    The Saurus

    You Don’t, But You Maybe Can



    Crystal Juice

    Double You Pleasure

    Feminine Galania

    Here For Now

    Honing On Home

    In One Words

    On Poetry


    To Learn From Life, Get Going With Baseball, Sports, And Games

    To Poem Life In

    To Poetic Justice

    Very Good Science (Fiction Really)


    3-D Movie

    A Kiss



    For Beauty

    Give Her

    Kissed And

    Questions On Demand


    Ten Kiss

    The Yours

    Thoughts On

    Time In Color



    All Aboard The Relation Ship

    Fams (that is, Family)

    Gifting Guess

    Halved Heart To Heart All

    Her She

    How Do I Prove My Love? (Proposed For You Woman)

    In The Stead


    Lovers Loving Lovely Loves

    Not So

    Oh My Word

    She And Me

    Study The Ring Finger

    The Married Life Boosters

    To Have And To Hold



    All Things New

    Altered State

    Call It

    Crayons For The Blind

    Eternity, A Fragrant Poem

    Heart Breaker, Tear Jerker

    I Would Be

    Inside Dress, Inner Appeal

    One More I


    So Sorry

    This Old World

    Traveling Time

    Trying So Hard As Ease Tries

    Turn Turn Turn

    12   SHARP POEMS


    Brownish Eyes Bluer

    Classification Validation

    Eyeful Towers


    Geometry Of Woman


    No Use

    Something’s-The-Answer Appointment

    Tearing Up Tears


    City Summer


    Eleventh Shift

    Is It On?

    Living Breed Of Supermodel

    Lotto Scratch Itch

    Mark Comma The (scene in The Revelation 13 & 14)

    Moon Hoax Reality

    Of Metroid Fame


    Said Paradoxes

    Seven Seems


    Star Trek Rewrite

    Star Wars Playwright

    The Duke Of Hazards

    Zoo Day


    Chaos Disastrous Destruction

    Chris’ Highway

    Mermaid @ WaterPark (Pen-The-Cost/Worth)

    Morning’s Shore

    Standards High

    Twenty Family Picnic


    19 Forever

    Aspects And Angles

    But For God

    Citizen Of A World Perceived


    Friday I’m In Love

    G29 & G9 (10)

    Got It Good

    H e y y o

    Heavenly Country

    Interpretation Mirror

    It’s Okay To Be A Little Selfish When You Pray

    Jesus Pillow

    Jonah 4 DRAWINGS

    Language Apiece

    Learn The Kingdom Of God Is Near:


    Magnificent Masterpiece

    Mary’s Highest Honors

    or as M=H=

    Master (Read (Me))

    Not Chance

    On Balloons Abiding

    Snapshots Of Eternity

    Somewhere Sunday’s Shore

    Take Two

    The Again Bonus Must

    The Coal Of Conversion And The Diamond Of Discipling

    The Kindergarten Question


    Vibe It Fine

    World Of Pain And The Chance



    For The Time Being


    Grandstand Finale

    HumblePie Poem

    Parent Of Poems

    Salts Fold 45

    Still Still

    The Poem

    The Present Present

    Thee And

    Way Out

    Afterword, by the Author

    Works-Cited Bibliography

    Song Style Poems



    Between the water top and the open air

    A big one fish leaps out aware of the lake

    I think fish like to thankingly break through their tank

    Between earth and heaven

    Lifted up on the scene saving cross

    I stand grateful the Christ suspended for our us and my me at ranks to flank

    Between the sky canopy and on up for God’s throne

    Our prayers this service touch virtue

    I believe we are inclined unto in being heard as I raise a hand high

    Between you and me….charity clarity

    I have liked you for long and longer

    I want you to know I have gotten in love so fly


    On the Hebrew alphabet:

    In order, one through 22:

    Did you know English has makeup of 26 letters?;

    But this is not international re-up from A-‘Alfa’ OR ‘America’ to Z-‘Zulu’ OR ‘Zebra’!; instead:

    Thus an if-then sound-out-the-original-spelling redefining without any being left behind:

    Is it system-class, synergy, a finale of finished authority !?

    Aleph, ails you not, much.

    Beth, a woman as her name?

    Gimel, of ground infantry named might.

    Daleth, perpetually dilly-dallying.

    He, masculine enough.

    Vau, make one as a type of a promise or, even better, do not.

    Zain, the end of stuff that is in vain.

    Cheth, less on Star Wars Caucasian Black Heth.

    Teth, no tithe for you.

    Jod, like a jot.

    Caph, you might wear one pronounced-like.

    Lamed, a Los Angeles practice?

    Mem, for an abbreviated memorization or not is the question.

    Nun, will she be flying today?

    Samech, related to Uncle Sam?

    Ain, ain’t a word.

    Pe, some other letter spelled out phonically.

    Tzaddi, some Tasmanian devil offshoot sort of addition.

    Koph, saying this noise for your check-up physical to a doctor.

    Resh, are you in one or do you have one?

    Schin, a body part of the leg or so.

    Tau, do not throw it in.

    Amen, I guess.

    Jeremiah answering said it, So be it, LORD

    December Song

    In holiday hooray

    Why…a perfect ten:

    The first part of Dec-ember

    (Not the dozen number

    For month twelve)

    Like an eight in Oct-ober

    (For about the tenth moon trip spent)

    Then the embers of the year

    In Dec-ember is all

    The coals as sons won

    Sum that this fight was faith to him

    The stones about the fire maybe at daughters

    Safer outside the battle though on thought hottened

    Matter that this ought taught her

    Neither deceived, the most valuable player slammed grand

    Smoldering ash among

    The glowing dust colors

    In the night of the year

    His song shall be with me

    – a prayer to the God of mine

    My life and this love too

    Run December Song

    "Serve with spirit

    Bow be fervent

    Hoist a rejoice

    Mild holy voice

    Calm apt thanks

    Claim that stakes

    In store: the world’s tradition

    Aim for ancient rendition

    Jesus, so much at thy birth

    To die so arising revived mirth"

    Song for the season

    Creator come in creation

    Fear and glory because relation

    Every, worship for what He made them

    Sing for good reason

    For us and a feeling

    One hymn line at a time believing

    For your own revel revealing

    Little by more than lot only begotten resurrection later on

    Less angry to lonely the night comes and also the morning anointing like one bullet gun

    Merry hearts make good fun

    For God’s man child Son

    Good grief mourning, not yet year’s morn

    Nigh near another nice birthday worn

    More dear for whose borne

    Indeed here in the flesh born

    This thus God with us, one won then

    The fullness of time was come

    Like December at year end done

    My Answers

    Accosted mercy costs, the freedom that is not free

    I fight now mostly because

    I want you to come Home with me

    I like to vividly remember, the cherry blossoms of your heart

    With the revel of your face

    They remark better a base of art

    Do not wait longer than you are due, hindrance leaves us empty

    Hold rather every door’s knob turned

    And too you knock an entry to eternity

    Is absence just something you deal with? – hardship’s harshness had brevity kissed

    Judgment is reserved with a sign

    Deliverance comes knowing it is missed

    I rehearsed my role’s part, the world as a stage is all

    I picked up my own pieces

    In time before the end of the Fall

    Rejuvenation Song

    Treasure vault/s locked with finer rings of cut-fast keys

    To a bridge over troubled water, waves heaving aroar underneath

    I will lay me down solidified stabilized willingly

    Like a beam removing receded clean

    Your mote will begin to disappear

    Like a drawbridge was piked up then as opened wide

    Our castle will is round about walled, fortified, protecting all else

    Like the great Gatsby stretching out his arms toward the water’s span for love

    Handed you reach beyond your moat for more than you know

    As the one year you think you need

    Is so reached for within or about contact secure

    A military doctor’s love poems unknown

    Of fiction’s test left movie-goers a gap open-ended

    Lara conveyed of Yuri Zhivago’s lines, remarking

    This isn’t me…it’s you

    We frame the picture of inherited meaning

    Is it as the poet found within his object of poetry sound?

    Even as the knowledge of love strategy in Pride and Prejudice

    Aided in giving for your love’s supply come in

    Ready for the day your own love receives breakwater

    My own story borrows of love’s vessel

    Borders on a novel theme as I can almost taste her nearness

    Production of soaring bedazzle spends when lovers’ voices catch each other heard

    Shaking in love of deeper delight at just her thought in heart

    Oh that you knew how these eyes belonged to you

    Then oh what would be if you knew who you were for

    Outsider stories tall inside longer tales

    Reality’s viewers envisioned coldly heat tolerated

    Then merciful showed mercy

    So mercy was received one more once upon a time again

    It is mine and I know that I know it is all of You

    Father of spirits has having a plan for our lives

    Look to it when I would a part

    It is you I am after and that that’s written on your heart

    To Daddio

    Make your dad your main line hero

    No matter if you have any many more

    Your dear young dad haply fathered you

    As family and friends may you get along in store

    It is a higher-order reasonable relationship

    There is union between your father and his child

    Even postures of the Godhead ever prove quick quip

    This aspect ratio asset sure is kind of wild

    Used Piano Song

    My one and only as yet to be seen

    I wrote a song on the piano

    But did not pencil it down in notes

    Yes it sure was catchy and sounded finer or fabulous

    Could have hated myself if I knew I would forget

    Wrote for a song on that old piano

    By the pleasing piano alone

    Keys to the harmonic melody

    On white with black keys

    It escapes me now and outright left

    I only had it memorized the while I practiced

    Guess if you do not play and replay

    It leaves you like riches flying up away

    The me of mine kept chasing my I

    Gross miscalculation touched on regret

    Just then I remembered myself

    And my life’s calling faith as well

    And the song was recorded in high heaven

    By those already there for when I arrive

    Would I Live?

    I would very much like to live in Alaska

    Where a dark of night is longer as weeks nestle

    I would very much like to live in space

    Where all the air is contained in a shuttle vessel

    I would very much like to live at a buffet line

    Where I should pick the fairest and finest to dine

    I would very much like to live at a bug-tight jungle tree house

    Where permanent vacation maybe makes it easier trying

    I would very much like to live in Arabia

    Where nice rich genies take care of you

    I would very much like to live between bills

    Where debts are paid up in full and worries are few

    I would very much like to live with one wife

    Where if so our whole life is spent some holding and having

    I would very much like to live with answers

    Where we know Who to go to when facing ominous telling

    I would very much like to live in the U. S. of A.

    Where rights are protected in time for my chances

    I would very much like to live as a foreign land missionary

    Where work to extend expands to establish saving stances

    I would very much like to live in Israel

    Where this promised land is being restored

    I would very much like to live with Christ in heaven’s city

    Where what practice of only teaching you is instead at reward

    I would very much like to live at sea

    Where the sight and sense of land comes and goes

    I would very much like to live right here

    Where it is that I have used to having worn my clothes

    Young Child Smilin’ On A Summer’s Day


    New day beginnin’

    Dim light creepin’

    Crisp air chillin’

    Morning mist settlin’

    Wet dew drippin’

    Brown toad hoppin’

    Bright sky awakenin’

    Clear stream tricklin’

    Lone doe listenin’

    Loud birds chirpin’

    Little rabbit starin’

    Yellow ball risin’


    Sunshine shinin’

    Long branches stretchin’

    Damp air thickenin’

    Calm lake waitin’

    Tiny flies swarmin’

    Baby duck divin’

    Rainbow trout jumpin’

    Butterfly wanderin’

    Field flowers bloomin’

    Busy bees gatherin’

    Strong heat blarin’

    Warm air breathin’

    Green grass invitin’

    Tall oak shadin’

    Many ants haulin’

    Gray squirrel twitchin’

    Soft wind movin’

    White clouds driftin’

    Blue sky callin’


    Warm rays surgin’

    Dragon flies buzzin’

    Cool breeze blowin’

    Green leaves swayin’

    Grass seas wavin’

    Apple trees enticin’

    Song birds callin’

    Pair of geese landin’

    Orange clouds hoverin’

    Red glow fadin’

    Distant hawk soarin’

    Long day endin’

    Young holy child smilin’

    Instant Classic Poems


    Battle Day

    With the at once I begin to hit the nail

    Know the head is not only where I was aiming

    You are supposed to figure out riddles

    Knowing the differences are worth the claiming

    The crows know we are eating to survive and revive

    Then the spider also counts what lines she hears

    Could you cancel what you can spell out for what not a lot

    The real really calls for perfect love that casts to have no fear

    It is no longer a test

    When you are bettered by the best

    And it does not feel good

    To be less than great

    Do not forget it is never over

    Until someone else sings

    The beginning of the end

    Sometimes pretends like it is not happening

    We do not have to like the hard rind

    For it is the pits we toss to the going wind

    Wherever you find you are far behind

    It is in the heightened catch-up we become to begin a blend

    Become another’s considerate kind

    Keep it capably knowledgeable

    Toss a match at the match you made

    Work with knowledge dealt a make-up reliably

    It is ever a losing battle

    In the struggle the war is over

    You learn to fight after all

    Especially if the when is longer

    We have been here at long length enough, found, alone, and reformed

    Jokes are the judgment spokes especially old folks ballad

    Laugh less often but what justice you do true-mans you

    Where’s under unaware a new-me menu soup-or-salad dare be deemed SuperSalad?

    Pray the way the day is stay

    Tell the truth the God has a ministry house and a location-location-location nation

    If perfection perfects then by all means start up again

    Once the end is it will be no longer nor get lighter friend

    Maybe someone wrote this before

    And perhaps the answer begs the question

    Attempting to tread deeper water

    Is like trying to teach your own lesson

    Pick the right door of as many as three out of a labyrinth of seven hedges

    Forgo the tunnel with the light at the end when it is over and out

    What keys you received helps you receive the more but if you forget we forfeit

    Sow it; is all about man if spirits since cannot help deliverance prance another dance?

    Tell us all on the morrow what showcase is the right door

    Seeing between the rest in the other day/s to come have darkened

    Why the sky lines are between us and the sun there is a reason

    Would you yet caution will read to oversee the burdened?

    Does questioning usually bring answers or just another fore?

    Do two spire negatives make a dire positive fad stack?

    Did double digits mean at the top there is more in store?

    Will lunch go wrong if anything can after break-fast or is dinner supper supposed a

    double trouble snack attack?

    Brain Child

    Eyes, the only part of your brain that you can see

    The visible expression of your center of knowledge

    Displaying the colors of your own personal mind

    How they relate is an expression of the remarkable kind

    Focusing physical vision into fields of landscape and areas of horizon

    The brain, as encased in bone, your skull

    Is the only bodily organ housed in this manner

    Unless you count the guarding ribs all about the heart

    While other organs, most all of them, are below your heart

    The brain rests above the left-justified heart, being most unique

    The brain has ear hearing apparati protruding on either side

    And the brain has a nosy sniffing smeller pointing out from it

    You can cover your external exposed part of your brain

    Your eyes can be shut upon with those thin lids of yours

    The brow shows sundry emotions on up over the top of things

    Deeper in the non-blood pumping organ of that kind of heart

    Your hair keeps your head warm

    And thus your brain has its very own protecting heating addition

    Each and all mechanisms in the procured assortment of highest creation

    Allotted within the frame of spoken words unto formed mighty man in kind

    From out of man, the woman without, good things in unexpected waiting surprise

    From the mother of all living springs a created order of fruitful multiple generated

    This brain is the material point where the immaterial spirit mind comes along

    Touching on the natural body process mystically

    What an organ thing your brain is

    To house your mind

    What an asset your mind is

    To control your brain

    We can learn to read with our brains

    That is, deciphering smaller familiar shapes

    Then converting them by secret decoding into remembered sound and speech

    Expressions of thought in recorded words

    Put written down but already recognized in our heads

    You know we can make our feet move way away down there

    And also below our hands are controlled

    To even lift above our highest member in the upper middle

    The head versus the tail we do not have leads us onward

    Above all, this vital aspect counts

    Some fictional aliens are just heads floating in machines

    And our bodies seem to be purposed for getting our brains other places entirely

    So child, take good care, do not hit yourself

    Hating where it is you make all the decisions from

    Choosing wisely enough to survive, thrive, and revive

    Leaving room for gray matter to last throughout your long life

    Bubble Nature

    How is a degree symbol of a small circle

    Representation like the 360 lines of degrees

    Of an actual diagrammed oval shape,

    Especially one of a perfect circle?

    My, and how the miniscule atom and the giant globe strike similar

    Why do horizons not end and are not bigger under the sky

    As we travel around the round circle

    Of the distance of this earth

    Earth which holds us on, on any side?

    My, and why was it created just like this and not else?

    When people unite in cliques and groups

    Does it seem like these are circles?

    Overlapping when some of one group meet another

    Conversing neither conversive nor conversant

    My, and when can we all get along?

    Where does the atmosphere end

    And space begin?

    This bubble we are under like a blue dome

    Overhead as I am glad it does not pop like bubbles at a wedding

    My, and where did it all begin?

    What expands the bubbles on pizza crust

    As it heats up in the ovens of restaurants

    And what makes my milk bubble as it pours

    Or I blow into it with a straw?

    My, and what about these two foods going well together

    Who makes your own space bubble yours?

    If and because it would be comprised in private or compromised in public

    Either in a prayer closet, meditation session, crowded stadium, or fair grounds

    Are some people’s more radiant or encompassing than others?

    My, and who invented cars’ glass-enclosed space bubbles to encase?

    Because the trees and forests I see are not 1000’s of years old

    Does this mean this part of the world is younger than the books say?

    If this was all under water, and as far as the eye can see besides moreso

    Or would the birds not die if we had not sinned?

    My, and because it was only after most had drowned from not finding a perch

    Due to me is that I get this life I live like a bubble up about me

    Upon my parents conceiving me by the help of, the God

    That we know innately what we are of and how long

    With internal chronometers that can encase about she and I

    My, and

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