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Ponder This: Questions for More Thoughtful Sundays -  Gospel of Luke
Ponder This: Questions for More Thoughtful Sundays -  Gospel of Luke
Ponder This: Questions for More Thoughtful Sundays -  Gospel of Luke
Ebook161 pages1 hour

Ponder This: Questions for More Thoughtful Sundays - Gospel of Luke

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Why prepare for Mass? You probably prepare for meetings, sports, presentations, and many other activities in your life. So why not the same for God? Ponder these questions before each Sunday and see how God connects with you!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 29, 2021
Ponder This: Questions for More Thoughtful Sundays -  Gospel of Luke

Todd Kalesperis

Todd is a convert to Catholicism. He grew up attending both Methodist and Greek Orthodox churches with his parents, and became Catholic after meeting his wife Megan, but really didn’t immerse himself in the faith until several years later. He attends St Simon Catholic Church in Indianapolis with his wife and three children.

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    Ponder This - Todd Kalesperis

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-3057-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-3059-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-3058-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021907275

    WestBow Press rev. date: 4/28/2021



    Liturgical Years and How to Use This Book

    First Sunday of Advent

    Second Sunday of Advent

    The Immaculate Conception of Mary*

    Third Sunday of Advent

    Fourth Sunday of Advent

    The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)* (Mass During the Night)

    Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

    The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God*

    The Epiphany of the Lord

    The Baptism of the Lord

    Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    First Sunday of Lent

    Second Sunday of Lent

    Third Sunday of Lent

    Fourth Sunday of Lent

    Fifth Sunday of Lent

    Palm Sunday

    Easter Sunday

    Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday

    Third Sunday of Easter

    Fourth Sunday of Easter

    Fifth Sunday of Easter

    Sixth Sunday of Easter (option: gospel of Easter 7: JN 17: 20-26)

    The Ascension of the Lord* (option: Easter 7: JN 17: 20-26)

    Pentecost Sunday

    Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

    Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Sunday (Corpus Christi)

    Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    The Assumption of Mary*

    Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Solemnity of All Saints*

    Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Solemnity of Jesus Christ the King

    *note those marked with an asterisk are Holy Days

    of Obligation that might not fall on a Sunday


    Does your mind wander during church on Sunday? Do you ever find your Sunday Mass or Service hard to follow? Do you sometimes wonder what you are getting out of church? Perhaps you have asked these questions to yourself and answered yes. If so, you’ve shown an interest in better understanding your faith! I believe that a lot of men (and women, and kids) disengage during church, and just go through the motions. But, I also believe that once you are engaged in the Mass or the Service, you will find a greater connection to God and a greater depth of information to build your faith. So how do you start to get more engaged on Sunday? Take a few minutes on Thursday or Friday and prepare for it.

    What follows on these pages is a collection of the Sunday Gospel readings we hear throughout the liturgical year, with short questions to ponder after each of those readings. I originally wrote these questions once a week for members of the Men’s Club at St. Simon the Apostle Catholic Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, and sent them out a couple of days before each Sunday Mass. My intent was to encourage the busy young men, husbands, and dads in the parish to read the Sunday Gospel passage, along with a question that they could ask themselves as a way to connect their current lives and the Gospel. Then, they could simply reflect on it until they heard the Gospel again on Sunday during Mass. It’s like practicing for a sport… you practice to improve your muscle memory so you can better compete. Practicing by pre-reading and pondering the Sunday Gospel works the same way, to improve your spiritual connection and relationship with God!



    Liturgical calendars have been around for a long,

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