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A Serious Devotional for the Not-So-Serious: A 30 Day Devotional with  Serious Spiritual Thoughts for Those Who Don’t Take Life  Too Seriously
A Serious Devotional for the Not-So-Serious: A 30 Day Devotional with  Serious Spiritual Thoughts for Those Who Don’t Take Life  Too Seriously
A Serious Devotional for the Not-So-Serious: A 30 Day Devotional with  Serious Spiritual Thoughts for Those Who Don’t Take Life  Too Seriously
Ebook140 pages1 hour

A Serious Devotional for the Not-So-Serious: A 30 Day Devotional with Serious Spiritual Thoughts for Those Who Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

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Do you take life too seriously? Or, do you absolutely not take life seriously at all? This book is for you. Somewhere in-between the two? Well, come on down. Dig in to some of the stories in the Bible and how they impact and direct your life, and enjoy the mix of deep thoughts, powerful wisdom, and intermingling laughs along the way.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 6, 2021
A Serious Devotional for the Not-So-Serious: A 30 Day Devotional with  Serious Spiritual Thoughts for Those Who Don’t Take Life  Too Seriously

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    A Serious Devotional for the Not-So-Serious - Mike Neumann

    Copyright © 2021 Mike Neumann.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2318-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2320-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-2319-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021902857

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/03/2021

    To my

    wife Kathryn.

    For your love, devotion, and laughs.

    Also your chocolate chip cookies are the best.

    Like really. No one is better.



    Day 1 The Quiet Place

    Day 2 Spiritual Vagrant

    Day 3 Fear or Faith

    Day 4 Your Guide to Being A Super Christian

    Day 5 A Day in the Life

    Day 6 Do I Stand or Do I Bow Now

    Day 7 Divine Combat

    Day 8 Living on a Prayer Life

    Day 9 Oh the Things You can Positively Think

    Day 10 A Tale of Two Brothers

    Day 11 Good Grief

    Day 12 Vanity of Vanities

    Day 13 End Game

    Day 14 Joyful Joyful

    Day 15 Get Back Cupid

    Day 16 Heart of the Issue

    Day 17 Laying Down the Law

    Day 18 Shine Bright

    Day 19 The Man Behind the Curtain

    Day 20 Justly Merciful

    Day 21 A Long Time Coming

    Day 22 Faithfulness of Christ

    Day 23 My Personal Friend Jesus

    Day 24 The Chosen One

    Day 25 Original Sin

    Day 26 The Reckoning

    Day 27 The Crowning of the King

    Day 28 Deep Dish Discoveries

    Day 29 Hold the Line

    Day 30 Faithfully Thinking


    About the Author



    If you’re like me, then you grew up going to church. If you’re like me (and how could you not be), then you grew up with Christians of all sorts. And if you’re like me, certain of those personalities clicked better with you than others. Let me see if this all sounds familiar.

    You might be in a typical church if:

    • You know people who answer, How are you with an emphatic, I’m blessed!

    • You know people who sing loud and proud, though they are woefully off key.

    • You know people who will smile, even if their dog just got run over.

    • You know people who are grumpy despite singing about the joy of Christ.

    • You know people who use the sermon to think of deep things (with their eyes closed because they need to focus).

    • You know the person who sprints to the door once the last song is sung like it’s the buzzer at a basketball game.

    • You know the person who is there because, well, it’s the right thing to do.

    Does this sound like your church? Here’s the secret: that’s every church. Every church has a mix of people with their own experiences, personalities, hopes, and wounds. They all influence who we become and how we come before God. Luckily, God has given us a sense of humor. I think that’s one of His traits that often gets overlooked. I mean, if He created people, then He must have a sense of humor.

    Here’s how I imagine this book will work: there will be a Bible passage to read. Start off with a reading so you get the context we are working with. Then there is the meditation regarding the passage. There will be some questions to consider at the end for journaling, to use with groups, or just to make yourself feel super smart. Whatever it may be, make sure to start this process with prayer. Ultimately this is about what God is teaching you and doing in and through you. The book is meant to have a conversational, laid back tone. For some of you who have read other devotionals, this will be a bit different than those.

    If you see these people (or even yourself) and can’t help but smile and shake your head, then this book is for you. If you’re taking life a bit too seriously, then this book is for you (though you may not enjoy it as much). This book gives you some serious thoughts couched in a humorous take. I have found that humor can make truths easier to handle. It diffuses situations that can be hard. My prayer is that this book gives you some thoughts regarding God’s word and allows you to enjoy life while interacting with it. May you be blessed in this process. May you be filled with joy.

    Day One

    The Quiet Place

    Read: 1 Kings 19:9-18

    My wife’s family is a loud family. They are from a suburb an hour west of Chicago, which is part of what’s called, Chicagoland. They are loud, out there, and jovial. My family, on the other hand, are from quiet northern Wisconsin. I remember when our families first met at a place in Wisconsin Dells called Mr. Pancake. My mom and I shrunk away in our seats as her family met us there and exclaimed their joy with the thunder of the heavens. Since then both parties have learned how to cope with each other’s personalities.

    I’ve always had a quieter personality. For me, I can think better in the quiet moments of life. Don’t get me wrong: I love a rip roarin’ concert. Nothing gets the blood pumping and gets you feeling alive like a driving bass line and electric guitar. When I need to think though, I prefer solitude. For me, that’s when God really does His work. I think that’s why this Bible story always meant a lot. Now, some of you reading this may not be the quiet people. Maybe for you, the excitement and drive of life is what’s up for you. Perhaps this story helps make the best of those quiet times you have.


    Recalling the Bible passage you read today I want you to take a second to look at the story just before this. You see that Elijah is not having a great day. He isn’t seeing huge conversions, lives changed, or the church giving out Prophet Appreciation gifts. In fact, in the first eight verses of this chapter, Elijah has a hit out for him by the queen of the

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