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Oust the Dictator: Usher in Peace
Oust the Dictator: Usher in Peace
Oust the Dictator: Usher in Peace
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Oust the Dictator: Usher in Peace

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Since millennials, mankind has destroyed and dictated over humankind in the most brutal manner. From total obscurity, the chosen candidate is introduced and promoted by enablers through the International Political Mafia and Global Imperialism and Colonialism. The now powerful dictator is but a puppet of these internationals. Time and often the dictator barely realizes being a servitor of those power-wielders behind the curtain. This applies to Donald J. Trump whose ego and shortcomings made him easily manipulated by those in the Kremlin and other global Mafia bosses.

What would be the scenario had Donald J. Trump won the second term in the 2020 presidential elections? Would he begin his term by first suspending the Constitution, declaring martial law, and appointing himself as the Martial Law Administrator? Considering the fact that he played a pivotal role in sending more than fifty thousand rioters to the Capitol Building to riot on his behalf on January 6, 2021 to overturn the presidential election results in his favor through violence and threats. It is easily possible that he could muster nearly five million fanatics and professional agitators to commit wanton acts of violence against those he despises.

Perhaps sanity and logic could teach us a lesson to remember and never forget. Ousting the dictator once he is identified; and confronting him or her through non-violence is the only avenue to usher in peace and tranquility.
Release dateMay 19, 2021
Oust the Dictator: Usher in Peace

Mehr A. Kalami

The author’s interest in global politics and social developments goes beyond his degrees in Economics and Political Science. He was inspired to write this book after observing the dreadful patterns of an aspiring dictator, a pseudo-dictator, and a full-fledged dictator that he had closely monitored throughout the world, whether a Theocracy, or a so-called Democracy as in the USA, India, and elsewhere.

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    Oust the Dictator - Mehr A. Kalami

    Copyright © 2021 Mehr A. Kalami.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-2343-2 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021910220

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/20/2021

    "Stone walls do not

    a prison make,

            Nor iron bars a cage:

            Minds innocent and quiet take

            That for an hermitage.

            If I have freedom in my love,

            And in my soul am free,

            Angels alone, that soar above,

            Enjoy such liberty."

    Excerpts from To Althea from Prison.

    Richard Lovelace (December 9, 1617 - 1657)



    Updated Developments

    Before Anything Else

    Chapter One

    Dictators and Enablers

    Chapter Two


    Chapter Three

    Holocaust and Holocaust Deniers

    Chapter Four

    List of Righteous among Nations

    Chapter Five

    Trump Analysis


    I have penned this work with the cardinal aim to draw attention of nations of the world that untold calamities could befall mankind should the nations under tyrannical despots, puppet dictators, and totalitarian forms of regimes continue to hold unlimited sway on the nation and the country they misrule at the behest of the unscrupulous Political Mafia that propelled them to power.

    I have examined the Political Mafia, defined their deeds and crimes, reminded the reader of the terrible number of human loss in WWII and the dictators responsible for it. I have detailed the wanton murder of Jews and others during the years 1933 – 1945, named those who deny the Holocaust and at the same time named the Righteous among Nations, people with compassion and altruism. I have focused on Donald J. Trump as the main subject of this work, while also calling out dictators in the past and present – and their inhuman deeds.

    Mehr A. Kalami, Geneva, Switzerland


    Lest it be late, let it be known that Trump, the individual who occupied the Oval Office, and who had a myriad of plenipotentiary and executive powers placed at his disposal has officially lost the presidential elections to Joseph Robinette Biden, a former Vice President under President Barack Obama, by a vast margin of votes, awarding Biden 302 Electoral College votes against Trump’s 232 votes. President-elect Biden secured a total of 81,283,495 popularity votes as against Trump’s 74,223,753. It dramatically ended Trump’s vain attempt to overturn the closely monitored results. The November 3, 2020 presidential elections ousted this menace.

    Republican politicians grudgingly accepted their defeat and Mitch McConnel the Senate majority leader accepted the validity of the election and Biden as the new President of the United States of America on December 15, 2020. Biden officially took the oath of Office at noon time on Wednesday, February 20, 2021.

    Donald Trump was on the threshold of being created into a dictator, a tyrant, and a despot by those who believed in his false promises prior to the first election in 2016 when the Electoral College declared him the winner. In the four tumultuous years he was in Office, he had become synonymous with compulsive lying, falsity, thievery, crime, chaos, and corruption. In short, his unpopularity both in the country and throughout the global community hiked him further as the most desperate and disgraced individual to ever walk into the Oval Office.

    The vainglorious Trump presided over an administration which appeared to be a bizarre form of Ineptocracy in addition to Kleptocracy. Fearing imminent defeat, his enablers had suggested him to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 on Monday June 1, 2020. This is an Act authorizing the employment of land and naval forces of the United States in case of insurrections within the territorial boundaries of the United States of America. There was not a single instance of such a development in any part of the country. It was a ploy and an excuse to delay either the presidential elections of 2020 or to reinstate Trump (the definite loser in the elections) to the Oval Office.

    The last act of this doleful, fraudulent, tax-evading, draft-dodging, juvenile name-calling, and foul-mouthed individual was to grant pardons…pardons to convicted individuals, terrorists accused and sentenced to prison for murdering innocent and unarmed men, women, and children in Iraq, to black mailers, thieves, traitors, and scoundrels like himself. Trump the arch-charlatan and coward did it to the astonishment and chagrin of the global community. The educated people in the United States of America appeared dazed, enraged, and shocked. A criminal pardoning murderers and criminals. That is the true color of Trump.

    A prominent federal judge in Iowa who warned against political corruption ridiculed Trump’s pardons, including those issued to convicted Republican campaign operatives and former members of Congress. It is not surprising that a criminal like Trump pardons other criminals, senior U.S. District Judge Robert Pratt of the Southern district of Iowa told the Associated Press in a brief phone interview on Monday, December 28, 2020. The judge said: But apparently to get a pardon, one has to be either a Republican, a convicted child murderer or a turkey.

    Trump is out and the only major blow to him, apart from losing the elections in a fair manner, is his debts that will deprive him of every cent he and his children have by way of his fraudulence.

    All said, the deranged aspiring dictator in the last weeks of his stay in the White House decided to augment his infamy and ego even after Biden defeated him by more than seven million popular votes.

    On the 6th of January 2021, when the presidential certification was held as a formal recognition of Joe Biden as the new President, pre-arranged violence by nearly fifty thousand armed terrorists with flags bearing the name of Trump, blessed and encouraged by Trump himself, his eldest son, and a few Republican Senators, were unleashed on the Capitol Building. The fifty thousand assembled terrorists in a small area presents an agonizing fact and summative assessment as to how many millions of terrorists in the country may be masquerading as normal citizens. That day will forever live in infamy, a bleak day, and a permanent stain on American History.

    The unruly mob entered the Capitol Building overwhelming a handful of security officials who withstood a physical attack while waiting for assistance from other law enforcement personnel. The mob, brandishing weapons, ransacked and vandalized the building, broke windows, stole official letters and items on desks as souvenirs. An unarmed woman rioter lost her life in addition to three others who were on a rampage. A law enforcement officer lost his life, and 140 other officers were injured, some permanently disfigured. Trump, his eldest son Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner (Trump’s son-in-law), Ivanka Trump, Rudi Giuliani (Trump’s personal Attorney), Josh Hawley (Senator from Arkansas), and Rafael Ted Cruz (Senator from Texas) were grossly guilty and responsible for planning, blessing, guiding, and goading this criminal and blood-shedding insurrection and horror.

    Trump did not condemn their terrorism and hooliganism in the faintest vein, but instead spoke of them in an endeared manner. Thus overnight, Trump’s regime turned the United States of America into a third world nation, even condemned by desperate and notorious regimes. This shocked the global community and several leaders of the world denounced Trump.


    Before anything else, allow me to address the honored readers thus:

    I have researched this work from the foundation of my personal knowledge and experience as to what corrupt politics enacted by corrupt politicians could do to create havoc and turmoil in this world. I have degrees in both Political Science and Economics and have worked in this field for many years. Most of the sources of information for this book are academic and self-evident. I have not sought the assistance of any person in thinking what to write and no individual has influenced me on this subject. I have not ever asked for the approval from any individual on the subject matter of this book, nor have I solicited guidance regarding how to begin, continue and end this literary work.

    In all truth, condemning humankind’s evil against mankind does not merely constitute an opinion, but a school of thought that combines eschatology with cosmology and spiritual approach to life that could be considered as logos logic seeking prosperity, peace, and bliss for mankind by challenging the evils of created despotism and tyranny.

    Under no circumstance, have I ever thought of preparing this work anticipating laurels, reward of any kind, or praise from any source or individual. I have not played and will never play into the desires of any individual, party, society, or group. I write independently. I am independent of any society or organization and party.

    This work relates to the urgency in Ousting the Dictator, whoever, whenever and wherever he or she is.

    My simple thoughts would be to reflect the quotes of Iran’s famed astronomer, scientist mathematician, philosopher and poet, Hakim Omar Khayyam (May 18, 1048 – December 4, 1131):

                        "The Moving Finger writes, and having writ,

                        Moves on: nor all your piety nor Wit

                        Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,

                        Nor all your tears wash out a Word of it."

    (Hakim Omar Khayyam Neyshaburi. From the original in Persian, translated into English by Edward Fitzgerald in 1859)

    At times I am agnostic, but most of the times I am a believer in the Omnipresent, the Omnipotent and the Omniscient One; as in monotheistic religions; Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Baha’ism and hold in esteem words of wisdom from sages and masters. Finally, I prefer to be an Omnist.

    I have maintained a distance from those using organized religion and belief as a crutch and means to rain hardships and torments on fellow human beings practicing a faith or belief other than theirs.

    I have always paid special attention to reasonable sermons from religious guides, including among others, spiritual leaders (Unity Church), Muslim clergymen preaching equality, compassion and understanding (from a pulpit of a Mosque belonging to any School of Islamic Thought), Christian preachers (Catholic and others) delivering the message of peace and help, Jewish Rabbis whether Neturei Karta or of other denominations spreading the sermon of understanding and solace among humankind, or scholars, guides and teachers following the Baha’i Faith, inviting the world towards unity and oneness in all aspects of life.

    In all truth this work must be considered as Researched, Compiled and Written, by me.

    Any income from this writing which will constitute my share will be unfailingly handed to Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

    Mehr A. Kalami



    The Tyrant, Despot, Dictator, and His Enablers, Their Theatrics, and a Simple Reminder to Them

    T he dictator, or most plainly speaking, the cruelty embedded in a human being is in reality unambiguous. This evil is both inborne within a person, but mostly abetted and created by unscrupulous Internationals.

    Over the millennia, hundreds, perhaps thousands of definitions have been created for a dictator. There is no accurate definition. There is no perfect or complete designation and description accorded to the individual who orders mass scale murders, initiates wars, destroys lives, and slaughters people practicing a certain religion or creed. Usually, an obscure individual makes his presence felt, through the aegis of his enablers, who are either from within the country, regional, or from a distant land, who claims to be the redeemer of the unjustly treated population and once in the seat of power unleashes murder, mayhem, and bloodshed throughout the country where he is, pleading that he is just creating law and order.

    Before going further, one must consider the role of Stochastic Terrorism that has played a significant role in creating dictators and despots on earth. Before the era of electronics and advanced mass communications, rumors and hearsay played a pivotal role in creating a dictator, but as advancements were made, radio and television including the internet played a salient role in creating a murderous regime to satisfy the needs of The Internationals.

    Stochastic Terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random lone wolves to carry out unpredictable violent acts. The Stochastic terrorist is certain that his inflammatory rhetoric will stir up violence – he just does not know exactly what will happen, or who will participate, or where or when. Stochastic Terrorists in the USA include conservative radio and television talk-show hosts. Russet Research Institute.

    To sum up, the characteristics of a dictator and a despot can be defined as having the properties of cruelty, evil, cold-bloodedness, and ruthlessness all merged into one. There is no such definition as an enlightened dictator, or a merciful dictator. All dictators are a curse to mankind, whether military, theocratic or so-called democratic.

    Who and what type of an individual is a tyrant and a dictator and what are his shenanigans, his ploys, and his various methods of deceits, obfuscations, and bamboozlements? Albeit the fact of being aware of being a puppet and a front man for the Internationals, he continues to act as a self-made strongman. He is in short, the evil coward, actor and showman struggling to appease his masters while tormenting the citizens of the country he professes to safeguard and protect and to meet their needs through false promises.

    These marionettes are trained to chant the mantra of needing progress, law and order and prosperity for the masses at regular intervals to large crowds assembled and paid for the occasion. The dictator is ushered on a stage while the thousands assembled go into a frenzy of cheering and praising the lackey at a signal by the sloganeer, usually the floor director(s) stationed at strategic locations within the crowd who in turn willfully reacts to the taglines. The crowd is well trained in coordinating with the speaker of the occasion. The minions in all their speeches have a partially uniform script laid out for them which they confidently tell the paid crowd; It is me and me alone who can bring you bliss, prosperity, glory and richness in life. Nobody can do such things better that me. Nobody has ever done it better than me. I am the best you can ever get in the history of this country.

    The sane crowd outside the paid assembled agitators often ask themselves as to what this self-glorifying individual has ever done or is in the process of doing that they consider worthwhile.

    In Theocracies, several more statements are usually added by the dictator who speaks as though it is a joint dictatorship by the clergy; We will guide you toward perfection. We will shed away your ugly and ungodly past. We will cleanse your mind and existence of all the sins you have committed in the past. We will create a new form of existence for you in this world and prepare you for the day of Judgement. With us you need not worry about anything! If in an Islamic form of Theocracy, the clergyman-dictator will attribute everything to Allah and if Christian fanatics administer it; they thank Jesus (considered as God) for whatever is happening, while in a Hindu operated Theocracy, dozens of gods and goddesses are invoked for thanks.

    After being well seated in power, the theocratic regime’s tyrant will commence with threats and terrible consequences for those disobeying his orders and laws. Usually in an Islamic Theocracy, death is the only prescription for disobeying the orders of the clergy or for planning a revolt. Special courts, set up throughout the country for the unlucky persons considered as defaulters, hastily arrive at a standard verdict. The sentence is death, which is carried out immediately. The victim has no right to defend himself or herself. The court decided the verdict before any trial begins. Allah has willed that you be executed are the final words of the Islamic judge who till a few years earlier was either a cobbler, an aggressive beggar in the streets, or even an ex-convict sentenced for robbery or burglary or for an assortment of crimes. He is the appointed judge!

    The dictator is merciless, unemotional, and impersonal. He cares the least for the welfare and well-being of the nation. He only thinks of his rewards from his masters.

    In the twenty first century, in several countries, such persons are not too difficult to find. Petty and major tyrants, despots, dictators, and aspiring dictators exist. Even joint-dictatorships could be traced in certain countries where the enablers of the puppet dictator have a share in the loot and destruction of the nation and its wealth.

    In the United States of America, the public easily recognized Trump as the most dangerous, evil, and cruel person to be stationed in the White House. He had, in the fourth week of August 2020, reflected his desire to be in the White House till the year 2034! He had been in the White House since January 2017.

    As stated, Trump was trounced in the November 3, 2020 elections. Joe Biden won by over seven million popular votes and received an appreciable margin of 306 to 232 of the total 538 available electoral votes. Presidential election laws require a total of 270 electoral votes to pronounce the winner of the presidential elections.

    Since then, Trump did whatever he could to stunt the States from certifying the winner (Joseph Robinette Biden) and to have a smooth transition of power as the American Constitution requires. Through attorneys he challenged the results of several states which pronounced Biden as the winner. In the days following his defeat, Trump also claimed that he would run for Office on November 5, 2024.

    In many cases, especially in the USA, either an archaic Society or even duplicitous donors who have made billions of dollars in questionable businesses, particularly construction activities, gambling casinos, prostitution, pornographic industry and even drugs, propel the ruling head of a country into Office.

    That leader in Office is no more than a political prostitute ever subservient to his master or masters who have placed him in Office through a supposed election. He is in private the servitor of those persons who have provided him the seat of power and will do as they order him, depending on the whims and fancies of the masters behind the curtain. He is that dictator in the making! He is just an embellished lackey, puppet, tool, and a pawn. He or she will do at the bidding of those behind-the-curtain forces who are the real masters. In simple terms, most of the United States of America’s presidents are just front-men to distract the general population and the world in general from the people who really run the country according to their personal agendas.

    At the present there are a dozen or more dictators in office throughout the world…in various countries of the world. Some satisfy the end result of their unlimited powers to subjugate the local population of the country, whom they pretend to serve, while enriching themselves and their cronies, while others not only torment and murder the nation but also create havoc and tumult in countries, far from their own borders.

    Conspicuous cases of dangers threatening world peace are the globally outlawed Theocratic Republic in Tehran, the much-feared Kim dynasty in Pyongyang, and the administration in Moscow. The past unpopular administration of a mentally disturbed individual in Washington D.C. was potentially another factor haunting global tranquility. As such, these petty dictators in Tehran and Pyongyang are incapable of creating a global genocide but may indirectly be the cause of it; a cause that creates excuses for dangerous super-powers to have the reasons to intervene while taking the unbridled advantage to destroy that country under the garb of playing the modern day Robin Hood!

    It would be logically befitting to term the regime in Tehran and Pyongyang as dystopian while the past administration in Washington sought to slowly creep towards the same rule as in Tehran, Moscow, and Pyongyang.

    All said, one can rightfully conclude that these forms of rule where dystopia prevails, the administrators wage a ceaseless war against the population they outwardly profess to serve. Upon the slightest move against his despotic rule, the dictator declares an unending war against the very same nation he pretends to bring prosperity, thus drowning the larger percentage of the population in misery, bondage, poverty, death, and destruction.

    Definition of Terms


    A deserved rebuke or chastisement. Webster’s New International Dictionary

    It may be argued that the term comeuppance may be applied to those nations who have knowingly and wittingly, either through a lack of thought and immorality, brought upon themselves an undemocratic administration headed by a tyrant of their own choosing. They may later claim their ignorance and regret at being misled through propaganda and deceit. They may even deny knowing the dictator whom they may claim has been thrust into their lives. They may even end up by condemning him or her but never addressing themselves as the chief culprit who took to the streets hailing and praising the aspiring dictator.


    any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Merriam Webster Dictionary

    "Socialism’ is a scare word they have hurled at every advance people have made in the last twenty years.

    Socialism is what they called public power.

    Socialism is what they called Social Security.

    Socialism is what they called farm price support.

    Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance.

    Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.

    Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people."

    Harry S. Truman. Speech, October 10, 1952

    Socialism means that society pools its resources to provide things for everyone, In the United States of Americas today, that includes:

    Fire Departments, Police, Ambulances, Public Schools, Public Hospitals, Student Loans, Veterans’ Benefits, National Weather Service, Road and Bridge Construction, Unemployment Insurance, Bank Deposit Insurance, Medicare, Social Security, FEMA, GI Bill, National Parks, Food and Drug Safety, NASA, Hazardous waste Disposal and Clean-up, Sewers, Military, and many other services to the needy nation.


    an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Definitions from Oxford Languages

    Capitalism and financial considerations, if unchecked form the negative pillars of such governments, especially in the United States of America who claim democracy shields capitalism and the individual capitalist acts strictly in accordance with democratic laws. The term Democracy lacks any form of a perfect definition or any operational standard! The capitalist henceforth claims freedom to exploit and financially subjugate the working class according to his designs. He is unopposed in any court of laws. This is his form of democracy.

    Through capitalism, many political objectives could be realized. This is what happened and is happening in the United States of America. More than two billion dollars are spent each presidential election year to choose, rather than elect a president. Those few controlling the finances buy the media to promote their candidate of choice. The public has no choice. Then for the next four years that selected president who is usually fraudulently placed into power is subjected to a barrage of accusations and mal-behavior till he is either boycotted or condemned as a villain by the masses, including those who voted for him. Most are unaware that voting and votes have the least political implications and effects as the whole drama is nothing but a big sham thrown upon the US citizens and forced to believe that voting the US

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