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Undercover Generation: The Unassuming Generation That Is Rising up to Take Over
Undercover Generation: The Unassuming Generation That Is Rising up to Take Over
Undercover Generation: The Unassuming Generation That Is Rising up to Take Over
Ebook63 pages53 minutes

Undercover Generation: The Unassuming Generation That Is Rising up to Take Over

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I strongly believe we are on the shores of a great vast “OCEAN” of revival just now. God is getting ready to open the floodgates, and when he does, the world will have a visitation of the power, the glory and the judgment of God like it has never ever had before, for these to happen the church must be militant, aggressive and forceful through prayer and warfare.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 1, 2021
Undercover Generation: The Unassuming Generation That Is Rising up to Take Over

Raphael Grant

Raphael Grant is the lead and founding pastor of Prayer City Eagles Chapel International Ministries, which is one of the fastest growing multicultural congregations in Atlanta, Georgia. Pastor Raphael Grant is also the founder and President of a weekly ministry broadcast known as the Voice of Triumph Broadcast. Pastor Grant is affectionately known as a prophet, anointed revivalist, and a cutting edge messenger of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Grant started preaching at the age of fourteen. Pastor Grant believes in the demonstration of the Holy Ghost. His messages emphasize the last days, the move of God, and the coming revival prayer, spiritual warfare, supernatural living, righteousness, and oneness in the body of Christ. Pastor Raphael Grant travels extensively across the nations and across the world with a Prophetic and Apostolic Mandate.

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    Undercover Generation - Raphael Grant

    Copyright © 2021 by Raphael Grant.

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    Undercover Generation

    1.1 Why Undercover Generation

    1.2 A Hungry Generation

    1.3 Undercover Personalities

    The Militant Generation

    Mighty Warriors

    Divine Qualification to the Army of Warriors

    4.1 One Essential Character Requirement of This Army

    4.2 The Weapon of Purity Is a Requirement for This Army

    The Indefatigable Army

    Army of Fearless Warriors

    I am

    dedicating this book to my boys Zuriel and Zephan,

    I love you guys so much,you are my inspiration,

    and also to you my queen, my best friend Aretha,

    forever in love with you.


    One day the Lord showed me a revelation of thousands of worshippers who were worshipping in a dome like a stadium, and I saw so many people dancing and singing, very ecstatic, but the astonishing thing about that revelation was that while I was looking on the worshippers in the dome, I saw Christ standing outside the dome, where the worship was going on, and then the revelation ended.

    This revelation troubled me because I didn’t understand why Christ was standing outside and not inside where the worshippers were because the scripture says, "He inhabits the praise of His people," so I expected Him to be part of the thousands of worshippers or to be in the midst of them.

    "But thou art Holy, O thou that inhabits the praises of Israel" (Ps. 22:3).

    The Holy Spirit began to speak to me, and he said some of the revival, conferences, services that we have in our churches that we think Christ is part of it. He is not and it’s just a religious gathering. That amazed me. The spirit of the Lord continued to speak to me that instead of the church sweeping the world, the world is rather sweeping the church, and the church has gone worldly while the world had now gone churchly. So you can’t even distinguish between the church and the world any longer. That is the reason why we are not experiencing the move of God, and our churches have been dry and void of power and miracles. People come into church sick and leave sicker.

    Our messages are no longer about the Holy Spirit; it’s no longer about Christ, and the word of God is all about man-made theology and self-help messages based on motivation, believing in self, human philosophy, ideology, and methodology.

    There is a rising generation that is not worldly. They have gone through the process, and they have been refined and polished by the process and getting ready to take over; they are world changers, community transformers, and continent shakers.

    I remember many years ago as a teenager, I was waiting on the Lord, and while praying, the Lord opened my eyes and I saw a multitude of people who were dark in appearance walking on the same path, going the same direction, and I heard a voice from the clouds that were above them asking me, Do you know these people, and do you know where they are going? I responded and said I have no idea where they are going, and the voice of the Lord from the clouds told me, "They are all going to hell." That frightened me because I couldn’t believe so many people are going to hell. The spirit of the Lord told me to pick a dairy and start writing what He is going to tell me, and so I did as I was commanded. And some of the things that He told me were that most of the ministers He called have failed Him because they have relegated their primary call to the background, which is the winning of souls. He called them to fish men, but now they

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