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The Masked Church: You Can Avoid Temptation! Come Embrace the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ to Discern Presence, Stir Christ in You, and Develop Jesus' Immunity to Your Masked Carnal Appetites!
The Masked Church: You Can Avoid Temptation! Come Embrace the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ to Discern Presence, Stir Christ in You, and Develop Jesus' Immunity to Your Masked Carnal Appetites!
The Masked Church: You Can Avoid Temptation! Come Embrace the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ to Discern Presence, Stir Christ in You, and Develop Jesus' Immunity to Your Masked Carnal Appetites!
Ebook477 pages7 hours

The Masked Church: You Can Avoid Temptation! Come Embrace the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ to Discern Presence, Stir Christ in You, and Develop Jesus' Immunity to Your Masked Carnal Appetites!

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Much of today’s Church is masked, in fear that something is “out there lurking,” while oblivious of their identity and delegated authority, and blatant denial or prideful dismissal of hypocritically masked carnal appetites Holy Spirit seeks permission to help crucify.

As we yield daily in true repentance, masks are lifted to reveal eye-opening Truth. Through constant communion in Abiding Presence we relinquish the right to prodigally do as we please, and grant Him permission to help crucify appetites that’ve stamped a visible watermark. Otherwise, the realm of darkness appeals to appetites and inclinations, entices “WHEN moments,” and tempts us to trespass the line of demarcation into sin.

As we welcome Presence to rest upon, to stir Presence within, carnal appetites lose their appeal as Christ is progressively formed in us and we embrace Jesus’ co-missioned compelling Christ Mandate to present a Kingdom response to all matters, and carry, discern, release and convey Presence in our homes, workplace and marketplace.

Jesus was only “tested” in all matters as we, in thought, yet the Masked Church has traditionally considered everything temptation based on our inclination to sin. Jesus had no such inclination because of kratos strength He’d developed to initially resist temptation with the Word, then totally avoid temptation with an Empowered Immunity upon presentation as Christ.

Where there’s no appetite and subsequently no inclination, there’s no temptation, only tests! Through watching and praying in Abiding Presence, kratos progressively develops Jesus’ Resurrection Immunity to carnal appetites and temptation.

Come join the lifelong journey to live in constant communion with Holy Spirit and put your soul and flesh in subjection to your spirit. Just as Jesus didn’t select a single disciple from among the religiously masked of His day, neither will He return for a hypocritically Masked Church in the Rapture.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 15, 2021
The Masked Church: You Can Avoid Temptation! Come Embrace the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ to Discern Presence, Stir Christ in You, and Develop Jesus' Immunity to Your Masked Carnal Appetites!

Charlie Lightsey

A 1991 graduate of Southeastern University, an ordained minister for over 30 years and a Christian school principal, he has received revelation of the essential role of Abiding Presence in avoiding temptation and actually establishing Jesus' immunity to our masked carnal appetites via the same kratos power that resurrected Him.

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    The Masked Church - Charlie Lightsey

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    Chapter 1     Prodigals

    Chapter 2     Older Prodigals

    Chapter 3     The Christ Mandate!

    Chapter 4     Christ Differentiated

    Chapter 5     Discerning Presence

    Chapter 6     Kratos!

    Chapter 7     Eye-Openers

    Chapter 8     Available Presence Or Abiding Presence?

    Chapter 9     The Abiding Peace

    Chapter 10   Appetites

    Chapter 11   Authority

    Chapter 12   The Press Box

    Chapter 13   An Open Heart

    Chapter 14   Practical Assistance

    Chapter 15   Who’s Really Being Tempted?

    Chapter 16   A Better Offer!

    Chapter 17   Ready For Your Test?

    Chapter 18   We Can Avoid Temptation!

    Chapter 19   Eden

    Chapter 20   Defend Your Eden


    Church has been a given all my life. When Sunday came as a kid, we went to church, no questions asked. It was, and still is, not optional for, when one has been trained to attend every Sunday regardless of feelings or appealing alternatives, then when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6 KJV). I grew up in a Baptist church, and delivered my first sermon at age twelve from 1 Timothy 4:6-16. A couple years later we would leave for a full Gospel church to pursue greater revelation of this One called Holy Spirit.

    The new church was amidst a building project constructing what is still to me the most beautiful sanctuary I have ever seen, highlighted by a stained-glass window of a dove at its apex. As we moved in, the man who installed the sound system asked if I was interested in learning how to operate it, as his work schedule would often pull him away. I gladly agreed.

    This same gentleman gave me perhaps the most influential Christmas gift I have ever received from anyone outside my family. It was Phil Driscoll’s album, "Power of Praise. I wore the album out, particularly the song Worthy Is the Lamb." I was so touched I would play it repeatedly, turn my bedroom lights off, and lie across my bed and sense something wonderful. I had no clue at the time that what I was sensing was Holy Spirit’s manifested Presence.

    Then came Integrity’s Hosanna Music! I anxiously awaited each new release every other month. They were on cassette initially and, within days of receiving one, I could tell you where to find most any song, whether on side one or two of the new tape or previous one. I played them loudly in my car, and very loudly through the church sound system, intentionally arriving early to worship before the pastor and worship leaders arrived for services.

    My most prized possession was my Hosanna collection, as its impact on my life remains immeasurable. I was particularly drawn to songs with brief times of singing in the Spirit. I can still listen and quote most of those spontaneous moments. When I left for college in the Fall of 1987, to then Southeastern Bible College, now Southeastern University, Hosanna went with me.

    I recall regularly turning the apartment lights off and lying on my beanbag to worship while my roommates were out on dates. They would comment on the atmosphere upon return. Oh, to have had access then to the online worship choices we have today!

    When I finished college, I had awaiting in my hometown a position as associate pastor of a newly formed fellowship that had left the beautiful church that had been so very dear to me.

    Part of my new duties was co-managing with my pastor the AM dial of the local radio station we leased to play Christian music. Worship continued its influence as I signed on at 6:00 a.m. six days a week and opened with Hosanna music. Eleven years later, when the station was about to be sold, I was offered the opportunity to manage and later purchase the tire business I worked at as a summer job throughout high school and college, owned by my spiritual father.

    I was already married, had purchased a home and started a family, so I made the move I still question today. I saw it as a golden opportunity for my family to prosper. Little did I realize, all the struggles of owning a business would pull me away from what I had valued: Presence.

    When the opportunity came in 2004 to transition to my current position as principal of Agape Christian Academy in Beaufort, S.C., I returned to my five-fold calling of teacher full-time.

    Yet, despite an impeccable track record of serving at church and school, I realized over four years ago something, rather Someone, was still missing: Presence. I had been ministering in principle as principal, and faithfully serving in church in practice, but was still lacking the sweet Presence I used to experience while lying across my bed or beanbag. Presence had been replaced by work and infatuation with coaching little league and following sports on television.

    I do not blame my family whatsoever, as I had plenty chances to experience Presence, but I was preoccupied with my favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys, winning in the early nineties, and by following my favorite NASCAR driver, Jeff Gordon, over twenty years while passionately collecting his diecast cars. Then my focus segued to fantasy football. Oh, the money I spent on these idols. Let’s call them what they were, idols occupying affections that belonged to Jesus.

    I could easily acknowledge Holy Spirit lived in me, that I was called to serve in the capacities I have, and that I was even operating in my gifts and calling, but I could not honestly say Holy Spirit was evident upon me. Why? It is because I had allowed appetites to develop that gradually established imposing mental strongholds in my life. I was first given to appetite in rooting for my favorite teams and players, then driven by appetite to collect memorabilia and win fantasy championships by obsessively reading articles and listening to fantasy sports radio. I still listened to Christian music, but there was no longer an atmosphere of manifest Presence.

    Then, a few years ago my wife introduced me to the ministry of Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, CA. I had heard of Bethel worship, but never of him. All it took was listening to one message, and instantly Holy Spirit ignited a hunger in me to know more about this Presence upon he spoke of, to Whom I had been unknowingly introduced as a teenager while lying across my bed and beanbag. Even casual references to Presence sparked scriptural pursuits which have since prompted the greatest hunger for the Word and worship I have ever encountered, because the Word becomes Life (John 6:63 NASB) in the context of Presence!

    By grace came this revelation of how Holy Spirit powerfully rested upon Jesus at His baptism, remained, and how He therefore ministered out of overflow of Presence. The key to His efficiency in ministry was not His deity, but Presence! The key to Peter’s shadow healing and Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons delivering the oppressed … was Presence!

    Holy Spirit dwells within every believer, but does not automatically rest or remain upon every believer! I understand that more each day. He is in me, but I realized at the time He was certainly not resting and remaining upon me, as I merely lived by biblical principles and served faithfully in practice; so, I knew I had to, henceforth, pursue and embrace Presence to discover what lifestyle changes are necessary to be continually filled, and then to overflow.

    Holy Spirit was already within Jesus from birth as His means of communing with the Father throughout childhood and young adulthood. Yet, from His baptism forward, Holy Spirit rested and remained upon Him, as why He not only remained sinless, but the very reason people from all walks of life were drawn to Him. He taught from Presence and ministered in power through an overflow of Presence He established in constant communion.

    All believers easily acknowledge having Presence within, in principle, but others must be able to see beyond our personality to recognize Presence resting, remaining and overflowing!

    While I have never met Pastor Bill, I am grateful for this revelation which now burns in me greater than anything I learned in four years of study and over thirty years of services since.

    Having finally determined to return to where the journey all started with a record player and cassette tapes, I am daily seeing life from a whole new perspective: His! I have chosen to permanently live with a constant, passionate pursuit of His Abiding Presence and, therefore, a hunger for the Word and sweet communion with Holy Spirit throughout every day.

    My Hosanna collection has been replaced by my Bethel Worship subscription, as their leaders, singers and, particularly, musicians demonstrate such a sensitivity to Presence and the keen ability to flow so freely in Spirit-led spontaneous worship. Literally for hours a day they, and a few other groups stemming from or connected with that precious anointing at Bethel, facilitate opportunities for me to rather easily pray in the Spirit and worship as never before.

    While repenting for the three decades I wasted on prodigal pursuits, I realize, by grace time can be redeemed by pressing deeply back into this manifested Presence unknowingly experienced as a teenager, yet now in a passionate determination to embrace the same stirring mandate and Abiding Presence which, respectively, compelled and enabled Jesus to minister.

    What follows are results of an in-depth investigation into how I managed to allow carnal appetites and strongholds to pull me away from my predestined journey for Presence, yet how Jesus never got sidetracked, as He never pursued such appetites, for He never left Presence! This value He placed on Presence, and His subsequent strength and immunity, is now my focus.

    Foremost in hearing the revelation of hosting the Presence given Pastor Bill Johnson to deliver to the Church, that of the Kingdom to the late Dr. Myles Munroe, the Grace Revolution to Pastor Joseph Prince, and revelation given others past and present, my determination has been to search the scriptures, abide in Presence, and discover mysteries God has assigned me.

    I truly believe I have uncovered it! ’You’ve been given the intimate experience of insight into the hidden mysteries of the realm of heaven’s kingdom … For everyone who listens with an open heart will receive progressively more revelation until he has more than enough’ (Matthew 13:11-12 TPT).

    Much of the Church is masked by fear, ignorance or pride, oblivious of spiritual identity or authority, and lives in denial of carnal appetites that eat away at souls, construct strongholds and lead to prodigal pursuits. Jesus masterfully avoided temptation, though tested with every lie we are, and developed an immunity to the appeals of this world, while never having a single unanswered prayer, due to heart strength established and maintained in constant communion with the Father, as Holy Spirit rested and remained upon to stir His Christ-Presence and Christ Mandate within, Whom He has commissioned us to embrace, to be kratos empowered to avoid temptation, by crucifying appetites via constant awareness of Abiding Presence, and to develop His immunity, dead to sin and alive to God, to authoritatively minister Presence and Kingdom!


    This world says Seeing is believing. The Kingdom of God is the polar-opposite in this and many perspectives. Must we see to believe? If so, we will fall as Adam did. God wanted Adam to take Him at His word of caution concerning the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but Adam was tricked into thinking he needed to experiment to see for himself. Jesus asked the same of His disciples in His post-resurrection appearances, namely to a doubting Thomas.

    Thomas, now that you’ve seen me, you believe. But there are those who have never seen me with their eyes, but have believed in me with their hearts, and they will be blessed even more! (John 20:29 TPT). Are you blessed even more? If not, it is because you have settled, like Adam, for a see it for myself experiential, or a figure it out for myself intellectual, counterfeit alternative. This alternative is called religion. Recall, religious spirits in zealous people crucified Jesus!

    Although religion was the political platform Satan used to deceive masked believers into voting for his sinister ploy to rid the world of the Truth (sound familiar?), the cross was a must for our salvation. None of the rulers of this present world order understood it, for if they had, they never would have crucified the Lord of shining glory (1 Corinthians 2:8 TPT). Satan, ironically, repeatedly tried to offer Jesus cross-less alternatives, beginning in the wilderness.

    Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, ‘All these things I will give you, if you fall down and worship me.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go, Satan!’ (Matthew 4:8-10 NASB). In Matthew 16:21 Jesus foretold His death to the disciples. Peter then pulled Jesus aside and daringly rebuked Him.

    Peter had just received divine revelation of Jesus as "the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16 NASB), upon which Jesus said He would build His Church, but now Peter waffled in heeding the voice of Satan to offer Jesus a second cross-less alternative. Fast forward to the cross. Prompted by Satan, who twice tested Jesus in the wilderness with If thou be the Son of God (Matthew 4:3, 6 KJV), religious people mocked Him saying, If thou be the Son of God (Matthew 27:40 KJV) and If he be the King of Israel, let him come down from the cross and we will believe him (Matthew 27:42 KJV). They too were being used to make one last cross-less offer, yet Jesus took up His cross in not my will but thine, be done" determination (Luke 22:42 KJV).

    Satan daily offers believers cross-less alternatives, knowing Jesus said, following Peter’s rebuke, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me (Matthew 16:24 KJV). Our cross is self-denial. Satan’s cross-less offer is to be ambitiously self-seeking, self-satisfying, self-indulging, self-absorbed and self-promotional.

    As example of how such has penetrated the Masked Church, ministers preach revival and proclaim Glory is coming, yet is it in the context of wanting both to occur in their church? Is there a masked pride in their ministry rather than encouraging Kingdom manifestations in the home, workplace and marketplace as originally intended by Jesus and reflected in the early Church? Perhaps their love for God is genuine; so was that of the Pharisees.

    The Pharisees misapplied their zeal in judging and condemning. The Masked Church, in this social media age, has misapplied its zeal in self-promotion. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached, and it is cross-centered; yet it is still not quite the Gospel Christ Jesus preached, that of Kingdom and taking up thy cross daily in self-denial. Jesus’ cross is preached; our cross is not.

    Consequently, the Masked Church eats meals daily and snacks often from the cross-less alternative called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that instead says, this looks like God, this sounds like God, and therefore this must be God. Holy Spirit prunes us to deny our self, but Genesis-old voices of opposition say we do not have to, we do not need to, and here’s why.

    This ploy has infiltrated the Masked Church, as messages center around the political or moral declination of our society and cross-less ways to serve God, amounting to dead works and being conscience-led rather than Spirit-led. Just as Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness, the Spirit-led life addresses crucifying carnal appetites and abandoning fleshly prodigal pursuits.

    According to Romans 6, we are to identify with Jesus in Gethsemane by yielding our will, both in salvation and in the subsequent renewal of our mind. We are to also identify with His crucifixion in taking up our cross daily, yielding our appetites to Holy Spirit Lordship. We are to identify with His burial by reckoning ourselves dead to our old sin nature, and to sin’s appeal.

    We are to identify with His Resurrection by daily experiencing newness of life as new creatures in Christ, realizing we no longer have a desire to sin, having developed His immunity.

    We are to identify with His ascension by constantly ascending in Abiding Presence to realize what Ephesians 2:6 means to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (NKJV). We are to identify with the glorification of Jesus by releasing Presence in Kingdom administration. Now, how many of these identifications are completely missed by the Masked Church today?

    The first half of our study will therefore focus upon the priority of Presence, as Abiding Presence is the key to Resurrection Life. This message is not being taught, replaced by religious observances leading to dead works and a false sense of eternal security.

    The second half of our study will focus on overcoming and even avoiding temptation as we yield to Holy Spirit in Lordship for the crucifixion of appetites, both the obvious tangible ones, and the intangible appetites such as offense and pride, masked in ignorance or denial.

    The prerequisite for crucifixion is the genuine surrender of our will, as Jesus exemplified in Gethsemane. Too many believers say they’re saved when they are not, for they have never surrendered their will to Jesus. Taking up our cross requires daily taking off our shoes!

    When Jesus appeared to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3) and to Joshua as Captain of the Host (Joshua 5), He told each to take off his shoes as the ground was holy. While this was a tangible expression, there’s an intangible significance of removing one’s shoes then and now.

    The removal of one’s shoes symbolized yielding and relinquishing one’s rights. We see this in Deuteronomy 25:5-10 (KJV) in regards to a husband dying without fathering a son, and his brother choosing to relinquish his right to take his brother’s wife and perform his rightful duty. The removal of the brother’s shoe was part of the ritual signifying such relinquishment.

    Jesus washed the feet of His disciples at the Last Supper. This required the removal of shoes, symbolically relinquishing their rights. So, we must relinquish ours: to be in charge. We reserve the right to say and do as we please, yet two-thirds of the Trinity, Jesus in John 5:19, and Holy Spirit in John 16:13, has yielded their right to speak or act of their own initiative.

    Peter was initially reluctant, until Jesus said that, without taking his shoes off, he could not have any part with Him in companionship (John 13:8 AMPC). Jesus relinquished His rights in Gethsemane, rejecting His flesh’s desire for a cross-less option, in favor of the Father’s will.

    Are you willing to remove your shoes and relinquish your rights? Do you instead prefer a cross-less lifestyle? As the cross was necessary for Jesus to be resurrected, crucifixion of carnal appetites is for us to gain mastery over our flesh and thought life, placing both under subjection to our spirit, as did Paul. I subdue my body, and get it under my control (1 Corinthians 9:27 TPT).




    J esus was often confronted by the prestigious Pharisees. However, they were not His enemy. These were devout men who loved God, studied the scriptures, fasted twice each week, and tithed. His enemy was the kingdom of darkness we face, which tempted them to misapply their zeal for God by judging and condemning others, while their pride and prestige blinded them to their own appetites and to their need of the Presence they beheld in Person.

    Matthew particularly noted that Jesus called them hypocrites. We consider that a harsh term, referring to one who says or claims one thing yet does another or the opposite, perhaps in secret behind one’s back or in private. Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark 11:13-14 because it only had leaves, while hypocritically claiming to bear fruit.

    In ancient Greek theater hypocrites referred to actors in a play who wore masks, thus the term’s definition, as the root of the Greek word hupokrites, means to underneath speak.

    The Greek definition is that of a stage player, a pretender, a two-faced person, an actor in an assumed character role, one whose profession before an audience does not match his or her practice in real life. We admire heroic actors and actresses on television and in theaters, yet are disappointed to hear of their private struggles with vices, perversions, or false religions.

    Likewise, much, if not most, of the Church is sadly masked in fear, ignorance, denial and pride. Professing fruit bearers are underneath in constant fear of something out there lurking, be it threatening weather conditions, the latest health issue or an infectious contagion.

    Masked believers live oblivious of the divine protection in Jesus’ name and blood, and of our delegated authority. Hypocrites put on a good show in public while in blatant denial or prideful, veiled ignorance of fleshly, human nature-derived carnal appetites and prodigal pursuits beneath their masks, eating away at their souls and constructing mental strongholds.

    The mask of fear was exposed by the 2020 pandemic as millions, including professing believers of the Kingdom of Light, instead yielded in fear to the kingdom of darkness, donning masks, by choice in panic, over something out there lurking in the demonic unseen realm.

    How can ministers preach and believers sing of the power of Jesus’ shed blood through their mask in church yet, from the abundance of their heart, fearfully mask an even greater awareness of the realm of darkness lurking? That would be as if a Roman soldier, in full body armor, wore a puny little face mask over his mighty armor. It’d look silly. How greater a shield of defense is the blood of Jesus than a suit of armor? Can you imagine how Holy Spirit grieves in observation of the hypocritical leaves-bearing abundance of masked believers’ hearts speaking?

    Masked believers say they love God, yet fail to detach themselves from the value system of this culture and fail to remove their shoes in surrender for the crucifixion of appetites in true repentance for radical changes in the way one thinks, believes and lives. The meditations of our heart have a more resounding roar in Heaven than our verbal claims and public theatrics.

    Such defines fear as misdirected worship. Attention belonging to Jesus instead has been shifted. Just as pursuit of an image is counterfeit identity and worry is counterfeit prayer, fear is counterfeit worship, as devils try to redirect our affections to focus on a vastly inferior kingdom.

    Jesus taught and illustrated how we are to infiltrate that inferior kingdom of darkness to permeate it with the leaven of the Kingdom as salt and as light. Whereas in the Old Testament, when the contaminated touched the clean, the clean became contaminated, Jesus reversed the process whereby when His Presence touched the contaminated, the contaminated became clean. Yet the Masked Church has illustrated a fear of being exposed to, or contaminated by, products of the inferior kingdom of darkness. Jesus still asks believers today the same two questions He asked of His disciples: why are you so fearful, and where is your faith?

    I am not actually attacking the wearing of masks but addressing the spirit of fear as the reason many choose to wear them. I fully understand many must wear masks on the job to keep their job. There is no shame in that, as it is no different than being required to wear safety goggles, a hard-hat or a fluorescent vest. It is standard operating procedure and company policy, and employees are simply walking in submission to authority. I am addressing situations where a mask can be compared to the religious veil of 2 Corinthians 3:14-15.

    At the outset of the COVID panic in 2020, Holy Spirit spoke to me while preparing to address our staff and student body concerning forthcoming gubernatorial mandates. He said, You mean it takes a coronavirus for people to suddenly become aware of the unseen realm?

    Unfortunately, millions were and are tapping into the wrong unseen realm, the kingdom of darkness motivated by fear and panic, by listening to newscasts, public opinion and liberal news reports rather than listening to the voice of Holy Spirit, applying the protective blood of Jesus and reading the Word for security, hope (joyful anticipation of good) and Shalom Peace.

    Since our return to school on schedule with full classroom instruction in August 2020, we have not required masks, yet have honored the wishes of those desiring to wear one.

    I have watched such students at lunchtime pull them down long enough to take a bite to satisfy their growing adolescent appetite, then pull their masks back up over their mouths while they chew, and I heard Holy Spirit say such is exactly what the Masked Church has done for centuries, more so now. Professing fruit bearers don leaves over their faces in compliance with cultural ordinances and religious rituals, bearing leaves publicly, while privately chewing to secretly satisfy insatiable carnal appetites, fleshly lusts, unclean spirits and prodigal pursuits.

    In this study, masks besides fear will be exposed, including those of denial and pride that have covered and hidden carnal appetites which believers, while masking an image and portraying a role in church or in public, have hypocritically yielded to daily in secret.

    Just as masks have proven to be ineffective, yet are still worn for perceived efficiency, many believers insist their knowledge of God, church attendance, positions and acts of service for years, done in absence of Presence and without an intimate relationship with Holy Spirit, suffices and is efficient enough to warrant going to Heaven in the Rapture or upon death, while ignorantly or pridefully chewing on carnal appetites that grieve Holy Spirit in keen observation.

    Just as Jesus did not choose a single disciple from among the religiously masked in His day, He will not return for a hypocritically Masked Church in our generation.

    Jesus will return for the Church He lovingly gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she would be holy and blameless (Ephesians 5:25-27 NASB).

    Jesus is not returning for a Masked Church hypocritically lowering a mask to profess one thing while around fellow believers, yet masking to privately chew and satisfy carnal appetites, lusts and pride seen only by Holy Spirit, Who is yearning for permission to intervene.

    Jesus is waiting to return for a Bride marked by a strength of heart in endurance and with such integrity, hiding or withholding nothing from Him, surrendering and yielding every masked inclination to His Lordship. This is how His bride unmasks, just as a woman undresses for her husband on their honeymoon, exposing all and withholding nothing so the groom can intimately get to know every freckle as they daily establish a permanent relationship.

    The remnant of the few who indeed find this way leading to life (Matthew 7:14 KJV) is the Bride for which the Bridegroom, Jesus, will soon return in the Rapture. It is comprised of true believers cleansed by His blood in genuine repentance who renew their minds in study and meditation of the Word and worship Him with a pure heart in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24 KJV).

    This is the ekklesia Jesus spoke of in Matthew 16:18, established on revelation that Jesus is indeed the Christ and refuses to walk in cowering fear of something out there lurking.

    We will describe the Masked Church and this ekklesia whose eyes have been opened to the Tree of Life. May Holy Spirit reveal to which group you currently belong, so that a change of membership can be made, if needed, before it is too late to fulfill your assignment.

    Please hear this twofold declaration from Philippians 3:12. I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose for which Jesus Christ laid hold of me to make me his own (TPT).

    Meanwhile, may Philippians 3:15 be unto you. So, let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them (TPT). Holy Spirit, passionately grip each reader, and open every ear to hear. Amen!

    Many of the following concepts you will find familiar. Others you will need to meditate upon as you turn directly to Holy Spirit and search the Word for yourself. There are some age-old misconceptions we will boldly confront and challenge with Scripture.

    We begin with this question: For what on earth are we here? Religion has masked the Church with an ideology that God is somehow pleased with men and women pursuing careers and benefits, enjoying hobbies and social lives, and kids attending school and participating in extra-curricular activities, just as long as they set aside a day, social schedule permitting, to attend church and perform ritualistic observances, serve in some capacity, and listen to motivational messages encouraging them to elevate their support of a ministry funding missions overseas and local humanitarian efforts. However, it is sadly in a promotional pursuit to establish the most recognizable image in the community or on social media.

    As a result, I dare to say, the majority of believers today do not walk in the authority on Jesus’ receipt for His blood’s purchase, evident in crisis as they react like unbelievers. The only difference is spiritual terms get applied to their fears, granting them license to remain and even increase. This is the very reason some contracted the virus. Their prevailing, fearful awareness, research and discussion of it, while yielding to faithless preventive measures, opened the door. Those with an awareness and confession that they’re of another Kingdom slam the door shut!

    Just Give Me Mine So I Can Go!

    The Masked Church is content just hearing about what Jesus provided and going up for prayer in church rather than living it during the week. Jesus intends for His legislative ekklesia to walk in authority and power, and to present His Kingdom stance in all matters.

    I have heard so many, and have admittedly preached my share of, nauseating we need to sermons using pre-scriptures, feel good passages serving as spiritual prescriptions. People love hearing a Gos-pill about what God has for us, especially when taught as if the blessings will just come to us automatically. Hands raise and emotional token responses follow. We lose their attention, though, when we frankly mention self-sacrifice and commitment. Why is that?

    Many enjoy hearing what we need to do, so long as the principles are expressed as suggestions. If we go any further, as Jesus discovered, then honor becomes an issue among the masked because they do not care to hear about what it takes to walk in authority if it means having to surrender their lifestyles and commit to change, but would rather contemptuously evaluate the message or qualifications of a minister walking in his or her authority. Why is that?

    Many supposedly receive salvation as a Heaven ticket-punch without any accompanying Holy Spirit Lordship. They are faithful to attend or serve for a while, yet begin to slide and eventually resign their duties, commitments or positions, claiming to be too busy. Why is that?

    Some churches have inspiring leaders and thriving programs successful in getting people actively involved. Then something is said, or one is not selected to serve in a certain capacity, not given proper service recognition, or feels overworked while receiving very little assistance. Often there also arises a disagreement doctrinally, and offenses are taken, resulting in an individual, family or many families leaving a church to which God has indeed placed them. Sadly, some live wounded and refuse to attend anywhere. Why is that?

    Unfortunately, painful challenging circumstances arise, or tragedy strikes, and they return to reach out for prayer or support to get them through their crisis. They recommit to serve, only to gradually slide again as circumstances improve or they recover. Why is that?

    There is a natural reason and a spiritual reason. The natural reason is prodigal living. For generations the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 has been religiously taught, referring to a rebellious child who ran away from home to pursue the wild life, but later wised up after hitting rock bottom and going broke, and only then returned to the comforts of home.

    The phrase the prodigal has returned is also used as a cliché to refer to anyone who has strayed away from the truth in any manner, whether in the context of a spouse pursuing an adulterous relationship, or of an individual or family attending another church for a brief spell after being offended, only to later come to their senses and return home to where they belong.

    The English word prodigal is defined as one who spends money or resources recklessly, wastefully or extravagantly. Each of our common references point the finger at those who stray in a blatantly rebellious manner, drawing public attention and, consequently, becoming the subject of gossip, ridicule, shame and condemnation. We will blow up this judgmental mindset!

    Masked observers pridefully are publicly or privately critical of these labeled individuals, while hypocritically denying their own shortcomings to the extent of boastfully saying, like Peter in Luke 22:33, they would never fall or do what another has. The truth be told, they have done the same or worse. I, and many, have for years missed what prodigal really means.


    In Luke 15 Jesus tells the story of a young son (referring to believers, as he says son) journeyed into a far country and squandered his inheritance on riotous, reckless, extravagant or loose living. The NKJV translates the experience, he wasted his possessions with prodigal living (Luke 15:13), hence the parable’s name. Have you ever looked up the word prodigal in the Greek? I was quite illuminated, and it serves as a foundational principle for our study.

    It is the word asotos, which means dissolutely. Its root, dissolute, is defined as lacking restraint, marked by indulgence in things (such as strong drink or promiscuous sex) deemed as vices. Vices, by definition, include moral faults, shortcomings, bad habits, immorality, or other unholy behavioral patterns. Do you or I have any of these? Then, what does that make us?

    While these two parenthetic examples are extremes that lead to dangerous addictions and painful consequences, lacking restraint applies to every person alive! We each have areas wherein we lack restraint, foremost in our thought life, but also in eating habits, what we lustfully admire with our eyes, and carnal ambitions we greedily pursue. In every case of lacking restraint, be it in thought, action or bad habits, can we be rightfully called a prodigal!

    From the worship stage and pulpit, leaders pray for prodigals to come home, and there is surely a sincere heart behind their prayer. Prodigals are, meanwhile, right in the midst. May I suggest that every church, every Sunday, is full of prodigals, from the pulpit to the pew, who, like the older brother, not only think they are okay, but religiously assure and defend themselves with their acts of service, while oblivious of similar or more extreme and deeply rooted, but less publicly visible, hypocritically masked areas in which they too lack restraint.

    Such immaturity is revealed in any crisis. Jesus openly rebuked His disciples, who should have known better, for having little or no faith. Today, these are pardoned because of who they are in the church or to us personally. Where is our boldness to challenge anyone’s lack of faith?

    Daily, prodigals today request their share of the estate from our loving Father, then take His provision or blessings on a self-indulgent cultural journey, recklessly squandering them.

    Most would say Satan’s primary play calls are in influencing the demon possessed to commit heinous hate crimes or in fueling liberal political agendas. Rather, his primary play calls are to those in the pew and pulpit, because he thrives

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